
Testerect Review – Does It Really Work or It’s Fake?

What Is Testerect?

Testerect is an all natural supplement claiming to help men boost muscle mass and increase their energy. For years, men have been taking specialized supplements that required many different pills taken at many different times of day, or one pill that claimed to offer benefits, but required 5 or 6 doses per day to see those benefits.

Unlike the others, Testerect is a specially formulated, breakthrough blend of different natural supplements designed to work together and deliver results. This formulation requires only two capsules a day to be effective. According to most sources, you don’t even have to radically alter your workout or diet plan. Testerect works with your body to aid muscle building and fat loss, and give you that lean, ripped look you’ve been working for.

Being in great shape is hard, and sometimes the body just doesn’t deliver the results you want on its own. It’s easy to get tired after a long day at work, or use food as a way to relieve stress, but later, these bad habits sabotage your efforts to build the body that you want. Testerect offers a solution when diet and exercise alone don’t deliver.

The Body Strength & Testerect

While most people get that the way to achieve results is hard work through healthy diet and muscle building workouts, the truth is people aren’t perfect. It takes a lot of hard work to achieve the ideal body, and that will never change. Taking a supplement alone won’t give you that enviable body that turns heads on the street and in the gym. Suplements can only help you as much as you are willing to change your lifestyle to support your work. If you’ve been working, and eating right and still are unable to achieve the look you are going for, it might be time to explore some ways to help. Testerect offers a safe, effective way to overcome these problems. Although it seems to be a newer product, it’s well worth the time to explore what it has to offer.

We understand. Most of us don’t have the time or the energy to work out for hours and hours seven days a week. Professional bodybuilders spend a lot of their time achieving the perfect body that attracts women and makes them feel great. And there is something to be said for that level of dedication and hard work. However, for the rest of us, getting a little help can mean the difference between giving up and achieving a physique that turns heads. Testerect boosts the body’s natural ability to shed fat and build muscle just like it did before the days of McDonalds, and helps you achieve fitness goals even when you can’t always eat and workout perfectly, or when you have reached a plateau in your workouts.

Achieve a Great Body While Using Testerect



There isn’t much information online about the manufacturer of Testerect, though there is certainly no lack of distribution nor places offering free trials. The company’s two websites, testerect.org and testerect.net, focus mainly on their claims and formulation rather than the manufacturer itself.


How Testerect Works?

Testerect works by utilizing a natural testosterone boosting formula to decrease fat and build muscle. Testosterone is an important aspect of fat regulation in the body and as Testosterone levels decrease, our metabolism decreases as well. This makes it difficult to gain muscle and stay lean. To add insult to injury, this increase in fat contributes to further testosterone loss by converting more testosterone to estrogen. If nothing is done, this cycle spirals until you don’t recognize your body anymore.

Testerect uses supplements like TongKat Ali, Nettle Root, and Chrysin among others, to increase your body’s testosterone levels naturally and effectively. By taking Testerect, you are actively increasing the availability of the testosterone that the body needs to combat the effects of fat and estrogen, and dramatically increasing the results of your workout without making dramatic changes to your diet and exercise routine.

Its Nitric Oxide formula supercharges your cells to aid your body in building lean muscle. Nitric Oxide is also a major part of the immune system’s functions and has been shown to be beneficial in reducing recovery times for workouts. It increases blood flow to muscles, which means less pain in the days after a workout. This translates to solid results as your body recovers from workouts more quickly and repairs muscles more efficiently.

The third component is ingredients meant to increase stamina and energy such as Mulra Puama and Black Pepper Extract. These ingredients improve your ability to maintain a workout and recover quickly aftwards. You can feel great while doing something great for your body.

Achieve Lean Muscle Mass with Testerect


Ingredients of Testerect

Testerect is made from safe and natural ingredients, ensuring you will get results without painful side effects. Many products prove ineffective in producing the types of results needed by the bodybuilding community, but according to many sources, TestErect gives consistent increases in muscle mass with a noticeable decrease in body fat.

The main ingredient of Testerect is Nitric Oxide, which is needed by your body to build and maintain muscle. It is crucial for bodybuilders or any one who regularly performs rigorous activities as it allows an increase in blood flow through muscle cells. It also increases the endurance level of muscle cells so that you can lift heavier and perform strenous activities with greater ease.

Women Like Guys with Muscles

Because it widens blood channels that lead to the muscles, the nutrients circulating throughout the body are more readily available, which contributes to an increase in their size. Without Nitric Oxide, it is difficult to make the gains in muscle strength and definition most bodybuilders are looking for. By adding this source to your daily routine, you can overcome a plateau in your workouts and push through to achieve visible results.

Aside from Nitric Oxide, Testerect contains other difficult-to-source natural ingredients used in many places around the world. Many of these are naturally testosterone boosting, and others increase stamina, energy, and endurance.

The Nitric Oxide & Testerect

Its other main ingredients are:

1. TongKat Ali, a Southeast Asian extract traditionally used to increase energy and stamina, and relieve occasional mental fatigue. It also supports male hormonal balance by increasing testosterone availability.

2. Alpha Lipoic Acid, an antioxidant that helps the body turn glucose into energy. Antioxidants attack free radicals that cause harmful cellular reactions when built up in the body. Because Alpha Lipoic Acid is both fat and water soluble, it can work throughout the body to reduce the harmful effects of these free radicals. Evidence also suggests that it helps protect brain functions.

3. Mulra Puama, a South American plant known to boost energy and strength.

4. Nettle Root, a supplement that works to unbind testosterone, especially DHT, a particularly potent form of testosterone, which makes it freely available for the body’s use. It also functions by blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, which also discourages production of fat cells.

5. Tribulus Terrestris, a supplement used for centuries that may improve cardiovascular health. This is also another testosterone boosting ingredient.

6. Chrysin, a biologically derived flavinoid (plant-based antioxidant) that possesses anti-inflammation and antioxidant properties. It works with Nettle Root to prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogen and discouraging fat cell production in the body.

7. Spruce Extract, providing anti-estrogen effects and balancing the body’s natural hormones. It also seems to be a beneficial prebiotic that conditions gut bacteria for more efficient digestion and longer lasting energy.

8. Fenugreek Seed, another testosterone boosting supplement that works with the pituitary gland to encourage the testicles to produce more testosterone.

9. Peruvian Ginseng, otherwise known as Maca, and also used for centuries to increase stamina and energy. It normalizes the hormone balance of testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, causing the body to mimic that of a younger man.

10. Black Pepper Extract, a fat fighting extract that works by blocking the formation of new fat cells. In addition, it is involved in increasing the absorption of other nutrients, and possibly enhances other cognitive functions.



One of the major advantages of taking Testerect is the increase in muscle mass from testosterone boosting ingredients plus Nitric Oxide. These ingredients work together to aid the body’s ability to rebuild muscle, and increase mass and definition better than the body’s efforts alone. It also contains ingredients that reduce stubborn fat, further revealing a bigger, better physique.

Second, it works to cure damaged and broken muscles after intense workouts by eradicating ammonia and lactic acid buildup. These two things are what causes next-day pain and soreness. Soreness discourages frequent intense workouts and keeps you from being able to increase your gains quickly and effectively. By increasing the body’s ability to recover, and by using ingredients meant to reduce fatigue, you will be able to handle strenous workouts designed to sculpt the body and come back for more.

The Big Muscles & Testerect

It also boosts phosphocreatine, which is essential as a main source of muscle energy, as well as ATP recovery. A quicker recovery is essential to maintaining a workout routine that delivers results. As you push through a workout, ATP, what gives your muscles the energy to complete tasks during a workout, decreases. When you are out of ATP, your muscles fail. Before you can have an effective workout again, you must wait for ATP to build up again in your system.

Any supplement that enhances ATP replenishment ensures that you will be able to perform more sets before failure. This extra layer encourages further muscle building and allows you to workout beyond what you are currently able to do.

The downside to this product is the lack of vetted websites carrying it at this time. However, for men looking to shake things up, or willing to take a risk, there are plenty of places to try Testerect before committing, provided you call within the 14-day trial period to cancel if you aren’t impressed. There are a lot of supplements on the market right now that are sold this way, and frankly, there aren’t that many reviews or studies out there to prove without a doubt the effectiveness of this particular formulation.

The other downside is the lack of information about the company that produces TestErect. Although Testerect’s ingredients have been used throughout history to provide the same sorts of results that today’s fitness buffs and bodybuilders are looking for, the truth is this product is new and lacks much in the way of established verification for their claims. As of yet, it has not won any awards or been featured in many reviews outside of some personal websites and blogs.

Become a Shredded Warrior with Testerect

That being said, the ingredients listed for Testerect do have independent verifications for their purposes in Testerect and any consumer simply needs to read the list and come to an informed decision that suits his needs and comfort level.

It’s incredibly easy to read the list of ingredients and although this is only available online, since it offers a free trial period and money back guarantee, anyone thinking about trying this particular supplement should have all the information needed to make an informed decision about what is best. There is very little risk in giving this product a try.

In fact, all these ingredients are available in supplements designed to enhance workouts, before and after, in some form or another. The difference is that in Testerect, they appear together. This makes it easy to get all the benefits of each ingredient without having to buy several different products.

Be Attractive with Testerect



Customers can be assured, that because it uses only safe, natural ingredients, they are getting a quality product that will help them achieve the best results for their bodies. The ingredients in Testerect have been used for centuries to boost testosterone, balance hormones, and increase energy.

The Proven & Tested Power of Superior Muscle X



Before taking Testerect I thought that I was as fit as I could get and that I just wasn’t capable of getting massive strength. But once Testerect bumped up my Nitric Oxide levels, my body fat dropped, my muscles pumped right up and my abs came in right away. I didn’t even change anything about my workouts. The results just came. This stuff works! – Adam P.

In my twenties I could party all I wanted and still sleep with as many girls as I wanted. But when I turned 30 things got harder. My testosterone tanked and frankly by body wasn’t in much shape to even get a girl to look at me. After the first month on Testerect my testosterone spiked, my muscles popped and I’m getting more action than I ever did at any time in my life. Thank you! – Brian R.

Over the years I’ve tried every supplement out there and nothing compares to Testerect. I was training 6 days a week and my body just plateaued. Then, my trainer filled me in on Nitric Oxide and suggested I try it. – Alex G

The Testimonials – Testerect


Money Back Guarantee

Testerect is a risk free solution to building muscle and endurance effectively and naturally. There has never been a safer, more natural product to help you achieve the results you are looking for. If you aren’t satisfied with your purchase, it is easy to call before the 14-day trial period is over to cancel your subscription and begin your search for your perfect supplement again.



Currently, Testerect is offered only through online autoship sources. Autoship makes it easy to replenish your supply without worrying about last minute ordering. You will never experience running out of your favorite supplement.

A Real Photo of Testerect


Customer Support

We are always here to answer questions or listen to your concerns. Feel free to contact us if you have questions about something not addressed here, or if you need more information about the product. We are happy to help you make a decision that is right for you and your lifestyle.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Ordering is always safe and secure. Your personal information is safe and we do everything we can to ensure you are satisfied.


Testerect Pricing & Free Trial

Testerect currently offers a free trial so that you can try their product before you commit to buying. You must call before the 14-day trial period is over in order to cancel your subscription charges. If you love it, there’s no need to do anything. Bottles are currently $49.95 plus shipping for a month’s supply after the trial period.

The Effects of Testerect






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