
Testagen by German American Technologies Review – One Healthy & Organic Test Booster

What Is Testagen?

Testagen is a fast-acting supplement designed to support the building of muscle, bone mass and endurance. It contains a unique blend of nutraceuticals – vitamins, herbs and immune-supporting compounds that encourage the body’s production of testosterone and hormone precursors while increasing endurance and overall strength.

Increasing testosterone levels has many benefits for athletes of all kinds. For athletes in weight lifting and bodybuilding, this essential hormone helps to keep energy levels up and increases muscle mass, strength and bone density. It also supports overall health, helps repair small muscle tears that occur during hard workouts, and enhances the endurance and competitiveness needed to take workouts to the next level.

Testosterone supplements are widely used among athletes of all levels, but these supplements work in different ways to boost levels of naturally occurring male hormones in the body. Raising the body’s own hormone levels helps process energy more efficiently and support the development of muscle tissue, as well as improving recovery time after exercise.

Healthy hormone levels also contribute to better circulation and oxygenation of the blood, which gives athletes greater endurance and concentration during workouts. In order to achieve these benefits, this supplement contains a unique formula that supports not only hormone production but also promotes healthy circulation, liver function and tissue growth

This product’s lengthy list of ingredients includes Vitamins E and B6, as well as zinc, selenium, chromium and magnesium. Herbs such as Mexican wild yam, fenugreek and Tribulus Terrestris work with amino acids and hormone precursors to support the body’s own natural production of testosterone while adding benefits such as immune system and circulation support. Along with iprifavone and diindolylmethane to inhibit the production of estrogen, these ingredients encourage blood flow, healthy muscle gain, increased endurance during workouts and overall gains in strength.

This unique blend of vitamins, herbs and hormone boosting compounds is absorbed rapidly and works quickly so users see fast results in muscle mass, endurance and strength without the side effects often caused by other supplements of this kind.

Endorsed by numerous international competitors in bodybuilding and other athletics, Testagen promises rapid muscle gain and endurance for hard workouts with few or none of the side effects of typical strength and endurance boosters. It can be used alone or with other performance enhancing products to produce measurable results in a short time. This product is sold in bottles of 120 caplets, about a one-month supply at the recommended dose of 4 caplets per day.



Testagen is a product of US supplement manufacturer German American Technologies, a leading developer of a long list of premier supplement products for athletes and bodybuilders. GAT specializes in developing and designing performance enhancing nutraceuticals, products which blend vitamins, synthetic and natural hormones and herbs to build muscle fast and enhance endurance and strength for longer workouts. GAT also works actively to endorse and promote athletes competing in regional and international bodybuilding and strongman events as well as other fields including martial arts.

German American Technologies offers discounts and package deals on this supplement, and provides customer support online and by phone for ordering and billing issues and questions about the product. The company also encourages buyers to stay connected to the GAT brand through sales of GAT-themed merchandise. GAT’s company site also features videos and event postings about its sponsored athletes, who compete in bodybuilding, weightlifting and other competitions around the world and share workout and lifestyle tips.


How Does Testagen Work?

Testosterone is essential for overall health as well as for building strength, muscle and endurance, but the body’s natural levels of this hormone can fluctuate due to many factors. Hormone boosters like Testagen work by stimulating the body’s own production of precursors – chemicals that create conditions that support the natural creation of this essential hormone At the same time, it suppresses the production of estrogen and other hormones that can contribute to lower levels.

This product contains androsterone, a precursor that encourages the production of testosterone in larger quantities along with other vitamins and herbs that create conditions for the natural release of the hormone into the system. Along with bodybuilding favorites ipriflavone and diindyolylmethane, these ingredients also suppress the production of inhibiting hormones such as estrogen.

Building muscle also requires a strong flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body to rebuild muscle tissues, repair injuries and boost energy. Testagen contains Vitamin B6 and herbal ingredients including Asian ginseng to keep blood vessels open and oxygen flowing to the brain and body. Other herbal ingredients such as black pepper encourage the rapid absorption of the formula for quick action and fast results in workouts.

Taken daily on both training and non-training days, Testagen promises to help users work out longer and harder for better muscle development and strength. The manufacturer GAT recommends that users take a break after finishing a cycle of the product, then starting it again.


Ingredients of Testagen

This product’s formula of 29 nutraceuticals supports building muscle in three key ways. This supplement includes ingredients that encourage hormone precursors, lower inhibiting hormones such as estrogen, and boost overall endurance and energy by supporting circulation, oxygenation and healthy nerve and tissue development. Testagen contains a blend of essential vitamins and its “Mass, Strength and Size Formula,” a combination of testosterone support, herbs and other compounds designed to support muscle development, blood oxygenation and bone density. The main formulation contains the steroid 3b-Hydroxy-5-Androsten-17-One, or androsterone. This hormone is a precursor to the production of the hormone itself.

The body also produces estrogen and other hormones such as lutein, which inhibit excess testosterone production, so reducing the levels of these hormones can help to increase it. Testagen contains Diindolylmethane, an estrogen-suppressing compound created from indoles, compounds from the cruciferous plant family that also boost the immune system and help fight inflammation. Testagen also contains Vitamin E, which supports healthy hormone levels and cell development. Along with supporting the immune system and reducing inflammation, Vitamin E helps to rebuild muscle mass and reduce oxidative stress that leads to fatigue and slow recovery after workouts.

The product’s vitamin formulation includes Vitamin B6, a key nutrient that supports healthy nerve development and circulation. This improves oxygenation and helps users recover after workouts. B6 also stimulates androgen receptors, which help the body use its hormone precursors more efficiently to produce higher levels naturally. This supplement blend also contains essential trace minerals including zinc, which stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone. LH plays a key role in the production of both testosterone and human growth hormone, another major contributor to building muscle mass and bone density. Rounding out the list of vitamin and mineral ingredients are selenium, magnesium and chromium, which not only provide immune support but also contribute to bone and tissue growth for building muscle density and lean mass.

To encourage muscle development, this supplement also contains beta-alanine. This amino acid supports the production of carnosine, a compound that appears to increase endurance and the development of new muscle tissues during high intensity workouts. Carnosine supports building muscle mass and repairing muscle tears. Also on the ingredient list is ipriflavone, a non-hormonal compound popular among bodybuilders for gaining muscle and strength. Ipriflavone lowers levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that contributes to inflammation and increases endurance, bone density and muscle mass while boosting the body’s ability to use oxygen. Ipriflavone also helps to increase the efficiency of the body’s hormone precursors.

Along with vitamins and minerals, Testagen’s formula contains additional nutraceuticals specifically aimed at boosting hormone levels and improving overall workout performance. These herbs and other natural compounds not only increase endurance and strength, but also support the body’s overall healthy functioning. Leading the list of these herbal ingredients is Asian Ginseng, an ancient herb well known for its ability to promote healthy blood circulation, support nerve function and increase alertness and focus. Asian Ginseng helps to increase concentration, focus and energy, and enhances endurance and strength for bodybuilders and athletes.

A key ingredient in the “Mass, Strength and Size” formula is Tribulus Terrestris, or Puncture Vine, a compound found in many hormone boosting supplements. Extract of Tribulus Terrestris directly supports hormone production by encouraging the release of androgen precursors that signal the body to make more testosterone. The “Mass, Strength and Size” formulation also contains Mexican Wild Yam, an herb widely used for treating hormone related disorders as well as for easing muscle cramps and reducing inflammation. Among athletes and bodybuilders, Mexican Wild Yam extract is used to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, clear the liver of toxins and reduce fatigue.

Also on the list of hormone boosting herbal ingredients is Muncuna Pruriens seed extract, which has been linked to the suppression of estrogen and prolactin, two hormones that keep testosterone levels in balance. Lowering levels of these inhibiting hormones allows the body to produce more natural testosterone by increasing the efficiency of its precursors. This supplement’s formulation also includes and a blend of flaxseed, ginger, fenugreek and black pepper. These ingredients support quick absorption of the supplement, so that its muscle building and endurance boosting properties are available without a long lag time.



Testagen is one of a long line of premier products from German American Technologies, a trusted innovator in developing athletic supplements targeted to individual training needs. The product is typically sold in an economical one-month supply of 120 tablets for daily use. GAT recommends a dose of 2-3 caplets after meals twice daily for a total daily intake of 4-6 caplets. After finishing a bottle, GAT recommends that users take a break from the product for about a month before starting to use it again.

Along with its key ingredient androsten, this supplement encourages hormone production with the help of 29 nutraceutical ingredients from natural sources. It also works fast, with minimal water retention, so that users are able to see results in muscle gain and endurance very quickly.



Testagen users say the product improves the quality of their workout in as little as a few days, with few or no side effects. Athletes using this product report more energy, muscle gain and overall improvements in strength and endurance on workout days. Taken as directed, users say the product works as advertised to produce measurable gains in a short time. Users also praise the price and ease of purchasing the supplement.

This product helps you bulk up without the side effects you get from a lot of the testosterone boosters. If you’re looking for gains in pure mass and strength, then it’s definitely worth a try. – Paul J., London, UK

When I take it, I can see my mood and energy levels pick up right away. It helps put on muscle without negative side effects and having to take a lot of other supplements along with it. – Anthony D., New York, USA

This is a premium testosterone supplement but it’s also reasonably priced for a month’s supply. It doesn’t affect other products you may be taking and you can see real results quick once you start taking it as directed. – Chris S.

Testagen definitely builds muscle, and it doesn’t take long once you start using it correctly. It lets you work out harder and you don’t have to deal with a lot of side effects. It’s a safe testosterone booster you can keep using. – Andrew C. Broussard, NY, USA


Awards & Media Coverage

Testagen is a part of German American Technologies’ long and growing list of workout enhancing supplements aimed at dedicated bodybuilders and athletes. German American Technologies is widely recognized not just as a marketer, but also as an innovator in the development of nutraceutical compounds for building muscle and increasing strength. Along with creating several lines of testosterone boosters and other advanced supplements, GAT also sponsors athletes and bodybuilders from around the world.

Athletes using GAT products have won titles in many international bodybuilding and strongman competitions as well as in martial arts and other athletic fields. The company is always looking for new athletes to sponsor, and invites interested bodybuilders and competitors to contact them by email. Athletes sponsored by GAT are featured on the company’s YouTube channel and in numerous bodybuilding and athletic promotions.


Money-back Guarantee

Testagen is sold through numerous supplement stores as well as through the company’s own website. Many sellers offer money back guarantees within 30 days of purchase. Depending on the seller, free shipping may also be included with a return order.



German American Technologies offers free shipping on orders over $100 from the company’s site, and a flat rate of $8 for standard 5-7 day shipping all other orders within the continental United States. Outside the US, standard shipping rates apply.


Customer Support

German American Technologies offers customer support by email through the company website, and visitors can register by email to get notifications of new offers, free trials and discounts on any of the company’s product lines. GAT encourages buyers to contact the company with questions and billing or product issues, and it also offers opportunities for users to become distributors of GAT products.

The company encourages users to connect with the brand through sales of other GAT merchandise such as caps and shirts, and the GAT website also offers tips and insights on using the products and bodybuilding in general, as well as a video series featuring its sponsored athletes.


Safe & Secure Checkout

German American Technologies offers secure checkout with SSL encryption and other identity protections for all orders from the company website. The site accepts payment by debit, credit card or PayPal, with the option of PayPal Credit for orders over $99. Other sellers also offer secure shopping carts and checkout options with SSL encryption and other protections against identity theft and hacking.

Buyers can use credit, debit and PayPal for all purchases and GAT encourages users to create customer accounts for easier processing of repeat orders. GAT assures buyers that email and account information is secure and will not be used for purposes other than ordering, or shared with third party sites.



This testosterone booster is sold in bottles of 120 caplets – about a one-month supply at the recommended dosage of 4 caplets per day. Prices vary depending on the current discount offered by the company but average $45 USD per bottle from the manufacturer. There are places where one can find the product for $29.98.

Buyers can enter coupon codes at checkout for more savings on special promotions and offers. Although GAT offers free trial samples of many of their testosterone supplements and other products, this supplement is not on the current list of available free trial samples. It can be sold alone or bundled with other products as “Stacks” for package discounts through GAT and other retailers.






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