
Testovox Review – Can It Increase Strength & Endurance?

What Is Testovox?

Testovox is a legal testosterone boosting product containing DHEA which is considered a steroid or prohormone and may not be legal in all countries. The company has been in the industry for quite some time and has earned a good level of credibility with their products. Men who wish to boost their male hormone levels and enhance their body structure are meant to take 2 capsules a day in combination with a good diet and extensive exercise in order to see maximum results.

Testosterone is a male hormone that causes the body to appear more masculine with more masculine features. Since it is an anabolic-androgenic, it helps with complex muscle formation and growth. This is a particularly desirable effect for anyone looking to bulk up. The anabolic activity is known to naturally burn existing body fat as new muscles form.

The product also has an estrogen blocking property. Estrogen is a female hormone that is produced through biological processes taking place on existing testosterone. Since it causes more feminine results, high estrogen levels are not ideal for men seeking an improved, more muscular body. By preventing this transformation of chemicals, testosterone levels also remain high, yielding satisfying results to users.

The supplement is beneficial for men of all ages and lifestyles, not just professional bodybuilders or athletes. For example, increased testosterone production is very good for older men, since the body tends to produce less testosterone with age. Additionally, there are many health benefits of these ingredients that don’t necessarily relate to muscle mass. There is a large range of different types of benefits, but the most notable is the pill’s ability to increase nutrient absorption, thus providing the body with more of the things it needs to function optimally.



Testovox is manufactured by a company called Big Health LLC. This company holds its headquarters in Bangor, Pennsylvania, where customers are welcome to stop in with any questions or concerns during office hours which are held from 8:30 am through 5:30 pm. One unique and admirable characteristic of this company is that they only carry and manufacture products that they are passionate about. That being said, customers are welcome to raise any concerns that they have about their products with the support staff. Their main goal is to market quality products to customers and maintain integrity throughout the process.


How Testovox Works?

Since testosterone has so many different effects on the body of adult males, Testovox causes a variety of these results. The two main properties of testosterone are its anabolic property and its androgenic property. First, anabolism describes a series of metabolic processes that fuse small muscles together to form larger and more complex muscles with greater strength. This is done through the promotion of muscle cell growth and development.

Secondly, the androgen effect is comparable to the characteristics of male puberty. This is usually found in combination with anabolism. It promotes the further development of the newly formed muscles and provides the user with a more masculine body shape.

The ingredients found within these pills also block the formation of estrogen, a feminizing hormone. There are natural biological processes that transform existing testosterone to estrogen. Through the inhibition of these processes, the body’s supply of testosterone remains larger, especially in comparison to the estrogen levels. This increased proportion promotes masculine characteristics and prevents feminine characteristics in adult males.

One final way in which Testovox works to benefit a healthy body is through its promotion of nutrient uptake. When blood flow is increased, there is more opportunity for nutrients to be taken up and distributed throughout the body. This causes a wide variety of positive results.


Ingredients of Testovox

Testovox is composed of a number of ingredients specially designed so that, in this particular combination, it will provide the user with a masculine body that they’ll be proud of. These ingredients are listed and described below.

Vitamin B6

This is a vitamin that occurs naturally in foods such as eggs, beans, and vegetables, but scientists have also discovered how to successfully synthesize it in a lab setting. This vitamin is important to men interested in improving their body’s condition since it is necessary for proper growth and development. It is also essential for the proper functioning of sugars, fats, and proteins. Additionally, it is beneficial in preventing heart disease and anemia.

Vitamin B12

This is another vitamin that is naturally occurring in certain foods such as meat, fish, and dairy, and has been successfully synthesized in a lab. This vitamin is known to function best in combination with other B vitamins, such as the aforementioned B6, or pyridoxine. It is important in maintaining the proper function and development of things such as brain, nerve, and blood cells. When the body is deficient in B12, it could cause anemia, resulting in increased levels of fatigue.

Zinc Orotate

Zinc is yet another vitamin that is absolutely necessary in order to maintain a healthy body in humans. Particularly, for bodybuilders, deficiency could be detrimental because it causes stunted growth. There is also scientific evidence to support the claim that zinc has a positive effect on athletic performance and strength. Further health benefits include an increased immune system and an improved wound healing response.

Chromium Picolinate

This is a mineral that is often referred to as an “essential trace element,” which means that it is needed in the human body in small amounts. Some related health effects to increasing muscles mass include weight loss, a decrease in body fat, extra energy supply, improved athletic performance, and increase muscle mass. It also assists in keeping blood sugar levels and insulin production.

Sodium Nitrate

This is an inorganic compound, meaning that it does not contain carbon atoms, nor does it occur naturally throughout the bodies of living creatures. Research shows that this particular compound could be beneficial in the prevention of heart attacks and pulmonary hypertension.

Hardcore Testosterone Amplifying Muscle Growth Complex

This is a mixture of ingredients created by the makers of Testovox. Their lab research team has chosen each individual ingredient within this mixture to work especially well in combination with each other to result in the desired body image. The ingredients within this mixture are listed and described below.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus is a plant that produces fruit, leaves, and roots that are all used in modern medicine practices. Research in the past has shown that these plant parts cause an increase in male hormone within other animals, but so far there is no evidence of this in humans. Doctors will often prescribe medicine with this ingredient to pregnant women in order to assist in the formation and toning of muscles for child birth. It is also used for treating high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and anemia.

Fenugreek Seed Extract

Fenugreek is an herb that produces seeds that are used within modern medicine. These plants occur naturally in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, and Western Africa. The most notable benefit of these seeds is their positive effect on exercise performance through the slowing of sugar absorption. It also promotes the production of insulin.

Shilajit Extract

This is an ingredient composed of various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, chemicals, and additional elements. Research on this mixture has shown that testosterone production is increase through the promotion of specific biological processes. Some fortunate side effects are increased energy and support for a healthy heart.

Cha de Bogre

This is a tree that grows within Brazil and other tropical forests. It is known to assist with weight loss, though the method it uses is a decrease in appetite, which may not be considered the healthiest avenue toward a toned body. Other than that, there is not a lot known about this particular ingredient so far.

Boron Citrate

This is a mineral that can be found throughout various foods and the environment. It is a pretty unique mineral, in that it affects the body’s response to other minerals. For the purpose of Testovox users, it is known to strengthen bones and improve muscle coordination.

Bioperine Black Pepper Extract

This ingredient may be recognized by some as a common household spice. It is beneficial for the promotion of nutrient absorption throughout the body. It also enhances the supply and availability of other important ingredients in this supplement.

Above are all of the active ingredients within the product. The pills are also composed of a few inactive ingredients that are listed below.

  • Gelatin – in the capsule
  • Rice Flour
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Titanium Dioxide

The supplements also include a number of food dyes. These dyes are listed below.

  • Yellow #6
  • Red #40
  • Red#3
  • Green #3
  • Blue #1



There are four central advantages to making Testovox your preferred daily supplement. The first, as mentioned before, it promotes anabolism. Often times, men who have been working on their bodies for years find that they are no longer making visible improvements. This is because their bodies are already composed of large amounts of muscle, but they are small and weak. Through anabolic efficiency, men can work toward fusing these simpler muscles together to form more complex muscles that will greatly improve their strength.

This brings us to the second advantage; increased strength. With newly formed complex muscles, men are able to work harder and longer during their workout sessions. Many users find that they are able to lift heavier weights within their first month of using these pills. All of these increases in workouts will yield impressive results.

Additionally, there is an energy boosting effect to these ingredients. A big obstacle for many to overcome while working out is pushing through the fatigue that arises due to extreme physical activity. With the improved endurance that this formula provides, users are able to take shorter breaks and push through an additional set or two. In combination with the increased strength, workouts will become more and more beneficial.

Finally, these pills are good for anyone seeking to improve their athletic performance. Concurrent to building up muscle, users are also improving coordination and body function. These improvements can be particularly desirable to men who are commonly working out or playing sports.

As usual with supplements such as these, optimum results are often only achievable when the pills are ingested in combination with a healthy diet and intense workout regimen.



Although the Testovox formula specifically has not been the recipient of any certifications, the manufacturers have been recognized. Big Health LLC is Good Manufacturing Practice, or GMP, certified. They have also been Dun & Bradstreet, or D&B, verified since August 6th, 2014. This specific formula is somewhat new to the market and may receive recognition in the future.



I am just about to go to college on a football scholarship. I’ve been playing for years and work out regularly, but I hadn’t seen much improvement in my muscles lately. I decided to try out Testovox. I ordered two bottles and by the time I had finished my first one I was already seeing results. Not to mention, my time at the gym was more enjoyable due to the boost in energy. Thanks to this product, I am going into my football career with confidence.

Zach, 19, San Diego, California.

I am the proud father of twin boys. The only problem is that I’m getting older and running low on the energy required to keep up with them. I spoke with my doctor and we agreed that a testosterone booster would be helpful. After researching several different options I decided to give Testovox a try. These days, I am able to play outside with my boys and I’ve never been happier. This product gave me the family time that I desperately wanted.

Sam, 42, Austin, Texas.

I have been on the hunt for a testosterone supplement that can give me the results that I need without any of the bad side effects. After trying a few different ones, I came across Testovox. I saw how it compared to some other supplements and noticed that the website mentioned that it compared really well in lacking side effects. I’ve been using this product for about six months now and I feel great. I don’t have the bad feelings that I had with previous products and I’m moving toward my dream body.

Dominic, 27, Los Angeles, California.


Awards & Media Coverage

The specific Testovox formula has not received any awards or been covered in any media form, but the manufacturers are recognized by the general public as a large and passionate company. Their refusal to produce or market any pharmaceuticals that they do not believe in makes them more credible to customers in search of a reliable product. Testovox itself has been compared to other supplements and reigns supreme in fat burning, metabolism boosting, and the lack of side effects.


Money-back Guarantee

There is no explicit mention of a money back guarantee on the Testovox’s official website, not the manufacturer’s official website. However, it is mentioned time and time again that customer satisfaction is the top priority of the company. Customers are encouraged to contact the support team through the number or email listed on their website to address any comments, questions, or concerns. From there, the customer service team may be able to assist in refunding unsatisfied customers.



There are several shipping options for Testovox customers. Free shipping is available for all orders and is expected to arrive within 4-7 business days. In the event of an emergency, customers can pay an additional fee to speed up the delivery process. For $10.40, the package is guaranteed to arrive in 3 business days. For $19.16, the product will arrive in 2 business days. Finally, for next day shipping, customers can pay $42.51 and have it delivered the following business day.


Customer Support

Big Health LLC would not have received such a good reputation if not for their dedication to customer satisfaction with their products. There is form online that is available for anyone to fill out regarding questions, comments, or concerns. A response guaranteed within 24 hours of receiving the completed form. There is also a phone number that can be called during their business hours of 8:30 am and 5:30 pm, and an email that can be sent directly rather than going through the customer service form.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Ordering Testovox is a safe and secure process through the product’s official website. The page used to order these pills clearly displays their “100% secure ordering” guarantee. The site employs a 256-bit secure SSL, which means that all information is encrypted and transported without any risk to the customer. They have also received verification from godaddy.com.

Additionally, the company has Norton’s sopping guarantee. This means that there is a $10,000 identification theft protection, a $1,000 purchase guarantee, and a $100 lowest price guarantee.

Customers are welcome to use various forms of payment including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. PayPal and Amazon payments are also accepted.



A single bottle of Testovox is priced at $21.95. The company advertises that the first bottle should assist users in gaining five pounds of lean muscle. There are discounts, though, for customers who buy bottles two or three at a time. A two bottle deal goes for $43.90 and is supposed to assist in the formation of 15 pounds of lean muscle. This option is advertised for yielding “best results.” Finally, ordering three bottles at a time costs $65.85 and gains 30 pounds of lean muscle, making this option the option for maximum results.






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