Testone from Netrients

Testone by Netrients Review – Can It Block Androgens Turning into Estrogen in the Body?

What Is Testone?

Testone is an anti-estrogen combined with testosterone booster supplement to be used during workouts. It is supposedly proven to be the most cost-effective natural booster on the market. It is also an anti-aromatase agent that blocks the body from turning androgens into estrogen, in essence it is an estrogen inhibitor. The combination of the anti-aromatase agent and Infusamax clinically shows an increase in testosterone by more than 167% in two weeks. However there is a lack of manufacturer information and also selling information so it is difficult to prove that the price is the best because it is not shown to compare with other products.

The benefits of Testone that are listed include increased health and vitality, enhanced muscle size and fat loss, and energy levels during workouts and in everyday life. Also it was designed to increase muscle mass, decrease fat, and enhance energy for prolonged workouts and better lifestyle. The ingredients are supposed to result in higher metabolism. This in turn causes your body to get faster results. You are supposed to take the supplement for 3-4 months to see maximum benefits, but some reviews said they saw results after a few weeks. The manufacturer claims that all the ingredients in its products are natural.



The manufacturer of Testone is Netrients. Netrients claims that all of its products are in compliance with the United States 1995 DSHEA Act. The ingredients are therefore supposedly natural and don’t contain any illegal substances. The team members have committed to developing the best scientifically advanced options to steroids. Steroids are proven to be harmful to the body and can lead to long-term side-effects. However, athletes who have taken Netrients’ products have tested positive for raised testosterone levels, so they should be mindful of this when participating in competitive or professional-level sports.

Netrients does not claim to provide any medical advice, and says to consult a doctor before taking any supplement with any concerns. The products are also used for dietary purposes and are not meant to treat or prevent diseases. There is a Netrients website but when you visit and try to view the Contact Us section and other sections of the site you cannot. Therefore it is uncertain if the website is legitimate and also there is no one to contact directly about the manufacturer.


How Testone Works?

The higher levels of testosterone that Testone creates increases overall energy as the testosterone levels in the body raise to the level of a person in their twenties. This will give greater energy and strength, and will have a positive effect on your overall mental attitude. Muscle protein synthesis will also be increased through workouts, and your performance and endurance during workouts will increase to help you push harder and longer at the gym.

The new proteins will lead to increased muscle gain as well as the energy created by the product. This energy will convert into longer workouts, which when combined with the protein boost will lead to greater muscle build in a shorter period of time. Also, the supplement will lead to a higher metabolism which will cause your body to burn fat faster. You are to take one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening. The minimum recommended duration for taking the supplement in order to see results is 3-4 months. You are not to take it if you are being treated for high blood pressure, heart failure or other heart problems, kidneys, thyroid and any psychiatric disorder.


Ingredients of Testone

It is claimed that the ingredients of Testone are natural and are found in normal food. Its manufacturer, Netrients, says they are in compliance with the United States 1995 DSHEA Act concerning food supplements. Also, the product is free of steroids and other illegal substances. The product Testone contains Infusamax, which is a proprietary blend formula that allows quick absorption in the body of everything in the supplement.

Also 3, 17-Diketoandrost-1, 4, 6-triene is to compete with testosterone for active sites of the aromatase enzyme. It also binds to the aromatase enzyme sites. This prevents the enzyme from transforming testosterone into estrogen. Then more testosterone can accumulate in the system and help with enhancing bodybuilding results. The ingredients claim to be natural and are found in food, but Infusamax itself is a blend of ingredients that are not listed, so it is uncertain if the contents are natural. Also the 3, 17-Diketoandrost-1, 4, 6-triene is not anything you will normally read on a food label. It is also not listed anywhere in a search for the elements in food ingredients.



Testone was formulated to increase testosterone and inhibit the production of estrogen, leading to higher testosterone levels. Also it leads to greater results in the gym from increased energy, as well as reducing fat and helping develop lean muscle. There are no harmful ingredients such as steroids, which can lead to negative side-effects and long-term health problems.

The ingredients are supposed to be all-natural and therefore good for the body. Reviewers of the product saw that the product was effective in increasing physical strenght and appetite, leading to gained solid muscle. Also they reported no negative side effects. The product was designed to help build muscle, burn fat, and increase energy during gym workouts and in everyday life. It is said the product also increases metabolism, which helps to shed unwanted fat from the body as well. Overall the product is supposed to take you back to your twenties when you had more capacity to burn fat and build muscle, as well as increase energy.



There are no specific certificates for Testone. The manufacturer claims that all of its products are in compliance with the United States 1995 DSHEA Act concerning food supplements. However when you visit the website, you are unable to visit the contact page or confirm that this is legitimate. The manufacturer also claims that all of the ingredients are natural and can be found in food, but again this can’t be confirmed. The ingredient Infusamax has several parts that are not described in the product information, so it cannot be assured what these contents are.

Also the ingredient 3, 17-Diketoandrost-1, 4, 6-triene does not sound natural and upon initial search cannot be found in any food. You might want to contact the manufacturer if possible to get more information about the natural ingredients before ordering the product. Overall, the reviews claim to get results for the users, which is good, but without good contact details for the manufacturer to confirm the ingredients of the product, you might want to think twice about trying this supplement. Also there are no contact details to be found for the manufacturer, which is something else to check into.



One review for Testone claimed that it greatly increased their capacity during workouts and improved their overall physical health. He was that his physical strength was increased and also his appetite. He combined the supplement with a balanced diet and said to find good results with no side effects. After three weeks he gained 15 pounds of muscle. This was a much greater result than another reviewer, who claimed to only see a few pounds of increased muscle after a longer period of time.

Another review said that he saw results quickly after using the product. He said he experienced a large increase in strength and visible muscle size gain within several days. Also when he was using it his appetite and energy, combined with enthusiasm to train was raised remarkably. He said when compared to other products, he saw results much more quickly with this booster. Within three weeks he had gained 12 pounds of muscle and reduced his body fat.


Awards & Media Coverage

There are no specific awards or media coverage for Testone. Several reviews said that they were able to see positive results more quickly than with other supplements they tried. Some saw results in 2-3 weeks, while another said that after six weeks he and his training partner saw six pounds of gained muscle and increased strength. They also saw an increase of burned fat. Others said that they were overall satisfied with the product and saw significant gain in muscle and energy during workouts.

There are no reviews concerning the manufacturer, but they themselves claim to have all-natural ingredients and that their products contain no harmful or illegal substances. Also, the product is formulated to inhibit estrogen and increase testosterone. This combined effect is to help restore the body’s testosterone to higher levels or levels that it had during youth. Also it is supposed to increase energy during workouts so that they can be prolonged, help burn fat and build muscle. There were enough positive reviews that you may want to try the product, but with not a lot of manufacturing information, you may want to try to ask questions first.


Money-back Guarantee

Since there is no information to look at on the Netrients website, it is unknown if you are able to buy the product there or if there is a money-back guarantee. The only other place one site redirected to in order to buy the product labeled Testone as discontinued. So the lack of information on the manufacturer site along with the stated discontinued use may make you not want to try the product even if you can find it on shelves at stores. Also, since the manufacturer doesn’t offer a money-back guarantee, chances are any retailers won’t either.

Most standard policies for retailers or online sellers of the product will maintain a refund policy if you send back the product. Also there is usually an indication that you are not to open or tamper with the product. Therefore do not expect to try the product, decide if you don’t like it, and then get your money back. The lack of places to purchase online makes you wonder if you will be able to try it in stores. Also since it was labeled as discontinued, you may want to think again about trying a product labeled as such even if you do find it in stores. Even if you end up liking the product, there might not be much of it around.



If you can find Testone online to buy, usually there is a standard shipping policy that applies to the product. Therefore if there is delivery in the U.S.A., you would pay the standard rate and then can expect to receive the product within 3-5 working days. Returns vary depending on the product or manufacturer’s policy. Many say that you can return the product within a specified period of time and get your money back, if the product is unopened an in good condition.

Again, since the product was stated as discontinued, you may have trouble finding it online. This may mean you will have to look for it in stores if you look for it at all, in which case you won’t have to worry about shipping. Sometimes shipping costs vary depending on weight, as well. And always check if a product offers free shipping that it is not more expensive than on other sites where shipping and handling payments are required. Sometimes the company will make you think you are saving money by offering free shipping but then make the product more expensive to include the shipping cost within the product price.


Customer Support

There is a Customer Support section on the manufacturer’s website, however you cannot open the page. Therefore there is no customer support information for the manufacturer or for the product. There are no other sites with information available to contact the makers of the product. And also no places to buy the product online. Therefore it might make you pause before you buy the product, but in any case you might not even be able to try the product if you want to!

Lack of Customer Support information should always make someone wary of where the product was manufactured. Also you want to know what actually is in the supplement that you are taking. And was the product made in a safe environment, and was the manufacturing process legitimate? The working conditions and standards of manufacturing in other countries for example can not be as high as in the U.S.A. And with no Customer Support contact information, gaining the information might be very challenging.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Since there is no information available on different sites to buy the product, there is no information to give about checking out the product safely and securely. Also, if the product was discontinued online, you will not be able to purchase it there and will have to rely on safely purchasing it in stores, if it is available there. Most sites where you purchase a product will have SSL Certificates such as McAfee. These help ensure the privacy of the information you enter such as name, email address, phone number, you personal address and other information. This will protect you from identity theft and also hackers who might use your credit card to make purchases.

Also most product and manufacturing websites will have an explanation for how they use your information. Usually they will use your email for promotional purposes and for passing along information about their products. You are usually able to unsubscribe from receiving these emails if you wish. Also they don’t pass along your information to third parties. If this is not listed in their privacy policy, beware of getting even more promotions and spam.



Since there is no information to be gained from the Nutrient website about Testone, it is unclear what the pricing for the product is. Also at other sites that previously sold Testone, it has been marked that the supplement has been discontinued. Therefore there is no indication on these sites either as to the pricing. The product claims to be the most cost-effective testosterone booster on the market.

However there is no proof of this since you cannot navigate the website, and you cannot confirm this from other sellers since they are not marketing the product. And since it is labeled discontinued, it might not be on the market at all. But you cannot affirm this information because of the lack of customer support information. With the lack of information, it is questionable whether or not you can even try the product. If you do manage to find the product, the lack of information might lead you to question whether you want to. But maybe the price will be low enough that you will want to try it out.






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