
Theratosterone Review – Should You Try It?

What Is Theratosterone?

Bodybuilders are constantly looking for the perfect product to help them increase their muscle mass and look great. They want an energy booster and a product that works fast. For many bodybuilders that are weightlifting constantly, every extra pill or supplement helps them get closer to achieving their goal. They may have finally found what they were looking for.

Everybody knows that testostrone helps men’s health. In fact, according to a recent study, annual sales of the prescription hormone have doubled since 2008, reaching a market size of $1.6 billion. That does not even include the massive over the counter (OTC) market of supplements that can be found in grocery stores, health stores, online and in convenience stores. However, these products are not always effective. Men are looking for a safe, healthy, natural way to raise their testosterone level (or T-level).

Men actually lose a dramatic 90% of their testosterone between the ages of 25 and 70. This loss has a substantial impact on the mind and body. When a man loses so much testosterone, several things happen to him. First of all, men lose a lot of energy and drive. They are less motivated and less active.

In addition, natural anabolic muscle mass decreases substantially and the ability to lose weight also decreases. Metabolism slows so weight gain generally increases unless there is a corresponding improvement in diet and exercise. Bodybuilding becomes impossible as men age and lose the necessary testoterone levels to work out and gain muscle.

Theratosterone is a unique and new supplement used by bodybuilders around the country to enhance their physique, gain size, increase anabolic muscle growth and improve well-being. The supplement is primarily used to boost testosterone in the body. It is composed of the natural ingredient testofen which is proven to boost key testosterone levels. Improved testosterone also makes the user look more youthful, healthy and strong.

More than that, it increases energy so that when you hit the gym you can max out on every set and every rep. Maxing out on weight while weightlifting increases the body’s strength more than any other activity. So increasing testosterone in the body is more likely to lead to this outcome.

According to the company’s website the primary numerical benefits of using Theratosterone include:

  • Look and feel more ripped by up to 58%;
  • Increase athletic endurance by up to 41%;
  • Reduce fatigue by up to 29% after workouts;

These claims are hard to verify but come with an apparent $3 million government study of the main chemical found in Theratosterone. The study proved beyond a doubt that testosterone increases in the blood have the desired effect of increasing energy, strength, motivation and mental energy. Furthermore, the fenugreek seed extract is a critical way to increase the desired testosterone levels. The products special blend is especially potent at helping men achieve their goals.

For those with low testosterone, this is also an important product. Men suffering from low testosterone have so many problems. The experience lethargy, lack of motivation and loss of energy. More than that, the lose physical energy, decreased vigor and increase of fat. They have a more difficult time building muscle and improving their physical appearance. Aging men lost testosterone over time so it is a natural process. However, losing testosterone too quickly is harmful for the reasons above.



The manufacturer of the products is a specialty company set-up for the purpose of creating this supplement. The company’s primary website is also the primary sales website for the company with information about the supplement, ingredients and how to order it. The firm is based in the United Kingdom and sells much of its product around the world including in the USA.


How Theratosterone Works?

Theratosterone works by increasing the testosterone in the blood. The naturally growing fenugreek seed is the primary component of the supplement. This seed has been clinically proven in a $3 million government study to increase testosterone. However, the company also includes several other compounds and ginseng roots that have proven capabilities to increase testosterone. When combined in the company’s special formula, they act to increase the hormone as quickly as possible. In fact, the supplement increases testosterone by 70% to 140% within three weeks.

The compound actually seeks out the receptors that produce the testosterone hormone. They activate these receptors and induce them to create more. The receptors respond and pump the testosterone hormone throughout the blood, which provides the unique properties and benefits mentioned in the article.


Ingredients of Theratosterone

Testofen is a compound that is created from the natural growing fenugreek seeds. They have proven to improve male’s testosterone levels over time. While Fenugreek is the main ingredient, it also has extracts from other seed compounds. The two extracts from these compounds include Tribulus Terrestris extract and Cordyceps Synesis. In addition, the supplement has several healthy roots including Siberan Ginseng, Panax Ginseng and Rhodiola Rosea Extract. It also contains small but relevant amounts of ingredients including gelatin, magnesium stearate and silica.

Within the ingredients, Theratosterone contains many vitamins as well. According to the company’s website one serving of the supplement has 50% of daily Vitamin D3. It also has 100% of Vitamin B-6. It has 167% of Vitamin B-12 and 19% of daily Magnesium Aspartate. It also has 200% of daily Zinc. The supplement has Boron as well but no daily value has been established for this vitamin.



The advantages of this product are many. According to the website, testimonials, outside research and product reviews, there are numerous benefits to consuming Theratosterone. Of course, the primary benefit is that the consumer can get ripped quickly, 58% faster than without taking any other supplement according to outside research. Users also get a huge boost in the gym where fatigue is reduced 29% and endurance is increased by 41%.

There are a few other major benefits. For example, the product substantially reduces cholesterol. Cholesterol can cause blockages in the blood stream which lead to heart attacks and heart failure. It also reduce Cortisol which relieves stress as well as makes your blood flow improve. Lastly, users get a huge boost in their mental energy and focus.

Another advantage is that men start to look more youthful, healthy and vibrant with more of the testosterone hormone floating through the body. Improvement in looks is one of the primary benefits.

Importantly, they have much more energy in the gym. Fatigue is reduced by 29% and endurance increases by 41% when working out. Men on the supplement are able to power through work outs and max out at the weight the need to get bigger. Bodybuilders will love the power and energy they have doing bench press, leg extensions, shoulder press, curls, leg press and any other exercise. Cardio energy is also improved substantially.

Not only does the supplement help users lift more weight at one time, it also helps muscle form much faster. That means that users will be stronger, more muscular, more powerful and more appear larger to everyone around them.



Theratosterone has received the GMP certificate which is a kind of good house keeping seal of approval for all digestible products around the world. GMP stands for good manufacturing practice and it is a process for ensuring that edible products are consistently produced based on very high quality standards.

It is designed to reduce all the major risk from production of medicine, food and supplements. There are constant tests and even the possibility of surprise government audits so the GMP certification is a very serious indication of quality.

GMP mainly focuses on a few common standards. Those include the cleanliness of the equipment, facility, packaging and people involved in the production. In addition, it makes sure that those standards are followed consistently so that every product has the same level of quality and can be trusted with 100% certainty. The fact that Theratosterone has received this certification indicates the high quality that it embodies.



This product changed my life, after taking the supplement for just two weeks I got ripped and loved what I saw in the mirror. I never dreamed it could work this well. – Tim in Birmingham.

I am on the wrong side of 50 and never thought I could regain my energy, focus or muscle. But after trying Theratosteron for just a few weeks, I was feeling like I did in my 20s. I have energy, enthusiasm and love what I see in the mirror. This is a wonderful product. – David in Austin.

Getting Theratosterone was a spur of the moment decision but it has already made a big impact. I don’t need to bust my body in the gym everyday, just the usual aerobic activity and occasional heavy lifting have already produced enormous results. I am so happy that I purchased this product. – Jimmy in Chicago.

In the past I got pushed around by other big guys on the basketball court and football field due to my small size and skinny figure. After a few weeks on the product, I started to notice big changes in my body. Now I am the one pushing the other guys around and they are all intimidated of me. – John in Los Angeles.

I used to be intimidated by other big guys, but now I’m the big guy intimidating other people. I can’t believe the luck I have based on one product. Everybody should go and get Theratosteronee. – Joey in Miami.

I tried everything and nothing seemed to be giving me the results I needed. I tried powders, gels, sports drinks and other medicines. However, after trying Theratosterone I got the boost I was looking for and saw immediate change in my body that I could not believe. After just a few weeks I got ripped and was seeing huge gains in my bodybuilding. I am so happy I tried this product. – Kenny in New York.


Awards & Media Coverage

Theratosterone has actually been widely covered in the media due to its unique formula and its very high success rate. The new media is starting to understand the power of the product and has covered it in several stories. Media stories have appeared about the product in several outlets online, in print, the radio and on TV. The main outlets that have covered this product include CNBC, Fox News and USA Today.


Money-back Guarantee

The company offers a 100% guarantee of the product’s success. According to the company, every user has seen dramatic results almost immediately. Users are ripped, stronger, healthier, more powerful and more active. For that reason, the company offers a 100% money back guarantee within 14 days if the user is unsatisfied with the results. Simply visit the company’s website, fill out the form and the first shipment will be sent to you with a money back guarantee.

To cancel the order at any time, simply call the Customer Care department at 0808-169-2018. The friendly staff will immediately cancel the plan and provide you with the refund as you request. For this reason, it is a no risk trial.



The important thing to know about the product is shipping because it takes a lot of the hassle and complexity about picking up the product. Instead, Theratosterone specializes in shipping the product directly to your home and work so that there is no need to go out and find it in the back of your local health foods or supplement store.

One container contains 60 capsules which is good for one to two months depending on whether you have one or two per day. The recommended daily use is one per day. The shipping schedule is one every other month based on the recommended allowance.

Shipment can be global and is a low price within the United Kingdom, generally below 10 pounds per shipment. Best of all, the product is on an auto-ship program so you will not have to remember each time to order more product before you run out of it.


Customer Support

Of course, the company provides a comprehensive customer support center. Operators at the support center will provide in-depth details about the product and answer any health questions you may have. If they cannot answer your questions, they can refer you to the right person or information.

Furthermore, the customer support center can accept any orders or billing requests. The customer support line is 0808-169-2018 and they are available during regular business hours during the week. For any and all inquiries, they can answer questions. There is also an email address available on the website. Those can be used for more detailed questions with attached information. Or the email can be used to send a message to the company during off hours. As soon as the customer support center opens again, the friendly staff will be sure to answer the questions right away. Please call or contact the customer support center with any detailed questions.

Safe & Secure Checkout

Theratosterone checkout is safe and secure for all purchases online. The company uses secure checkout and SSL technology to encrypt the credit card number as it is transferred to make the purchase. The company works with the latest payment processors to make sure that all fund purchases are completely safe. Consumers should not be concerned about the safety of their credit card numbers when purchasing this product.


Theratosterone Pricing & Free Trial

Best of all, Theratosterone has a free trial that users can take advantage of right now. The product is absolutely free for the first two weeks. Users can just order the product, pay the small shipping and handling fee and have the product delivered to their home. If it is not canceled within two weeks then the charge for the product of £80.44 will be applied to the users credit card. If users don’t like the supplement or are not seeing results, they can simply cancel the order and return the product to its location.






2 responses to “Theratosterone Review – Should You Try It?”

  1. Vincent from Dublin Avatar
    Vincent from Dublin

    Why do they say you get better results with both Theratosterone and Mass Muscle FX. And how do you use both? When do you take them?

    1. Allen Hicks Avatar
      Allen Hicks

      They are wanting you to use both because one of them is the testosterone booster and the other is the nitric oxide booster, so they work from two directions. However, you should know that these are products which will be shipped to you each month by their company, so if you don’t cancel the free trial within the initial period, you’ll be charged for both products and then each month after that. You’ll be charged the full price as these are auto-shipping products. We are not encouraging our readers to take such type of products because of this billing model, despite them being somehow effective, however if you wish to do so, make sure that you read their terms and understand them very well before you order these products. Regarding the instructions on how to take them, I suggest you to contact the company responsible for these products and ask them directly. We are not associated with these products or their company and we are unable to provide you customer service for them. Please contact the place from which you may want to order them and ask them directly. Hope that helps!

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