Xtreme Muscle Recovery

Xtreme Muscle Recovery Review – The Real Science Behind The Product?

What Is Xtreme Muscle Recovery?

Xtreme Muscle Recovery is advertised as lean muscle in a bottle, ready to get you the six-pack abs you want just in time for summer. It’s a familiar advertisement, but that’s not to say that they’re never true. If you’ve seen it, you might be wondering whether it is a legitimate product that will work as is advertised. You’ve come to the right place to learn the most accurate information on Xtreme Muscle Recovery to date.

Xtreme Muscle Recovery is another new nutritional supplement reported to be an advanced pill for post workout, meant to improve your mental focus, increase the intensity of your workouts and give you a stronger amount of energy than you have ever had before. It claims to be a cutting-edge supplement that will enhance your muscles, boost your endurance and further your lean muscle mass with relative ease.

Apparently, it uses a new kind of formula that will give you a rush of energy and raise your overall strength, which permits better stamina, pumps and energy that is needed to get through the day. XMR seeks to block the fat that wants to stick to your body. Instead, it will burn away the fat and use it as fuel for more energy, which also helps increase your metabolic rate to encourage further fat loss.

If the product works as advertised, it is sure to give you a powerful feeling; you’ll feel greatly ripped and jacked up with a hard cut body. Then you’ll be motivated to use it for bigger personal records and more intense routines.

Achieve Faster Recovery with Xtreme Muscle Recovery



According to the website, Xtreme Muscle Recovery is made by a company called LabGenix. In the supplement community, it’s typically a red flag when a company makes a single product, but this doesn’t mean that this is a poor supplement. After all, every company needs to start with their first product eventually.

Also found on the website, Xtreme Muscle Recovery can be taken by both men and women who are seriously committed to getting bulky with bodybuilding. As the name implies, it’s not a product that is meant for the casual faint of heart. In just a few weeks, you should see a major increase in your strength, muscle definition, aerobic endurance and overall mental focus as well as a delay in lifting muscle fatigue and improved faster muscle recovery rates.

A man and a woman which are showing their muscular and fit bodies


How Xtreme Muscle Recovery Works?

Unlike other supplements that are meant to be taken before you start your workout routine to help improve your muscle building potential during the workout, Xtreme Muscle Recovery helps your muscles immediately after the workout in order to improve and extend your lasting results.

It is an advanced formula recovery product and fat burner. It’s a product claimed to be revolutionary since it can help muscle strength and enhance your performance over time. It’s made for men who want to get lots of muscle and drop all of that excess fat that hides your hard work. Not only will it burn away fat, but Xtreme Muscle Recovery serves as a post workout formula, increasing the development and growth of your biceps and other muscles after you’re done.

Over time, you’ll gain more energy to put more reps and sets at the gym. At the end of your workouts, you’ll start seeing impressive results faster and faster. That is why many seem to enjoy XMR, especially personal trainers and elite athletes.

How to Use Xtreme Muscle Recovery


Ingredients of Xtreme Muscle Recovery

Although the website doesn’t provide the entire list of ingredients, it does make a point to say that all ingredients that are used are entirely natural and safe. They will provide a reduction in body fat, improve your endurance training, and give you a lean muscle gain. The website doesn’t list any side effects, but it does reassure visitors that it does not use any stimulants so you will not get the jitters.

While the full list of ingredients is not provided, they do make a point to highlight a few of the ingredients used. The list is as follows.

Creatine Ethl Ester

This is known to increase muscle energy, allowing you to work out harder and longer. Using this should give you the ability to improve your lean muscle mass as well as get a more favorable muscle definition and body composition.


A commonly used amino acid, this gets converted into nitric oxide to help open up your blood vessels. This in turn lets oxygen and nutrients get carried to your muscles in the blood as you work out and afterwards. This will give you stronger pumps and a much quicker recovery time for your muscles.

The Benefits of Xtreme Muscle Recovery

Beta Alanine

This is used to further build lean muscle mass. It is a product commonly used in other supplements and known to be safe.

It is also unfortunate that the website does not provide any information as far as the dosage is concerned, nor is there a page for frequently asked questions. We assume some have had questions at this point – we certainly do – so it would be a smart choice to put something up for future prospective customers.

Further research suggests that Xtreme Muscle Recovery uses a few extra natural ingredients listed below. This would prove that it is a genuine supplement that will help males who desire healthier, more attractive bodies. The other ingredients include:

  • Maca root
  • Taurine
  • Guarana
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Ginko Biloba
  • L-Carnitine
  • L-Tartrate
  • Eleuthrococcus Root Extract

The Ingredients of Xtreme Muscle Recovery



Xtreme Muscle Recovery uses a formula designed to block the extra fat from adding up inside of your body and instead burns them to turn them into energy. This gives your strength a kick start, and you will notice great energy levels while lowering your body fat, which gives you an energized and strong feeling throughout the day to accompany your ripped body.

It is reported to give you laser sharp focus as well. In other words, Xtreme Muscle Recovery can help you get the ripped body you’ve always wanted in considerably less time than you could get it without the supplement.

Xtreme Muscle Recovery uses natural ingredients that are first screened for both safety and purity. This is to ensure that you are only taking the safest ingredients – after all, the goal is to be healthy, not just jacked at all cost. Studies prove that pH buffered ingredients are important to enhance the natural pH levels of the body, which must be maintained to keep the balance of your based and acids inside. This formulation permits you to enjoy true muscle enhancement the way your body was designed to take advantage of it.

Xtreme Muscle Recovery & Other Products

With Xtreme Muscle Recovery, reviews seem to show that it can give any man the body and confidence he has sought after for life. He will get a boost in his overall self image and well-being. The following advantages are also expected:

  • Rapidly build lean muscle;
  • Quickly lose unwanted fat;
  • Increase your free testosterone;
  • Add strength, endurance and power;
  • Raise nitric oxide levels;
  • Regain lost muscle strength and stamina;
  • Naturally increase energy levels;
  • Unleash hidden physical energy and sustain it;
  • Gives support for muscle recovery;
  • Strongly sharpens focus and general alertness;
  • Provide enhanced performance in the gym;
  • Provides more contours and muscle definition;
  • Maximize fullness and muscle pumps;

The Main Image of Xtreme Muscle Recovery



All bottles of XMR are made in an FDA and CGMP certified facility. There is no information on the official website regarding certificates for the product.



Karl P.:

After taking a dose of XMR, I could tell my alertness had increased even though I had just finished a killer workout. Normally, I need to take a nap after my workout since I get so fatigued that I can’t do anything else. After supplementing my post workout regime with Xtreme Muscle Recovery, I was properly energized for the rest of the day – I really like that feeling, and I don’t intend to stop.

Alex L.:

It’s been a year now that I’ve been taking Xtreme Muscle Recovery, and I’m always blown away by the great results. By far, this is the greatest product I have ever seen to hit the market. I’m simply wiser, healthier and stronger than I have ever been before – and I was in the military for over 20 years!

Roderick S.:

Since I tried out XMR, I have noticed an improvement in my strength and energy levels. This is most evident when I play golf since I no longer get fatigued around the 15th hole. As a result, my scores have improved, and I feel l like I can enjoy the game more.

LeBron T.:

Let’s be honest – I feel amazing. In all the time I’ve worked out and tried different protein and creatine powders, I have never before felt as great as I do when I take Xtreme Muscle Recovery. It’s definitely the best I have ever felt, and the strength and energy I gained truly made me feel like Superman. My wife was very impressed with my improvements, so it’s safe to say that we are both very happy with the results.

John D.:

It’s been about a month since I started XMR, and I like the results. I’m 60 years old and blacksmithing is my hobby, so I’ve been swinging my hammer for quite some time. Since I started using this product, I have better muscle definition and don’t get so tired swinging my hammer all day. In 20 years, I have never had such healthy muscles.

Aran S.:

I’m 74 and found great success with Xtreme Muscle Recovery. There has been a great improvement in all aspects in my life. Thank you very much for sending me the sample; any senior man who feels like his muscles and strength are lackluster should give this a try today.

Russell T.:

There’s no doubting that this product is a huge success. I definitely felt a major improvement right after taking XMR. There was a huge difference in energy level, and I felt like I could perform much better at lifting weights than before I started taking the supplement. My wife is really happy with the results as well, and people I see on the street ask me how I do what I do. I happily recommend XMR to them when they ask.

Xander C.:

It should really go without saying that XMR makes a great product. I have been trying to get back in shape for the longest time, and even though I live healthily, it’s been tough to see progress. I was told about this supplement and even though I was skeptical at first, I decided I would give it a shot anyway.

Let’s just say that I was blown away. I have been able to add so much weight to my reps and have quicker recovery times in between my sessions. I have a much clearer head and feel like I can really focus on my workout strongly without getting distracted. I’ve already started recommending XMR, but I’ll say it again – get it now because it works!

The Reviews of Xtreme Muscle Recovery


Money-back Guarantee

If you are not pleased with the results of your experience with Xtreme Muscle Recovery, and you have taken it for at least a few days while exercising and eating healthy, it is possible to get your money refunded or have your trial canceled. According to the manufacturer, the following attributes are assigned:

  • 100 percent guaranteed satisfaction;
  • Risk-free trial for Xtreme Muscle Recovery;
  • Money-back guarantee;
  • 100 percent guaranteed safe and natural;



Customers looking to get a sample of Xtreme Muscle Recovery can do so by paying $5.99 for shipping and handling and having a 14-day trial period with a month’s supply of the supplement. At this point, you will have 14 days within which you must cancel if you are not satisfied. Otherwise, you will be charged at the end of the trial period and every 30 days thereafter, along with the full $9.99 shipping and handling fee.

Although there is a trial period, Xtreme Muscle Recovery does provide refunds. Any customer who is displeased can return the product within 30 days of purchasing it, provided that customer service has given you an RMA number.

A Real Photo of Xtreme Muscle Recovery


Customer Support

Customers who need to get an RMA number or wish to contact customer service for any other reason can call 800-592-7840, contact their mail address at 96 Valley Road STE-18 Cos Cob CT 06807 or by email.

There are negative reviews available for the product. However, they are not focused on the performance, but actually because people weren’t aware that they would be charged so much after the trial period. To the credit of the manufacturer, they have since updated the page to clearly list the cost and intentions.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Xtreme Muscle Recovery’s manufacturer uses completely safe and secure checkout methods, using electronic and physical security methods for maximum protection. There is plenty of effort to safeguard the information that is collected to get a free trial for Xtreme Muscle Recovery. This includes SSL protection as well as 128-bit encryption at all times.

Any personnel member with access to the information transmitted must first be trained before having access to such information. The employees are trained to keep information safe and private. Your information is in great hands with Xtreme Muscle Recovery.


Xtreme Muscle Recovery Pricing & Free Trial

The main way to acquire Xtreme Muscle Recovery is to sign up for the free trial. At the start, you will only need to pay shipping. At this point, you will be enrolled in the automatic shipping program as is common with other supplement manufacturers. As long as you don’t cancel within 14 days, you will remain enrolled in the program and receive a $87.50 charge for the bottle. Every 30 days thereafter, you can get a new bottle for the same cost.

It seems that there is a way to purchase the full bottle of Xtreme Muscle Recovery right away without having to get further commitment through the automatic shipping program, but the link did not appear to go to the same website. This is something that we had not encountered before and did not follow all the way through, so we have no further information about it. However, we have no reason to believe it is not secure as the privacy policy explicitly states how it handles any information it collects, including financial information, in a secure manner.

A bodybuilder having a shaved body and a nice hair






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