Test Powder from USP Labs

Test Powder by USP Labs Review – Should You Try a Cycle Using This Natural Booster?

What Is Test Powder?

Test Powder is a testosterone booster designed to increase your level of testosterone in your body, better enabling you to build strong, quality muscle and enhance your workouts beyond the normal effective range. This leads to more muscle and better tone, combined with a reduced amount of fat. Users said they noticed a change in muscle quality and an increase in strength a few days after beginning the product. Weight gain, energy loss and a difficulty in gaining muscle and trimming fat during workouts could all be helped by using the supplement. It is designed to boost the natural levels and thus enhance results.

Test Powder is known to be more effective in helping build muscle when compared to its traditional competitors due to the ingredient D-Aspartic Acid, or DAA. The ingredient has been shown by some users as more productive in workouts than the traditional ingredient Tribulus found in other supplements. However, the ingredient called Agmatine has also been known to produce gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and other gut problems. Also the manufacturer failed to list these and other possible side effects.



USP Labs, LLC or USP Labs, is the manufacturer for Test Powder. The manufacturer scored a 7.9 out of 10 in product reviews, and ranked 67 out of 383 other manufacturers, finally showing to be better than 83% of the competitors. It won Trusted Brand of the Month for February of 2014, however it was also indicted on 11 counts of supplement fraud and obstruction by the U.S. Justice Department in November of 2015.

According to the indictment, the larger investigation is surrounding selling unproven ingredients in the supplements. The product contained synthetic material but listed the ingredients as having originated from plants. They were also accused of obstructing a Food and Drug Administration proceeding, and were finally indicted of a conspiracy to launder money with the product. Also there was a lack of description as to possible side effects from main ingredients in Test Powder specifically. Some of the ingredients were good, but others led to gastrointestinal problems, and other USP Labs products caused liver damage and other long-term health issues. However, customer satisfaction on several products was good according to reviews.


How Test Powder Works?

Testosterone is a hormone that is important for the production of muscle, for bone strength, and in the production of red blood cells. It is the principle hormone that makes men distinct from women due to the amount of it in men. It also exists in women but in lesser quantities. Test Powder is designed to increase the level of testosterone in the system, leading to better workouts and more muscle-building capability at a faster rate.

The levels of testosterone are known to be highest in young men, but the amount of the hormone tends to decrease with age. Symptoms of a decline in testosterone include reduced muscle mass and more fat, along with emotional changes. It is also known that nearly 50 million American men also are affected by low testosterone levels. For men suffering from lower testosterone levels, the product has been shown to increase the levels and help their workouts. Also customers have seen a difference in strength and muscle tone within a few days of starting the product.


Ingredients of Test Powder

The main ingredient in Test Powder is the boosting component is D-Aspartic Acid, or DAA. DAA is supposedly equipped to increase the body’s natural presence of testosterone. It is a competitor of the ingredient Tribulus, found in other supplements, and is possibly going to beat the competition to become known as the most popular natural testosterone booster. Many reviews said that it was more effective in building muscle. Also they commented that there wasn’t a drop in energy post-workout due to ingredients of stimulants that are present in other supplements.

The product also contains Agmatine, which is also known to govern Nitric Oxide synthesis. An increase of Nitric Oxide in the body also increases the blood flow throughout the body and therefore leads to greater alertness and an increase in building muscle. The result is that you can build muscle more quickly than just through a workout alone. It also is known to increase the recovery rate after a workout, leading to overall faster results. However, studies have shown that this ingredient also leads to runny stools and other gastrointestinal issues, which many customers complained about.



The advantages to Test Powder are that it contains a testosterone boosting ingredient called DAA. This is cutting edge in that it has proven by some reviews to be more effective in building muscles and boosting testosterone than the traditional supplements. Also just one container lasts throughout an entire cycle of about four weeks. Finally there have been many positive reviews as to its effectiveness and that there was no energy crash after their workouts due to the absence of stimulants in the product.

Also the ingredient Agmatine has been shown to lead to an increase in the body’s production of Nitric Oxide. The increase of this cycle causes greater blood flow in the body leading to faster recovery in workout times. The increase also leads to greater alertness, faster recovery in workout times, and increased ability to build muscle mass and trim unwanted fat on the body. Also several users said that they had more energy and strength shortly after starting to use the supplements, and that they saw a difference in their muscle tone quality. Finally, people said that the booster performed much better than others they had previously tried.



Customer reviews of Test Powder have noted that the product helps them successfully pack on muscle mass of up to 10 pounds. Also customers saw faster results in workouts than they did without the supplement. And one container of powder lasted for an entire cycle of one month which proves efficiency of the product. Several said that it was the best booster that they have tried when compared with other products. Others mentioned that it helped their strength while bodybuilding immediately or within the first few days. Many reviews were by active bodybuilders who have been into the activity for many years.

Also the ingredients of D-Aspartic Acid leads to an increase of testosterone’s presence in the system, which leads to an increase in muscle mass and muscle building during the bodybuilding process. And the other ingredient Agmatine leads to an increase in Nitric Oxide leads to greater alertness and an increase in building muscle. The result is that you can build muscle more quickly than just through a workout alone. It also is known to increase the recovery rate after a workout which leads to more fat burning and greater muscle building.



One customer used the supplements during a cycle to help train Compared to similar boosters he had used in the past, he said it caused him intestinal problems. Once he’d adjusted to it the stools were better but not perfect. He said if you can tolerate the ingredients or are okay with diarrhea then you can get the results. He was able to add about 10 pounds of muscle he would have not previously had. He said just to be careful of the negative effect on the intestinal system.

Another customer said that he used to love Test Powder, and that it was one of him favorite booster products. Again, as like in the case of other customers, he said the product made him have diarrhea shortly after ingesting the supplement. He was unsure if the manufacturer had changed ingredients in the product because he had not had the same problem when he began using it. He said that he regretted this side effect because otherwise he saw that the product yielded good results, but that due to the gastrointestinal problems, he had actually lost weight from the product instead of gain, which his original goal. He gave the supplement a good rating overall however, due to the strength of the other ingredients in getting results aside from the diarrhea.


Awards & Media Coverage

Test Powder has been approved by users who said they gained muscle mass as a result of taking the supplement. The highest amount of weight muscle gain listed was 10 pounds. Many said this supplement helped to increase the results of their bodybuilding and training at the gym. Other users also said that they saw the benefit when compared to other supplements, and was definitely giving faster results than from diet and exercise alone.

Also the increase in Nitric Oxide through the ingredient Agmatine helped to increase the number workouts due to the faster recovery workout time. For many customers this led to an increase in overall number of workouts and therefore the workout productivity and faster results. Many saw more results of their workout and pounds of muscle packed on to their bodies. Other reviews said that they also noticed more fat loss than they were able to achieve before taking the supplement. They also saw that they had a more cut, clean look to their muscles and felt their muscles working better as soon as they started it.


Money-back Guarantee

Test Powder is a product of USP Labs. Their limited liability states that if a customer discontinues use of the website or ships the product back to the company, a refund of the purchase price will be returned. Their maximum liability is the purchase price that the user paid for the product or website. It is not liable for destruction of property, injuries to the person, or profit or revenue losses. So if you are unsatisfied with the product you can send the product back and be refunded.

Also the disclaimer on the website for the manufacturer states that it is not responsible for the product when it is sold on a third-party site. Any resellers or distributors selling their product therefore will not be under the responsibility of USP Labs. Therefore the manufacturer advises the customer that these other websites, or those hyperlinked to the website, are not under the control of the manufacturer. So if you think you might want a refund if you have never tried the product, you might want to just order from the official manufacturer’s website.



Shipping from USP Labs is standard shipping fees plus the customer won’t expect to pay a handling fee, as a flat rate applies. At the moment there is a promotion on the company’s products for a free recipe E-Book called “Modern Protein: Amazing Anytime Protein” when you join the Barbell online club. This offer comes immediately when you first visit the website, and is available before buying a product, checkout, payment and shipping.

Shipping cost on the manufacturer’s website is a flat rate of $4.95 for each of their products. To order the product you go through the checkout and billing. There are several subsections to go through, including giving them customer information, before you can find the shipping costs. After you provide your shipping information, you are informed that the flat rate applies. The product also appears to ship internationally, but when the country is selected under “Shipping Information,” under the next section it informs that there is no quota available right now. So it is uncertain if direct orders from the website will ship internationally. It would be possible to email Customer Service about this through the website.


Customer Support

There is a page on the USP Labs website dedicated to customer support where they provide a phone number and assure the customer that they will speak to a live person on the line about their queries. They also provide a feedback form and assure that they would like to hear customer feedback. Their goal is to read the information from the feedback carefully and respond within 24 hours. You can simply fill out the form and submit it and they will get back to you per email.

The customer query online form is only for email contact. You are supposed to call the toll-free number if you want immediate help. The company says that you will be able to talk to someone right away, and that the phone service is available from 9:00am through 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time on Monday through Friday. All of the contact information is clearly labeled on their website. Also it is good that you can talk to a live customer service representative about any of their products during normal business hours.


Safe & Secure Checkout

USP Labs says it is dedicated to maintain the data privacy and integrity of its customers. It also says it has the most respect for the customer’s privacy needs. It gets permission from the customer before getting information from anyone through its website. The information given by the customer is only used by the company for the business purposes of the company and not for outside purposes.

Also no customer information is sold to third parties and so you are protected from disclosure to any other platforms. Once the company receives the customer’s information, the security precautions are put in place to protect the privacy of the customer. The company’s computers and information software has internal and external security protection. These protect the electronically submitted customer information so as to avoid stealing of information or other kind of online theft. Also, encryption technology is used when receiving and transferring data, and is monitored to make sure the operations are good and that security is maintained and safeguard the customer’s financial information.



A four-week cycle of Test Powder costs $59.95. So for approximately $59.95 per tub plus shipping and handling, you can avail of the product’s benefits. There are periodically promotions and sales for this product as well as other USP Labs products, but at this time there does not appear to be one specifically for Test Powder. Also there is a promotion on the company’s website that if you sign up for their online group, you also get a free recipe E-Book called “Modern Protein: Amazing Anytime Protein” when you join the Barbell online club.

If the customer orders the product from the manufacturer’s website, they are due to a refund if they ship the supplement back to USP Labs. If the product is purchased anywhere beside the website however, the manufacturer is not liable to return the fee. So the customer will have paid the $59.95 plus shipping an handling but will not be charged for anything else. Shipping cost on the manufacturer’s website is a flat rate of $4.95 for each of their products, and there is no handling costs. To order the product you go through the checkout and billing on the checkout page.






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