Ultimate Muscle

Ultimate Muscle Review – Does It Really Work?

What Is Ultimate Muscle?

The new trend in town is men having ripped bodies for their satisfaction, and for the satisfaction of others. To get these perfect cuts, men keep working in the gym for hours on end. For this endurance in the gym to pay off, they have to consume some protein diets for the body’s need for extra energy and nutrients to be fulfilled. Their goals cannot be achieved through consumption of protein diets and juices alone. If you are looking for a bodybuilding supplement that is going to give you strength, power, and take your performance to a new high level, then this is the place to be with Ultimate Muscle. It is effective, and its use is going to support your endurance and take you to heights one cannot fathom.

If you want to be rewarded for going to the gym, then Ultimate Muscle is the choice you should be making. Each step of your workout, this product will keep you in check and ensure you achieve your goals. It is considered the ultimate supplement if you want to take your bodybuilding routine to the next level. If you are a bodybuilder interested in attaining optimal strength, energy, power, and motivation, then it is the best supplement to include in your workout routines and see the positive transformation for yourself.

The Logo of Ultimate Muscle



Ultimate Muscle is a product of the Onyx Ads, LLC based in San Diego, California. Onyx Ads are credited with producing the most effective supplements in the world. The supplement’s Stack from Onyx Ads is worth the money. This manufacturing company is based in the United States and was formed in 2012. The distribution of the supplement is still done by companies from the United States. These means you will get products of top notch quality.

Onyx Ads have created Jacked Muscle Extreme Combo which when used with Ultimate Muscle; the results will surpass your expectations. The additive from Onyx Ads is the way to go if you want a ripped body.


How Ultimate Muscle Works?

Ultimate Muscle works to eliminate fat and increase energy to your muscle tissues. It also accelerates the digestion process thereby preventing fat from accumulating in your body, and this boosts your body’s metabolism. Perhaps, it ensures your existing fat is burned more quickly as energy, and this is the key to gaining more strength and getting ripped. By doing this, it ensures your physique appears well built, attractive and more athletic.

If your goal is reducing your body weight while enhancing your muscle mass, then Ultimate Muscle will kill the two birds with a single stone. These is because it will work as a fat burning element and a muscle-building item. The fat elimination from the epidermal layer is so magnificent that your body will be left looking lean and muscular.

It works by providing more energy rushes, making workouts more efficient and boosting your confidence as you carry on with other activities throughout the day. In the manufacturing of the supplement, no sugars, carbohydrates or calories were included hence it serves its purpose of increasing your muscle mass entirely. To ensure the pH buffered ingredients found in it work to better your body, they are screened for purity and safety.

The results of using the supplement are usually noticeable within three months. This product is efficient and safe, and it does not discriminate weight, age or the current levels of fitness of the user. This additive works to help people live healthy lives and maintain fit bodies. As mentioned, it works as an incredible strength escalator and fat reducer ensuring you have a lean, healthy, and strong body. These happens as a result of the antioxidants it contains and the pH buffered components it possesses.

Ultimate Muscle uses the most modern scientific advances in enzyme technology. It is a product formulated to give your lean body mass, rock-solid muscle, and high energy. The growth of your muscles will take place when it breaks down the proteins to amino acids and send them to the muscle tissues. It is also credited with improving the flow of blood in the body. These ensure the supply of nutrients to the body is both effective and efficient, thereby boosting the formation of muscles. These also work to oxygenate the muscle tissues thus improving their pumping action.

Perhaps, it contains ingredients that promote nitric oxide reactions in the body. This response naturally relaxes the tender muscle cells surrounding the blood vessels, thereby widening the inside of the arteries. As the vessels expand, the muscles receive more quantities of nutrients and oxygen, a process that increases their endurance and strength. During your workouts, this factor handles the reduction of fatigues thereby ensuring you get the best results most efficiently. Ultimate Muscle supplement will boost your regular diet by adding to the number of proteins it contains already. During bodybuilding, the body can produce free radicals to help in enhancing your routine but it is this additive that gives you the ultimate strength to endure the toughest workouts while producing the best results.

Ultimate Muscle contains an ingredient known as Creatine that is transported to muscle tissues with high energy needs. Our bodies produce Creatine from the foods we eat, but this additive gives you this amazing nutrient each day to boost the energy in your muscles. Thanks to the supplement, bodybuilders have realized the benefits of using the supplement form of Creatine. Ultimate Muscle contains a premium blend of ingredients that help in boosting your muscular energy and enhancing your endurance. The ingredients do this by increasing the levels of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is the ultimate enzyme for rapid muscular contractions.

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Ultimate Muscle is the key to increasing your endurance, maximizing your reps and finally giving you the strength to lift heavier and workout for longer. If you want to go past your current achievements, then using the additive is the way to go.

The main ingredient in the supplement is Creatine Monohydrate, which handles the provision of the fast-twitch, highly-glycolytic muscle fibers with energy instantly. This action enhances muscular contractions of the muscle fibers. This whole process is aimed at pushing you past your rep limits, helping you attain quicker paces in your movements and finally ensuring you perform the routines at a higher intensity for longer.

Using Ultimate Muscle as a supplement will give your muscle more power to store greater quantities of Creatine Phosphate. These is a high-energy molecule stored within the cells of the body. Creatine Phosphate provides increased gains in muscle mass, performance, and strength. It also works to assist in muscle recovery and prevent the body muscles from breaking down. These means it has the potential to stimulate the growth of lean muscle mass as well as serving as a support system to the body. If you take it, your body is going to recuperate faster thereby helping you push harder during your workout sessions.

The Creatine Monohydrate present in the additive is so pure that it can absorb rapidly into the body system thus preventing the bloating effects caused by other forms of Creatine. This ingredient is the optimal purpose of proper muscle build-up and maintaining a healthy body as you work out. It gives you optimistic results if you are ready to build your muscles. It is a product used by many players and wrestlers. All these elites can vouch for the working of the supplement in boosting muscular energy and giving you the will to workout harder for longer.

Ultimate Muscle is one of the few supplements out there that can provide you with the energy to go through your workout successfully and still have extra energy after the routine. It does this by supplying the whole body with power and strength. Also, it ensures the muscle joints are provided with extra energy.

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Unlike other bodybuilding supplements, the results you get from this supplement will last longer. It has been credited with making people active throughout their lifetimes. The fire you will light with Ultimate Muscle will keep burning inside you and energize you each day. Once you start using Ultimate Muscle, the energy in your body is activated. These in turn improves the metabolism of your body. Increasing the metabolic rate of your body ensures the body can convert the food you digest into bodybuilding blocks used for muscle build-up.

Ultimate Muscle acts on the body functions by stimulating the growth of muscle tissues. This action keeps our bodies healthy and with extra energy to work with. Once growth of muscles is stimulated, the path of achieving a muscular physique is simplified. Since this supplement is comprised of natural ingredients, the body and the supplement work hand-in-hand to achieve greater heights. Other supplements rely on artificial ingredients that do not involve the body at all. This is the main reason your body will keep looking masculine for longer, even after you have stopped taking it.

Ultimate Muscle contains Green Tea extracts. This ingredient contains caffeine that is known to aid in the expenditure of energy from our bodies. The process of energy expenditure leaves you rejuvenated and eager to work out harder. Bodybuilders who use this additive are those that have taken control of their bodybuilding sessions and are ready to achieve the goals that have been eluding them. Are you among them?

The Header of Ultimate Muscle


Ingredients of Ultimate Muscle

Ultimate Muscle contains an array of natural ingredients that work with the body and on the body, leaving it looking lean and muscular. Most of the ingredients found in it are pH buffered and are naturally occurring antioxidants.

Ingredients found include:

  • Creatine MagnaPower
  • L-Arginine
  • pH Buffers
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Purified Water
  • Zinc
  • Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate

Creatine MagnaPower is formed after combining Creatine and Magnesium. Creatine ensures the provision of strength to the muscles to make the workout harder while magnesium is important in maintaining muscle mass. The effectiveness of the absorption property of Creatine is enhanced by magnesium.

L-Arginine is used by the body to boost the production of Nitric Oxide, which oxidizes the tissues of the muscles. Nitric Oxide is also credited with having an anti-fatigue effect by escalating the efficiency of the energy consumed by the body, as well as, promoting ammonia excretion. L-Arginine also ensures the process of attaining muscular mass is safe.

The pH buffers are there to boost your performance in the gym by maintaining high levels of stamina and energy for the body. They also stimulate the body’s natural production of Nitric Oxide as you surpass your toughest workouts.

The Green Tea Extract found in the supplement acts as a natural antioxidant. This ingredient has caffeine in it which keeps the mind awake and rejuvenated during the workout session. It keeps the body active for extended periods of time and facilitates in fat metabolism.

The Purified Water is essential in ensuring the users do not get dehydrated as they undertake their hardcore sessions. The Purified Water is also responsible for keeping the muscular tissue soft and supple hence facilitating the healing process.

Zinc is a rich mineral found in Ultimate Muscle. Zinc strengthens your bone structure as well as keeping your body healthy.

Another important ingredient found in the additive is Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (A-AKG). A-AKG is the key to improving the performance of your workouts. A-AKG is essential for the cumulative release and flow of Nitric Oxide to the Muscle tissues. This flow of Nitric Oxide results to an enhanced and extended muscle pump feeling during and after workout sessions.



Elite athletes and bodybuilding trainers have used Ultimate Muscle, and they have loved the results. These are the groups of people encouraging you to use it and you will not be disappointed with what you are going to achieve. This is why:

  1. Provision of long-lasting results;
  2. It prevents fat from sticking to the lining of the digestive system;
  3. No adverse side effects are experienced by the users;
  4. It improves our health conditions;
  5. Lean bodies are associated with the use of the additive;
  6. The supplement increases our levels of energy;
  7. The level of endurance is improved;
  8. Onyx Ads has provided all users with money back guarantee;
  9. Users remain focused and alert throughout the day;
  10. It is diet friendly;

How Does Ultimate Muscle Work?

The list of advantages attributed to the additive is endless. Those were just but a few. These benefits are what you should be addressing when looking for a bodybuilding supplement whether you are an amateur or a professional.

Ultimate Muscle helps in the prevention of loss of muscle mass as a result of cortisol. The supplement is essential in burning calories and ensuring your body maintains a metabolism that is continually burning.

As you workout after taking it, the exercised part of your body is affected and the muscles at that area tear. These is advantageous to the body since it will result in increased synthesis of protein. These in turn results in the growth of muscle cells and general body growth.

When you start using Ultimate Muscle, it will not take you long to start noticing an increase in your strength and power. It acts as a natural way to boost your energy levels.

Ultimate Muscle is used by the body to fight fatigue by improving your endurance. These results in longer workout periods hence more energy for the body. It also provides the body with a constant source of energy that is readily available for maintenance of the muscle mass.

Ultimate Muscle is one of the few supplements that are credited with helping your heart and sharpening your immune systems. There is increased blood flow to essential body parts when you incorporate the additive into your bodybuilding routine.

The muscular performance is increased, and it becomes highly intensive once you start using it. Hence improves the composition of your body, hence boosting your load capacity. The body’s endurance during workout sessions is elevated once you start using this supplement.



Products from Onyx Ads are thoroughly screened for safety and purity. This supplement is no exception. This supplement has gone through many approval processes for it to be proven and considered a safe and effective supplement to be incorporated into bodybuilding sessions.

Ultimate Muscle has been taken through the product qualification process and having passed performance tests and quality assurance tests, it was released to the public, but only in selected countries. The product certification industry have approved it to be used by the general public since it complies with the criteria of qualification stipulated in their specifications, contracts, and regulations.

Why You Should Order Ultimate Muscle?



I have been using Ultimate Muscle for half a year now, and my experience with the supplement has been great. My workout performance level has been heightened, and I have not gone through any side effects. – Nathan M.

I started out with protein diets and health juices and was very disappointed until I tried Ultimate Muscle. Since then, I am using it, and I can say that the improvement is visible, and I am almost achieving my lifelong dream of having a ripped body. – Mike C.


Money-back Guarantee

Onyx Ads maintains a strict money back guarantee policy. For those who wish to get a free trial, the Terms and Conditions of Ultimate Muscle have stipulated a 14-day refund policy.



As you purchase this amazing additive, the shipping fee is free. However, if you wish to try out the free trial, you will have to pay $4.95 to cater for the handling and shipping costs. The average shipping period is between 5-7 working days, which are standard for most Onyx Ads products.

A Real Photo of Ultimate Muscle


Customer Support

There are no support agents found on the official website. However, the site provides you with a contact number and an email address that you can use to contact the support team.

The Black Edition of Ultimate Muscle


Safe & Secure Checkout

Onyx Ads uses the latest antifraud algorithms and has employed stringent measures in curbing cyber attacks thereby ensuring you are protected from checkout to delivery. If you make a purchase, the transaction is processed securely thus protecting you and your confidential information.


Pricing & Free Trial

It has four purchasing options that differ from each other:

Option 1 – The Free Trial

14-Day Trial: From the Trial Terms & Conditions, it is stipulated that:

You’ll initially pay $4.95 S&H, and you’ll have 14 days from the date your order was placed in order to decide if it is useful. If you cancel your trial within this 14-day period, you’ll owe nothing. However, if you fail to cancel, your credit card will be charged $89.43.

Ultimate Muscle Free Trial Program

Option 2

  • Buy 1 Month Supply with Free Shipping: $89.99
  • Buy 2 Months Supply, Get 1 Bottle Free: $114.99
  • Buy 3 Months Supply, Get 2 Bottles Free: $139.99






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