
TruTesto Review – A Natural Fuel for Your Body?

What Is TruTesto?

TruTesto’s a popular fitness supplement known in the U.S. and even abroad. Its main goal is to help males, who are 18 years or older and want to compete in bodybuilding, enhance their more muscles, achieve greater fitness duration in each session, enhance their overall results and even improve in other sports performance areas. The product hopes to acquire measurable results within each fitness regimen used and, as a result, sell more of its supply.

Customers in the dozens review the product each week. Most tend to agree that their energy levels instantly spike after taking the product, some feeling the initial changes no later than three hours after taking the first pill. After taking the third daily dosage, most already feel the change. It’s advised to take the product in moderation, dividing into three reasonable routines: one pill in the morning, another in the afternoon and the last one in the evening or night, just before drifting off to sleep. The product shouldn’t replace a doctor’s visit.

The product hopes to adjust the male body’s natural levels of energy and testosterone alike to make his performance-inducing, pre-workout hormonal and chemical balances fluctuate to top levels, especially as these can relate to a more superior fitness performance overall. Many experts have attributed that the male ego’s a very fragile component, one that will even push itself to further excel in any fitness bootcamp or even everyday exercise regimen. TruTesto plans to naturally boost such an ego and its related confidence levels in the mind to ensure that both the brain and body function as they should and, during a workout, one should feel the difference with staggering intensity!

TruTesto promises three-fold success in a simple formula: longer stamina, stronger bodybuilding experiences and a much higher performance level, regardless of the intensity level or sport. TruTesto will work with one’s body to better achieve such results and, in some cases, it may take longer to see the changes. Yet, the product promises a somewhat rapid delivery on all levels. Each Maximum-Strength TruTesto bottle comes with 60 dietary caplets and a two-step solution listed at its front. This pill’s available without a needed prescription; anyone may purchase it online.

TruTesto’s made in the US. It harbors various distributors. TruTesto’s also available in other regions of the world, such as South Africa, England, New Zealand, Australia, France and Ireland. Anyone living in these countries could easily order a “rush trial” of the product online as well.



TruTesto’s manufacturers comply with all known regulations. As human beings, they understand the burden or responsibility laid upon their shoulders, not only to enact a product of the highest standing and caliber, but also to continue with such a habit throughout their product line. As such, they’ve not only managed to both sell and innovate every time but have decided to mix things up a bit and offer something not found in other places in quite the same manner.

This time around, they’ve rightfully elected to enlist TruTesto within a “free trial” option, thus allowing potential clients to try the product at no cost before buying. One may choose from a free trial pack or a free trial bottle. It all depends on what’s in stock and what’s in season. New customers could get a different freebie, depending on when and where they order. During this time, they would simply cover shipping and handling fees only.

TruTesto only sends out 250 trials of its product every day, encouraging all to hurry and get theirs now. Those who click on the “Rush My Trial” button in red or blue will instantly be taken to the site’s ordering page, where they must then input their accurate information to have the order shipped as soon as possible.

Another interesting observation follows. TruTesto’s manufacturers have also fully disclosed their product’s ingredients. This shows their style and business persona. It attests to their willingness to be made known, their products’ information public knowledge – easily and freely accessible to all with internet access.


How TruTesto Works?

TruTesto specifically hones in on each aspect of the user’s hormonal drive and then hopes to leave a positive, lasting effect upon it for the workout due later in the same day. Men of 50 years of age or older aren’t excluded as they could also benefit from an increased hormone production, leading to more resistance in their daily workout. That’s likewise a main component TruTesto promises to give. This testosterone booster will likewise attack the following symptoms, which most often associate themselves with a continually low testosterone:

1. Reduced/significantly strained energy levels all day long
2. Fitness stress/peak performance unusually low
3. Fatigue
4. Too little sweat production or lack thereof altogether
5. Reduced muscle growth and muscle mass, even after the most intense bodybuilding sessions

TruTesto can take action right away to extend its users vitality and physical performance way past its usual peaks, pushing him to greater limits than he may have ever hoped for. Since those 30 and older naturally experience testosterone decreases, more so gradually as the years progress, this product may suit to offset the lack. One initially takes it for maximized fitness performance purposes, but who’s to say he can’t likewise benefit from the added testosterone increase on the side? Metaphorically speaking, this kills two birds with a single stone.

For the best results, TruTesto’s experts suggest taking the product at least three or four months; users may stop taking the product for a week or longer, afterwards, and then continue if the need for “that extra workout boost” should arise.


Ingredients of TruTesto

TruTesto’s main ingredients are the following:

1. Horny goat weed
2. Tongkat Ali/Eurycoma
3. Panax Ginseng/Red Asian Ginger
4. Zinc

1. Horny goat weed
This essential natural extract will boost mens’ overall performance or virility while increasing long-term stamina levels. It’s truly miraculous one of the most-used weeds in the natural health world.

It likewise classifies as a deciduous perennial that can grow 12 inches and often regarded the flowering-plant beauty of counties like China, Korea and Japan. In fact, such Asian cultures have often even characterized themselves by their unique cultivation of such wonderful plants and herbs. Horny Goat Weed is primarily used in male energy and vitality needs and has been considered one of nature’s secrets, in this respect, for several centuries prior. Horny goat weed’s a top remedy used in traditional Chinese cultures, even among middle-to-older-aged males who wish to enhance their physical routines or daily aerobic performance.

2. Tongkat Ali/Eurycoma
This one has a longer name, the famous Eurycoma Longifolia. This medium-sized, Indonesian plant can serve multiple functions, such as in treating disease or everyday illnesse, strengthening one’s immune system, and cleansing bodies of toxins and even hidden parasites.

This flowering plant’s serves a two-fold mission. First, it acts to increase testosterone level production. Secondly, it enhances the male fitness psyche and even one’s exterior appearance as a result, boosting manhood and self-esteem as well. Its male physical enhancement properties are some of the best. The flowering plant also holds several other common names:

1. Penawar Pahit
2. Penawar Bias
3. Bedara Merah or Bedara Putih
4. Lempedu Pahit
5. Payong Ali
6. Tongkat Baginda
7. Muntah Bumi
8. Petala Bumi

3. Panax Ginseng/Red Asian Ginger
As its name states, Panax Ginseng’s a Ginseng plant. It originates in Korea and is known there as the True Ginseng. It aids immunity, mood and cognition alike, primarily within males from 15-27; it also targets both exercise duration and even testosterone levels.

It will ultimately drive a longer-lasting workout. It’s all-natural. Red Asian Ginger even aids muscle fatigue and athletic endurance by offering stable muscle stamina and increase, especially one that gradually smoothes itself out in the long haul. Greater physical gym structures, after all, will lead to a stronger health balance.

4. Zinc
The way that zinc helps a young, middle-aged or senior man in his workout is similar to how a captain uses an intercom to guide his ship to great destinations. Zinc is the commanding voice in one’s internal circulatory network’s control room, the secret element truly pulling the strings. It communicates with the rest of the body, in terms of what it needs and/or what it should do to arrive there. Zinc is truly miraculous, and it has been around since the beginning of the earth’s creation.

Zinc makes its presence known. It sends messages to the other parts of the body in attempts to dilate the body’s veins and increase the body’s many transfers. Zinc works with the body to transfer oxygen and several other active nutrients to the muscles and organs, thereby leading to a shorter workout recovery time. When every body part works as it should, the body strengthens and heals itself faster and better.



Main Advantages That Users Come to Expect
1. Stamina Increased
2. Muscle Strength Gained
3. Increased Blood Flow for Greater Circulation Throughout the Body
4. Quicker Response Times
5. A Faster Muscle Recovery Time
6. Ultimately, the Male Body’s Interior Fitness Mechanisms Further Enhanced

First, this product stimulates the alpha muscles to produce more testosterone. Second, it regulates such testosterone production to ensure a healthy, wholesome balance. Third, it likewise keeps one’s flow of testosterone and its production within such ranges for hours to follow.

Main Advantages in Further Detail – The “Meat and Bones of the Matter”

1. Stamina Increased
With greater stamina comes greater self-confidence and a far more optimistic outlook on one’s own workout potential. One can achieve far more, after all, when he first believes in himself, especially when he begins to see such potential visibly play out in his regular physical routine. Sometimes, seeing is believing, and believing is everything.

2. Muscle Strength Gained
Naturally, the more one uses his muscles, the greater they become. Many wonderful benefits follow, of which comes a stronger immune system. This helps one fight off atrophy and muscle deterioration.

With muscle strength also comes the ability to do far more, such as lift heavier everyday objects than one usually could. Healthier, stronger muscles are also more difficult to break or exhaust during subsequent workouts, especially when those muscles get the rest and nutrition they need. This T-booster provides some of that nutrition.

3. Increased Blood Flow for Greater Circulation Throughout the Body
When one has the right amount of blood flowing freely throughout all areas of his body, he can move faster and better. Imagine the removed barriers or hindrances that this will allow for. When one has more full control of his body, it certainly affects his performance. He can reach greater heights, move farther distances and even grow muscle mass more quickly.

4. Quicker Response Times
Those who use a testosterone booster like this one experience more alertness and a faster agility and response than usual. Many consider it the extra boost they need to perform “just a step above excellent”. When one’s testosterone levels are more leveled out, one becomes more aware of his surroundings – and much quicker. One even throws or catches baseballs, for instance, at a slightly faster speed.

This can do much for one’s fitness goals, cutting timelines down in length as well. When one accomplishes more, in less time, it’s truly a good feeling. One may even respond in a more timely manner to urgent, everyday concerns or even emergencies. If one’s response on the playing field is enhanced, will this not kick into play when there’s a life-threatening emergency? Common sense would only indicate so as that is the natural result of such a benefit.

5. A Faster Muscle Recovery Time
Faster muscle recovery leads to faster visible results, thus leading to more continued workouts and an enhanced physical appearance. This, as most know, leads to a greater self-outlook and confidence. As many have said, “One good thing leads to another.” With more quickly recovered muscles, one’s also allowed to engage in new bodybuilding routines that will challenge him even more. He can “up” his workout, taking things to a whole new level. There’s nothing like having a faster recovery than what one expected, much less when it leads to adding new exercises, sets or reps to those “off days”.

6. Ultimately, the Male Body’s Interior Fitness Mechanisms Further Enhanced
The product helps in the short-term but also in the long-term. On this, many have agreed. Since it begins the process of internally adjusting and regulating one’s testosterone production and count, it therefore works in alignment with the body to “push it forward” so that it can carry itself in such pattern for days – or even weeks – to come. It’s one of the “blessings in disguise”.



It holds no known, recognized product certificates. It is not FDA approved. However, since it’s ingredients are naturally derived, it automatically qualifies as legal. Such products whose ingredients are natural thus tend to qualify as such by default and require no further legalities. Nor is the product legally banned.

The product’s “unofficial certificates”, according to many, lie in its testimonials. They say it all. What it has done or failed to do for people should speak as testimony to itself and “unofficially” certify what it’s capable of and how useful it truly is as a testosterone booster. The customer is never wrong, and that’s why he’s the customer.



My boyfriend didn’t know what was possible until he tried this product. It is simply a Godsend, a blessing from above. There’s no other way to label this product than ‘absolute success’. It’s brought my boyfriend and I closer together. I’ve seen how happy he is. He is now performing better toward his lifetime baseball career, and the booster has helped him with every pitching strike and bat swing.

There are simply not enough good products out there like this one, especially those which deliver long-term success in boosting any man’s testosterone levels. One can never quite get enough of this product, and that’s why I recommended. So does my boyfriend. — Elisa D., Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Without the help of this booster, my husband would not be the man he is today. It is a true help in so many ways that I can’t even fathom. He alone probably doesn’t even know the full benefits of all that he’s getting with such a good product.

I simply can’t stress all the things that this fantastic testosterone booster has done for me and for my best friends. We all were all a group of nerdy buddies who used to hang out at the gym and try to get some results in, but to no avail. We started using this product, and it was evident that it certainly does deliver, and on all levels. There’s nothing quite like the fuel it provides, and you have to see it in action.

The only way to really see help capable this product is is to try it for yourself and to share with others. Try the trial. You have nothing to lose. — John B. from Anchorage, Alaska, USA

Without it by my side, I don’t think I could have achieved my fitness goals, especially at the college level. My basketball game has certainly reached its peak performance, even through the muscle gain and mass levels necessary. It’s important to have stamina. It’s also important – and many forget – to build your core muscles and strength in every part of your body, to offer greater resistance in each game. That’s what this product is all about, and I certainly believe it can deliver. — Anthony W., Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

If it were not for all the good things that this product could do, I’d simply purchase it for its attractive name alone. The very manufacturers of this product must’ve certainly known what they were doing when they give it such an appealing name. The ‘fuel’ plus the ‘platinum’ plus the ‘true test’ are what make this product come together. The very name itself is flashy, and the product delivers everything it promises in such a title. Just try a bottle, and you’ll see today. — Mark K., Los Angeles, California, USA


Awards & Media Coverage

It holds no known awards or media coverage. It is, however, ranked and rated on countless websites. Many have written their views of the product throughout the Internet, covering it from many angles. The product proudly displays vitality, strength and stamina as its three main benefits. It shows these three on each bottle’s front label and hopes to one day market itself as such.

If it ever hopes to get media coverage, it must promote its three main benefits. The product also visually self-advertises under a flame icon. Though this has not caught the media’s eye, it may catch on as it already does in attracting new customers through “visual appeal”.


Money-back Guarantee

The product offers a full money back guarantee to those who are not satisfied with it and return it within the trial period. To fully procure a refund, one must contact Customer Service either by email or by phone. They’ll then obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization Number. This is also called an RMA number. One must then write such number outside the shipping package and mail back the unopened product to the company’s fulfillment center, through the address provided, within 30 days of the original order date.

To process the refund fully, the product must arrive no later that then within 30 days of its original purchase date. It must have passed return processing as well. To be safe, always ship it a few days earlier so that it arrives within the 30-day period permitted for return shipping. Within the 30-day period, customers are responsible to pay all return shipping costs. The company will issue a refund after its fulfillment center has fully received the package and processed the corrected information.

The refund is then credited back to the customer’s bank account, and the process may take anywhere from 3 to 5 business days to appear in the customer’s bank statement. This usually depends upon the processing bank’s speed. Returns are also subject to a restocking fee of approximately five dollars.



The product ships through FedEx Express, UPS and the USPS – or United States Postal Service. The time required is 11 days, plus the extra 4 for shipping and handling. They will then ship the product in recurring fashion every month after the trial ends, usually about two days before it ends. They’ll notify customers by email, letting them know that the card was charged. If one wishes to cancel the trial, he or she may do so to instantly cancel the membership as well and not pay one penny more.

One may pay for shipping costs online by Visa, MasterCard or Discover card. One may likewise use such payment methods when paying by phone. One may include the same shipping address used for the billing address. Personal checks, cashier’s checks and money orders sent by mail aren’t allowed, not even to commence the trial shipment upon receipt. One must always pay with a credit or debit card.


Customer Support

One may reach Customer Support by phone or online. Information is available online. One must allow up to a full day for a reply. Customer Support is available from Monday-Friday 9 am to 5:30 pm, EST. Yet, holidays usually allow a delayed response.

Many regard TruTesto Customer Support as timely and responsive. Online, the support system holds little anonymous reviews from users. The few reviews present are mainly positive. Users may expect call times to vary, as well, depending on busyness. Online Chat Representatives are often available as well and can even offer order technical support; they are trained to handle numerous aspects of one’s product experience.


Safe & Secure Checkout

One may fully complete checkout online. Checkout is completely safe and secure. It uses MasterCard Security Code. It has been verified by Visa as well. Additionally, VeriSign powers it. All checkouts occur over a 256-bit encrypted connection.

Checkout is also McAffee Secure. It’s likewise Norton-secured. Since all transactions occur over a secured connection, Google will always attest to this fact by displaying a green lock symbol on the left-hand corner of any Chrome browser’s address bar as it does here with this product. The word “Secure”, in green letters, will also appear right next to the lock icon. This qualifies as official security certification, at least on Google’s end; it ensures all viewers that the site in question has undergone a degree of scrutiny and has passed its validity test.


Pricing & Free Trial

One may order a 30-day supply, which includes 60 capsules of the testosterone booster, for $0. The only thing to pay for it is postage and packaging, which adds up to $9.97. The discount-activated savings applied equal $5, leaving one to pay only a total of $4.97 for the free trial altogether. One may claim the trial online immediately but must hurry as limited quantities are usually what’s available.

Those who place their order online thus agree to the full terms and conditions, including the privacy policy and the monthly Auto-Ship Program of instant membership enrollment. In this program, subscribers are instantly billed the initial shipping and handling cost of $4.97. They are then shipped the first trial bottle and will automatically receive a charge of $89.97 after the following 15 days.






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