Testo Blend

Testo Blend Review – Ultimate Power Solution or Not?

What Is Testo Blend?

Testo Blend is a testosterone booster and muscle building supplement available for adult males looking for an extra push for a healthy and ripped body. The product is completely natural as the formula contains only vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that already occur naturally in the human body. Since testosterone is the primary male hormone, but also happens to have masculinizing properties, this supplement can fit into any man’s lifestyle. Men looking for an extra boost to go along with their bodybuilding routine will appreciate the affect these ingredients have on muscle tissue and stamina, while men who simply have lower than normal hormone levels will profit from the various health benefits of the natural increase.

The product is packaged in month supply bottles for simplicity’s sake. The bottle contains 60 pills, for two to be taken each day. Best results have been reported from taking the first pill before breakfast and a second one just before a work out. Each should be washed down with a sufficient amount of warm water to ensure proper breakdown of the pill. It will also help the body to remain hydrated as it undergoes its metabolic processes throughout the day. The makers of this product wanted to make it a viable option for all men regardless of any diet restrictions or allergies that they may have. For this reason, the product contains absolutely no GMO’s, gluten, wheat, dairy, corn, eggs, peanuts, or yeast.

The makers of this product are highly trained scientists, but one thing that separates them from the makers of other similar products is that they are also bodybuilders themselves. This gives them a little extra knowledge and insight on the types of effects that would be most important to men who are training. For example, they understand that, once a certain level of muscle mass has been obtained, it can be very difficult to improve even the slightest bit. This is due to low anabolic efficiency. Since these creators know this, they chose to employ ingredients specifically intended to improve anabolism; the formation of large, complex muscles from the fusion of preexisting small and simple muscle tissue. The ingredients for anabolism present in Testo Blend received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998.

As previously mentioned, there is much more to this product than a simple boost in testosterone. Many subsequent results can assist men in maintaining a healthy body. The first benefit that has already been touched on a little bit is the increase in muscle mass. Not only does this allow for increased strength, but it also leaves men looking more masculine. Secondly, the product has been known to provide the body with a boost in energy. Some ingredients are able to penetrate existing body fat and break it down to be used as energy. Finally, natural chemical present in this formula are able to block the formation of additional body fat.



The manufacturing company of Testo Blend uses the same name as their product. Their main headquarters is stationed in Tampa, Florida. This is where they conduct their continued research on the product and its formula in order to offer a finished product that they are proud of. Information on these research studies is published on the product website. This continued work on perfecting the product ensures that customers are receiving only the best quality supplement for results and their overall health.


How Testo Blend Works?

Testo Blend begins its effect on the body by naturally increasing the levels of testosterone available in the bloodstream. Once the body has sufficient levels of the hormone it can begin to use the chemical in various ways. One prominent result of testosterone is increased anabolic efficiency. When the body is able to use existing chemicals and muscle tissue to form more complex muscles, men begin seeing more results from their time put in at the gym.

The testosterone boost also helps to address the issue of body fat. Some of the ingredients that help the body to produce more of the male hormone also tend to target body fat. From there, they are able to penetrate the tissue and break it down to be used as energy throughout the body. Other ingredients also have the ability to prevent further processes that allow additional body fat to form.

Another way in which this product assists bodybuilders and professional athletes is by increasing the body’s supple of energy. This is important for fighting fatigue during and after workouts. Men who experience this boost in energy are able to train at the gym for longer, take shorter breaks between sets, and leave feeling refreshed rather than worn out. Since part of this includes increased ATP in the bloodstream, this also means that energy is more easily transported to areas of the body that need it.

All of these effects and more occur by the constant and proper intake of this dietary supplement. The basic reasoning for all of it is the rebalancing of hormones. An increase in the male hormone testosterone and a simultaneous decrease in the female hormone estrogen lead to a more masculine body and peak physical performance.


Ingredients of Testo Blend

The formula for Testo Blend is completely natural. Manufacturers avoid the use of any GMO’s, allergens, or artificial chemicals in order to make a product that any man can use. The formula includes the following:

Carnosine – An antioxidant that tends to supple the blood with energy. In this context, it will allow for reduction of fatigue as well as a boost in stamina.
Beta-Alanine – This is an amino acid that is necessary for proper function of the body. It helps to achieve maximum power and endurance. It also aids in the speedy recovery process of damaged muscle tissue.
Arginine Alpha – Another amino acid that is very similar to Beta-Alanine and holds a lot of the same properties. Additionally, this amino acid increases blood flow throughout the body which leads to improved physical performance.
L-Norlaine – Another amino acid that provides the body with essential nutrients by improving absorption and increasing blood flow.
Citrulline Malate – A final amino acid that rids the body of fatigue by providing extra energy to increase gym performance.
Zinc – This is a commonly known vitamin that can be found in wheat and seeds. It helps to prevent cramps and assist the body in relaxing after working out.
Vitamin D – Yet another common vitamin that is fat soluble. This means that it can be stored in fat and help to increase absorption of nutrients.



The first advantage of Testo Blend is the rebalancing of hormone levels. Since it is a natural testosterone booster, hormone levels in the body will adjust naturally in order to balance out. As more testosterone is in the bloodstream, men will begin to exert a more masculine appearance, which is a highly desired end goal for many men who use the product.

A second advantage of this product is the boost in energy that it provides the body with. Not only will the body have more energy throughout it, but it will also have more ATP, which is the primary vehicle that transports energy throughout the body to where it is needed. This will all help to fight fatigue during and after workouts. It will also allow for fast recovery and repair of muscle tissue, since the energy is able to move around more feely.

A third advantage that many users appreciate is the boost in anabolic efficiency. Again, anabolism is the ability of the body to take muscle tissue that already exists and fuse it together in order to form larger and stronger complex muscles. Men who have been training for a little while sometimes discover that they have reached a point in which they are working just as hard as before but seeing little to no improvement. This is the property of the supplement that will allow them to continue moving forward toward their goals.

One final advantage that users find is very important is the product’s effect on body fat. The product is not a weight loss supplement and does not claim to be, however, some of the active ingredients just happen to rid the body of existing fat tissue. Ingredients that are fat soluble are able to target this fat and break it down. It is then used throughout the body as energy, helping with fatigue and endurance. Other ingredients also happen to block reactions that allow more fat to form.



Testo Blend has not yet received any official certification as a product, nor manufacturing company. Instead, they take pride in other areas. For example, the company offers a risk-free policy. Users who are not satisfied are able to return the product and receive a full refund. This shows that they feel they are delivering a quality product and that they care about the satisfaction of their customers. They also have a lot of pride in their ingredients and display a badge on their site stating that they use all 100% premium quality ingredients. Finally, the product is manufactured from start to finish in the United States, adhering to all of their strict ingredient and manufacturing process regulations.

The product contains all natural ingredients and no artificial chemicals that can be harmful in any way. Products such as this one do not need the approval of any government agencies since it is not a drug claiming to treat or cure anything.



I had no expectations for this product, since I’m not much of a weight trainer or active person. I was referred by a friend of my son and, after looking over the website, decided that I may as well try the first month free trial. I figured that I could always cancel my subscription before they charged me for the following month if I had any reason to. I began taking the supplements twice a day the morning after they arrived on my front doorstep. I was surprised to find that the following week I was able to stay outside playing catch with my grandson for a little over an hour. It had been quite some time since I had been able to participate in something like that. The burst of energy had given me something that was priceless to me; family time. I was skeptical as to whether the effect would stick, but three months later, here I am, still full of energy. I’m really grateful that I took the leap of faith and tried Testo Blend. — Michael L., 61. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

When I first tried Testo Blend it was because my doctor had recommended attempting to boost my testosterone levels in order to help with my physical activity. I had tried a few of his suggestions before but all of them were artificial chemicals and left me feeling a load of side effects that ultimately made me quit. I went into the free trial with the same concerns, ready to cancel at any sign of a side effect. I didn’t want to change anything about my lifestyle or diet, but knew that I had to do something about my lack of energy. I’ve been on these supplements for almost a year now and I’m surprised to say that they have not made me feel sick in any way. I’ll admit that each bottle is pretty expensive, but I think it was worth it for me in the end. — Nick A., 45. Redwood City, California

I’ve always been on the shorter and smaller end of the spectrum for my age at school. When I turned 18 I decided that I wanted to explore my options for bulking up. I had a few friends suggest that I look into testosterone boosting supplements, but I did some research and found that a lot of them were pretty dangerous. When I came across Testo Blend, I found that all of the ingredients were natural without much risk at all. I decided to talk to my doctor about it and he assured me that the supplements seemed to be safe for my use. With my doctor’s approval I went ahead and signed up for the free trial bottle. I decided to pair the twice daily supplements to my new workout schedule, but I am told that is not necessary. After the first month was over I was finding myself gaining more muscle mass and my overall confidence went up. My friends have noticed the changes already and I look forward to seeing how much further I can go. This product is great for anyone who might want to try something that will help them get more out of their workout. — Samuel L., 18. Spokane, Washington

As a general practitioner, I normally would not encourage use of dietary supplements intended to increase testosterone levels in men, but this product is a safe option for those who are insistent to trying something along those lines. With these ingredients, it is a natural process that occurs rather than a reaction to artificial chemicals. This product, along with a healthy diet and exercise, can be a good option for men of all ages, but I would suggest following up with a doctor to keep track of how your body is handling it. — Albert S., Manchester, 46. Houston, Texas


Awards & Media Coverage

Testo Blend as a product has not been the recipient of any awards since it was created a few years ago in 2015. The formula does happen to include ingredients that employ the effects that won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998. These ingredients boost anabolic efficiency by providing the body with additional nitric oxide.

Though the product does not have any certifications, it is important to remember that these sorts of dietary supplements are not subject to approval by the United Stated Food and Drug Administration.

Additionally, the company states clearly on its website that they are not in affiliation with CBS News, MSNBC, USA Today, or ABC. As such, and statements made about this product through these media outlets has not been approved by the manufacturer, and is not influenced by the opinions of the manufacturing team.


Money-back Guarantee

Testo Blend offers a full refund of the products’ value should the customer be unsatisfied with the results. In such a case, the unsatisfied customer should arrange to have the remainder of the contents shipped to the company headquarters. The address can be found on the “contact us” page of the official website. It should be noted that the customer is responsible for all shipping and handling costs for the return of the items.

Upon returning the package, a full refund of $94.90 USD should be expected within the following 10 days. This action will also cancel enrollment in the recurring shipping program. The customer is welcome to reenroll in the program at any time if they wish to give the product another try or just needed a pause in the deliveries for any reason.



Shipping and handling of Testo Blend products is done through the reputable shipping companies including FedEx express, the United States Postal Service, and UPS. For shipments going to addresses within in the United States, the shipping and handling fee is $4.95. This fee is all that the customer is responsible for upon ordering a free trial bottle of the product.

Customers should expect their packages to arrive at their doorstep within one week of them placing their order. After the initial order, the package should arrive every 30 days until the subscription in cancelled. Deliveries cannot be cancelled if they have already been placed for shipment. If an issue arises, the customer service representatives can assist int racking the status of the package.

These offers and this product are currently only available online through the product website for customers living within the United States. Shipment to addresses outside of the United States may become available in the near future, however, there is no set date for such changes to be made just yet.


Customer Support

Testo Blend takes their customer service seriously and displays this value through their multiple waves of communication. The most direct way to reach a representative is through the toll free number:
(855) 600- 0119

The representatives can also be reached by email at:

The office is open and support is available any time during work hours, which are 9am to 7pm on weekdays, and 9am to 3pm on Saturdays. All times are in Eastern Standard Time.

The customer service team is trained and educated to handle any questions or concerns that may arise, whether they be related to package tracking, payment information, or the products’ ingredients and potential side effects. In the rare event that there is a medical emergency relating to the product, customers should call 911 and not this customer service help line.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The makers of Testo Blend want to ensure that their customers feel safe providing their information on the product website. The system is Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode. There is also a 256 Bit Encrypted connection, meaning that the information is encrypted when it transfers from your computer at home to the computer of one of the company’s employees.

The website currently accepts all Visa and MasterCard payments.

Any issues that may arrive during the checkout process can also be handled by contacting the customer service team. They are able to assist from their end without you providing them any personal information or card numbers.


Pricing & Free Trial

As many testosterone boosters and supplements often do, Testo Blend offers all new customers a free bottle of the product with a satisfaction guarantee or their money back. To enroll in the free trial offer, simply visit the product website and fill out the form with your name, e-mail address, phone number, and shipping address. Since this free trial offer automatically enrolls customers in the recurring shipping subscription, billing information is also necessary for completion of enrollment.

For the first free bottle, the customer is only responsible for the $4.95 shipping and handling fee as mentioned before. After that, enrollment in the recurring shipment program will charge a monthly shipping and handling fee of $4.95 on top of the $94.90 cost per bottle. This price is not exactly competitive with other similar supplements, but rather average for the quality of ingredients it contains.






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