XCell 180

XCell 180 Review – Should You Try It?

What Is XCell 180?

XCell 180 turns out to be an all natural product which is primarily intended for effectively boosting testosterone in the male body. This provides an additional much needed burst of energy which allows the user to effectively pump more weights longer and lift heavier and more so that they can go the distance both in the gym as well as outside of it. The end result promises a full manly package that is clearly visible and easily noticeable beyond the gym and also out on the street.

The formula also claims to be a cutting edged testosterone booster that builds strength and delivers all of the much needed stamina men require to perform both inside and outside of the gym. It works in concert with a man’s physiology in order to help achieve results which have been impossible to attain alone and unaided in the past. The supplement also boasts that it will smooth away and eliminate extra fat on the body as well as improve recovery time after heavy work outs so that a man has the strength he needs to attain his weight lifting goals and reach other important objectives in life too.

Finally, this supplemental formula proves to be a dietary supplement that was created in order to boost the overall male testosterone production within the testes organ. As such it was scientifically and clinically crafted from a significant ingredient list of naturally occurring items which are potent for improving energy production, in assisting with superior blood flow, and in circulating oxygen and critical nutrients around the body, muscles, and organs. It allows men to overcome and push through fatigue and sharpen up their focus in a range of daily activities beyond weight lifting, providing them with grater sharpness and mental clarity. It builds stamina and improves muscle pumps during and following heavy work outs.



One of the most important criteria on choosing the right sports nutrition supplement for work outs is understanding the company that researched, created, manufactures, markets, and stands effectively behind the product itself. In this case, this is XCell 180 the company with the same name as the product. Yet further research reveals that they are really called Premium Supplements and are actually based in Land O Lakes, Florida.

Whichever name a user chooses to identify them by, the company does manufacture not only the testosterone booster, but a range of other products including a nitric oxide circulating supplement. The firm proves to be a privately held company based in New York (but also apparently in Florida) in the United States. They are dedicated and devoted to producing a variety of supplements which are all natural and help the users to increase their workouts, all around health, and muscle mass.

Premium Supplements, the maker of this supplemental testosterone production boosting product, claims that it will not only improve the vitality of the most important male hormone, but it also will substantially increase energy, stamina, and muscle building performance. The company keeps all of its important marketing and sales function of the product close to itself and in house. This is why the only way to acquire their products is not through any physical sports nutrition supplement stores, but only from their official company website and product websites online.


How XCell 180 Works?

This testosterone booster claims to do more for the average man than its competing products on the market boast. In one key way it is actually superior to them if these claims are to be taken seriously. It claims that it delivers a boost of Nitric Oxide to the male body. This critical substance is important for any man who wants to pump more weights for longer. It allows for a man’s capillaries to flow blood and oxygen to the muscles. It is foundation for meaningful workouts, pumps, and weight lifts. The Nitric Oxide also expands veins so that they can lift blood filled with oxygen and critical nutrients to the muscles better, faster, and ultimately more effectively and efficiently.

The benefits of widened blood vessels are well documented and clearly demonstrated in the professional bodybuilding and amateur weight lifting circles as well. Besides allowing for bigger, longer, and better muscle pumps after the work out is concluded, it produces a greater amount of free flowing testosterone which gets to the male organs and muscles to increase muscle size as well as effective muscle strength. The great feature of the product is that it does not contain any cheap fillers or artificial chemicals in its composition.

To use the product, a man simply consumes two of the small but potent capsules per day with a copious amount of water. The directions recommend taking one in the morning and then a second one before starting a serious workout in order to achieve the maximum effect and more effective results. They also advise men to pair this supplemental formula with a well balanced diet and effective exercise in order to attain the highly desired and much sought after results. There are no known side effects which have been uncovered present in this all natural ingredient product in either case studies or real world usage so far.


Ingredients of XCell 180

The ingredient base of such a formula is its most critical factor in determining whether it will work well or is just another fly by night product destined to fail. It is the potent but still all natural ingredients that make the success of this supplement possible in the end. They claim to yield greater testosterone production and levels in the blood that improve both focus and muscular performance while increasing energy and stamina. The following all important ingredients are all contained within XCell 180:

Horny Goat Weed – This supplement is well known for increasing a man’s blood circulation. It also improves endurance and stamina in a man.

Tongkat Ali – Thanks to this ingredient, testosterone production is increased to higher levels naturally in any man, whatever his age, genetic make up, or physical condition.

Sarsaparilla: The scientific research on sarsaparilla is impressive. It is universally recognized as an effective means of improving mental concentration and focus and increasing memory skills and abilities for better performance outside of the gym as well as inside of it.

Boron – This is a long recognized and relied upon supplement in both the professional bodybuilding communities as well as with amateur (but still serious) weight lifters. The scientific community as well as clinical trials accept that this substance will improve a male body’s ability to recover from work outs faster, increase bone density, and aid with packing on solid but still lean and powerful muscle mass.

Bother Extract – Bother also helps to reduce down time and recovery after a heavy work out. It rebuilds energy levels and improves a man’s general mood too.



There are a number of solid advantages to this all natural testosterone boosting supplement and formula. It gives a man’s body the much needed ability to restore its lost testosterone levels of a user’s youth. Yet this is only the first and one of many benefits the formula confers on a user. It also significantly increases the man’s stamina inside and outside of the gym. It claims to increase energy in the male body naturally.

Because of this, the formula itself is full of natural ingredient goodness, and it also provides only safe results and a healthier outcome. Besides the obvious improvements it fosters in any kind and age of man, it also improves bone thickness and restores failing vitality levels. It has properties to increase memory abilities and improve the general levels of concentration as well. Because it naturally increases the body’s innate levels of testosterone, it allows a man to pack on both muscle mass and additional and much desired body strength.

Among its various advantages, the supplement was formulated by scientists and developers who agreed to only work with all natural herbs and other naturally occurring elements. A variety of experts are claimed by the manufacturer Premium Supplements to have verified the safety and natural ingredients of the final product in its easy to swallow capsule form. They certify that no harmful fillers of artificial chemicals were utilized in the production of this formula in any way. This sounds terrific, yet the company is not forthcoming with any written evidence of these claims so far.

Many users also appreciate that the formula comes in easy to consume capsule form. There are no messy shakes to mix, no powders to measure out and manage to choke down with water, or any other difficult to take forms of the supplement available on the market today.



Good products and sports fitness supplements should have some kinds of certificates and/or certifications underlying them, particularly when the maker of the formula boasts of a large body of science and clinical trials underlying the final product. In the case of this XCell 180, there are no such certificate or certifications provided either on the product packaging or the product website online. This is of some concern, but probably mostly comes down to the unwillingness of the manufacturer to go through the time, trouble, and expense of obtaining such certificates from third party organizations or government bodies.



What can I say about the effectiveness of this new all natural testosterone booster XCell 180 I started taking about a month ago now? I was highly skeptical like many weight lifters are of these fly by night formulas that promise you the world then turn out to be nothing much. Yet within a week of taking the formula, I experienced higher energy and greater vitality levels. My stamina improved inside and outside of the gym.

Flynn G., St. Paul, MN, USA

By week two, I noticed significantly improved strength and better muscle gain beginning to appear around my body. In the third week, my physique had improved enough from my god like workouts I was now capable of doing multiple times per week that the ladies began to take notice and my friends commented on my improved body. I only hope that these impressive improvements continue to snowball in the near future. Thanks XCell 180! You made me a mightier and better version of my old, long lost younger self.

Tom C., Salem, OR, USA

I have only been taking the supplement XCell 180 for about two and a half weeks so far. I am not going to cancel and obtain the refund the company promises if you are unsatisfied. I think it is too early to get the full results of this formula or from any all natural testosterone booster honestly. I do notice better and quicker recovery times in the gym and an improved strength for stronger, longer, and even more effective work outs already.

I have not yet seen the promised packing on of new leaner, meaner muscle mass yet, but again I think it just needs more time to fully work out. My only complaint with this product is that the free trial period window show be longer to give a man sufficient time to get the full benefits of the formula before he has to decide to continue receiving the auto shipments or cancel to obtain a refund. Otherwise this seems to be a really great all natural formula that is already helping me both inside and outside of the gym; thanks guys.

John L., Providence, RI, USA


Awards & Media Coverage

It would be a reasonable assumption that such a formula which offers so much muscle building and weight lifting success should have at least a decent amount of respected third party media coverage, if not also some outright competition wins and awards. Yet with this XCell 180 (as with all too many of its competitors), this is simply not the case. There does not seem to be any media coverage of any kind whatsoever on the formula.

There are certainly no awards and accolades about which any company would surely boast both on the product packaging as well as on their company and product websites if they possessed any. It is harder to explain this away than it is with the lack of certificates or certifications, as obtaining at least a little of such valuable media coverage for a successful product on the market place is not hard to get these days.


Money-back Guarantee

XCell 180 prides itself on allowing its various customers who wish to stop receiving the product to cancel at any time when done the right way according to their particular rules. To do this, a user only needs to call them on their customer service line at 1-855-549-1855. The user will need to cancel in only the first 17 days to not be charged again in their auto shipment enrollment and renewal program.

It means that the free trial is only truly a slightly longer than two weeks period effectively. Once the 18th day from original order arrives, the free trial period is over. At this point, the company itself promises that they will process a full payment to cover the expenses of the first auto shipment to the user.

The company does insist on a legitimate trial by the user however. A man must try it out and fairly and fully evaluate its effectiveness before he requests a cancellation or refund. It is important to note that it is a hard and fast company policy that the cost for shipping and handling fees will never be refunded under this free trial and refund terms and conditions, as well spelled out in the fine print at the bottom of their website online.



The company offers free shipping as a part of its normal orders and auto shipping program. This does not apply to the free trial offer product shipping however. In the case of the initial order at no upfront cost, the user will be responsible for paying the flat rate shipping price of $4.95 in order to receive the free trial product offer at his home. As compared to the other free trial offers on the market today and their various shipping and handling policies out there now, this is a less expensive cost for shipping than many competitors charge today.


Customer Support

XCell 180 offers its customer support via both phone and email channels. They freely share their corporate headquarters address as well, which is found at: Premium Supplements, 4742 Victoria Road, Land O Lakes, Florida 34639. Their customer service telephone numbers are 855-549-1855 and also 855-549-1856. The customer support email address is found at: support@bestrongandpowerful.com. They promise to respond to customer emails within 24 hours or less as they are able to do so.

The only element of potential customer care that this company is missing would be a live web chat based customer level of support. Not all of the sports fitness supplement manufacturers offer this, but the ones which provide the highest level of customer service and satisfaction generally do.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The XCell 180 company ensures its prospective buyers and users that their level of website and customer data protections are more than sufficient to protect the user customers’ sensitive financial and personal information. They utilize the most common industry standard level of safe and secure 128 bit enabled SSL encryption for all of their various financial and credit card transactions and customer information sensitive data transfers. Their site has a logo for Data Protection Guaranteed prominently displayed on it at the bottom of the appropriate webpage.

Regarding the actual all important storage of their customer and company data, the supplement making and marketing firm claims that they utilize technical and procedural safeguards in order to protect all of their customers’ personal data. This safeguards it from theft or loss along with any unauthorized access. They claim to deploy a variety of numerous security techniques in order to protect this critical and sensitive data from any unauthorized access by any users either inside of or outside of their firm and Premium Supplements.


Pricing & Free Trial

The XCell 180 company offers a reasonably good free trial offer of the product for a minimal cost of only $4.95 for shipping and handling. This offer is only available from the company website online, and not from any other competing e-commerce sites or physical sports and fitness supplement store location. The free trial offer is only good for 17 days before it must be canceled in order not to be charged for the first month’s auto enrollment shipment.

A full month’s supply as charged under the auto enrollment program is a one bottle amount for $98.72 per month. The company policy is to auto bill and auto ship out this monthly supply at that going price until the user elects to cancel the program either by phone or email with their in house customer support department.






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