Shred FX

Shred FX Review – Should You Use It?

What Is Shred FX?

Shred FX turns out to be a specially formulated testosterone booster for any man who is interested in improving the look of his male physique and physical body all the while increasing his muscle mass at the same time. This becomes more important for men as they age into their 30’s and 40’s. The formula itself and its manufacturer advertise the ability to help gain a Greek god like looking ripped body if the bodybuilder takes it correctly alongside strenuous exercise in the gym and while consuming a healthy regimen of meals that are heavily protein and vegetable based.

Where the product really helps out is in maximizing the all important post workout recovery period to deliver extreme and effective results. This is the most critical time frame following any hard core workout. It matters as much to the male body and ultimate post recover muscle size as does the time actually spent lifting weights in the gym. Most men who do not take a supplement such as this one will find out that their recoveries are longer and less effective at best. The key to replenishing the energy levels and stopping a post workout resulting crash lies in effectively getting a body back its lost essential nutrients restored at this critically important point.

The all natural supplemental formula advertises that it will do this in such an efficient way that the recovery is better and quicker and the muscle gains become realized faster than if a man works out without such an effective supplemental testosterone boosting formula on his own. It provides these critical nutrients which the body is craving following a serious and strenuous workout. In this way, the one of a kind blend revitalizes and restores the muscles following the exhausting work out so that the critical recovery time is significantly reduced and the male body’s restoration is accomplished faster.

While there is not much of official website information available on the supplement itself, plenty of other information can be found to fill in the missing gaps. The product’s biggest claim to fame surrounds it being made from three entirely natural occurring ingredients. In point of fact, these three ingredients are found in most every testosterone boosting product on the market, so they should not come as a major surprise to any man who has researched the category of testosterone boosting supplemental formulas before.



Probably part of the reason surrounding why it is so hard to gain more readily available and useful information on the manufacturer is that they are not based within the United States. The Shred FX product is produced in the Netherlands by a Dutch supplement maker called Multi Muscle MMA Nutraceuticals Limited. Their manufacturing facility is based there as well as is their corporate headquarters.


How Shred FX Works?

The product packaging and its official website argues that this Shred FX proves to be an ideal means for replenishing lost energy and restoring energy levels while preventing a physical crash following a heavy and strenuous work out. They state that consistently and regularly utilizing the supplement will result in stronger recovery from intensive work outs and result in faster muscle mass gains at the same time. To accomplish this, the product itself employs a series of all natural ingredients which carry out a number of helpful vital functions for the man’s post work out body and muscles.

Among these functions are burning unwanted fat from the body, increasing flagging energy levels, boosting and increasing the circulation for better all around the body blood flow, and permitting men to build up their muscle mass for a stronger and healthier looking appearance both in and out of the gym. What users have always liked about the product is that it is regarded as entirely safe to consume and does not result in any dangerous or even unwanted side effects (as does Creatine and other artificial or chemically based muscle building products). The reason the formula proves to be so very safe is that it relies on an entirely natural ingredient formula base with no chemicals or without even significant amounts of active ingredients. At the same time, it does not count any stimulants among its ingredients (which are known for creating side effects in some weight lifting individuals).

One thing that is critically important to keep in mind is that part of the way the Shred FX formula works so effectively and efficiently is by increasing blood flow, and therefore a user’s blood pressure also will rise apace when he consumes the product. Because of these intended effects, individuals who suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart/kidney/liver/thyroid disease, anemia, anxiety, depression, or other psychiatric ailments should not take it at all. The manufacturer also warns anyone who has a long standing history of other kinds of medical conditions not to take the supplement without first consulting with his personal physician before buying and trying out the product. This is always a good idea when starting on any form of testosterone boosting supplement.


Ingredients of Shred FX

While many such bodybuilding supplements come with a dizzying array of ingredients, this one is distinctively simple. Shred FX only has three active and all naturally occurring ingredients in the proprietary formula that builds muscles and aids recovery time.

The first of these is Tribulus terrestris extract. This all naturally occurring herb is famous for its abilities to boost testosterone levels and properties. It is useful for helping to better the man’s all around mood and concentration and to build up his muscle mass.

The second listed item Horny goat weed is more than just a funny sounding ingredient. It is quite possibly the most critical and popular ingredient found in today’s extensive range of testosterone boosters. Thanks to its phytoestrogens and other natural chemicals, it dramatically improves the blood flow in a man’s body.

Finally, Fenugreek extract enhances the man’s all around masculinity and physique.



This Shred FX product boasts a wide range of advantages and benefits which it confers on the body of the man who consumes it in concert with hard core workouts. It comes in a bottle of a one month long supply. This amounts to 60 capsules which presumably you take at the rate of two per day.

Shred FX increases muscle mass in any man. It helps him to work out stronger, longer, and harder core by increasing his energy levels and improving his blood flow naturally. With its all natural ingredients, it helps to build up a leaner muscle mass in a bodybuilder. The all natural ingredients provide longer and stronger staying power inside and outside of the gym.

The product is available in an 18 day free trial offer. If a man buys it and is not satisfied with its results by the end of the first month, it also comes with a full 30 day unconditional money back guarantee. This means that there is no risk in personally trying out this testosterone boosting product.



Many weight training and muscle building supplemental products come with one or more certificates proudly sported on their label or their company and product websites. This is not the case with Max Texto XL. There are no certificates of any kind advertised on the product itself or on the manufacturer’s official website. The best and only endorsement a man will receive in buying the supplement is in the free trial offer or the money back guarantee.



I have to admit that I have been seriously skeptical about these testosterone boosting products, natural or otherwise. When the active ingredients are only a few natural substances, I have questioned how effective it could possibly be. Shred FX proved me wrong conclusively. After a month of taking this supplement, I have noticed a harder, leaner muscle mass build up. — Lucas Q., Nebraska, USA

I no longer feel so tired when I finish my full scale workouts in the gym. My blood flow is superior, allowing me to do better and bigger muscle pumps. I would recommend this product to any man who is serious about building up his work out routine and taking his muscle size and mass to the next level. — John G., Oregon, USA

Let’s just be honest about most of these bodybuilding supplements on the market. Only a few of them are backed up by any kind of serious science. The rest of them are knock offs that do not accomplish much or even any thing. It’s only a psychological boost for most of them which try to trick you into feeling like you are stronger or have more energy in your workouts. This was not the case with Shred FX. — Leo B., Utah, USA

I was able to last longer in and out of the gym thanks to the higher energy levels it delivered. My blood flow and circulation is so dramatically improved that I feel like a whole new man. The muscle size is only slowing increasing, but my mass is improving. I have only been taking this product for around two weeks, so I expect I will see still more and better results in that category after only taking it for a few more weeks to another month. Thanks to this product, I am finally feeling like I will obtain the ripped muscle body I have always sought but never achieved in the past despite serious efforts over years. — Karl M., South Caroline, USA


Awards & Media Coverage

As with the lack of certificates, the manufacturer of this Shred FX shows no apparent interest in obtaining either media coverage nor awards of any kind. They are entirely focused on moving the supplemental product through their 18 day free trial offers. The company claims to ship as many as 250 of these free trial bottles per day maximum, so it appears to be working well for them so far.

It is a little concerning that a product with both supposedly real science and all natural ingredients behind it does not feel like it is worth garnering at least some media coverage or awards. It could be that because the maker is a foreign European based firm they feel at a disadvantage in applying for awards which are mostly United States based and awarded. Whatever the reasoning behind this decision, the coverage on this all natural supplementary product is simply non-existent online.


Money-back Guarantee

Besides offering their generous and free trial basis offer on Shred FX, manufacturer Multi Muscle MMA Nutraceuticals Limited is fairly generous with their money back guarantee and also their corporate return policy. If a man is unsatisfied with it for any reason at all after trying it out for the first month, then he can return it for a full and unconditional refund at the end of the 30 day period. This is a reasonable money back return period and policy, though there are other supplemental and nutritional products on the market today which do actually offer 60 or even 90 day return policies.



The shipping of a product like this is an important consideration when preparing to order it. When a single month supply comes with 60 individual capsules, it means that the weight of the bottle will be significant. Fortunately the manufacturer Multi Muscle MMA Nutraceuticals Limited solves this problem by providing a generous shipping policy. For any one who orders either a one, two, or three month supply of the Shred FX product, the manufacturing company provide completely free shipping.

This offer is only available from the official website of the manufacturer. If a man orders it from any other reselling sites, then the offer for free shipping does not apply. Similarly if he decides to try out the free 30 day trial supply, there will be a small shipping and handling surcharge added on to the order.


Customer Support

Another important consideration when purchasing a weight training supplement such as this one is the company customer service. This is especially the case when the manufacturer proves to be a foreign company based across the Atlantic Ocean. Multi Muscle MMA Nutraceuticals Limited may be based in the Netherlands with a substantial time difference between its mostly United States’ based customers and itself, yet this does not stop it from maintaining an American office in New England from which it runs its apparently thorough and solid customer service department.

The call center can be reached by dialing 1-844-604-6324, and it boasts customer service via phone available fully seven days per week. The hours offered are from 11 am through 7 pm eastern standard time. For those men who are too busy to make the phone call during these peak hours, the company also offers an effective and fast response time email customer service based support. Their email address for customer service is or There is no online chat-based customer service available at this time, which is a bit disappointing in the digital age in which we live.


Safe & Secure Checkout

It is important to have a fully secured online website from which to order supplemental products like Shred FX. The manufacturer Multi Muscle MMA Nutraceuticals Limited has a highly secured website and order form so that no one needs to be afraid of purchasing the product nor sharing his credit card with the company. The order section of the site claims that it is a fully 128 bit secured SSL connection. All of the security certificates are up to date as well, making for a seamless and risk free form of ordering from the maker of the supplement.


Pricing & Free Trial

Shred FX is only sold exclusively through the manufacturer Multi Muscle MMA Nutraceuticals Limited company website, which they solely maintain on the product itself. They offer a standing sale price depending on the number of months supply which a man chooses at checkout.

For a single month supply of 60 capsules in a bottle, the one month supply cost amounts to $94.60 and includes free shipping. The two month supply benefits from a substantial volume pricing discount and comes with a free extra bottle for only $114.90 plus free shipping. The three month supply includes two additional free bottles and costs $139.90. Free shipping is also included in this package offer amount, which is a real bargain when you consider that you are receiving five actual bottles with this level of order.

Some men will not feel comfortable spending even nearly $95 on a single month supply without knowing personally for himself if the all natural ingredient product actually works as effectively as it is glowingly advertised. Since there are neither certificates nor awards and media coverage on the supplement, this is perfectly understandable. To help allay the concerns of potential users of the product, the Multi Muscle MMA Nutraceuticals Limited company offers an impressive free trial offer.

A weightlifter can obtain this offer directly from their company website on the product only. It is not available in stores anywhere or on any other competing websites and e-stores online. The 30 day free trial ships out one bottle and only requires a token amount in shipping and handling from the user. This processing and shipping fee amounts to $4.90 shipping and handling plus another ninety-nine cents for the Secure Ship shipping guarantee. It means that for a reasonable total amount of only $5.89, a weightlifter can try out the product at home to see if it delivers the impressive results which the manufacturer claims it does.

Unfortunately, there are several downsides to this free trial offer. The first of them is that accepting this offer means signing up for their automatic shipping program. The only way out of this is through canceling out from this automatic program within 18 days of ordering the free trial shipment. The company is deadly serious about this time frame limitation too.

If a person does not cancel by the 18th day, then the membership administrator will assess a $94.60 fee on the 18th day of the free trial from the original order date and ship out an additional full month’s supply. Every following 30 days, they will charge the user’s credit card this same amount for as long as another five months, assuming the buyer does not cancel before the six months supply has been charged and shipped out one month at a time.

There is another downside to canceling with the free trial period though, even if one does do it properly and within the 18 day free trial window the company provides. The user is expected (and actually required) to send back the unused remaining amount of the 30 day portion of the supplemental product. He has to do this at his own expense to add insult to injury. No doubt this requirement is deliberately intended to discourage the user from canceling at all by making it too difficult to do so.






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