Hyper Tone Excel

Hyper Tone Excel Review – Is This a Product for Burning Off Body Fat While Also Gaining Muscle?

What Is Hyper Tone Excel?

Hyper Tone Excel is a testosterone boosting dietary supplement for men. It is important for men of all ages to have a sufficient supply of testosterone throughout their body since it is the primary male hormone and has many positive health effects. Most relevant to a bodybuilder, testosterone plays a large role in the formation of muscle tissue, which leads to increased overall strength. There is also evidence to support the claim that testosterone helps to eliminate existing body fat. Burning off body fat while also gaining muscle will yield noticeable improvement in a masculine build in record time.

There are even further health benefits to maintaining good testosterone levels, for the chemical plays key roles in many important biological processes. For example, testosterone assists with the production of red blood cells. An increased red blood cell count also has a positive effect on the heart.

Men who seem to be struggling to fight declining testosterone levels should definitely try this product. It is very common for men over the age of 30 years to begin to experience a decline in their male hormone levels. Unfortunately, with this brings a bunch of negative health conditions. Men may realize that they are losing muscle that they used to have or that they’re feeling low on energy and motivation. These things can lead to other, even more serious, conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Supplements such as this one are perfect to combat these declining levels and keep your life on track.

Hyper Tone Excel is a brand new supplement being sold with a new blend of all natural ingredients that are 100% guaranteed to provide desired results. Men who are committed to seeing these results should take one capsule a day with a sufficient amount of water. The water is essential, as the body needs to stay hydrated in order to go through the processes necessary for maximum results. This product is marketed as a powerful formula that will leave men feeling more powerful than ever.



Hyper Tone Excel is manufactured under the same name as the product itself. The company is very new, as it was founded earlier this year in 2016. As this new company attempts to build up its reputation and gain a following, they have made themselves incredibly available for any customers to contact them. The company operates internationally with support lines in several different countries for the convenience of the prospective customer. Though the company is still starting out, they are working hard to continue reaching their formula and provide a quality product to the market.


How Hyper Tone Excel Works?

Adult men should take Hyper Tone Excel once a day without interruption in order to make steady progress. Since the purpose of these pills is not introduce any new chemicals into the body, but rather to balance chemical levels, missing a day could offset the balance even further. The testosterone levels are elevated naturally as the ingredients within the supplements activate and promote normal processes that the body would undergo. Since these ingredients prompt the body to do what it should be doing, rather than introduce the chemicals themselves, they are very safe with no major health risks.

Many of the men who take these supplements are looking to improve their strength, and they surely will. As the body has more testosterone circulation through the bloodstream, there is more readily available to be used during processes that form additional muscle mass. With muscle mass comes body strength and therefore users of these pills find themselves making great strides at the gym.

There also seems to be a link between testosterone levels and obesity. In a scientific research study, it was discovered that 40% of obese men had lower than normal testosterone levels in their blood. Since testosterone has also proven that it helps to eliminate existing body fat, this evidence seems to prove that there is, in fact correlation between the two.

Along with an increase in testosterone throughout the body’s bloodstream comes an increase in ATP throughout the bloodstream. ATP is the abbreviation for adenine triphosphate. ATP transports energy all throughout the body to the sites where it is needed. For example, if while working out muscle is trying to develop on the biceps, ATP will transport energy to that area in order to assist in the process. The increase in ATP will also leave users feeling energized throughout the day.

Ingredients within the formula have alternate uses that lead to great health benefits as well. As mentioned before, there are links to fat loss which can be great for men looking to improve their body. There have also been many reports of improved mental energy and better stress management.



Hyper Tone Excel is a powerful formula that is made from all natural ingredients that are not at all harmful to the human body. Even though these ingredients are all natural, it is still important to know exactly what is being put into your body. For that reason, here is a list of the main active ingredients and a short description of its uses and effects on the body.

Longjack (Tongkat Ali) – This is an extract that comes from the root of a shrub tree in Southeast Asia. It is a common ingredient of male supplements since it is known to improve athletic performance and assist with bodybuilding. It is also included in other forms of medication to treat things such as fever, high blood pressure, and even other diseases.

Horny Goat Weed – This is yet another popular ingredient for male supplements. It is an herb that’s leaves are commonly used in medicines that are used to treat weak bones and infections. In supplements it is helpful with its characteristic of fighting physical and mental fatigue.

Monkey’s Head Hericium Extract – Despite the strange sounding name of this ingredient, it has nothing to do with monkeys. Instead, it is a mushroom that is used in many medicine practices. Its purpose in this pill is to help eliminate fat cells. It also tends to improve cognitive skills, which is a plus.

Tribulus Terrestris – This is perhaps the most important ingredient within these pills. Its job is to send signals out throughout the body to let it know that it needs to produce more testosterone. This is how these pills can remain all natural and only assist the body in naturally producing the chemical.

Korean Ginseng Extract – This is another popular ingredient that helps with the body’s energy supply. It is known to improve both, physical and mental energy levels.

Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) – This ingredient comes from a root and is beneficial for all men who take these supplements. It is considered to be a adaptogen, which means that it assists the body with dealing with stress, whether it be external or internal.



Men often seek testosterone supplements when they are looking to improve their body as well as their lifestyle. Plummeting hormone levels can begin to affect other parts of one’s life such as family time. That is simply unacceptable. Products such as Hyper Tone Excel have been helping men become healthier in many ways and maintain their lifestyle since they have been in existence.

An increase in testosterone does more than just make a man appear more masculine. Testosterone helps to power many different reactions throughout the body that lead to great health benefits. Yes, one of these benefits deals with muscle formation and development; however, there are plenty of more benefits as well. For example, higher testosterone levels lead to higher red blood cell counts. With an increase in healthy blood circulation, there are also positive effects on the heart. Finally, testosterone plays a key role in protein synthesis and from there the proteins go on to positively affect the body as well. Simply put, testosterone elevates the body’s overall health.

This was mentioned before, however it is important enough to note again. An increase in testosterone leads to an increase in ATP. Since ATP helps to move energy around the body, this increase benefits nearly every aspect of human health. Energy is needed constantly throughout the day in order for the body to maintain its metabolism. The extra ATP simplifies this by having energy always readily available for any processes that may need to take place. On a bigger scale, more energy throughout the body means that the user will not feel the fatigue and tired feeling that sometimes follows physical activity. This leaves men with more energy and ambition to get out and make time for what’s really important in their lives.



This company has only been in existence for a few months, and therefore they do not currently hold certifications. It is important to note that this product is a dietary supplement. Supplements are not required to go through the same processes that other medicines are. Therefore, Hyper Tone Excel has not been endorsed by any government officials, but it doesn’t need to be. The Food and Drug Administration does not deal with dietary supplements and has not looked into the product to approve nor disapprove it.

Prospective customers should rest assured that the formula within these pills is a quality one, though. There are scientists researching the components and working to improve the product in order to provide the best ingredients possible to their customers.



As a kid I remember always being picked last for a kickball team or flag football. I wasn’t good at sports and didn’t have the muscles for it. Now, I’m getting my revenge. I wanted to bulk up and build up a body that I could be proud of. I needed to prove to myself that I was capable of becoming a strong and able body. I want my son to grow up with a father he can be proud of, so I looked into my options. I found that Hyper Tone Excel was all natural and a brand new company so I decided to try it out. I didn’t want to risk potentially hurting myself in the process. I loved that it was a free trial and I was able to get used to it before I had to pay for anything. Now that I’ve been on the pills for a while I am beginning to see the results that I wanted. I have hope that I’ll get the body that I dreamed of so that I can be Superman to my little guy.

– Ralph, 31, Dallas,  Texas.

I’ve been into taking male hormone pills for the past few years. They all tend to have their pros and cons and I haven’t found a perfect fit yet. When I found out about this new pill coming out I knew that I had to give it a shot, I mean, why not? So far I have been really pleasantly surprised with how Hyper Tone Excel makes me feel. I have more energy throughout the day and I am able to work out and improve my health. It feels like I really have my life back. To anyone who is wondering whether or not to give the new pill on the block a shot, I definitely recommend you do it. I have not been disappointed.

– Jerry, 30, Phoenix, Arizona

I’ve always been a small guy. The doctor recommended putting me on growth hormones as a kid but my parents and I decided that it wasn’t a good idea to inject chemicals into my body while I was still growing. Now that I’m older I’m ready to take action. I decided to go with Hyper Tone Excel because it is highly researched and made of all natural ingredients, so there are no harmful chemicals. I just finished my free trial and ordered my next month. I am already improving with my gym time and I ca see an increase in my muscle tissue, especially on my arms. I am definitely proud to say that I use this product because, in my opinion, this is a much better and safer option than injecting young children with chemicals before they’re even done growing naturally.

– Dante, 19, Salem, Oregon.


Awards & Media Coverage

As a company that has just started out a few months ago, there hasn’t been any opportunity yet for Hyper Tone Excel to be recognized for any awards. They award themselves with a banner on the official website that proclaims this product to be the “#1 testosterone booster” on the market; however their opinion is probably a little bit biased.

The product has not made any media appearances yet, however the marketing staff is working hard to arrange something. It should be expected to begin showing up in magazine and television ads within the next year or so.


Money-back Guarantee

Hyper Tone Excel wants to be sure that their customers are satisfied with their product and its results. For that reason, they advertise a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Customers who find that this is not the supplement for them can contact the support team and receive instructions for how to return the remainder of the product and receive a full refund of their money. The contact information is listed on the website for the product and it includes phone numbers for countries all around the world, depending on what’s most convenient.



All orders for Hyper Tone Excel should be made through the official website for the product in order to ensure that the customer is using a reliable platform to place the order. Through the website, all orders are subject to a shipping and handling fee of $2.87. There is also an additional package protection option that users can select for an additional 95 cents. Shipping and handling with the additional package protection comes out to the reasonable fee of $3.82.


Customer Support

Hyper Tone Excel really feels that customer support is the most important factor to any successful company. Since they are just starting out, it is just that much more important to them. They have a customer service department that is completely dedicated to meeting the customers’ needs. The employees go through training programs that will prepare them to answer any and all questions that may arise.

Contacting the help staff is easy. Customers can find the information clearly listed through the “contact us” page of the product website. The first option for a communication avenue is simply by email. Email responses operate between 9 am and 7 pm EST. For more urgent concerns, customers can call the toll free number that is listed for 22 different countries! These lines are operated 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Customers and prospective customers should feel free to contact the help staff for any concerns whether they are pertaining to the product and its ingredients or potential side effects. The operators are well educated in the formula and should be able to assist with any health concerns or allergy information. They can also assist with payment issues or package tracking.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Again, all orders of Hyper Tone Excel should be placed through the website only. The website uses a 256-bit SSL connection to encrypt the personal information that is put in by the customer placing the order. The website is unable to store any of the information and employees on the company’s end are unable to obtain any of the information as well. The website has also been verified and secured by GoDaddy.


Pricing & Free Trial

This product and its manufacturing company are so invested in building up a quality product that customers are satisfied with that they offer a free trial bottle for every prospective customer. The first bottle contains a month supply of the supplements for just the cost of shipping and handling. The shipping alone is $2.87, however there is also a package protection option that is highly recommended. This option is only 95 extra cents and ensures that the package make it to the customer safely. With the shipping and package protection, the first month supply is only $3.82.

In taking advantage of the free trial offer, users are also enrolled in the monthly payment plan. The free trial expires after the first 16 days, so any customer who has not cancelled before the 16th day will be charged $105.22 for the bottle. After that, every 30 days the customer is charged $105.22 and is delivered a new month supply of the supplements.

If one wishes to cancel their subscription to the product, they can do so at any time by contacting the support staff. The staff members honor their customer’s privacy and will not ask any intrusive questions as to why they are cancelling. They will simply walk them through the process of unenrolling in the payment plan and give directions for how to return the remainder of the pills if there are any.






2 responses to “Hyper Tone Excel Review – Is This a Product for Burning Off Body Fat While Also Gaining Muscle?”

  1. Paul Fox Avatar
    Paul Fox

    Please cancel my subscription, I have only recieved the supplements on Thursday 8th of September 2016. I have not opened the bottles. I simply wish to cancel my subscription.

    1. Allen Hicks Avatar
      Allen Hicks


      In order to do that you must contact the place from which you’ve ordered the product. We have no relations to this brand or the merchant behind it. Your comment would not do anything as it is not addressed to the right people. We only review these products and services, we have nothing to do with them.

      Best Regards

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