Mass PM

Mass PM Review – Looking to Boost Your Testosterone Levels?

What Is Mass PM?

Mass PM is a natural testosterone booster. In other words, this is a dietary supplement designed to promote natural reactions throughout the body that produce the male hormone, testosterone. This particular supplement is manufactured by a company with the same name as the product that has been around since 2014. Since they were establishment, Mass PM has been working on their formula to ensure that it contains top quality ingredients that will deliver maximum results to their customers. The formula consists of only natural ingredients, no harmful manmade chemicals. Users taking these supplements should ingest two pills a day with a lot of water all throughout the day to assist with the breakdown.

The main focus of this product and how it affects the body is all related to testosterone. Testosterone is commonly known as the male hormone, but more specifically, it is categorized as an anabolic-androgen steroid. It gets this name from its two main properties. The first is anabolism, which deals with the formation of large complex muscles from the preexisting simple muscle tissue in the body. The second property is that of an androgen, very similar to adolescent puberty for males. It assists in the development of muscles throughout the body to give off a more masculine look. Testosterone is secreted primarily from the testes in men, but there is also a relatively small amount secreted from the ovaries in women.

Testosterone plays a role in many different aspects of a healthy body. The first benefit is the increase in energy all throughout the body. This includes both, physical energy as well as cognitive energy. There are also several benefits relating to the muscles such as increased protein synthesis. This means that the body will have the proteins it needs in order to build up large muscles faster and repair them quickly if they become damaged. Overall this leads in improved athletic performance.

So why is an increased amount of testosterone helpful? The chemical is naturally produced by the body and has a wide variety of health benefits to be discussed. As men get older, their bodies begin to produce less and less of this hormone. The decrease can start in some men as early as 20 years old. Athletes and weight trainers can use the extra boost for the aforementioned reasons, however, the average male can benefit in many other ways as well.

There is some evidence that low testosterone levels can cause obesity. 40% of men who were considered obese also had lower than normal levels of testosterone in their body. Low levels can also cause a lack of motivation, lack of energy, and a loss of muscle. None of these things are particularly troublesome on their own, however they have been known to lead to more serious conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or depression. Huge benefits of increased testosterone in men include an increase in energy, improvement of muscles, and a boost in physical performance.



The manufacturers of this product also take on the name Mass PM. The company was founded in 2014, so they have been around for a few years now. The corporate office for this company is stationed in Cheyenne, Wyoming. If you are looking to send back a product, however, their return address is in Henderson, Nevada. Both of these addresses can be found on the contact page of the product website. Currently the company is serving customers from the United States and Canada.

Customer service is something very important to the makers of Mass PM, so they provide a variety of communication avenues. With their extensive business hours, they hope to accommodate the needs of many different customers. Walk-ins are welcome at the corporate office in Cheyenne for anyone who may have an issue that is best resolved in person. For customers who may not live in the area, there is also a phone number that can be called toll free in order to get in touch with a member of the support staff. For less pressing matters, there is also an email address. Responses to emails can be expected within 24 hours.


How Mass PM Works?

Mass PM is a dietary supplement, so all it does in increase the natural production of testosterone by promoting biological processes that are already occurring within the body, but perhaps not at optimum speed. Users should take two pills a day and continue drinking water all day long. Some users prefer to take the pills at night before bed to allow for them to work overnight while the body is using up minimal energy for other things. The supplements will then dissolve and permeate the bloodstream, providing the body with additional nutrients that it needs.

The supplements are known to increase anabolism while blocking catabolism, the reverse effect that breaks down complex muscles into smaller and simpler ones. They also assist in protein synthesis, which subsequently improves muscles. One final benefit for men looking to build up a masculine body is that it provides a boost in energy. This energy can be invested into metabolic processes or physical activity, making gym time more doable.

There are also other benefits of this product that can be helpful for men of all circumstances. The largest benefit is that it causes an increase in blood flow. There are several advantages to having improved blood flow. First of all, it allows for better absorption of things like vitamins or minerals. It also allows for easier transport of energy via ATP. This includes increased mental energy. Users also experience better management of stress and good cardiovascular health.



Mass PM is an all-natural formula that has been researched and improved for the past two years since the company was founded. By supplying the bloodstream with more nutrients, the components of the formula are able to provide quick recovery and the fastest gains to the body. Below are the active ingredients present in the supplements.

Tribulus Terrestris Extract – This is an all-natural herb that comes from a plant producing a spiny type of fruit. It is often included in male vitamins or supplements because it naturally produces testosterone. This boost can help to improve overall mood and also maximize muscle mass. This is the important boost that bodybuilders and athletes need to pair with their regular exercise routine.

Horny Goat Weed – This is an herb that is very common within Chinese medicine but is now used throughout many regular medicine practices. This is the component that improves blood flow and leads to many different advantages. One specific benefit for men looking to bulk up is the enhancement of lean muscle tissue. It also aids in the relaxation of muscles after an intense workout.

Fenugreek Extract – This is another natural herb that can cause the body to look more masculine. One of its in advantages is that it slows down the absorption of sugars in the stomach, allowing for natural production of insulin. This also improves athletic performance.

The formula also includes some inactive ingredients in very small doses. Information about these ingredients can be obtained from the help staff, as they are not listed on the product website.



As mentioned before, Mass PM is made entirely of natural ingredients that do not introduce any harmful chemicals to the body. There is also no fear of allergic reactions possibly occurring. For all of these reasons this product is a healthy and safe option for men of all lifestyles.

The first and most prominent advantage to this testosterone boost is an increase in blood flow. This leads to a variety of positive things that have been touched on prior to this, but there are three main benefits. The first is improved absorption of nutrients to supply the body with anything that it may need. Secondly, this makes for better transportation of things throughout the body at a molecular level. Finally, this increased transportation allows for a better healing process including healing of muscle tissue that may be damaged while working out.

The second major advantage of these supplements is everything to do with muscles. Through providing increased protein levels, there are more proteins available for the formation, growth, and repair of muscles in the body. Therefore users of this product are able to reach anabolic efficiency without fear of becoming catabolic.

A final major advantage is the increase in energy and ATP. Providing the bloodstream with more ATP allows for energy to move more freely to the areas of the body where it is needed. The most important sites in which energy is needed are the muscles and the brain. This leads to improved physical and mental abilities.

There are various health advantages that come with usage of these supplements and benefit men of all circumstances. Men with higher levels of testosterone have reported better cardiovascular health than men with lower than normal levels. They will also experience improved mental and physical performance, along with an overall elevated mood.



Mass PM does not currently hold any official form of certification, but that is not to say that it is not a quality product. Their biggest form of credibility is testimonials from satisfied customers. With two years as a company working toward the best product possible, they have acquired a pretty sizable group of people who think and speak highly of them.

It is also important to note that Mass PM is a dietary supplement. It is not intended to treat or cure any health issues, therefore, the Food and Drug Administration does not need to approve the product or any of the statements made about it. The product is manufactured from start to finish in the United States adhering to all laws and regulations in place by the United States federal government.



I have been working hard in the gym and trying to bulk up for a little over a year. I seemed to have reached a slump that I couldn’t get out of and I wasn’t seeing much improvement. I looked into possible explanations and learned that my testosterone levels could be holding me back. I found Mass PM and found out that it is beneficial for men just like me who are trying to improve their body. I took advantage of the free trial and when it was time to decide, it was an easy decision. I continued my subscription and I see improvements every single day. This is a great product.

– Max, 33, Orlando, Florida.

My doctor advised me to look into a testosterone supplement to assist with my decreasing levels as I get older. At first I was hesitant because I don’t need to be extremely active or anything like that. I found Mass PM interesting since it is all natural and figured I didn’t have much to lose. It was a great decision. Three months later I am feeling great and able to play with my grandchildren when they visit. I never thought that simply taking two pills a day could have such a great effect on my life.

– Dan, 61, Sacramento, California.


Awards & Media Coverage

Although Mass PM is working hard toward perfecting their product and its formula, they have yet to receive any awards. A two year old company is still fairly new to the market, so some recognition may be on its way in the future. The large pool of satisfied customers confirms that the product is a good one and they are moving in the right direction. Additionally, the product has made a few appearances in popular men’s magazines.


Money-back Guarantee

Mass PM is currently offering a free trial to all new United States or Canadian customers to claim online. To claim the free month trial, users should log on and pay the shipping and handling cost of $4.90. Though the trial bottle is a full month supply of pills, the trial period lasts 18 days, so users need to cancel before the 18th day in order to avoid charges. In signing up for the free trial bottle, users also sign up for the subscription to the product, so they will be charged on the 18th day and every 30 days after that. A new bottle will be delivered monthly until cancelled.

Aside from the free trial, unsatisfied customers should contact the support staff to discuss their concerns and receive their money back. If the cancellation is taking place after the 18th day of a trial or after a card has already been charged for the subscription program, the customer will have to work with the support staff in order to make necessary accommodations. When everything is worked out, the customer should mail the remainder of the product to the return address listed on the website and their money will be credited back to their card.



All orders of Mass PM should be placed through the official website I order to ensure a safe transaction and quality product. Each package ordered directly from the website is charged a shipping and handling fee of $4.90 and is shipped out via the United States Postal Service. Customers can expect the package to arrive within 3 to 5 business days while the product is in stock. The actual shipping time may depend on location.


Customer Support

Mass PM considers customer support to be the biggest priority in order to improve their business and keep the customers happy. They also feel that pleasing their customers has been their biggest accomplishment so far.

The company has extensive office hours stretching from 9am to 6pm U.S. central time during weekdays and 11am though 4pm U.S. central time on weekends. They are only closed for a select few holidays a year. Customers can walk I to the corporate office in Cheyenne, Wyoming for pressing issues to be solved in person. There is also a toll free phone number and email address listed on the contact page of the website.

The support staff is well trained in the details of the product that they work for. They can help customers who may need additional information about the ingredients of the product for allergy reasons or general curiosity. It is also helpful to have someone to reach out to in case customers feel that they may be experiencing side effects.

The support staff is also prepared to assist with any administrative issues that may arise. They can look into payment issues or glitches in the ordering program. If customers are worried about when a package will arrive, these employees can also help to track down a package and give a best estimate.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The manufacturing company advises users to only order Mass PM from their official website in order to avoid any scams or subpar quality. The official site is guaranteed to be a safe and secure checkout process. The website employs a 128-bit SSL connection which encrypts the personal information entered by the customer. This prevents the site from saving any of the information and surrendering it to third parties. It also ensures that no individual on the company’s end can access the personal information of the customer. The system has several stamps of approval including McAfee secure, Norton security, and Truste certified.

At checkout, customers can choose to use Visa or Mastercard as their payment method. The product can currently only be ordered by customers in the United States or Canada. Any issues that may arise during checkout can be handled by the customer service representatives reachable through the contact information on the website.


Pricing & Free Trial

There is currently a free trial offer that is available for residents of the United States or Canada that are unsure about committing to the product just yet. These prospective customers can get a month long supply bottle of Mass PM for $4.90 for shipping and handling. The trial period lasts for 18 days, so customers should cancel before that in order to avoid any charges.

For trials that are not cancelled by the 18th day, the user will be charged the price of the bottle, which is $89.92. They will continue to be charged this price every 30 days and receive a new bottle delivered to them until enrollment in the program is cancelled by calling the customer service line. Otherwise, a new bottle will arrive within 3 to 5 business days of being charged.

For users who don’t wish to enroll in the subscription program, there are other packages that can be ordered through the website as well. These options benefit from free shipping, saving a bit of money. For a one month supply, the price is $89.92. A two month supply costs $114.49, which is a savings of $58. Finally, customers can also order a three month supply for $138.99, which saves them $125.






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