Miracle Muscle

Miracle Muscle Review – A Real Deal or a Scam?

What Is Miracle Muscle?

Miracle Muscle is a special creatine mix that’s been perfected for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness models. Unlike other supplements, this creatine mix is made from all natural ingredients to help keep the body pure and safe from foreign substances. In combination with a great workout regimen, this supplement helps you accelerate your fitness goals.

It’s background lies in bodybuilding, but it was previously not public to the market until recently. The reason why it’s such a great supplement to use during your intense regimen is the natural ingredients associated with the formula. Unlike other supplements in the market, you won’t experience fillers, excess sodium in the bloodstream from intake, or toxins.

Your body absorbs what it needs from the food you eat and supplements you take to help replenish itself after a workout. Of course, you want the best of the best in your body instead of a formula that has the potential to impede your workout progress. All the excess stuff gets wasted and does nothing for your body.

It’s important to note that this formula is fast absorbing. If you have an intense workout, this is perfect to help you get the gains you need to replenish your muscles. The best way to build muscle is by ripping through your muscle fibers then getting the proper rest and protein to help them grow.

A fitness model and a bottle of Miracle Muscle



Miracle Muscle is manufactured in the United States and sold in all U.S. territories. The basis of this product comes from Creatine MagnaPower, which has been used by different U.S. bodybuilders over the past decade. There are two main locations in Las Vegas and California.

The logo of Miracle Muscle


How Miracle Muscle Works?

There are three major components to this product that really allows it to shine. These three simple elements are vital to the way the formula works, and give the user what he needs to gain ample muscle. At the very least, the user will have the energy to go through an intense workout without major fatigue. Miracle Muscle’s three components work because:

  1. It stimulates protein synthesis in your bloodstream;
  2. Allows your muscles you recover quicker after an intense session;
  3. Gives a boost in energy levels to perform your workouts more efficiently.

Protein synthesis is a very important occurrence in your body because it’s the catalyst to your muscle growth and developing muscle tissue. When your muscle fibers become exhausted, this synthesis is such a crucial factor in creating new and lean muscle. Also, it’s been shown that protein synthesis helps release the growth hormone in the system, which is just as powerful as an anabolic hormone such as testosterone.

Muscle recovery is mandatory because you need time for your muscles to fully heal. If you continue to workout regularly and don’t get good rest between your sessions, your muscles won’t grow properly. Sometimes, the worst case scenario is just complete muscle soreness and this can actually eat into your muscles to create an adverse effect. This supplement makes the recovery process faster, so you can get back to working out more frequently.

As a result of this formula, you’ll have more energy to do your workouts. This energy throughout the day will not only impact your daily activities, but give you some extra ump in your performance to do longer and harder workouts. You’ll find that you will actually grow your muscles quicker and run into less plateaus because the workouts will continue to challenge your body.

These are all activities that happen naturally with the body, but strenuous workouts will create deficits if not given the proper boost. This creatine formula helps to enhance what your body does and gives it the support needed to go above and beyond it’s capabilities.

In addition to purchasing the product, there’s a premium training program to go with the purchase. You’ll get expert advice from different trainers and bodybuilders. You’ll get weekly deals on other products along with a great instruction course to improve your results. There’s an incentive to just trying the program to see how you like it.

The ingredients of Miracle Muscle


Ingredients of Miracle Muscle

This creatine has all natural ingredients that helps your body create results at a faster rate. You’ll notice that these elements also help with your overall health, which translates into better performance. Here are the five main ingredients in this formula:

  • Creatine Monohydrate
  • L-Isoleucine
  • L-Valine
  • L-Leucine
  • D-Ribose

What some people don’t realize is creatine forms in the body naturally through the foods you eat. It’s made from three amino acids such as: arginine, glycine, and methionine. You build more creatine through proteins such as meat and fish. However, too much saturated fat from meat (particularly red meat) causes clogged arteries, so it’s important to have an effective supplement.

Creatine monohydrate gives you what you need as a healthier replacement than simply taking on more fats in the body. The added creatine gives a boost to your adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which actually fuels your muscles. The more ATP you have, the more energy you’ll be able to use for your workouts to make them so much better for muscle building. This will help you create better muscle mass in a healthier manner than just taking on unhealthy calories.

L-isoleucine is one of the essential amino acids used to help endurance and help repair and rebuild muscles. It’s very critical that this process takes place because you’ll gain more muscle over time at a faster rate. Also, it helps keep you shredded because its cuts down on excess fat, which will clean up muscle tone.

L-leucine is normally used in conjunction with L-isoleucine to build muscle. Bodybuilders love this amino acid because it helps create nitrogen retention. Also, protein will be used effectively by better absorption through the body. This is an amino acid you want before and after your workout to rapidly increase muscle growth.

L-valine is an amino acid that increases your stamina and endurance. This is perfect for the bodybuilder or distance runner who wants to prevent muscle fatigue. With L-valine in play, you’ll experience extensive muscle tissue repair and muscle metabolism, which will increase your overall endurance. You’ll be able to preserve your glucose, so you have higher energy throughout the duration of your workout or performance.

D-ribose is also very useful not only in helping sustain energy during intense workouts, but helping your cardiovascular system. Have you ever been short of breath when doing intense cardio workouts? This ingredient will help your heart health, which essentially builds your stamina to a point of breaking through fatigue. Muscles need oxygen and that oxygen is pumped from the heart to your veins.

Everything is all connected, and you need a great supplement to cover the bases in your quest to become a bodybuilder or a supreme athlete. Take a look at your current workout and eating regimen to see where you currently stand in fitness. Then take some advice from a fitness expert to get started in using this great supplement to fulfill your goals.

The effects of Miracle Muscle according to their manufacturer


Advantages of Miracle Muscle

Miracle Muscle is a great supplement to add to your overall fitness regimen. You won’t have to worry about side effects or any other ailments that traditional steroids or creatine products bring forth. The natural ingredients in the supplements will help your body get what it needs, and you won’t take on harmful substances that your body refutes in a dangerous way. You can relax in the fact that there are no long-term health effects with prolonged use of this supplement.

Here are some advantages of using Miracle Muscle:

  1. You’ll develop a ripped and toned body through using this supplement;
  2. It helps you build maximum strength in accordance to your workouts;
  3. Repeated use will help you build peak stamina in your performance;
  4. All of the elements in this supplement are high-quality and natural;
  5. You’ll develop more cognitive thinking and endurance by implementing this in your program;

Cognitive thinking and endurance are definitely key when focusing on a particular goal. If you already have the mindset, it makes everything a lot easier. It takes much more than physicality and eating right to get the body in great shape. Having the endurance and the mind power helps you step up another notch in the right direction.

Be sure to take the proper dosage to keep things safe. This supplement has the right level of creatine to keep your safety in hand and give you the results you need. The D-ribose and the BCAAs are also very safe, and there’s no evidence that there will be long-term side effects. Other creatines in the market don’t focus on all natural ingredients, so there’s always a chance of bad side effects producing long-term health deficits.

Results can show after a month’s time. The important thing is making sure you take your supplements regularly (2 capsules a day), and see how they fit in with your workout regimen. Twice a day is recommended if you are increasing your activity. It all depends on your current fitness level and how well you react to supplements.

It’s recommended to use this program for at least 2-3 months to see the full potential of the product. Sometimes, the body doesn’t respond right away to new supplements. Give them time to absorb in the body over a few months to see optimal results. Make sure you are getting in good shape, and of course, only men ages 18 and up should use this product.

The advantages of Miracle Muscle according to the manufacturer



Currently, there are no certificates for Miracle Muscle. It’s a pretty new product that’s been used privately by bodybuilders for a few years. However, this may change due in part to the product becoming public as it gains more reviews from mainstream America. So far, it’s a product that’s sold primarily online.

Miracle Muscle's ingredients and supplement facts



A guy named Marc applauded the supplement for heightened endurance and strengthening by burning fat in the body. As a result, performance and multiple workouts increased throughout the day. The energy level increased creating more valuable workout routines.

Additionally, a guy named Joshua in a YouTube review breaks down how the supplement had a big impact on his lifestyle. There were bursts of immediate energy increases from the first day of implementing the supplement in a workout regimen. Joshua boasted better performance in his lifting, more so in the biceps and triceps area. Even in personal affairs, his body was able to get a great workout after a 12 hour late night shift.

Of course, it was a pleasant surprise that muscle gain was found in a few weeks within his arm growth. The supplement also reduced his waist size by a few inches and didn’t deteriorate muscle gain. During the workouts, the muscles contracted upon impact; this shows how hardened your muscles get with the protein increase and workout intensity.

Details and information regarding Miracle Muscle

As you can see, these are legitimate reviews of the product from the perspective of the user. There’s no false advertising, and it shows each experience is a bit different in fitness and daily life. This supplement program helps in bodybuilding and overall performance with daily tasks. The supplement serves as a multi-functional pill to help during the course of your business, work, and fitness days.


Awards & Media Coverage

Due to the product just catching steam, there’s not much media coverage. However, there are personal testimonies on YouTube of people enjoying the product. This product is primarily for you, the bodybuilder or athlete, to help make gains in your musculature and overall fitness. Just do a simple search online and you’ll see written and video reviews of the product.

Remember, this is still a “new” product on the market with a targeted audience. You can always take a sample and see for yourself with a free-trial. See what happens in a couple of weeks of use, and make your decision on whether to keep on with this program or not.

How Miracle Muscle may help you


Money-back Guarantee

If you’re dissatisfied with this product, you can get a money-back guarantee within 30 days of use. You can simply contact the company through a toll-free number or email them through customer service to ask for a refund. They may ask you to return any unused product. Please be sure to send a request before day 31 or your request to refund may be denied. They need your full name and delivery address to process the refund request. Make sure you contact them to cancel any future orders you may already have in place.

Also, it’s recommended to ask for just one refund unless you find that the product is defective. Make sure you follow the directions in dosage as well as eat the right foods and do the right workouts.

Miracle Muscle's description of the bottle regarding the dosage



Shipping is usually done through mail via United States Postal Service or UPS parcel. Orders taken through the weekdays are typically shipped 1-3 days after the purchase. If the order is made during the weekend, it’s shipped out the next available business day. Shipping and handling costs are $4.95.

Packages usually arrive within 3-5 days. However, it can be longer if it’s a holiday season. It’s wise to not order on Saturday, Sunday, or a Federal holiday. The actual arrival time of the items you order may vary.

Miracle Muscle's front label of the product


Customer Support

Whether you want to make a return or have a general inquiry, you can always directly mail your questions to the Las Vegas (corporate address) and California (returns address). However, the customer service email or phone number will be your best bet. The hours are Monday-Friday from 8am to 4pm PST.

A service representative will answer your phone call for any inquiries you may have pertaining to Miracle Muscle. Also, include your full name, address, and the products you bought if you have any email inquiries. This will help you get a prompt response to your question directly.

Miracle Muscle's front of the bottle

Safe & Secure Checkout

The sellers of this product accept Visa and MasterCard as payment methods. Also, the checkout is safe and secure due to a 128-bit SSL connection. You won’t have to worry about someone hacking your private details and taking advantage of your credit or debit card. The security also includes website protection and a safe and secure lock provided by GoDaddy.

Unlike some other sites that sell workout supplements, you can order your stuff in a safe and secure environment. The security logos itself should make you feel comfortable with completing a transaction. Also, the checkout is very simple process that includes: your name, address, email address, and your credit card information in just two steps to order the package.


Miracle Muscle’s Pricing & Free Trial

If you are just getting your feet wet, a free trial is certainly recommended. What comes with the free trial is 30 days worth of the product and a two-week Miracle Muscle training program. The only thing you’ll be charged for is shipping and handling, which comes out to $4.95.

After the 14-day trial, you can choose to either cancel or continue with the program. You’ll be charged a continuation fee for the premium training program at a base price of $18.83, and $4.63 as an additional fee for the premium membership.

For the full program, the prices vary as well. The prices of this product are as follows:

  1. You can buy 5 bottles of Miracle Muscle for $139.99 with an additional cost coming from tax, shipping and handling.
  2. Buy 3 bottles of this supplement for $114.99 with tax, shipping and handling added to cost.
  3. Buy 1 bottle of this product for $48.00, which includes tax.

Of course, the 5 bottle pack is the best choice because it’s priced at approximately $28 per bottle, which gives you months of supplements. Check your email membership to see if there are any special promo codes and discounts, so you’ll be able to save more money on your future purchases. Prices are subject to change with time, so be on the look out for any price increases on certain supplement bundles.

The motto of Miracle Muscle






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