Methyl Arimatest

Methyl Arimatest by MuscleMeds Review – How It Can Help Your Strength & Endurance?

What Is Methyl Arimatest?

Methyl Arimatest is an easy and effective way of boosting your testosterone levels within a short period of time. The manufacturer claims that the supplement was created after extensive research and has been clinically tested and proven to produce exceptional results. It can lead to increased energy, self-confidence, and work capacity. Your body will be able to burn fat faster and develop more lean muscle mass. Your basal metabolic rate will improve significantly as well.

Testosterone is a testicular hormone that plays a crucial role in the development of the male reproductive organs and secondary characters. The amount of the hormone produced each day can vary from 2.5mg to 11mg. The production of this steroid hormone is regulated by the hypothalamus in the brain and by the pituitary gland.

Age is an important determining factor as most men tend to suffer from testosterone deficiency after 30 years of age. This can have detrimental impact on your lifestyle, body fat composition, muscle mass, self-confidence, competitiveness and inherent aggressiveness. You may also experience poor body image. Recent surveys reveal that about 25 percent of men over the age of 30 have low testosterone levels.

While protein-rich diet and exercise can have some impact, they will not help you achieve the muscular physique that you commonly see in bodybuilders and professional athletes. Only high quality supplements will produce real results. Methyl Arimatest has been a popular choice for many men.



Methyl Arimatest is manufactured by MuscleMeds, a New Jersey based company that has been a pioneer in the field of nutritional supplements. The company has been in business since 2008 and essentially focuses on blending performance enhancement with the science of nutrition. It’s product development team uses cutting-edge technology that is different from its competitors. Their innovative products have revolutionized the sports science industry.

MuscleMeds was founded by Gerard Dente, a national bodybuilding champion also known across the country as an expert nutritional supplement formulator The company claims that its products are only for hardcore lifters looking for exceptional results and not for men seeking some mild improvement in their fitness levels.

MuscleMeds scientists have, therefore, invested a lot of time, money and effort in developing their product line. The company’s scientists review human anatomy and various metabolic pathways in the body to understand the needs of its prospective consumers. Subsequently, they strive to create specific bio-active ingredients that will produce the desired results. They will also assess the ability of the human body to digest the supplement and absorb its potent components.

Later stages of research will involve modifying the original bio-active molecules and combining them with other components effectively. The company’s highly qualified and experienced researchers will also subject the final product to extensive evaluation to confirm its potency and safety. The company ensures the supplements are manufactured, packaged and delivered to its consumers in the best form.


How Methyl Arimatest Works?

Many experts consider Methyl Arimatest as a breakthrough in the world of testosterone boosters. It relies on multiple mechanisms to achieve physiological testosterone optimization, enhanced bio-effectiveness using methylation techniques, and implementation of high level a bioactive delivery system technology. The goal is to elevate your testosterone levels to over 10,000 pg/mL, and thereby help you burn fact quickly and develop a lean and strong physique.

As per the manufacturer website, this supplement includes a “dual action testosterone optimization innovation” that acts by promoting positive anabolic action and leads to increased testosterone production. Your body will also remain the anabolic state for a longer period of time, which will contribute to tissue repair and regeneration as well as muscle development. The supplement produces a negative androgenic action by converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone using the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme.

Furthermore, testosterone produces a negative estrogenic action. Consequently, it is converted to estradiol by the aromatase enzymes. Elevated levels of estradiol in men can lead to enhanced body fat, increased water retention, and low testosterone. Methyl Methyl Arimatest found in the MuscleMeds supplement can contribute to optimal testosterone and estradiol levels.

Several scientific studies have revealed that this is the most complete way of increasing testosterone levels at this time. In a 14-day clinical study, healthy men were given Methyl Arimatest, and its impact on 5-alpha reductase inhibitor was evaluated. At the end of the study, testosterone levels increased to at least 10,600 pg/mL. This is a significant difference for most men.


Ingredients of Methyl Arimatest

Methyl Arimatest is an unique and highly potent testosterone booster. Its strength comes from a novel combination of ingredients that include 7 methyl Arimatase and Dihydrotase. The two components work together to bring about the Dual Action Testosterone Optimization mechanism of the supplement, which will help increase testosterone levels and the duration of its anabolic muscle building activity phase. The components will also help balance estradiol levels in your body and thereby, inhibit the negative feedback that prevents testosterone production.

MuscleMeds research team took time to understand the physiology of testosterone production and came up with a potent formula that controls the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis while managing the negative feedback that suppresses the production of the steroid hormone. This leads to elevated levels of free testosterone in your body.

A significant portion of the free testosterone is, however, converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). While DHT helps grow facial hair, it does not contribute to muscle development. Hence, the MuscleMeds research team added Dihydrotase to its supplement. This enzyme prevents the conversion of free testosterone into DHT and increases the duration of the anabolic muscle building stage.

Once the MuscleMeds product development team created the formula, they looked for an effective delivery system and came up with the exclusive SubZorb technology. The subuccal tablet speeds up the digestion and the absorption of the supplement. The two components will enter the blood stream quickly and produce the desired results within a short period of time.

Every pack of this testosterone booster includes a bottle of Formula 1 and a bottle of Formula 2. Formula 1 contains Dihydrotase, and the company recommends taking two capsules of this in the morning and two capsules in the evening. Formula 2 contains 7 methyl Arimatase, and the company recommends taking one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the night for best results. The Arimatase capsule should be placed in your mouth and allowed to dissolve completely.



One of the biggest strengths of Methyl Arimatest lies in its unique combination of ingredients. The MuscleMeds research team has created a formula that works at multiple levels to increase free testosterone levels in your blood and extend the duration of the anabolic muscle building phase. Many clinical studies have validated these claims.

The company, MuscleMeds, has been in business since 2008 and was founded by Gerard Dente, a national bodybuilding champion. It has focused extensively on research and development. The company’s scientists have taken time to understand the anatomy and the physiology of testosterone production before creating this supplement.

MuscleMeds is proud of its supplements and lists all the ingredients on the bottle. This adds to the trustworthiness of the product. The consumers can use this knowledge to make an informed choice. You may also consult with a doctor, especially if you have any other medical condition or are taking other medications.

As per the company’s website, the testosterone booster undergoes extensive evaluation and quality control testing at every stage. The goal is to provide the consumers with pure and high quality supplements that produce real results. You will find thousands of positive consumer reviews about this product on the Internet.

Unlike some of its competitors, this supplement is highly accessible. Methyl Arimatest is available for sale at the company’s online store and at several popular retailers. You will find special deals and free shipping offers from time to time.



Testosterone boosters are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety and potency. Hence, Methyl Arimatest does not come with the federal agency’s seal of approval. The company does not claim to possess any other certifications or approvals from authoritative agencies or professional organizations. Nonetheless, there are several customer testimonials online that endorse this supplement.



This product is out of the world, man! I have been wanting to build some serious muscle for a while and compete somewhere. I tried another testosterone booster but it did not work. I was about to give up when I found this one. It really works, and I am very happy with it. I think my dream will finally come true this year.

Ted, El Paso, TX.

This is an amazing product. I have been using it for three months, and I seeing some great results. My muscles feel strong and intense. My buddies have noticed the difference too and have started using it. I exercise for the same amount of time and haven’t changed my diet much either. Nonetheless, my muscles are bigger and stronger than ever. At 40, I’m the fittest I have ever been, and I love it! Every dude must try this one.

Jack, Idaho Falls, ID.

This product is not bad. I have been using it for a month, and I do notice some improved muscle mass. I’m not a big fan of the formula 2. I don’t like keeping the pill in my mouth for that long. I also think this one is more expensive. I’ve seen other products for half the price. I decided to go with this one because of all the scientific research, and I hope I made the right choice.

Ben, Lincoln, CA.

This one is not for me. The regimen is so complicated. It comes in two bottles. You have to remember to take two pills from one and then place the pill from the second bottle in my mouth twice a day. I work two jobs, and I do not have the time to memorize all that. I have used testosterone boosters in the past. They gave me good results, and I just had to take a couple of pills each night. I’m going back to them. Try this one only if you have all the time in the world.

Tim, Sante Fe, NM.

This is not a bad product. The company’s website describes the science behind the product in detail. I like that. It looks like they have put in some effort and have nothing to hide. I also had some issues with my credit card, and the company’s staff helped me with it. I have been using this supplement for 2 months. I has been a good experience, and I do notice a difference. I just wish the regimen was simple, and it was reasonably priced. My buddy says there’s another product that produces similar results and is cheaper. I am tempted to try that one as well.

Luke, Bismark, ND.


Awards & Media Coverage

MuscleMeds is a popular name in the sports supplements industry, and many media outlets have discussed its success over the time. In an article about fitness supplements published in its January 13th, 2010, edition, the New York Times talked to an University of South Carolina student who relied on Methyl Arimatest for increasing his testosterone levels over 10,000 times. As per an article published on in 2008, this supplement “is a powerful anti aromatase agent that triggers never before seen elevations in testosterone.”


Money-back Guarantee

MuscleMeds offers 100 percent money-back guarantee on all its supplements. If your are not completely satisfied with the product, simply send it back to the address mentioned on the company’s website. Do not forget to include your name, address and reason for the return with your package. This offer is only available for supplements that are purchased at the MuscleMeds online store. If you choose to purchase the supplement from an independent vendor, contact their customer service department to learn more about the policies.



MuscleMeds will directly ship all the orders placed on its website anywhere within the United States. The products will ship on normal business days between 9am to 3 pm. Your billing and shipping address must match for the company to process your credit card payment.

MuscleMeds’ website also provides an email address for international customers. If you want your supplement to be delivered to another country, contact the customer service. The company also allows you to return the product with ease. Just send the product back along your name, address and reason for return to the address included on the website.


Customer Support

MuscleMeds has gained immense popularity in recent times. Apart from offering high quality supplements, the company also provides exceptional customer care, and this has contributed significantly to its success. You can contact them via email or a toll-free number. You will also find an inquiry form on the website. A service representative will get in touch with you in 24 to 48 hours.

The company also has a simple website that is easy to browse. It will include a detailed description of the product and the company’s product development strategies. Many consumers feel confident about investing in a supplement when such additional information is available. You will find MuscleMeds on Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social networking sites. These sites allow you meet and interact with other consumers using MuscleMed products.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Aramitest is available at the company’s online store. You can pay for the supplement using your PayPal account. The company also accepts most major credit cards. However, they can process your credit card payment only when your billing and credit card address match. The website will allow you to enter the coupon code at the time of checkout. You can also earn rewards for making multiple purchases.

You may create an account to log into the company’s server. You may also log in using your Facebook account. The company offers Express Checkout to customers who have time constraints and cannot enter the account information. Nonetheless, there is no indication that the website is monitored by an independent security agency.



Every package of Methyl Arimatest includes one bottle of 7 methyl Arimatase with 60 capsules and another bottle of Dihydrotase with 120 capsules. This will last for a month as the company recommends taking two capsules of formula 1 and 4 capsules of formula 2 each day. The company sells the pack for $79.99 at its online store. A coupon or accumulated reward points may lower the price to some extent. If you want to get it for $43.74, there are places where you can get it for that low as well.

Independent retailers may offer special deals or free shopping occasionally. They may also offer special coupons or promotions. It is prudent to look at multiple vendors and compare the deals before making the final purchase.






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