Test XT

Test XT Review – Can It Naturally Increase Your Testosterone?

What Is Test XT?

Test XT is a dietary supplement designed for men who’ve hit the big 4-0 and beyond because they need help to maintain the vitality they have lost over time. Everyone knows that aging can be unkind in many ways, but people usually think of wrinkles, gray hair and other appearance-based issues when considering what it’s like to get older. For men, one of the bigger issues happens on the inside where hormone levels are dropping.

With every passing year, men lose more and more testosterone. While this is a natural consequence of getting older, the effects are a reduction in what makes a male a man. That includes physical issues, such as shrinking muscles, as well as mental aspects, such as a loss of confidence. Testosterone boosters, while not claiming to be a fountain of youth, do state that they have a formula to help men struggling with hormonal decline.

Without enough of their primary male hormone, men have less energy, decreased muscle mass, and weaker bones, as well as belly fat and memory loss. Trying to hold on to what they currently have or using workouts to get back what they had becomes harder than ever before. While some men accept what time dishes out, others look for a way to keep the benefits of youth, such as high energy, stamina and a hard body. That’s where Test XT comes into play.

This supplement offers an all-natural way to raiser free testosterone levels. A man’s total testosterone includes bound and unbound hormones. Bound testosterone is attached to protein molecules, and free testosterone is just that- free. It roams throughout the body to help burn fat, build muscle and increase stamina and energy. Only two percent of all testosterone is free, so when test levels drop, that percentage gets even smaller.

Scientists who developed the formula for this supplement chose ingredients that have been studied and tested and are proven to help restore free testosterone. On the label, these key components are Boron, PrimaVie Shilajit and L-Cittruline, and are grouped together as advanced free testosterone blend. According to the product website, from the first dose, customers could have more energy and could build muscle within the first week.



Who is the company behind Test XT? Their name is NuMax Health & Fitness, and it is displayed on the top left corner of the product homepage and is also the website address name. NuMax Health & Fitness LLC, was incorporated in Nassau County, New York, on January 25, 2017, making it a relatively young business. The company has a physical address in Uniondale, New York, but the product is shipped from Georgia, and customers are told to send all returned products to a Savannah, Georgia location. While some supplement company sell many products, this supplement is the only one on the NuMax site, which means they either don’t plan to offer other products or don’t have any others to offer at this time.

Not much information is available on the company other than what’s on the product website. Information on the homepage all relates to the supplement and what it is supposed to offer the customer. The maker claims the product is all natural, which should appeal to men looking to avoid potential side affects that may come with artificially-made ingredients. Another claim is that the product is made in the USA, and that could resonate with those who like to support home-grown industries. Anyone curious about the business can look through the Terms, Refund and Return Policy and Privacy Policy to learn more. Elsewhere on the site, the manufacturer lists a phone number, email address, physical address and product return address.

As for the company’s claims about its product, they state on the site that the supplement is scientifically engineered and that the ingredients are clinically proven to work. To back up their claims, they include a Clinical Sources tab at the bottom of the homepage, which has links to research for three of their ingredients: Boron Citrate, L-Citruline and Primavie Shilajit. The link for Primavie Shilajit leads to an academic study published by an Ayurvedic medical school. The research links for Boron Citrate and L-Citruline are to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM), which are both part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


How Test XT Works?

Taking three capsules of this supplement is all it takes to see results. At least, that’s what the website claims. While some customers take the word of a product manufacturer at face value, others want to know a little more about how a product works before swallowing something that might work as stated or might cause potential harm. As with all testosterone boosters, the ingredients in the product are what’s supposed to make the magic happen. For Test XT, it is what the manufacturer claims is a scientifically engineered, clinically tested, all-in-one combination of ingredients that delivers the market’s most effective testosterone booster.

Recommended dosing is to take three capsules each morning before eating anything, or the user can take the supplement before working out. While the product should work the same regardless of when it’s taken, some bodybuilders believe test boosters should be taken either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Once those capsules get into the body, two of the ingredients, Shilajit and Boron, start raising testosterone levels. Another ingredient, L-Citruline, gets into the bloodstream to help the body produce more nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels to increase blood flow and energy. The supplement also contains zinc, which helps increase protein synthesis and testosterone.

It sounds promising, but savvy customers want to know even more to be sure they get what they pay for. Or, maybe those customers have a few trust issues after trying one testo booster after another only to be disappointed with the results. Well, those ingredients listed above do have science backing them up, which the manufacturer has included through a link on the bottom of their website. Men over 40 who unsure about trying the product can check those links, which are to government and academic studies, to see for themselves how well the supplement works. According to the maker, supplement users will see for themselves that the product works within a week of their first dose.


Ingredients of Test XT

PrimaVie Shilajit

Shilajit is a resin that is discharged from rock layers in some mountains and is believed to come from decomposed plants. The resin is rich in minerals and is considered a natural remedy in Ayurvedic medicine. PrimaVie, a proprietary form of the resin, is made from the purest Shilajit possible and is therefore considered even more effective than regular Shilajit. The ingredient acts as an energy catalyst for the body, could improve the immune system, reduce stress and carry nutrients through the body. Best of all for men trying to build muscle, PrimaVie Shilajit could increase strength and endurance by boosting testosterone.


L-Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid found in foods like watermelon and produced in the human body naturally. The kidneys turn it into nitric oxide, which helps get more blood flow to areas of the body where it’s most needed. L-Citrulline is used for multiple medical conditions, including dementia, diabetes, high blood pressure and sickle cell disease. It’s also used to treat fatigue and muscle weakness, as well as to increase energy. For bodybuilders, the amino acid reduces lactic acid that tends to build up during exercise, and it helps speed up recovery after working out.


Boron, a trace mineral, helps regulate nutrient absorption in the body, reduces estrogen levels and build strong bones. It helps improve thinking skills and is used to treat osteoarthritis. Boron is also good for muscle coordination and muscle building. While more research could conclusively prove boron’s benefits for men, several studies have already shown the mineral raise testosterone levels significantly in test subjects.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin needed by the human body to work properly. While it’s found naturally in many foods, including meat and dairy products, getting a little extra through supplementation is helpful. The vitamin helps with memory loss, is a mood booster and helps slow aging. For men looking to bulk up a bit, Vitamin B12 can help fight fatigue and increase energy, which comes in handy during intense workouts.

Vitamin D

The body needs vitamin D, but only a small amount is found naturally in what people eat, and only a few foods contain it, such as sardines and tuna. Some foods and beverages will include a vitamin D supplement, but the bulk of this vitamin comes from the sun. If you’re not getting enough sunlight, you might be missing out, and for men over 40 trying to build muscle that could reduce those workout benefits. That’s because Vitamin D improves muscle function and makes bones stronger. People with muscle weakness are sometimes deficient in Vitamin D.


Zinc is both a metal and an essential trace element, which makes it necessary for the human body. Since the body doesn’t produce zinc, it has be consumed through foods such as beef and seafood or through a supplement. Among its many benefits, it boosts the immune system, helps with wound healing and boosts testosterone levels.


Who knew black pepper was more than a spice? Plenty of people in ancient times, apparently, because it’s been used as medicine, currency and rewards for military victories. These days, an extract from black pepper known as Bioperine is helping men get the body they want. Bioperine helps the body with thermogenesis, which is the metabolic process the body uses to generate energy, which is vital in maintaining body weight. It also helps the body absorb more nutrients by transporting them through the body and increasing blood supply in the GI tract.



Anytime a supplement is made with natural ingredients it’s a better option than using one with man-made substances, so that’s a big advantage to anyone thinking of trying Test XT. Natural ingredients reduce the risk of side effects. That means the body should react to the product in the way it was designed, and for men that means getting a boost in testosterone. Since that’s what’s needed to get the bigger muscles and increased energy and stamina, products with natural ingredients are an easy choice.

Taking this supplement may also boost ATP levels, which are the main energy source for the body’s cells. ATP also helps with protein production, stamina and endurance. Another advantage of this supplement is how quickly it starts working. According to the website, the ingredients start working inside the body with the first dose. Users could see immediate changes in stamina and energy, and free testosterone levels should increase by the end of the first week.



If Test XT has any certificates, the company isn’t displaying them. Whether or not they have them isn’t really significant since most supplements don’t have them. However, certifications and verifications are a handy tool for consumers trying to figure out if a company and its products are legit. If a manufacturer does not include backing for their claims on the website, customers always have the option to do their own internet research.

Consumers interested in this product have the manufacturer’s word that the product contains natural and clinically tested ingredients and that it gives men what they want, which is, among other things, bigger muscles. The maker also has links to scientific studies. For those interested, there is a Clinical Sources tab at the bottom of the homepage, which has links to research about the supplement’s main ingredients.

In the absence of a verified certificate or the seal of approval of a trusted source, buyers can take the maker of Test XT up on its 14-day free trial offer. This is a good opportunity for customers to examine Test XT to see if it works for them and if there are any noticeable changes in their body during the two week period that prove the supplement works. Those who don’t like the product can opt of future auto-deliveries.



I got the 14 day free trial, but I really didn’t think that was long enough to see any changes since it usually takes longer for older guys to get results. Boy, was I wrong. Right away I noticed I had more energy because I didn’t get tired as fast when I worked out. Then, I noticed I could work out a little longer. By the time my first full month’s supply came, I was already seeing some muscle growth. – Marcus J., Atlanta, US

I had used a couple of different testosterone boosters before, but I didn’t get what they promised, so I had my doubts about these types of supplements. I can admit when I’m wrong, and I was. I tried this one and loved it because it works. – Ron W., L.A., US

I’ve been skinny all my life, and no amount of food helped me get any bigger. People told me I was blessed and to be grateful, but I didn’t feel that way. I felt small and weak, and the older I got, the worse those feelings got. Lifting weights didn’t help much. Looking like Mr. Universe wasn’t my goal, but I wanted to have enough muscle to at least look like a real man. My buddy told me how men lose a lot of testosterone with age, but I’m just past 40, so I thought he meant old men. He corrected me and suggested I try this testosterone booster. I’m so glad I did because after just a few weeks I’m already bigger. The product says it increases your energy and the size of your muscles, and it delivered. – Rodney T., Toronto, Canada


Awards & Media Coverage

Media coverage for Test XT seems to be non-existent, but that doesn’t mean the supplement is an unknown. It’s been promoted in advertisements in various media platforms, including Sports Illustrated, ESPN, Fox Sports and CNN, and that means it’s gotten quite a bit of coverage. Test XT is also mentioned quite a bit on health, fitness and supplement websites, which means people are curious about the product and are looking for information to decide if it’s something they should try.

As for media coverage through reports, it’s not that odd for a testo booster to miss out on being the subject of an article or a broadcast report, and there are a couple of reasons why this happens. When a product is fairly new to the market, it may not get attention right away. Even with advertisements, it often takes a little while for word to spread and the product’s reputation to grow. Another reasons is that there are so many supplements on the market that reporters just may not have enough time to cover them all.

Awards are another thing Test XT doesn’t have, but just because a product lacks formal or official accolades doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t deliver on its promises. There’s nothing standing in the way of the supplement receiving awards and media coverage in the future, which might be nice, but it might not affect buyers one way or another. Users typically don’t care about awards as long as the supplement works and gives them the results they want.


Money-back Guarantee

If a buyer tries Test XT and isn’t satisfied, the manufacturer offers a money-back guarantee. There are a few guidelines and stipulations for getting a refund, which customers probably won’t find unreasonable. Unsatisfied customers enrolled in the maker’s auto-ship program can return full, partial and even empty bottles for a full refund. Customers who ordered through standard delivery outside of the auto-ship program can only return an unopened product in its original packaging.

Customers have to contact the company by phone to get a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. This number must be clearly marked on the outside of the package in order for the company’s shipping department to accept the box. The manufacturer recommends customers get proof of shipment from their delivery service. All return shipping fees are paid by the customer, and the product must reach the company’s facility within 30 days after it was purchased.

After the company gets the returned package, a refund is issued to the buyer’s credit card. The customer gets back what they spent on the supplement minus shipping and handling costs from the original purchase. It can take up to five business days to process a refund. Times vary by credit card company, but it can take a full billing cycle for some customers to see the refund reflected on their credit card account.



Orders ship between 24 and 48 hours after a customer completes the online order form, but delivery times vary depending on where the product is going, which could be anywhere in the U.S., Canada, Australia or the United Kingdom. NuMax Health also ships product to Guam, American Somoa and other U.S. territories, as well as U.S. military bases in and outside the country. While customers may get an estimated delivery date after ordering, the website Terms of Offer sections states that free samples should arrive within four days of ordering, which could be the same time frame for regular orders. Shipping fees are $4.99 and are required, even with free trials.


Customer Support

While there is no dedicated customer support section on their website, NuMax Health & Fitness does have a Contact Us tab on the bottom of the home page. This indicates they are open to hearing from their clients and willing to discuss their product. It includes three ways customers can get in touch, including calling the toll free number if they prefer personal contact or need to speak to someone right away.

The contact information shows 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time on weekdays as the hours to call customer service. The Privacy Policy shows the available hours of 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. during the week and Noon and 5 p.m Eastern Time on Saturdays. Customers are free to contact the company with comments, concerns and questions, including those related to how the company collects information on site visitors and customers.

Email is the next fastest option. Customers can write what they need or ask for a company representative to call them. For call backs, the customer must leave their name, phone number, customer ID number, country they are calling from and the day and time they are available for a return call. The company asks for 24 hours advance notice to return calls. The final contact option is to send regular mail to company offices in Uniondale, New York.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Shopping online can be risky because personal information can be lost or stolen if the retail site isn’t secure enough, which can put site users in a vulnerable positions. When someone shops online or signs up for something on a website, their private and sensitive information leaves their computer or internet-enabled device and passes to another computer and another until it reaches its final destination, which is the server of the website they are using. Without adequate security, any computer along that path could reveal the consumer’s name, passwords, credit card information and more.

Fortunately for Test XT customers, the site has the HTTPS designation, which stands for Hyper Test Transfer Protocol Secure. It means the site has an SSL certificate, which is used to encrypt information. With encryptions, all that info sent between computers becomes unreadable to anyone except the destination website, and that means it’s safe from hackers and identity thieves.

Test XT shoppers will notice a padlock icon on the left of the website address bar, which indicates that the HTTPS connection is in effect. On the order screen, there are two Godaddy security logos on the right side of the screen, which is further proof that the site is safe.

Like many other websites, NuMax Health collects information from site visitors that is necessary to fulfill orders, and this information is shared with some outside parties, such as payment processors and mail delivery services. In the company’s privacy policy, they assure consumers that personal information collected by them is secure and protected because the site operates on a secure server and only select company employees have access to it through a password. However, the privacy policy does remind users to safeguard their information because no security website measures are guaranteed to be 100 percent effective.


Pricing & Free Trial

A one month supply of Test XT costs $69.99, which is not the lowest price for testosterone boosting supplements on the market, but it’s far from the highest. Customers ordering online won’t pay this price initially because of the free trial offer, which gives them a 14 day supply to see if they like the booster and how it works for them. During the order process, buyers provide their credit card info because they will be charged a $4.99 shipping and handling fee, even with the free trial. NuMax accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover, but PayPal is not listed among the accepted forms of payment, which could make purchases a challenge for customers who rely on the internet banker for their online transactions.

Fitness enthusiasts who are anxious to get started with Test XT won’t have to wait long because the product ships within 24 to 48 hours after it’s ordered. If the customer doesn’t like the booster or doesn’t see any benefit for them, they must call the company to cancel their order. The company gives the customer the 14 day trial period and four days of delivery time, which equals 18 days to cancel. If the customer does not cancel within that time frame, they are enrolled in the auto-ship program, which means they get a 30 day supply of the supplement every month, and their credit card is charged the full price plus shipping costs. A phone call to customer service can get you out of the auto-ship program.






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