Micro Test from USP Labs

Micro Test by USP Labs Review – Is This a Great Combo for Bodybuilders & Athletes?

What Is Micro Test?

Micro Test, the effective testosterone booster manufactured by USP Labs, is one of the most fast-acting sports performance stacks currently available on the natural supplements market. This empowering box kit includes a quality hardcore energizing pre-workout component, Jack3d Micro, plus a strong testosterone boosting agent, Test Powder. This unique combination of fitness enhancing products prepares your body with the strength, endurance and mental drive to reach higher goals as you engage in more rugged, demanding workouts and gain more athletic skills. It also gives you energy bursts that last throughout your gym training sessions or sports games, helping you to complete each sports activity or event with extra energy to spare. When you take this supplement stack on a regular schedule, you will also have fast, smooth, quality recovery following exercise that is pain-free and rejuvenating.

The specialized mix of fitness aids comprising this product offer consistent, reliable benefits for serious bodybuilders and sports enthusiasts. Jack3d Micro provides good pre-workout nutrition and energizing and the Test Powder component supplies your body with a unique complex of nutrients to raise and sustain levels of active testosterone for even more energy, stamina and muscle power for strenuous exercise. When taken daily, as directed, this advanced formula mix will help you build larger, well-defined lean muscles with more density and strength for better sports performance results. With the ongoing support of this empowering fitness aid complex, you will be well prepared for challenging workouts, improve your athletic abilities and recover quickly and comfortably after each exercise session or sports event. You will leave the gym or each sports venue with plenty of energy and vitality to last for the rest of your busy day’s schedule.



USP Labs, LLC, is known for its company-wide commitment to quality and excellence of all supplement formulas, production methods and customer relations. All officers and staff members of this innovative sports performance aids manufacturing business are dedicated to making each customer’s experience with buying and using Micro Test and other USP Labs products a positive, productive and worthwhile one. The entire staff is focused on providing the highest quality fitness supplements to help bodybuilders, powerlifters and other athletes of all types attain their goals and dreams in all sports activities while building powerful, capable physiques. This unique group of concerned and knowledgeable employees wants to assist you in choosing the ideal regular sports enhancing formula to support your efforts to achieve high levels of excellence in athletics. With the use of this safe, effective exercise aid, you will triumph over the most challenging and difficult workouts and sports events.

This responsible supplements producer takes special interest and care in protecting the integrity and privacy of all customers’ personal data entries when purchasing products on the company website. Advanced security technology is included in the site’s construction to ensure the safety of this valuable information and keep it confidential. The product specialists and sales team are all well prepared to help you make the best purchasing choices among their large catalogue of empowering physical fitness and sports improvement supplements. Even if you have already done thorough research concerning the multiple strong benefits of making Micro Test your primary muscle development and exercise enhancing product, this expert group of employees can provide you with the complete picture and scenario of all the major benefits this unique company formula has to offer you for sports success.


How Micro Test Works?

This cutting-edge product combines major benefits of a pre-exercise, sports action aid and a post-workout supplement. It utilizes each unique ingredient to directly target and produce the precise athletic and body development results desired. As a powerful testosterone booster, this specialized fitness aid is formulated to keep your body in an energized state, even after a strenuous gym workout with your trainer. In addition, its ingredients of natural Caffeine, Norcoclaurine HCl and 3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic Acid fortify and activate your central nervous system for superior physical response time during fast-paced sports action as well as excellent athletic speed, agility and mental focus, all of which are essential for sports performance achievement and success. This advanced formula will also enable you to start building new, dense lean muscularity quickly and steadily for an impressive physique that exhibits quality muscle tone and definition.


Ingredients of Micro Test

This effective energizing stack in box kit form from USP Labs contains the following pure, empowering fitness promoting ingredients:

Jack3d Micro: ENOS Super Performance System

This effective testosterone boosting blend is composed of these nutritional ingredients:

L-Citrulline – This ingredient, along with L-Arginine and L-Ornithine, completes the trio of dietary amino acids in the body’s urea cycle. As an exercise aid, this substance helps eliminate fatigue and enhances cardiovascular activity to support better and longer aerobic and anaerobic sports action. This ingredient also improves your body’s metabolism of nitric oxide, increasing oxygen flow through your bloodstream to fuel all bodily muscles for greater endurance and physical power.

Arginine Nitrate – This supplement component is the second pump enhancer (after L-Citrulline) in the formula of Jack3d Micro, requiring more uptake time in the body than L-Citrulline. As a precursor of nitric oxide, this ingredient boosts your body’s energy levels and promotes faster recovery without pain after strenuous workouts by speeding up the delivery of oxygen throughout your body via your bloodstream. This substance is also necessary for good protein production by your body and for maintaining healthy balances of natural bodily chemicals for improved and sustained physical activity.

Agmatine Sulfate – This substance is a biogenic amine and it is derived from L-Arginine, a major amino acid in the body. As a bodybuilding aid, it boosts insulin reactions, helping to develop a leaner, sleeker physique with better muscle definition. This ingredient also enhances production levels of growth hormone (GH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body, which activates the gonads to produce more testosterone. Weightlifting trainees will also experience improved pumps due to the increase of nitric oxide levels throughout your body. This versatile supplement ingredient also relieves muscular pain during recovery, and it acts as a neurotransmitter, enhancing quick bodily response time for athletes during rapid-action sports events.

Grape Seed Extract – This pure substance enhances new bone growth while helping to maintain strength of older bones and joints. Grape seeds are also rich in flavonoids, phenolic procyanidins and linoleic acid, all of which help prevent worn or damaged blood vessels and promote healthy blood flow throughout your circulatory system, delivery nutrients to bones, muscles and organs. This extract also protects your body from harmful bacteria and damage from free radicals as an active antioxidant, while enhancing brain functions.

CNS Contractile Stimulant System – This component, which stimulates the central nervous system, promoting better physical response time during fast-paced sports action, is comprised of the following nutritional substances:

Caffeine – Natural Caffeine is found in tea leaves, coffee and cocoa beans and kola nuts as well as in approximately 60 other naturally grown sources. This ingredient stimulates the central nervous system, promoting mental alertness and focus and fast responses to surrounding action during athletic events. It also acts as a diuretic, assisting your body in eliminating extra fluid, which prevents bloating and sluggish physical activity. Caffeine can also prevent or alleviate bodily fatigue or sleepiness.

Norcoclaurine HCl – This ingredient is also known by its popular name, Higenamine, and it supplies sharp, accurate mental focus and the mental drive to excel at your bodybuilding and other sports pursuits. It also provides thermogenic activity for cutting body fat by raising your body temperature. This action releases triglycerides from fat cells for additional energy during workouts. As a beta-1 as well as a beta-2 adrenergic agonist, this ingredient also raises your heart rate to tolerate and support vigorous exercise. This substance occurs naturally in various plants as a chemical compound and is safe for use in the low dosage levels that are included in this fitness supplement.

3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic Acid – This component (best known as caffeic acid) is popular in the bodybuilding training and workout community due to its strong capacities to guard the body against stress, fatigue and inflammation of muscles, tendons and joints. It is now a major ingredient of effective pre-workout formulas such as Jack3d Micro, and it is one of the most effective chemical compounds for controlling inflammation of body cells. This ingredient occurs naturally in coffee beans, artichokes, apples, cauliflower, kale and arugula.

Test Powder: Modulate Proprietary Blend

This advanced testosterone boosting formula blend boosts body strength, lasting energy and stamina, and it contains the following natural substances:

Trimethylglycine – As an amino acid derivative that is found in plants, Trimethylglycine (TMG) was the earliest betaine to be discovered when found in sugar beets. This ingredient is necessary for methylation, or the synthesis and utilization of methyl groups for other activities in the bodies of mammals. These bodily functions include synthesizing neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and melatonin. This advanced formula joins neurotransmitter precursors, brain chemicals and brain circulation substances to promote enhanced mood and memory, concentration, alertness and mental clarity.

L-Carnitine Tartrate – This ingredient is an energy producer in the body. Although your body generates enough of this substance to meet its ordinary requirements, L-Carnitine Tartrate in supplement form promotes energy boosts, better athletic performance and fat shredding. This substance moves long-chain variety fatty acids into bodily fuel producing centers, mitochondria, for energy production while eliminating toxins from the mitochondria to enhance good productivity of energy. This ingredient continuously increases physical activity for better sports performance while promoting fat burning.

Aframomum Melegueta Extract – This pure ingredient, also known as Grains of Paradise, is a spice in the Zingiberaceae family that is similar to ginger. It can cut fat build-up in your body by raising your metabolic rate. This component also boosts testosterone levels for greater energy, stamina and muscular power and exhibits some anti-estrogen properties for better muscle development and definition.

Garcinia Mangostana Extract – This pure, natural supplement ingredient is a fruit from the mangosteen trees native to Southeast Asia, which are grown in lush forests without use of herbicides or fertilizers. This nutrient-rich fruit has been used in folk medicine for centuries for the same benefits it is used for today—eliminating inflammation and bodily pain as well as fatigue and as a strongly effective fat shredding agent.

Additional ingredients

Additional nutrient-rich ingredients of Micro Test include the following:

D-Aspartic Acid – This supplement component is produced as needed by your body, so it is categorized as a non-essential amino acid. As a construction block of protein, it is also important to proper growth and development in children and teenagers, and to some degree, throughout life. When taken as a supplement, this ingredient (D-AA) promotes increased testosterone counts in your body and supports good metabolic rates for greater energy supplies, enhanced stamina and increased body strength for rigorous workouts and athletic performance.

Agmatine Sulfate – As a biogenic amine and a derivative of the important amino acid, L-Arginine, through the process of decarboxylation, or the elimination of a carboxylic acid cluster from the amino acid, it is stored in the brain’s neurons. It supports healthy cognitive activity as a neurotransmitter as well as memory and helps alleviate muscular and nerve pains in the body. It also assists in the regulation of bodily nitric oxide levels, elevating levels of oxygen flowing through your bloodstream to fuel muscles and tissues for strenuous exercise.

Mucuna Pruriens (Seed) Extract – This powerful herb adaptogen, also known as velvet bean or cowhage, tones and strengthens your muscles for better sports performance. The seeds of this herbal plant are the most valuable source of bodybuilding and sports benefits. Other major properties of this supplement component are its capacity to enhance sleep patterns, especially REM cycles, or deep sleep. As a precursor of dopamine, it also assists in higher production levels of human growth hormone in the body for development of increased lean muscle mass with enhanced density and definition.



There are specific advantages to using Micro Test from USP Labs as your main exercise and muscle development supplement, such as the following:

  • This empowering exercise supplement stack offers solid, pre-workout support for enhanced sports training and athletic pursuits.
  • This supplement improves nitric oxide content in the body, increasing oxygen levels in the bloodstream to fuel muscles and body tissues for better sports activity.
  • This product is a strong-acting testosterone booster for greater energy, endurance and muscular strength for sports activity.
  • This innovative, exercise-enhancing box kit comes with a shaker with funnel, a user’s guide for ultimate results and a T-Shirt with the motto, “Fear No Workout.”



USP Labs executives frequently offer certificates of appreciation to sports performance professionals like bodybuilding trainers, sports team coaches and exercise instructors who advocate the regular use of Micro Test among their trainees, students and fellow athletes as well as popular pro athletes. When they display these certificates in their offices and training areas, these professionals are helping to advertise this effective fitness enhancer in a valuable and influential way.



This outstanding sports supplement stack helps you gain new lean muscles quickly while improving your gym and sports event performance skills. Get Micro Test today.

– Kevin Barton, New Orleans, LA, USA

Micro Test from USP Labs is the best body development and athletic performance enhancer ever. Get ripped today with Micro Test.

– Jason Lenton, Cincinnati, OH, USA

For the lean, dense muscularity and streamlined physique you have always wanted, get Micro Test.

– Jerome Baxter, Ventura, CA, USA


Awards & Media Coverage

Micro Test is a popular and effective testosterone booster and energizer for greater quality sports performance and bodybuilding. This versatile natural supplement complex is expected to receive important awards in the near future from such sports industry authorities as Bodybuilding.com and various others. In addition, this fitness aid is now a popular discussion item in many online sports performance forums and webinars, and it is predicted to gain media coverage from major network sports channels very soon.


Money-back Guarantee

USP Labs officials offer a money-back guarantee to any customer who is dissatisfied in any way with the purchase, receipt or use of the Micro Test sports supplement kit. Regardless of the nature of your question, issue or problem concerning this product, company leaders and staff members are waiting to hear from you. They are eager to work with you to find a solution to your concerns as quickly as possible. Just contact the friendly customer support division today for a fast and completely satisfactory resolution or a total refund of your product purchasing cost.



USP Labs uses only top quality shippers or global transport companies for shipment of their supplements, depending on the location of each customer. These professionals package and label each product order carefully and securely to ensure its safe delivery to the customer’s address. This company has a very good record of customer satisfaction regarding prompt, accurate delivery of its orders. However, if you experience any difficulty or problem with receipt of your sports enhancement product, just contact the customer support staff for an immediate resolution to your issue.


Customer Support

The helpful, well trained and informed customer support team at USP Labs is always ready to assist you with any questions or problems that may arise concerning your Micro Test order and delivery. Although such issues are rare due to the reliable, professional customer care practices of this company, if you do have any issues with receiving or using this sports enhancement product, contact the customer support team. You can reach the team by phone, email or via the customer support services on the company website.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Checkout procedures on the company website are always completely safe and secure due to advanced encryption technology used in building the company site. Your personal identity and contact data, including your name, shipping address, phone number and email address will all be kept private and safe from online hackers or potential identity thieves. You can enjoy a relaxed shopping experience on this site each time you visit to place your supplement order, knowing that this company values you and your personal information highly and is constantly working to give you and your data the ultimate protection available.



This natural sports supplements production company insists on pricing each product at an affordable rate to enable serious bodybuilders and sports advocates of all walks of life to benefit from use of Micro Test. Although the listed retail price for this empowering sports improvement supplements stack is $199.99, the company offers it to customers for just $62.95. In addition, by visiting the USP Labs website regularly, you can keep updated on any product promotion discounts or seasonal sales. During promotions, the company offers a “Buy one, get one free” discount, and all customers receive free shipping on orders totaling more than $59.00. Free samples are also frequently available on this site for new customers who want to try this supplement on a free trial basis.






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