Pure Testo Xplode

Pure Testo Xplode Review – Does It Work? Should You Try It?

What Is Pure Testo Xplode?

It is a brand-new supplement to increase a man’s natural production of the hormone testosterone, as well as supply key nutrients and minerals needed to support your body through intense workouts. It is reported that with increased testosterone, comes a natural increase of muscle size, overall strength, stamina, and performance. It allows for a better and more powerful workout and helps to build muscle which in return helps you to burn more fat per workout. Pure Testo Xplode reportedly offers some impressive selling points:

  • Improved muscle definition
  • Improved stamina
  • Greater strength
  • Increased power
  • Become faster
  • Increase in overall energy of workouts
  • All natural ingredients
  • No harmful side-effects
  • No modification to current exercise plan necessary
  • Made specially for a man’s requirements

Pure Testo Xplode claims that you can reach peak performance and reach new levels of fitness compared to a regular workout. It labels itself as a workout enhancer, not a substitution for a workout. It helps build muscle, which in exchange burns more overall body fat per workout and helps get that cut and trim look that every male wants.

The Power of Pure Testo Xplode on Muscles


Pure Testo Xplode is listed under the company “Pure Testo Xplode” only with no parent company or patent information available. It does not list a manufacturer, although it lists its company’s return address as: Returns Department C/O Pure Testo XPLODE®, P.O. Box 153201 Suite #1093 Tampa, FL 33684. It does not disclose any further information regarding where it is manufactured other than its trademark Made In the USA, which is in itself an added benefit. Their manufacturer’s listed telephone number is 1-855-511-2251; there are also reports that have listed the same address for multiple other muscle enhancing products, so it is safe to say this product is produced by a much larger parent company.


How Pure Testo Xplode Works?

It is reported that Pure Testo Xplode contains all natural ingredients that help your body’s natural abilities to reach premium workout performance, as well as increasing testosterone levels and improving muscle strength. Not only is it supposed to work to increase muscle mass, but it also reportedly helps trim overall excess fat by improving overall power during workout sessions. The supplement also advertises that a strict workout routine is not required; you can obtain peak performance no matter how much time you spend in the gym, although it does suggest that it works best with a strong workout routine and diet accordingly. It is suggested however that you talk to your doctor before starting this supplement regiment, as with any workout or nutritional program as you body’s response to this supplement may be drastic.

Pure Testo Xplode Usage


Ingredients of Pure Testo Xplode

The only ingredient that is currently disclosed by the “Pure Testo Xplode” Company is Tribulus Terrestris; an ingredient claimed to increase testosterone in the male body. If the ingredient performs as described, it would be directly responsible for the results of increased muscle mass with this supplement, as well as increased power, stamina, and performance. Pure Testo Xplode has documented two different studies on Tribulus Terrestris, however neither study shows any real successful data based on the advertised benefits. No other active or in active ingredients could be reliably found, although some danger is suggested at possible over-dosing beyond labeled recommendations.

Some suggested ingredients (from 3rd party sources) have included:

  • Niacin – vitamin B3 which is very important for good heart health;
  • Zinc Gluconate – a natural occurring mineral important for tissue health and growth, especially when building muscle;
  • Gelatin – the natural pill coating, made for it to be easy to swallow;
  • Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate – increases nitric oxide production which can increase the body’s blood flow;
  • Tribulus Terrestris – the supplement’s main ingredient which is said to increase natural testosterone production;
  • Avena Sativa Extract – increases testosterone production, act as a detoxifying agent, helps to reduce anxiety, and it helps to improve sleeping habits;
  • Pantothenic Acid – Vitamin B5 which helps to metabolize fat cells, burning more calories while working out;
  • Anti-caking Agents – a compound that assists in the human body’s ability to absorb the minerals and vitamins in the supplement;

It is easy to see how these ingredients are designed to be a muscle building formula. This supplement has several key minerals that are vital to the function of the human body and could be considered for use for a variety of reasons in addition to adding muscle and getting that cut look. Pure Testo Xplode also advertises no fillers or artificial ingredients in its formula which is an added bonus with this product – it is made from all natural ingredients with no harmful side effects reported.

Boosting Testosterone Naturally by Using Pure Testo Xplode



The advantages and benefits of this supplement, as reported by those who have taken it, include:

  • Boost in overall muscle mass;
  • Increased stamina and power;
  • Increased testosterone levels;
  • More powerful workouts;
  • More cut physique;
  • Peak performance;
  • No need for additional workouts;
  • Easy-to-take pill twice daily;

This product also suggests that since it is designed to increase muscle mass, it also increases the body’s natural ability to trim excess body fat which is supported with the various reviews written on this product already. It is also advertised that this supplement will help a man to be able to live life at its fullest and experience the power of a man in his prime. With its all natural makeup, it avoids the possibility of harmful side effects that can arise from taking synthetic testosterone steroids.

The Benefits of Pure Testo Xplode



This product has no certificates and has not been approved by the FDA, however it is not necessary for such type of dietary supplements to go through certification, so this has no negative bearing whatsoever. Because this product is relatively new to the market, there are no celebrity or high profile endorsements at this time. However, there are reports that high profile celebrities are currently using this product. It is also suggested that this is hugely popular within the weight training, weight lifting, and athletic communities.



Pure Testo Xplode has proven itself with its numerous customers who take it twice a day for these amazing results:

Brian K. of Savannah Georgia:

This product has helped me greatly. Before I ordered it, I was struggling through my workouts with my teenage son. Now, after taking Pure Testo Xplode for a month, I have more muscle, more power, and my teenager struggles to keep up with his 47 year old Dad!

Timothy J. of Washington D.C.:

This product started showing results after the first two weeks. My stomach and arms are more defined and my energy has increased greatly! I have dropped a pant size and my stomach has gotten flatter. It helps me feel more powerful in my workouts and when I used to hit a wall close to an hour into my workout, now I sail right on through and go for another hour which I have never been able to do before.

Leighton B. of Chicago, Illinois:

All the guys at the gym are trying this stuff out…I was struggling with my workouts while they were excelling in theirs, so I figured what could I lose by trying it. I ordered it and took it for two weeks before I noticed a change in my stamina. I started recovering from my workouts quicker and was able to keep my energy steady through my routines. I started lifting heavier and harder than ever before.

A bodybuilder which is showing back muscles in the gym

Stephen W. of Boston, Mass:

I usually take a protein supplement but switched after seeing an ad online for Pure Testo Xplode. I tried it out and four weeks later I couldn’t believe how ripped I have gotten. I’ve doubled my workouts each week and now I’m doing exercises I couldn’t attempt before. I love that there are no side effects like I used to experience with my protein supplement and my wife loves that it is all natural.

Brooker M. of Tampa, Florida:

I haven’t seen a huge improvement in my muscle tone yet, but my energy is off the charts. I actually am excited to feel increased power in my workouts. I can’t wait to see the results next week after this weeks’ gym session.

Matt L. of San Diego, California:

My fiancé bought this for me after I injured my back skiing. I was out of the gym for weeks after my accident, and I wasn’t sure how to get back into my routine. I was in a lot of muscle pain and had no energy for exercising. After a few weeks on Pure Testo Xplode, my muscles are stronger than ever and I am right back into the same lifting routine that I managed before the accident.

Not only is it a hit with the men who are taking it, even women are noticing a difference in their loved ones after starting the supplement. These are a few of the women’s testimonials:

Amanda B. of Newberry, South Carolina:

My husband started taking this supplement three weeks ago and I have noticed a huge difference. His clothes fit better, his stomach is harder, and he has more energy than our kids do! His 30 minute workouts per day have gone to 60 minutes! I wish they made a pill for women that could help me achieve the same results.

Samantha G. of Leesville, Louisiana:

Adam, my fiancé, used to be in the military so he has never been short of muscle strength. After his last deployment though, he was struggling with his usual workout routines. He noticed that as he entered into his 30s, his power and stamina started to decrease. Now, after taking Pure Testo Xplode, he is flying through his workouts and his body has never been more ripped. I’m so glad I ordered him a trial, we will continue to be loyal customers from now on.

Inez H. of Rocky Hill, New Jersey:

My two boys want to go into the military, but have never had the physical ability to hold their own. They were always the skinny kids that got picked on in school. Now, after a few weeks on this supplement, they have high hopes for military service, as they have increased their muscle mass significantly. They will finally be able to confidently ship off to boot camp within a few more months!

A buy flexing his big bicepses


Media Coverage

Pure Testo Xplode has a large following online with dozens of reviews and articles written. There has been no commercial, infomercials, or celebrity endorsements yet, although with its popularity there may be some in the works. You can find reviews online from people who have used the product, as well as in men’s online magazines. On one website, there are before and after pictures of various celebrities who supposedly have taken this supplement, although no official connection has been made. Pure Testo Xplode has created a whirl wind of excitement with its online followers and advertises on many bodybuilding, weightlifting, and exercise workout websites.

Testosterone Effects & Pure Testo Xplode


Money-Back Guarantee

Pure Testo Xplode comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. There are several stipulations that the customer should be made aware of however. There have been reports that receiving refunds may be difficult and these are the requirements for a refund.

  • 30 days to request refund;
  • No refunds given for sample bottles;
  • Bottles must be unopened to be eligible for refund;
  • There is 35% restocking fee;
  • Refused or returned packages without Customer Care approval are not eligible for refund;

To sum it up, there is a money back guarantee, just make sure you follow the guidelines if you require a refund after purchase.

Muscle Power & Pure Testo Xplode



The cost for shipping for the free trial of Pure Testo Xplode is only $4.95. If you are satisfied with the product after that, the “Customer Preferred Program” will send you a new bottle every month thereafter with a shipping charge of just $9.95 for each 30-day supply. Shipments are sent with one of the major postal carriers; UPS, FedEx, or USPS and are considered “Rush Orders”.


Customer Support

Customer Support is offered in two ways; by email or by phone. Their email address can be found on their website and their phone line (1-855-511-2251) is open Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM EST. Pure Testo Xplodes advertises importance in supplying a great customer support interaction and experience. They also advertise the ease of the ordering process – the first step in providing great customer support.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Pure Testo Xplode incorporates easy ordering with a great checkout experience. They provide a secure checkout where your personal information is guaranteed to be safe. Rest easy knowing your financial information is handled with complete confidence. There have been no reported issues with the handling of sensitive information, nor any security issues with their ordering procedures.

The Secure Checkout Signs of Pure Testo Xplode


Pure Testo Xplode Pricing & Free Trial

This product features a 14-day risk-free trial that includes a thirty day supply of Pure Testo Xplode. It includes 60 pills, two taken daily, to give you the maximum benefit of muscle building power. If not satisfied with your trial offer, you have 14 days from date of purchase to cancel your membership to the “Customer Preferred Program” (automatically signed up with purchase) or you will be charged the full monthly rate of $139.97 plus $9.95 shipping. You will then be charged $139.97 plus $9.95 shipping for each monthly supply thereafter.






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