JetFuel T-300 from GAT

JetFuel T-300 by GAT Review – How Good Is This Testosterone Stimulator?

What Is JetFuel T-300?

JetFuel T-300 is a testosterone booster that is made with fully proven ingredients. In recent years, the testosterone booster industry has been inundated with new boosters, many of which are primarily herbal in nature. This may not necessarily be a bad thing, as some herbal supplements do have scientific support and many herbal formulas also include ingredients that have been reviewed in peer-reviewed studies, but for many, the price of a formula is just too much to pay if all ingredients have not been verified by science. This supplement has a unique take on testosterone support, as it has three separate ingredient blends: one supports testosterone formation, another supports thermogenesis, and still another supports cognitive function.

If you’ve been a fitness enthusiast for any length of time, you probably know that each of these functions is crucial if you want to do well in the gym. Many men over 30 lose testosterone at a rate of between one and two percent per year. Testosterone is crucial to your reaching fitness goals, as low testosterone can make you sluggish and prone to fat gain, as well as mentally cloudy. It is necessary for putting on muscle mass. Thermogenesis is helpful in burning fat. Thermogenic agents, as the name suggests, raise the temperature of your body (but only slightly), thus making it easier to burn more calories and fat even at rest. For most of us, losing fat is a goal along with gaining muscle, and this aspect of the supplement is useful in that regard.

A special ingredient blend just for cognitive focus may seem odd, but this too is quite needed if you want to be at your best in the gym. If you’ve ever been to the gym on a day when you just weren’t there mentally, you likely know why. Training has a lot to do with physical strength, but it also requires great mental focus. A day with little focus may result in weaker lifts or even in injuries. This supplement, with its very thorough ingredient list, is designed to support you at various crucial levels of training.



This supplement is made by German American technologies, commonly abbreviated as GAT. This company makes supplements for every stage of training, whether you are a new athlete looking to improve or a seasoned pro. They also offer products that range from the basics to specialized support. This manufacturer is also endorsed by bodybuilding and fitness competitors, including Rebecca Ferrari, Big Ramy, and many others (discussed in more detail below). This is a company that remains invested in the success of its customers, and it does more than just make products. Potential and current customers can attend product demos, read endorsing athletes’ diet plans and training splits, or contact support staff to ask questions. GAT is here to help you, regardless of where you are in your journey to wellness and health.


How JetFuel T-300 Works?

JetFuel T-300 works on a number of levels. As noted above, it increases your body’s ability to produce testosterone, it aids in fat burning, and it supports focus and other cognitive benefits. These effects help to make it a very thorough supplement in that it addresses various issues faced by novice and professional athletes alike. As far as testosterone support goes, this product utilizes proven ingredients in their most effective forms. The inclusion of calcium fructoborate is a major step, as it is the most bioavailable, and therefore the most effective for supplementation, form of boron. Boron is perhaps the best-researched compound for boosting testosterone. The almost-equally-researched zinc is also included. This inclusion is important because in order to have optimal levels of testosterone, one must not be zinc deficient. Lastly, a classic plant that has been used as a testosterone support for centuries, tribulus terrestris, also is included. While evidence for this one is lacking, it does offer proven energy support.

Thermogenic support is offered via caffeine, bitter orange, cayenne, and yohimbe. Both yohimbe and bitter orange are known for having stimulant and fat-burning effects, with bitter orange drawing comparisons to the now-banned ephedra. Cayenne is a capsaicinoid, and capsaicin (the molecule that causes some foods to taste hot) can stimulate our metabolism, thus aiding your body in losing additional fat. Caffeine is well-known as a stimulant, and its inclusion here is useful because it can help energize you while stimulating fat loss.

This supplement also helps to boost cognitive performance by including a number of ingredients known for their ability to help you focus. This is useful when you’re in the gym and need to get in another set, and it also can help you to stay motivated in between workouts. On the whole, JetFuel T-300 is a supplement that is designed to target phenomena that can influence testosterone levels: the physical production of the hormone, the addition of extra fat/lack of energy, and lack of focus. This multifaceted approach is designed to help you shed excess fat and get back the testosterone that you’ve lost over time.


Ingredients of JetFuel T-300

This supplement contains many ingredients, most of which are divided into specialized blends. In order to give clearer picture of this supplement, ingredients are listed below and grouped by their blend category.

Testosterone support

Calcium fructoborate – nearly everyone knows that supplementation with boron will help increase the free testosterone in your body. However, not all forms of boron are created equally. This form, which has the added benefit of including calcium, is known for being especially bioavailable and for absorbing particularly well. While its primary reason for inclusion here is to increase testosterone, taking this ingredient has many other benefits, especially for bone health. It helps to reduce joint inflammation and support your body’s use of calcium and vitamin D, among other benefits.

Tribulus terrestris –  this ingredient has been used in traditional Eastern medicine for centuries. More research is needed to determine whether it supports testosterone or not. However, it has been shown to support general vitality, which is important to all fitness enthusiasts. This herb is also an adaptogen, meaning it helps your body adjust to stressors. Animal studies have indicated that it exerts a protective effect on organs.

Zinc monomethionine – it has been shown in many studies to increase the levels of free testosterone. However, it only does so if you have a zinc deficiency. Before you say that you aren’t deficient in anything and therefore may not need this, it’s important to realize that zinc is an essential nutrient, meaning that the body cannot produce it; it must be obtained in the diet. Additionally, zinc is especially easily depleted in your sweat, so rapid replenishing is a good idea if you tend to train hard.

Thermogenic agents

Caffeine anhydrous – caffeine is well-regarded as an energy booster and as a means to help burn fat. It also is a thermogenic agent. This supplement contains 300 mg of caffeine per serving, which is about the same a three cups of coffee. This may seem like a large amount of caffeine, and for those with heart or anxiety issues, JetFuel T-300 may be too high of a dosage. For others, though, it can help with energy and also with focus.

AdvantraZ bitter orange extract – this extract is often used in weight-loss and bodybuilding products labeled “ephedra-free,” and bitter orange may have similar effects to ephedra. It can aid in fat loss and appetite control, and since it acts as a stimulant, it also can help you to gear up for difficult workouts.

Cayenne pepper fruit extract – capsaicin, the molecule that makes peppers hot, is also good for fat loss and thermogenesis. This extract simply concentrates the capsaicin so you don’t have to eat countless peppers to get it.

Yohimbe – this extract comes from an African bark. It is used as a stimulant and fat burner, and many bodybuilders swear by its efficacy when it comes to fat loss. Though it is included in the thermogenic blend and not the focus support blend, yohimbe also can dramatically increase focus and drive, making it a good choice for a fat loss/muscle gain supplement.

Cognitive enhancing blend

Sensoril Ashwagandha – this herb has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It is purported to give you incredible energy, and it s also known to enhance focus. This is also an adaptogen, meaning that it can reduce the effects of stress on the body.

Magnesium aspartate – magnesium is known for a variety of benefits, including enhancing cognitive function. It also is known for its ability to stimulate testosterone production. A well-known study that involved a control group of martial arts athletes, a group of martial arts athletes who supplemented with magnesium, and a sedentary group that supplemented with magnesium found that every group’s free testosterone levels were increased, but the greatest increase was found in those who exercised vigorously and supplemented with magnesium. The findings of this study have been corroborated in others.

Other ingredients

Medium chain triglyceride powder – medium-chain triglycerides are a special type of fatty acid that has been shown to stimulate energy and even aid in fat burning. Many are wary of a supplement that includes fats, but MCTs have the science behind them that proves they can actually help you re-energize and take your workout to the next level.

Bioperine black pepper fruit extract – this extract is an excellent addition to almost any supplement, as piperine, the generic name of the extract, increases the bioavailability of various compounds. This means that you get more out of your supplement without having to take more of it.

Explotab sodium starch glycolate – this ingredient helps ensure the disintegration and palatability of the various ingredients in JetFuel T-300.



There are many advantages to taking this supplement. One of the most notable advantages is the fact that it uses not just reliable ingredients, but ingredients in their most bioavailable form. The dosage of an ingredient matters, but so does your body’s ability to absorb it. Another advantage is its scope as a supplement. Many testosterone boosters only support testosterone production, but they don’t support other metabolic functions like thermogenesis that can indirectly help improve both your levels of testosterone and your physique. Another advantage is the fact that it is not auto-shipped. Some customers may prefer an autoshipped product, but for those who don’t want to be locked into a shipping contract, JetFuel T-300 is a good choice.



This supplement has not been given any certificates. However, on major bodybuilding sites, it has been consistently reviewed favorably. It also is made by a company that has been manufacturing supplements for ten years, and it has been endorsed by many top-level strength and physique competitors. Though no official certificates have been awarded to JetFuel T-300, there is significant research backing its ingredients, and this research lends credibility to claims of its efficacy. It may earn a certificate in the future as it gains more exposure with the general fitness and supplement communities.



It can be useful to hear from those who have used this product before. Here are the words of a few:

Jeff, 20, New York, NY:

I decided I wanted to do a physique show in a year, so I’ve started stocking up on supplements. I’ve done my research, and this supplement has what I needed in terms of metabolic support and testosterone support. Great stuff.

Joey, 30, Chicago, IL:

I can tell I’ve already started to lose testosterone, and I needed to do something about it. I actually just borrowed JetFuel T-300 from a friend for a week, and it works great! My energy is really improved, and I feel stronger than ever.

Steven, 40, Philadelphia, PA:

I feel like a geezer sometimes, and I really wanted something to change that. I’ve been trying testosterone boosters for a few years, and this is the one that really worked. I look so much more ripped! I’m a customer for life.


Awards & Media Coverage

This supplement has yet to win awards or to be covered substantially in the media. However, as mentioned briefly above, it is endorsed by several top-level athletes. These athletes include Big Ramy, the 2015 Arnold Brazil Champion, and Rebecca Ferrari, IFBB Pro. Additionally, Bones Jones, an MMA champion, is part of the lineup, as is Robert Oberst, a professional strongman competitor. Several other IFBB Pro and Strongman competitors also are a part of the GAT lineup. These athletes act as indirect advertising, since their fans and supporters who follow them are likely to notice and read about any product these athletes endorse.


Money-back Guarantee

This is a company that stands behind its products. However, it does not have a set policy when it comes to refunds. If you are looking at a specific product but feel uncertain, you may want to ask about getting a free sample, or about a given refund policy. Refund policies will differ depending on the dealer of the product, so if there’s any question of wanting a refund, making contact before your purchase is generally advisable. If you aren’t sure which product is right for you, then contacting a customer service representative may be advisable as well. Those who work with this company are knowledgeable about fitness topics, and they can help you find what you need.



Shipping costs and methods will vary depending on the seller of the product. In general, though, most sellers will offer fast shipping, and some may offer it at a discount, or even for free, if you purchase a certain monetary amount of product. This product is unlike some testosterone boosters in the sense that it is not an autoship product. With JetFuel T-300, you must re-order when you need it, as no autoship feature is available. If you choose to purchase it through a service that offers automatic shipping, you may be able to get it sent automatically, and on a specified date.


Customer Support

The customer support staff at GAT is made entirely of people who value fitness. As such, when you make a call or send an e-mail, you are certain to be contacted back by a person who has experience in and knowledge of fitness and supplements. These representatives are ready to help you, whether you are just asking questions, are already a customer, or are considering a specific product. The representatives can help you find what products, dosages, and frequency of use is best for you and your fitness goals. If you prefer to not use phone or e-mail, the company can also be reached by traditional mail.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Buying online ca be daunting for some, but when you purchase JetFuel T-300, you can be assured that the company uses the best encryption available. This makes sure that your information is protected from hackers and those on the outside. You may be worried about the company too, as some companies take advantage of customers by using their information to send them spam or sell or share their contact information. This company will keep your information safe, and there is no need to be concerned about whether your info will be protected.



This product is very reasonably priced at $39.49 for 90 capsules, or a 30-day supply. There are a range of testosterone supplements for every price range, but this one is reasonably priced for the science behind it. Many testosterone supplements, especially those sold online, run up to $100 for a 30-day supply, and most do not have nearly the science that has gone into JetFuel T-300. Moreover, this supplement has listed the amount of each ingredient, unlike some supplements that rely on “proprietary blends” and do not reveal the amount of each ingredient. On the whole, the price is a good one for the complexity of the supplement.






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