Right Pick

Right Pick Review – More Information About the Supplement

What Is Right Pick?

Right Pick is a new testosterone booster made from mostly natural ingredients. This supplement aims to raise natural testosterone levels in men, which would increase strength and stamina, allowing for fat loss and muscle gains. It may be especially useful for men who are over the age of 40, which is typically the age when men notice a decline in their testosterone levels. The herbal testosterone boosters in this supplement work over the course of time to increase the production and retention of free testosterone. Some users report results after as little as a week of regular use.

Currently, this supplement is only available for sale online, and only within the United States. It is only available as part of an automatic monthly subscription, in which customers receive a new bottle of the supplement every 30 days and are charged each month accordingly. This subscription begins with a free trial, which theoretically allows customers 14 days to try the supplement and judge its effectiveness for themselves. However, since shipping can easily take up to a week, customers will often have only one week to sample the product before canceling the subscription if they do not wish to pay the full price.



The manufacturer of Right Pick is a new company that is also named Right Pick. It was first registered as a sole proprietorship in June of 2016 in Santa Ana, California. It exclusively sells this one testosterone booster, which is only available for sale online through a monthly subscription service and trial offer. Its public address is a P.O. Box in Santa Ana, which is also used for returns.

Right Pick is not accredited with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), although this only is not necessarily problematic, especially considering it is such a new company. Unfortunately, is has also received an F rating from the BBB, due primarily to their refusal to address customer complaints. All of these complaints have been about the product or service, and there have been no accusations of fraud. Right Pick also has a large social media presence, although it is unclear which of the various accounts connect directly to the manufacturer. Customers who would like to contact the manufacturer can use the aforementioned mailing address, an email address, or a toll-free phone number that is listed on the website.


How Right Pick Works?

Right Pick is not a quick-fix product, and customers should not expect a fast energy boost or immediate change. However, over the course of a week or so, the natural ingredients may begin to affect the biological production of testosterone. Simultaneously, these herbs may improve the retention of this free testosterone, making it more available. And some herbs may work to block or restrain estrogen production. Individuals should begin to feel some results after about a week of continuous use, with full effects becoming evident after a month.

Men are instructed to take two capsules every day, and some users suggest that it will work best when taken with a full meal, preferably breakfast. Users are not required to change their diet or exercise program, although all evidence shows that vigorous, regular exercise raises testosterone levels. This product may work best for men who are experiencing a loss of testosterone due to the natural effects of age. However, any men with pre-existing health problems should consult with a doctor before starting this supplement.


Ingredients of Right Pick

There are eight all-natural ingredients in Right Pick, a combination of herbal testosterone boosters and other hormonal support. The first ingredient is Horny Goat weed, an herbal testosterone booster that has been used for centuries to improve men’s energy and stamina. Similarly, Tongkat Ali, also known as Eurycoma Longifolia, has been used to boost natural testosterone levels for years, and a 2013 study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports nutrition lends credence to these claims. Saw Palmetto extract has also been reported to improve testosterone levels and improve men’s physical health, also there is less peer-reviewed evidence to back this up. This supplement also contains Orchic Substance, which is derived from young bulls and is backed by some anecdotal evidence, although the scientific evidence is slim.

Wild Yam Extract, Sarsaparilla Extract, and Nettle Extract, on the other hand, are backed by legitimate scientific evidence. These herbs have been shown to affect natural hormone levels in individuals and may block some estrogen effects. These are complemented by the mineral Boron, which may raise free testosterone levels. The inactive ingredients in this supplement are Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Croscarmellose Sodium, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Polyethylene Glycol, artificial color Blue #1, Titanium Dioxide, and Talc.



One advantage of this supplement is that it is made of all-natural, mostly plant-based ingredients. These ingredients are safe for use by all healthy, adult men, and they can be taken without worrying about dangerous drug interactions or contraindications. These supplements are free of illicit or dangerous substances and are appropriate for use by amateur athletes. These testosterone boosters contain no artificial hormones and no artificial flavors. It also contains no caffeine or herbal stimulants, so users don’t have to worry about feeling jittery or crashing after a workout.

Another advantage of Right Pick is that it is easy to use, and customers don’t have to radically change their lifestyle to benefit from its ingredients. There is no specific diet to follow, nor are their any prescribed exercises. Men are simply told to take two capsules per day and results should become apparent with consistent use. The only restriction is that users should be over 18 years of age, and any men with pre-existing health conditions are advised to consult with their doctor before starting any supplement.



The website for Right Pick states that it is GMP, or Good Manufacturing Practices, certified. GMP certification means that the manufacturer adheres to rigorous standards for production and quality control, and while it is often verified by independent, third-party organizations, there is no evidence that this manufacturer has submitted themselves to this level of inspection. Instead, this GMP certification is most likely self-verified, though this may demonstrate some commitment to quality.

The manufacturer also states that this supplement is 100% natural, and the ingredients list seems to justify this claim. All of the ingredients listed in this proprietary formula are either plant or animal-based, and there are no illicit substances or dangerous chemicals included. Customers should note that 100% natural is not synonymous with 100% Organic and that some allergic reactions other problems can still occur even with all-natural substances.

This supplement is made in America, by a company that is located in the state of California, and it is sold across the U.S., which means that its production and sales are regulated by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA does not guarantee the efficacy or quality of the dietary supplements under its jurisdiction, but it does certify that supplement made in America are safe for use by healthy adults. If the manufacturing facility for this supplement is large enough it also must be certified as safe and hygienic by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.



Dave C. from Los Angeles, USA, writes:

I like the ingredients in Right Pick. I got my shipment after a week and I’ve been using it since. I started working out again and I think I’m starting to feel stronger.

Aaron W. from New York, USA, writes:

This is pretty good, but I’m not entirely convinced. It took a long time for me to get my delivery, so I only had a couple of days to use it before the trial ran out. It didn’t do much in that time.

Gary L. from Cleveland, USA, writes:

Great stuff! I got my delivery quick and I felt the results right away. I’m going to stop being lazy and get strong again.

Pete H. from Texas, USA, writes:

This isn’t a bad product, but it’s not my favorite for sure. Right Pick has a lot of good stuff in it, but I don’t think there’s enough to make a real difference. At least it didn’t have any bad side effects.


Awards & Media Coverage

While there has been little or no mainstream media coverage of Right Pick, there has been extensive coverage of this product online. There are multiple reviews available on various websites and forums, and these reviews appear to be based on personal experience using the supplement. These reviews have been mixed, with some praise for the unique combination of ingredients and some skepticism about the amount of these ingredients and promised results. There are also YouTube videos that report on user experiences will this supplement, and these reviews are largely positive, praising it for its testosterone boosting powers. In fact, Right Pick has an extensive social media presence, with multiple public accounts on Facebook and Twitter along with the videos and articles on fitness blogs.

The ingredients in this supplement have received a great deal of media coverage, and most of them have also been the subject o f published, peer-reviewed scientific studies. For example, Horny Goat Weed Extract has recently been written about by Men’s Health, GQ, and Men’s Fitness, while Tongkat Ali has been covered by VICE Magazine, NewsMax, and FOX News. The value of Saw Palmetto Extract has been discussed by Natural Health Magazine, CBS Local News, and the Huffington Post, while that of Wild Yam Extract has been written about by Alternative Health Daily, the Daily Mail, and ABC Online. And the herb Sarsaparilla has been reported on by The Mercury News, the Phoenix, and Nature Magazine, while the uses of Nettle Extract Root have been covered by The Guardian, Mother Earth News, and NewsMax Online.


Money-back Guarantee

Refunds are granted at the discretion of the manufacturer, and there is no explicit money-back guarantee for this product. Customers who believe they are due a refund are instructed to contact the customer service department, either by phone or email, to request a Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA), which they then must clearly print on the box to be returned. Returns must be sent to the manufacturer’s P.O. Box in Santa Ana, California, and customers must pay the cost to ship back the return. If the refund is approved, it may take up to 10 days for it to appear on the credit card statement for the card that was initially used for the purchase. All returns must be made promptly, and the manufacturer will only grant one refund per customer.

A 14-day trial is provided for customers to try Right Pick before making a commitment to the pricey monthly subscription program. Ideally, this trial period allows enough time for customers to test the efficacy and value of the testosterone booster and make their own judgment. In practice, however, it may take more than a week for a customer to receive their first bottle, giving them less than sufficient time to get the full results from this product. Customers should read the Terms and Conditions carefully before signing up for this trial, and they should be prepared to judge this supplement within the allotted 14 days.



All shipments are sent out within 2-3 business days of the order being placed, and no shipments will be sent out over weekends or on holidays. Deliveries typically take another 2-3 business days, and again this excludes Sundays and holidays. Since shipping time is included in the 14-day trial period, this unusually slow shipment schedule may dramatically shorten the trial time for new customers by as much as a week or more. Customers who have not received their trial bottle within a week of order should contact the customer service department, and they should keep in mind that the trial begins the day the order is placed, not the day it is delivered.

All deliveries are sent using Standard first class delivery from the United States Postal Service (USPS), and delivery is available to all 50 states in the U.S. The cost of shipping and handling is always $4.95, both for the initial trial and for every subsequent subscription delivery. Customers have the option of also purchasing Insure Ship for their delivery, which costs 99 cents and insures against any packages that are lost, stolen, or damaged in transit. At this time, either express delivery nor international shipping is available. The cost of shipping is never refundable, even when returns are accepted, and customers are responsible for the cost of shipping back any packages to the manufacturer’s return address.


Customer Support

There are three main ways to reach customers support for Right Pick, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages. The fastest way to reach a customer service agent is generally to call the toll-free customer service phone number that is listed on the website. This number is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and it is the best option for customers to speak to an agent directly about their question or concerns. This phone number can also be used to cancel the automatic monthly subscription, whether during the initial trial period or at any time in the future.

There is also a convenient email address for customer support, and customers can typically expect a response to their email within 24 hours. The main advantage of this option is that it leaves a written record of communication, which can be especially helpful in resolving any possible future conflict, especially about the subscription. However, there is no guarantee that customers will get a response in time, and staff may not answer promptly over the weekend or on holidays, so customers with issues that need to be resolved quickly should call the phone number instead. Finally, the manufacturer also provides a mailing address located in Santa Ana, California. This P.O. Box address is intended primarily for sending back returns, however, and is not a reliable method of communicating with customer support.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The website for Right Pick states that it is safe and secure and that it is encrypted using 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. However, there is no evidence that the checkout page is encrypted at all, nor is there any evidence that it is authenticated using a valid key exchange, protocol or cipher. Although there is no proof that this page has been hacked or is under a specific threat, it simply lacks the security measures that are standard for most online commerce pages. The website does state that it VeriSign Secured as well as McAfee Secure, and Hacker Safe, but consumers should probably be skeptical of these claims in light of the missing encryption.

In accordance with online privacy regulations, there is a detailed Privacy Policy provided on the website that specifies exactly what customer information is collected, retained, and shared. This website states that it uses cookies and web beacons, but it does not actually appear to have any cookies in place at this time. The manufacturer states that they do collect and use some identifying information, such as IP addresses, to track visitors and optimize their shopping experience. All communication with the manufacturer, including email messages and forum postings, become a property of the manufacturer and can be used and shared accordingly. Customers may receive future communication from the manufacturer or third-party affiliates, and they must actively opt-out of these communications if they do not wish to receive them.


Pricing & Free Trial

Right now, Right Pick is only available as part of a monthly subscription plan that begins with a low-priced trial period. To try this supplement, customers initially pay just $4.95, which covers the cost of shipping and handling. If they like, customers can also pay an additional 99 cents for shipping insurance through Insure Ship, which protects against any loss that might occur during transit.

Fourteen days after the initial trial offer has been placed, customers will be charged the full price of $89.95 the supplement, bringing the total cost with shipping and handling to $94.90. Approximately two weeks later, customers will receive another 30-day supply and their credit card will be charged another $94.90. This monthly subscription will continue in perpetuity until or unless the customer cancels it by calling or emailing the customer service department.

For $94.90, customers receive 30 servings of this supplement, each of which is made up of two capsules. This works out to a cost of about $3.17 per day or $1.59 per capsule. Although this is a high price for testosterone boosters, it may be justified by the inclusion of eight different ingredients, and customers can judge for themselves whether the cost is reasonable.






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