Testocore Advanced

Testocore Advanced Review – A Natural Solution or a Scam?

What Is Testocore Advanced?

Testocore Advanced is a testosterone-boosting supplement that you can buy on the Internet. The manufacturer offers a free trial as well as a subscription program that will automatically send you a new bottle each month, which is a service that may appeal to some consumers. The product has a fairly good formulation that includes essential nutrients and plant extracts, some of which are quite effective, and some of which have little or no scientific evidence for their use as a testosterone booster. Testocore Advanced is pretty similar in many respects to the vast selection of other testosterone-boosting supplements sold online by very small companies, and doesn’t have very much that makes it higher-quality or more attractive than other similar supplements of the same tier.

Overall, Testocore Advanced is a good testosterone booster, but unfortunately can’t be counted among the most recommendable, despite its advantages and unique ingredients. The manufacturer is a very obscure small company that may or may not be reliable; there isn’t enough information on the company available to know for sure. Additionally, the manufacturer does not make sufficient information on the product available before purchase. The exact dosages of each ingredient, as well as the inactive ingredients, remain unknown. It’s possible that the active ingredients aren’t in high enough doses to be effective, that the dosages of the minerals such as Zinc may be unsafely high, or that the inactive ingredients contain allergens that are potentially dangerous for some people.



This testosterone booster is manufactured by Maggie May, Incorporated. This business is based in the U.S. state of Delaware. The company seems to have been in business since early 2015. There is no other information about the firm available on the Internet, including information about the company history, founder, or business practices.

It’s a good idea to make sure you’re purchasing from a reputable company when looking for a testosterone booster online. Although the absence of much company information doesn’t necessarily mean that the company is shady or untrustworthy, it does mean that there’s no way to know. When purchasing a product from a mysterious company such as Maggie May, Incorporated, you may be taking a gamble with your money. People looking for a testosterone booster from a reliable company should probably opt for a different product.


How Testocore Advanced Works?

This product produces its results through a variety of pathways. The nutrient ingredients and the botanical extracts in any given supplement will work in different ways. Essential vitamins and minerals can support testosterone production because the body utilizes these nutrients in its many complex processes. The Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and Zinc in this supplement essentially play the role of a building block that your body will use to build testosterone.

On the other hand, the botanical ingredients in this product, such as Fenugreek Seed Powder, will influence testosterone levels in other ways. As is the case with many botanical supplement ingredients, it’s not fully understood how they work to increase testosterone. Plants are known to contain a huge variety of beneficial compounds, many of which science doesn’t understand yet. Further research will reveal exactly how Fenugreek Seed Extract and other botanicals really work.

Lastly, the supplement includes a couple of ingredients that work in drastically different ways from the nutrient and plant extract ingredients. These unique ingredients are Piper Nigrum Extract and Diindolylmethane. Piper Nigrum Extract works by preventing a process in the liver from taking place that would signal the body to release a substance into the urine. In this way, it makes the other ingredients more effective. Diindolylmethane, on the other hand, contributes by working to further optimize your hormone balance and enhance the testosterone-boosting effects of the other ingredients.


Ingredients of Testocore Advanced

Testocore Advanced contains a combination of vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and plant-derived chemicals. These active ingredients include Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Zinc, Piper Nigrum Extract, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, Diindolylmethane, Tongkat Ali, and Fenugreek Seed Powder. Overall, this is a pretty good ingredient profile, not only because of the variety of ingredient types but also because many of the ingredients have strong scientific evidence that supports their inclusion in a testosterone-boosting formula. Unfortunately, the exact amounts of each ingredient aren’t given, so it’s impossible to know whether there is enough of each ingredient in each dose to actually be effective.

Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient, present in this product in the form of Pyriodoxine HCI. One study done on male rats found that eating a diet devoid of Vitamin B6 decreased plasma testosterone levels by a moderately severe degree. So, it’s possible that taking a supplement with Vitamin B6 can help support healthy testosterone levels.

Magnesium is an essential mineral, and this formula uses Magnesium in the form of Magnesium Oxide. A small amount of research suggests that this mineral plays an important role in the body’s production of testosterone. One study found that taking a supplement with Magnesium increases testosterone levels in both athletes and in sedentary people. However, athletes saw a bigger difference, making this product great for anyone who enjoys fitness, whether as an amateur hobby or as a more serious endeavor.

Zinc is one mineral that has quite strong scientific evidence for its use as a testosterone booster. Taking Zinc has been shown to increase testosterone levels in various studies, though it should be noted that this mineral often causes nausea and even vomiting when taken on an empty stomach. Its effect is greater for those who are Zinc-deficient. This includes athletes, who are often Zinc-deficient due to the fact that Zinc is lost through sweating; this product is great for athletes who want to boost testosterone. Testocore Advanced uses Zinc in the form of Zinc Oxide.

Piper Nigrum Extract is simply the extract of black pepper. This extract contains the compound Piperine. Piperine inhibits a process in the liver that signals the body to release a substance through the urine. In this way, the Piperine in Piper Nigrum Extract serves the purpose of keeping the other ingredients in the body for longer and enhancing their absorption.

Rhodiola Rosea is an herb that has its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine. There is no research that shows it increases testosterone. However, Rhodiola Rosea complements the formula nonetheless due to its other benefits. It is an adaptogen, meaning it helps your body deal with stress better. It also is known to reduce fatigue, which complements the reduction in fatigue that many men experience when their testosterone levels rise.

Diindolylmethane is a chemical abundant in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. When taken by mouth, this compound helps the action of testosterone becomes more prominent. Diindolylmethane may have other additional benefits such reducing the body’s storage of fat, complementing the fitness benefits that higher testosterone levels will produce.

Tongkat Ali, known to science as Eurycoma Longifolia, is a plant native to Southeast Asia that has a traditional use in folk medicine. Tongkat Ali is a popular ingredient to include in testosterone booster formulas. There is a small amount of research that may suggest, in a roundabout way, that this plant could theoretically increase testosterone. However, there is no real evidence that taking it will increase testosterone levels in normal, healthy men. The inclusion of Tongkat Ali in this product is dicey at best.

Finally, Fenugreek Seed Powder is created from the Trigonella foenum-graecum plant. There is a small amount of research showing that taking Fenugreek Seed Powder or Fenugreek Extract can increase testosterone levels. However, about an equal amount of research has shown that Fenugreek Seed Powder in fact has no effect on testosterone levels. Therefore, the addition of Fenugreek Seed Powder to Testocore Advanced is possibly useless.

It’s important to take note of the fact that the list of inactive ingredients is not available. All pills contain various fillers, binders, preservatives, anti-caking agents, coatings, and more. Often, the inactive ingredients of a testosterone booster may contain animal-derived products as well as potential allergens such as soy. Because the inactive ingredients of this supplement aren’t available on the manufacturer’s website, nor anywhere else online, avoid Testocore Advanced if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies.



One advantage of Testocore Advanced is that it contains several essential nutrients. These include Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and Zinc. Each of these nutrients is known to play a role in testosterone production. Zinc, in particular, has very strong evidence for its use as a testosterone booster. Because these three ingredients are essential nutrients, they will not only increase your testosterone but they will likely also benefit your overall health.

Another notable advantage of this particular testosterone booster is that it contains multiple ingredients that don’t directly increase testosterone, but rather increase the effectiveness of the rest of the ingredients. These complementary ingredients are Piper Nigrum Extract and Diindolylmethane. Piper Nigrum Extract increases the body’s absorption of the other ingredients. Diindolylmethane further optimizes hormones, enhancing the testosterone boost given by the other ingredients.



Some supplements to boost testosterone have certificates from medical, sports, or manufacturing organizations. Testocore Advanced isn’t recognized by any external organizations, and seems to be little-known. This testosterone booster doesn’t seem to have any certificate associated with it. This includes certificates of efficacy as well as of safety. Additionally, the manufacturer doesn’t seem to have received any certifications either.

The lack of certificates of safety or effectiveness don’t necessarily indicate something negative. The product may be perfectly safe and produce good results. However, products and manufacturers that feature certifications are usually a safer bet if you want to get the best quality testosterone booster. If you want to get the best deal for your money, you should probably look for a different product that has certificates.



Product reviews and testimonials are an excellent way of determining whether a testosterone booster will work for you. Testimonials can give you a real look at what taking the product is like. They give you the opportunity to learn from other customers what the advantages and disadvantages of the product are. Aside from the good and bad, other pieces of information you can’t find elsewhere are contained in product reviews.

Testocore Advanced has very little recognition among consumers. Because it’s so little-known, reviews and testimonials of the product are very few and far between. Here are some of the few testimonials that exist:

I’ve been trying different testosterone supplements for over a decade and I would say these pills are on the good side of average. Noticeable results, but nothing crazy. Nevertheless it’s not my favorite that I’ve tried. – Chris D., Los Angeles, USA

Testocore Advanced does nothing for me. I’ve had success with other testosterone boosters in the past that have similar ingredients list. The actual amounts of each ingredient aren’t listed so I kind of doubt the dosages are enough to make a difference. – Raul D, New York, USA

This is a run-of-the-mill overpriced testosterone supplement. I’m not sure whether I felt a difference, though maybe it did boost my hormone levels, I didn’t actually get a blood test or anything. Don’t take it on an empty stomach or you’ll get sick. – William Back, London, UK


Awards & Media Coverage

If you are looking for the best possible testosterone booster for your money, a good thing to look for is a product that as received awards or other types of media coverage. Testosterone boosters can be featured by health, sports, or fitness publications including magazines and websites. If a product has received such attention, there’s a better chance that the product is of high quality. Awards and media coverage are usually indicated by logos or badges on the manufacturer’s website.

Testocore Advanced hasn’t received any type of award or other media coverage. In fact, the product is virtually unknown. The product isn’t even mentioned in any blogs or forums, except for spam-type websites. This may or may not indicate that the supplement is of low quality. The only way to really find out how good it is would be to sign up for the free trial.


Money-back Guarantee

Purchasing supplements for higher testosterone on the Internet can be hit or miss, since products vary widely in quality and since everyone’s body reacts differently to the ingredients. This is even more true when purchasing a testosterone booster that is as obscure as this one. Protect yourself financially by looking for a product made by a manufacturer who offers a money-back guarantee. With a good refund policy, you can really try out a product for yourself and get a feel for how well it works with no risk of having wasted your money.

When you purchase Testocore Advanced directly from the manufacturer, you can make returns and get your money back under certain conditions. The Terms & Conditions of the manufacturer’s website states that you may return the product if it is within 30 days of the original shipment. It also states that the product must be in its original packaging, unopened. The fact that you cannot return an opened package makes the manufacturer’s return policy somewhat limiting and less than ideal. Additionally, you cannot get your money back for any shipping charges.



A sometimes-overlooked aspect of online shopping is how reasonable a vendor’s shipping policy is. Ideally, your testosterone booster order should be reasonably inexpensive to ship and arrive in a timely manner. Some people also appreciate getting a tracking number so that they’ll have a more accurate idea of when the shipment will arrive. Be sure to pay attention to shipping costs and policies when choosing which website to purchase from.

If you purchase this product directly from the manufacturer’s website, shipping is reasonable. For both trial orders and auto-ship orders, the shipping and handling fee is $4.95. After you place your order, the package will be shipped within 72 hours. You’ll also get a tracking number e-mailed to you. The carrier that the manufacturer uses for shipping products is USPS.


Customer Support

Many people don’t appreciate how important customer support is until they’re stuck in a situation where they need it. A good customer support department can help you out with any questions or concerns you have about the product. You can also come to customer support with questions or concerns about your order shipment. When choosing a testosterone booster to buy online, look for a store with a good customer support department. Otherwise, you may end up with a product you don’t know how to use properly or an order that never arrives without you knowing why.

If you buy Testocore Advanced right from its official website, you have a couple of options for reaching customer support. You can send the company an e-mail or call their phone number. Because the manufacturer of this product is based in Delaware, you will probably have the best luck reaching customer support by phone during regular business hours in the Eastern Time Zone. Of course, the availability and quality of customer support could vary unpredictably if you buy this supplement somewhere other than its original website.


Safe & Secure Checkout

You shouldn’t enter your personal and financial details on just any website you come across. It’s important to give this information only to reputable websites that use an HTTPS connection. This type of connection encrypts your information so that it can’t be spied upon by malicious third parties. You can check whether the connection is secure by looking at the URL of the checkout page. A secure connection will start with “https://” rather than “http://”.

If you buy Testocore Advanced directly from the manufacturer’s official website, your connection will be secure. You won’t have to worry about your personal and financial information reaching the wrong hands. However, remember that if you buy it elsewhere on the internet the connection may or may not be secure. Always check the indicator at the side of your browser’s URL bar to make sure the site you’re on is using HTTPS.


Pricing & Free Trial

Your first order of this product will always be a free trial. You will only need to pay a $4.95 shipping and handling fee. You will have until 14 days from the date of purchase to decide whether or not you want to cancel. If you don’t cancel, you’ll be automatically placed into the auto-ship program.

In the auto-ship program, a new bottle of the supplement will be shipped to you every 30 days. These membership orders cost $89.95 each month, plus the same $4.95 shipping and handling charge. This comes to a total of $94.90 for each 30-day supply.

If you buy this from the manufacturer, you’ll only have 14 days from the date of placing your order to try it out. This probably isn’t enough time to actually see any results and determine whether it works. Rather than letting yourself be enrolled in the pricey auto-ship program, you may be better off ordering the free trial, canceling before the 14 days are up, trying the bottle for a full 30 days and only then deciding whether you want to re-enroll.






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