Ripped Test Ultra

Ripped Test Ultra Review – Can This Product Deliver Explosive Workouts & Fast Recovery?

What Is Ripped Test Ultra?

Ripped Test Ultra is a testosterone booster designed to boost the levels of testosterone. The levels of this hormone in men goes down sometimes due to age or sometimes due to other reasons. The supplement is designed with ingredients to raise testosterone levels once the formula is spread throughout the body. It is supposed to increase energy so that men can work out harder and longer and have more ability to lift weights at more reps, overall building more muscle trimming extra fat from their bodies. Some have also said they notice an increase in brain function and ability to focus during workouts and in general.

This supplement also says that it increases the rate of recovery between workouts. This means that the person taking the supplement will be able to do more workouts in a shorter amount of time. The ingredients for the supplement are not clearly labeled on the main site, and most review sites don’t claim any exact ingredients. Those that do have ingredients claim to have Nitric Oxide in them, which isn’t actually an ingredient in any supplement. It is simply what is increased in the body as a result of taking some supplements. The increase in Nitric Oxide is said to help with building muscle mass and increasing energy. L-Arginine and Glutamine are the only ingredients listed that are in many supplements and are amino acids that are what makes up protein which have been known to enhance workouts as well.



It appears that the maker of Ripped Test Ultra is Ripped Test Ultra. Only because nothing else is written on the label or on the site, for example on the bottle there is no company mentioned. The only thing the label says is “Ripped Test Ultra.” At the bottom of the site is a copyright for 2016 for the product. Also the address labeled on the site for the product is in Miami, Florida, though in the contact details listed on the site it is for a return address only. So it’s unclear whether the address is actually where the product was manufactured or if it is only used as a port to ship out and receive packages. Where was the product made?

Also there are no other products listed under Ripped Test Ultra, and no solid label with ingredients to be found for this product. There aren’t any for this product and there are no other products listed under this manufacturer, if this is the manufacturer. So there is no real history to be found anywhere for the manufacturer, if there is an established history of making successful products, and no confirmation that this is the manufacturer of the product at all, or where it is produced. This information might work out to be a break for a deal with this company for some.


How Ripped Test Ultra Works?

A review for the product said that the supplement helps increase testosterone levels in the body and also the blood flow throughout the body. The increased blood flow helps to increase the amount of time you work out, and also give more strength for more weight lifting reps during the workouts. The increase of testosterone also helps to increase energy as well as build muscle and burn unwanted fat. And the increase in blood flow is to help with energy and power during the workout itself.

Different reviews for this product say different things about the supplement itself and its dosage requirements in order to get results. One review for the supplement says that there are 60 capsules per bottle and that they should be used over the course of 30 days, and that they should be taken twice a day. So the overall recommended dosage is 1-2 pills per day. Another review says you should take one tablet of Ripped Test Ultra every day with a glass of water, before a meal. Another says it is possible to take two tablets per day to ensure maximum growth of the muscles, but it is strongly advised not to take an amount of tablets over the recommended dosage limit. So maybe it is best to stick to one tablet in case two is too much?


Ingredients of Ripped Test Ultra

There are all-natural ingredients according to reviews for the product. Chemicals should always be avoided due to the possible extreme negative long-term health effects and the evident point that you are putting something into your body that is not food and therefore could be harmful. Also fillers might cause negative side effects but perhaps the worst part about them is that they have no nutritional value to give results the product claims through its active ingredients. Therefore fillers dilute the product. The supplement also contains amino acids, which are building blocks to protein and therefore help with gaining muscle and losing fat, as well as increasing energy levels.

As far as exact ingredients, it is difficult to find them because they are not specifically listed in most reviews and not on the official site. There are many claims that it contains natural ingredients found in herbs, bark, roots, berries, seed and plants, but they are not specifically listed and in what amounts. Also it claims there are no artificial ingredients in Ripped Test Ultra, but without a list how do you know? One site lists Nitric Oxide, but this is actually not an ingredient but a byproduct of ingredients that bring an increase of Nitric Oxide, or N.O. into the body. Antioxidants are also listed on one site but this could be a variety of ingredients. L-Arginine and Glutamine are the only legitimate named ingredients listed on the product, which is an amino acid designed to help build muscle and increase energy for workouts.



This supplement is supposed to increase the levels of testosterone in men who are suffering from lower levels of this male hormone. The supplement is among other things supposed to build muscle and cut the amount of recovery time between workouts and help muscles get over the burnout faster, so the bodybuilder will be able to have shorter rest periods between times when they go to the gym. Also you only have to take one pill per day, or maximum two pills if over time you feel you want to see more results. Although some sites said you should just take one pill a day, and also that overdosing on Ripped Test Ultra could be dangerous, so maybe it’s better to just take one pill.

There are also no harmful ingredients such steroid supplement products that can cause long-term very negative side effects. All of the ingredients for Ripped Test Ultra are not listed for the product. Those listed are natural and therefore can be found in food and other plants and the ingredients are what we consume on a daily basis. L-Arginine and Glutamine are the only legitimate listed ingredients. These are amino acids and are involved in protein synthesis. Amino acids are essentially the makeup of protein, and therefore can help in building muscle and increasing energy for workouts.



There aren’t any positive labels or reports from companies or media to boost the reputation of the product to the public. There is a label at the top of the official site that reads “Proudly Number One Best Product, Ranked Number One in Category 2015.” However, this label is generic in that it is also found at the top of other sites that are selling similar products. The label on the sites for these products is exactly the same and exactly as generic, which means that the site is possibly a preset form where the seller can simply fill in details in the form to specify their product.

So which one is actually number one in the category? Is it Ripped Test Ultra or another product that has the same label? And which category exactly are they ranked number one in? And there is no sponsoring company or athlete or organization behind the statement that it is the best product. So maybe we can safely assume that the company itself is naming its own supplement the best product. There seems to be a lack of good labels here, and the one that does exist is vague and seems to be appearing on other products’ sites. Not all products can be number one.



Most of the sites reviewing the product are promotional sites and are advertising the product as well. You might question if these reviews are real or if they are only including the positive ones for their sites so as to better promote their product and sell it. Tom, 52 years old from California said that most other supplements were junk, but Ripped Test Ultra is an exception to the rule. He said that he had seen a lot of muscle growth. Another customer, Terry from Arizona, 41 years old said that he had taken Ripped Test Ultra for three months after which he saw one inch and a half gain around his chest.

Other sites claim to have customer reviews on them but once you read it, there are none to be found. This combined with the only positive reviews found on the promotional sites makes you wonder what customers, if any, really thought of Ripped Test Ultra, or if they tried it at all. Also the lack of social media or other coverage for the product raises a question as to where the real customer reviews are. Finally, the only sites available for the product are those promoting it. Even those with headlines saying that it is a scam or something similar, once clicked on, sends you to a promotional site. So there is a lot of advertisements but little actual results listed from customers.


Awards & Media Coverage

There is an award label at the top of the main product page for this supplement, but is uncertain who gave this award. It simply says that it’s number one with no backup statements or company or athletes or any organization’s stamp behind it. Also another problem is that other supplements with similar-looking sites had the same label at the top of their page. So again the question would be, which one is actually number one in the category in 2015?

The supplement is nowhere to be found on other sites or for example Facebook or Instagram. These are perfect sites to promote a product that works because all of the customers will speak for the product themselves, not to mention the photos they attach. the body results in the photos say it all. But if there is no coverage from real customers for Ripped Test Ultra, how many have actually tried it? And were their findings satisfactory? Also most of the coverage for the product comes through sites that are promoting the product or that the company probably paid to advertise for them. The same with the very few positive reviews from customers.


Money-back Guarantee

If you order this product online and then decide you don’t like it, you have seven days to return it for a refund. You also have to log in to the official site and fill out the return form. Then the manufacturer for Ripped Test Ultra will arrange a pickup for the product from your provided address. This information was provided on a review however and is not specified on the official site. If this is true then this policy is different from most other supplements that you simply ship back to the manufacturer. The money you spent should come back to your account within 15 days.

If you buy the product at any retail stores, it will depend on the retail store’s policy itself whether there is any opportunity to return the supplements if you don’t want them. Also note that you can’t cancel any orders via email, nor address a package “Return to Sender.” You have to always make sure to get an RMA number by calling in to say you are going to return your order. You have to call the Customer Support line and they will give you the number to put on the package, which you should send back with the package, otherwise you will probably not get your money back.



There is a shipping charge for the product of $4.95 for a 30-day supply of the supplement. After the 18-day trial period is over, if you decide to send the package back via post you will need to pay $4.95 again. That means the overall price for the free trial if you send it back will be approximately $10. Also there is no restocking fee in this case so there will be no extra charge along with the shipping fee. Standard shipping should mean the package will arrive at your provided address within three to seven working days.

This is within Canada. Outside of Canada in the United States or any other country might take longer to receive an order of Ripped Test Ultra because the shipping is international. It also will be more expensive. Keep in mind there might be other charges such as customs fees when the package crosses over country borders. It would be beneficial to ask Customer Support the question of how much the shipping fee overall will be. Also keep in mind that sometimes when you receive a package internationally you have to pay another separate fee when it arrives at your address.


Customer Support

There is a Customer Support page with a toll-free number for the product. It says there are live representatives available to take any questions from customers. It also specifies what questions you can call about. One query is for questions about the product, another to track your package from the time of delivery, and another to ask about billing. So it specifically says that you can call and ask questions about the product.

You might want to call and confirm what ingredients are in Ripped Test Ultra, and also where and how it was manufactured, if it was in a safe environment. The hours of operation for the phone line is from 9am to 9pm Monday through Friday EST, and 10am to 4pm on Saturday. They are evidently closed on Sundays. Also there is a return address to ship back any unwanted products. The address is in Ontario, but again, with a lack of information, you might want to contact Customer Support and ask them if that is also where the supplement is made.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Two companies are listed on the product’s main page, Norton Secured and McAfee. These are two companies that serve to protect your private financial details that you enter online when you checkout. It is important to look for these labels when buying products online to ensure the safety of your credit card details and to avoid your sensitive information being hacked. Also when you put in your information into the site’s form, such as email, phone number and address, that information is stored by the company online.

This information is normally used to lock in your subscription, which you will have to cancel or continue to pay monthly. Also they will probably send you information and updates about the company or the product via email. So you might want to make sure you are okay to receive the promotions before you give them your address. There is also an option to unsubscribe from the offers, usually the link is found at the bottom of the emails you receive. There is also contact information under their Privacy Policy where you can ask questions about this topic specifically. Overall the the Privacy Policy seems standard as compared to other normal sites.


Pricing & Free Trial

You can purchase the supplement on its main site and also reviews say that it is available in retail stores. There is no price on the main page of their site until you enter your contact information and personal details in order to get the free trial. Once you place your order for the free trial, if you don’t cancel your subscription before the free trial period is over, you will be charged $89.95. You will also be charged approximately every 30 days again for $89.95.

You also have 18 days after the day you place your order to cancel the free trial if you decide you don’t like Ripped Test Ultra. One review said that the company will come to your address to pick up the product. But there is no such information on the site. So if you send the product back via post you will still be charged shipping and handling both ways. So you will be paying approximately two times the shipping fee. The problem is that most supplement manufacturers say that you need up to two to three months to see results. So if you really want to try the product you might have to end up paying for several month’s worth of the product.






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