
T-FactorX Review – Should You Actually Use It?

What Is T-FactorX?

T-FactorX is a testosterone boosting supplement that works as part of the bodybuilder’s workout routines. It is designed to enhance the growth of lean muscle mass, to enhance motivation for exercise, to increase energy during workouts, to improve stamina for longer workouts, to help towards more intense and more effective workouts, and to decrease the time associated with recovery periods. It Addresses all the results of decreased testosterone levels common to all men around the age of 30.

This supplement encourages a consistent flow of testosterone throughout the body. This evenness of testosterone empowers bodybuilders to receive all those benefits of a testosterone booster. A balanced level of testosterone flowing in every part of the body is the key to making the most out of workouts. It makes the body ready to work out and empowers bodybuilders to reach workout goals that are impossible with an uneven and decreased level of testosterone in the body.

This particular supplement suggests that along with these purposes common to all testosterone supplements, that it also eliminates an excessive number of trips to the gym. Its company claims that as it increases energy to begin working out and endurance to work out longer, it also helps bodybuilders to make the most of every workout with the result that the numbers of workouts decrease as the effective performance and time within each workout increases.



T-FactorX is a product of the Monumental Beauty company. No online presence for the company could be found outside of the website for this particular product. That shows that they are likely only known for this one supplement and possibly even that it is their only product, however the name of the company seems to broad for that to be likely. This vagueness involving the product’s manufacturer may be an indication of a company that does not believe in its product or is trying to hide aspects of its business practices that may not be legitimate. But that certainly does not have to be the case.

So because of this vagueness, the manufacturer itself does not help us determine either the effectiveness and safety of the product or the legitimacy of the company’s business practices. Therefore, we will need to look at other factors in order to make such a determination. For the rest of this article, then, we will assess this product looking at what it claims to do and weighing those claims against its combination of ingredients along with any certifications, industry or media attention, and customer reviews that the product has received.


How T-FacorX Works?

Just as T-FactorX works with the exercise routines already established to boost intensity and effectiveness of workouts, so it also works to complement the individual body chemistry of the individual who has taken the supplement. The company claims that this its supplement is a holistic way to balance all hormones. They suggest that it not only does all things necessary to help bodybuilders meet their goals but that it also enhances their overall physical and mental health and encourages healthy lifestyle decisions.

The company advertises an assurance that it also works well with a busy schedule since it maximizes what is already working well in the body. Therefore is supposed to assist towards a decrease of any excessive effort and towards making the most of an appropriately rigorous workout schedule and healthy lifestyle. However, any reasonable expectation of the results promised does assume a healthy diet appropriate to the athletic needs of a bodybuilder and a consistent workout routine. The company assures that its product will work when these disciplines are already in place.

One T-FactorX is to be taken daily with a meal, at approximately the same time each day. Because should already have healthy dietary habits and rigorous weight training routines set, no lifestyle changes are necessary in order to start taking the supplement. The company claims that customers should begin experiencing results the positive results they promise within the first month of use. They further explain, however, that the complete fulfillment of that promise usually takes around three months to receive.


Ingredients of T-FactorX

T-FactorX includes a particularly high dosage of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6 offering the full daily values necessary for each of these essential nutrients. These ingredients all support the hormonal changes in the body in such a way that encourage hormonal and nutritional balance in a safe and effective way. The zinc in particular is very important for communicating with the new testosterone produced in the body to boost energy levels. The rest of the ingredients more pertinent to testosterone production and weight training needs are as follows:

  • Piper nigrum extract
  • Piperine
  • Rhodiola rosea extract
  • Diindolylmethane
  • Tongkat ali
  • Fenugreek seed powder
  • Gelatin
  • Microcrystalline cellulose
  • Silicon dioxide

The first two ingredients on the list above are associated with black pepper and in the formss in which they are found in this supplement, they are safe ingredients that are often thought to be effective for the improvement of metabolism. Rhodiola rosea extract is especially important for increasing energy and burning fat. Diindolymethane is great for weight management. Tongkat ali is the best ingredient associated with building lean muscle mass. It works well with both the gelatin and the silicon dioxide to strengthen muscles and joints, and its effectiveness is attested in many scientific studies.

Trainers suggest that fenugreek is among the most important ingredients for testosterone production. The high levels of saponins contained in fenugreek ensures that the fenugreek seed powder in this supplement will help to boost the levels of testosterone that the body produces. It is especially important for ensuring that the increased testosterone are spread evenly throughout the body. The microcrystalline cellulose is an additive that helps keep the changing hormonal levels safe and assists toward the holistic health that this product touts.



The ingredients found in T-FactorX all have significant attestation either through scientific research or user reports of effectiveness and safety. The combination of these ingredients in this particular supplement all allows for these ingredients to complement each other and to work with the body’s natural chemistry and the bodybuilder’s daily routines of workout and diet. Since this is exactly what the product claims to do, the combination of ingredients demonstrates the effectiveness and safety that the company claims for its product.

The ingredients are combined in such a manner that they do support the growth of lean muscle mass. These are effective ingredients for encouraging motivation to begin exercising, sustaining energy to reduce the low points that are inevitable in workouts, increasing endurance to enable longer workouts, and decreased muscle recovery times in between workouts. Again, this is exactly what the company claims that this supplement is supposed to do, showing that the research involved in the ingredients in this product points to the likelihood of its effectiveness and safety.

Although an already established workout routine and healthy diet are considered prerequisites for taking this supplement as we have already discussed, many customers report healthy weight loss associated with their use of T-FactorX. Reports also include the increase of thyroid health associated with this product. Since the thyroid is largely responsible for testosterone production in the body, this is the greatest evidence available that more lean muscle mass can be built using this product than is possible after the body’s natural testosterone level begins to decrease.



Like most supplements, T-FactorX does not have FDA approval, as supplements are not required to obtain FDA approval and most do not seek it. Nevertheless, several organizations exist that do attest to the effectiveness, safety, and best business practices of various supplements. Organizations such as the USP and NSF are among the most trusted such organizations, but many others are active and successful in their work. T-FactorX advertises the reception of no such certification. Further research into the possible certificates that the supplement may have received yielded no results.

This is not uncommon for testosterone supplements. Organizations like those just mentioned are generally in the practice of assessing dietary supplements. Most operate under a strict definition of the word “natural” that is not the same as that used here. Such organizations often assess products that are natural because they naturally occur in necessary food nutrients. Hormonal material, such as testosterone, is not counted then. But for our purposes in this article we define “natural” as anything that is either naturally produced by the body or is a naturally occurring food product.

Under such a definition as provided for this article, all the ingredients in this supplement are indeed natural. However, because many certifying agencies for supplements do not recognize hormones naturally produced in the body as natural, such supplements are not eligible for certification with such boards. This means that the lack of any certification is no indicator one way or the other into this product’s effectiveness and safety or thereof. The research mentioned above and the customer reports that will be addressed next are our best resources for making this assessment.



Our first testimonial comes from a man who felt stuck in his exercise routines. Throughout his 20s, he was always able to push himself towards heavier weights and longer workouts. Yet he found both consistently decreasing throughout his early 30s until he began taking this testosterone boosting supplement. He reports that once he did start taking it, his desires and abilities for weight training were dramatically and nearly instantly reignited.

Our second testimonial is that of a professional bodybuilder. He reported trying several natural male enhancement supplements throughout the course of his career. He says that he believes this one understands his body the best. As such it works far better than the other similar products he has tried as they support his hormonal balance necessary and the overall health benefits. He suggests that the primary reason it works so well for him is that it adjusts with him whenever he needs to make any changes to his workout or dietary routines.

Our third testimonial is from a professional trainer. He claims to have done extensive research into the various ingredients that are most supportive to the lifestyle of a bodybuilder. He says that the combination of ingredients available in this particular supplement maximizes the intentions of each ingredient and provides a more balanced flow of testosterone than is available with many other testosterone boosting supplements on the market. He says that this is one of the five best on the market and the one he is most likely to recommend for people who are mostly in need of the increased energy associated with this supplement.


Awards & Media Coverage

Like the lack of known certification we looked at earlier, T-FactorX does not appear to be the recipient of any relevant industry awards. The company does not publicly provide any information regarding how long this product has been on the market. The overarching company does not have a significant online presence, and while some very positive customer experiences have been reported online, there is not any way to tell just how well known this product is. Several similar supplements have been on the market for many years and have developed significant reputations (whether positive or negative).

This product, to the contrary, has either not been on the market long enough for such attention or has simply not sought it. Just as it is not known to have received any awards from the health and wellness industry, so it also has not been the subject of any known media coverage. That means that an important question must be asked regarding the legitimacy of this company. Certainly there are potentially good reasons for the lack of such attention, but there are also potentially bad reasons.

If a company does not seek attention from within its field or from a wider audience, it can become suspicious. Furthermore, this company uses its own website as its primary source for advertising, sales, and customer service thus appearing to trust search engines to attract attention to their website but not having any reputation outside of that website. This means, then, that it is quite possible that the customer reviews and testimonials we have cited above are not genuine but are advertising techniques that a company can get by with if they do not have the accountability of such sources.


Money-back Guarantee

The product’s website includes a Terms and Conditions document with a money-back guarantee much better than what most companies producing similar supplements are willing to offer. They promise that whenever a product is returned to them within 30 days of the initial order date or automatic renewal date, they will refund the customer’s money regardless of the reason for return. They will refund fully the whole amount of the order with the exceptions of the cost of shipping and handling and a $20 restocking fee.

This type of refund is very uncommon for supplement companies to offer and is indeed a bold promise to make its customers. The company communicates the terms and limitations of this money-back guarantee very clearly on their Terms and Conditions documents. They have special directions for customers who wish to return a product while still in the trial period. They are encouraged to contact customer service before returning their order. By doing such, the customer service representative will be able to discontinue the trial period and ensure that the customer is not charged for the first month.

This policy indicates several favorable factors about this company’s business. They appear willing to offer refunds far more readily than most similar companies. It shows that they do believe in their product and expect customer satisfaction. It shows that they care about their customers’ experience and that they are willing to work with customers to ensure that the experience is positive. They make their customer service information much more available than several similar companies and are far more upfront about their refund and return policies than other companies, thereby helping to make up for some of the possible suspicions mentioned above.



T-FactorX offers a free trial period of 14 days but the initial shipment sent is a supply that is good for 30 days. At the end of 14 days, the customer is charged for the first monthly fee. This is arranged to that both billing and shipping are automated monthly. As the billing is automated for the 15th day after the order is placed and every 30 days from the last billing cycle thereafter, so the company automatically ships the product every 30 days until cancelled.

Customers pay $1.95 for shipping and handling with their initial order. This is the entirety of their first payment due to the free trial period applicable to the first 14 days. For the subsequent automated shipments, the shipping and handling fee is included in the total charge that will be discussed in the Pricing & Free Trial section at the end of this article. Unless otherwise requested, the Monumental Beauty company estimates that customers will receive the shipment of their first monthly supply within four days of the order.

At checkout, however, customers have the option to upgrade to a faster shipping plan. To upgrade that initial order, the shipping and handling fee will increase to either $9.95 for 2-day shipping or to $12.95 for overnight shipping. If one of these upgrade options is chosen, the cost is only applied only to that initial order; the total price for future monthly supplies, yet the shipping method will remain the same. Furthermore, if a customer chooses to upgrade shipping at a later time, there will be a one-time fee of $0.99 for two-day shipping or $1.99 for overnight shipping and then the shipping method will be applied to all future shipments free of any additional cost.


Customer Support

T-FactorX makes their customer service contact information prominent on their website and is part of all their customer communications. They promote their customer service in a way that demonstrates a concern for their customers’ satisfaction with the product. Representatives are knowledgable, helpful, and able to address any questions and concerns related to the product, orders, and payments. No available customer reports report any experiences with customer support, so we cannot accurately analyze these claims.

However, it must be said many similar supplements do not publish any information about customer service. These other companies do not have any of the other signs of the priority for customer satisfaction that are evident through factors we have already discussed with T-FactorX. Therefore, it seems best to expect that, as long as they have gone to the trouble to be so clear about their policies and their customer support’s roles within those policies, they must be customer centered.


Safe & Secure Checkout

T-FactorX’s website is very clear about their business practices as related to their policies related to billing, shipping, and customer service, and about their. The opposite is true, however, for the nature of their checkout and privacy policies. Their website’s Privacy Policy consists mostly of expectations the company has of the website’s users, specifying various laws and rules that are mostly general knowledge. The document includes very little regarding the company’s policies to protect its customers while on their website.

No information regarding any SSL certificates or encryptions is available. The website provide no information regarding its sharing policies with any third party entities. It does not provide any assurance concerning the checkout process. If they have taken any security measures to help avoid access from unauthorized persons to personal information that is shared in the checkout process and to the finances involved in any such transactions, they do not make it known. The lack of certainty regarding safety using their website is perhaps the greatest drawback related to T-FactorX.


Pricing & Free Trial

The total price for a monthly supply of T-FactorX is $97.83 including shipping and handling. This is the consistent monthly cost that is automatically charged each month for each month’s supply of the supplement. This price will only change if a customer decides to upgrade shipping options after the free trial period, and in such a case the increase will be a one-time only fee before reverting back to the automated monthly $97.83.

This is a very competitive price, comparable to many of the testosterone supplements on the market that have the best reputations for success. Along with a reasonable monthly cost, T-FactorX offers a free trial period significantly better than most similar products on the market. It calls its trial period a 14-day period, however the trial period begins the day the order is made so includes shipping time. However, because they promise the reception of the first supply within four days, that leaves 10 days to try the product before the first payment is deducted from a customer’s account.

Other companies offer similar supplements offer no free period at all and others claim to have a 14-day free trial period just as with this supplement, yet they use shipping methods that can potentially leave the customer with just one day of product use prior to their first billing. So even though ten days is not enough time to get a good idea of what the supplement is capable of, it is enough to begin a routine and to possibly begin at least feeling the increased energy the company promises. It helps, therefore to offer an initial sense of expectation of what the supplement is capable of, something that most do not offer.






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