Enduro Rush

Enduro Rush Review – How Can You Use It?

What Is Enduro Rush?

Enduro Rush is manufactured as a supplement available for men to assist in boosting their testosterone levels and simultaneously blocking estrogen production. The supplements are made up of a unique combination of herbs and amino acids that’s assist men in becoming anabolic, all while also preventing catabolism. An anabolic body is able to form larger and more complex muscles from the preexisting muscle mass, all while preventing the opposite process from occurring. This is beneficial for any adult male, as it will help them to bulk up and improve their current body and image. Men who are able to boost their male hormone levels while suppressing their female hormone levels will be able to achieve their optimum level of physical appearance and performance.
One bottle of this product contains 90 pills, equal to one month’s supply. It should be made a priority to take three pills a day, as missing a dose may cause delays in the hormone shift. The all natural ingredients are able to provide a noticeable hormone shift by causing the body to produce more testosterone by its natural processes without health risks, such as the ones that are common with artificial chemicals.
Additionally, with proper intake of Enduro Rush, the body’s supply of energy in the form of ATP is also increased. When we are speaking of anabolism, this energy form is very important for muscle formation and other metabolic processes. This increased energy also allows men to participate in more high-energy physical activities, adding to the overall physical image.
This product is beneficial to younger men seeking to build more muscle and get more out of their work out, but it is also quite beneficial to older men. As the male body ages, it becomes less efficient in producing testosterone and these levels dramatically drop. Enduro Rush can assist in naturally elevating these levels back to where they used to be, while also providing some desirable health benefits that will even further improve the body.



The manufacturing company of Enduro Rush goes by the name of Hybrid Neutraceuticals, which has its headquarters located in Law Vegas, Nevada. The company has made the decision to handle all orders and pricing directly from the product website in order to avoid the vitamin shops which spike up prices and provide subpar service. Enduro Rush can instead only be purchased directly through the manufacturer’s website. Since customers are placing orders directly through the website and interacting with employees who are directly related to the product itself, the quality of service that they can expect to receive is much better. Customers have been quite fond of this setup, as it feels like a more personal interaction with their best interest in mind.


How Enduro Rush Works?

Enduro Rush is to be taken as a dietary supplement only; not as any form of medication. Users are to take the recommended dose of three capsules every night before bed, taking care to wash each of them down with a sufficient amount of water. Water intake is important, as the body will need to maintain its water supply as it gets broken down while these biological processes occur. The combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and natural herbs work primarily overnight to assist the body in the natural production of testosterone while other biological processes have slowed down. The formula is designed specifically to allow for natural enhancements without the risk of dangerous ingredients, thus making the product safe for any adult male to use.
As previously mentioned, the supplement assists in the formation of complex muscles from the contents of existing, simpler ones. The body then begins to produce synthetic versions of testosterone known as anabolic androgens, meaning that these chemicals have both anabolic and androgenic properties. The anabolic property helps the already existing muscle tissue to grow bigger and stronger. The androgenic is similar to the typical symptoms of male puberty, as it promotes the further development of these muscles and results in a more masculine build.
While taking the product, men will also begin to build up a higher ATP supply in their blood. ATP, meaning adenosine triphosphate, is a cellular level component used to transport energy throughout the body. Muscle formation and other biological processes are much more easily conducted with this increase in ATP present. Sending energy out to the various parts of the body also allows for an increase in stamina and overall physical performance.
Enduro Rush also works to block the formation of estrogen within the body. A natural biological process called aromatization occurs in both adult male and adult female bodies. This chemical reaction converts the naturally produced testosterone into estrogen. These pills inhibit this process so that the men will maintain their increased testosterone supply instead of turning it to estrogen which tends to have a more feminizing effect on the body.


Ingredients of Enduro Rush

Enduro Rush is made from extensively researched, high quality, all natural ingredients that are selected specifically to help men become healthier and have a more muscular physical appearance. These natural and well-tested ingredients pose no risk to the user for introducing harmful toxins to their bodies. These natural ingredients include.

Tribulus Terrestris – This is a plant that can often be found in very dry and hot areas around the world. It is commonly used by bodybuilders to assist in the formation of new muscle tissue.
Chrysin – Passionflower and silver linden plants naturally produce this chemical. It plays a key role in the prevention of aromatization; the transformation of testosterone into estrogen.
Horny Goat Weed – An herb very common in Chinese medicine. They often use it to help with the formation of lean muscle tissue and also easing the body into relaxation after a workout.
LongJack – This is a specific breed of evergreen tree found in Southeast Asia. It is presumed to have an influence on the way the body produces testosterone, assisting to make the process more efficient and improve athletic performance in turn.
Saw Palmetto Berries – These are berries that are produced naturally by a specific species of palm plants. They help the body to take up essential nutrients and transport them to the areas of the body that need them most.
Hawthorn Berries- Hawthorn is another plant that produces berries that have been proven beneficial for cardiovascular health. There is also speculation that these berries may hold similar aromatization inhibition properties to Chrysin.
Cissus Quadrangularis- A succulent plant grown in Africa and Asia that is sometimes used instead of anabolic steroids.
Magnesium – A mineral that is found in abundance in many leafy greens. It helps to prevent muscles from cramping and also assists in muscle relaxation after a workout.
Zinc – A mineral that is found in large amounts in wheat and seeds. It is chemically similar to magnesium, and thus provides the same types of benefits against muscle cramps and improved relaxation.
Maltodextrin – A nutrient that is found in starch foods such as potatoes, rice, or corn. It plays a role in muscle enhancement as well.
Gelatin – This is a nutrient that can be found in many kinds of foods and comes from animal bones. It provides the body with amino acids that are needed to improve muscle mass.
Magnesium Sterate – A salt form of magnesium that naturally occurs and has antioxidant properties.



The effects of Enduro Rush are positive and long-lasting as expressed by a number of satisfied customers. To start, most of these men were just looking for an increase in testosterone levels. This increase, however, is also followed by several additional advantages. The wide range of positive effects that the formula has on the overall health and bodies of its users is what leaves these customers satisfied.
This initial burse of male hormones helps kickstart the body toward moving in a more masculine direction. Additionally, the product helps the body to efficiently make use of the chemicals. This means that, not only will the body have more resources to complete these metabolic processes, but it will also complete the processes in a way that will yield the largest net gain for the user. The components of this supplement are also known to assist in ridding the body of harmful toxins and developing stronger, healthier muscles.
The precise combination of natural ingredients also provides an increase in ATP within the bloodstream. This has a lot of positive effects for those wishing to gain a more athletic build. Since ATP is transporting energy throughout the body, the increase will become most noticeable in areas farthest from the heart such as hands and feet. This extra energy can then be invested into physical activities which will assist in achieving the desired body type.



Hybrid Neutraceuticals Inc, the manufacturer, has received overwhelming support from satisfied customers, which is their greatest pride. They claim to have thousands of dedicated returning customers simply because they make customer service and product quality an absolute priority. This product does not have any official certificates as of this time. They do, however, advertise that it has been proven to work through multiple clinical trials. Additionally, the product and its claims have not yet been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, but suppliments of this nature do not need to be. The manufacturing company is accredited but it’s Good Manufacturing Practice badge from the FDA.



Below are a few selected testimonials that stood out from satisfied users.

I am college student and I enjoy spending some of my free time with my friends playing football or going to the gym. I had noticed that I hadn’t been seeing as much improvement as I used to see back in high school, so I decided to do some research. I found out that a boost in male hormones can really help push the body to the next level. While I was researching which supplements to try out, Enduro Rush caught my eye because it was all natural and, instead of introducing synthetic testosterone into the body, it helps the body to provide more of it on its own. I’m going into my 6th month of use and I have to say that the results are truly satisfying. I have been able to tone up a little more and keep up with all of my friends. I really recommend this product for anyone who may be in a similar situation to the one I was in. — Mark F., 21, Los Angles, California

IAs I realized I was getting older, I also found that a lot of my muscle from my younger days had turned to fat. My doctor had been telling me that I needed to lose a little bit of weight in order to maintain my health a little better. After spending some time struggling to shed even a few pounds, he advised that I look into boosting my hormones in order to make the process a little easier. With the help of Enduro Rush, I was able to bur off some of my fat and gain some muscle back, all well keeping my exact same lifestyle. It seemed too good to be true, but I’m here to tell you it really works. — Ralph K., 59, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

IAs a father of four young boys, I want to be sure that I’m able to keep up with them and play outside. I was beginning to find myself sitting out on a game of catch or football due to my lack of energy. My wife works in a doctors’ office and she inquired about how we could improve my energy levels naturally. We were surprised to find that testosterone boosting supplements could actually be all natural. Enduro Rush helped me get the energy I needed back so that I didn’t have to miss out on any of my boys’ games anymore. — Dan A., 36, Atlanta, Georgia

II had tried testosterone boosting supplements years ago after becoming discouraged with the minimal results I was seeing from my intense workouts. I had to quit taking them, though, because I was feeling sick every morning; which is no way to start the day. That is why I was very skeptical when a friend of mine told me that he had started taking these supplements daily and it really improved his workout results and helped him to tone. My friend also told me about the awesome customer service, so I figured there wasn’t much harm in trying the product. I could always cancel if I had to. I was surprised to instead find a surge of energy in just two weeks of using the product and by the end of the first month, I had visible results. This product really stands out among many others like it. I would recommend giving it a try. — Steve X., 32, Fort Worth, Texas

II am a physician and I have had a few of my patients ask me about what I thought of testosterone boosters. I tended to advise against it, as many of the chemicals involved in synthetic hormones can be quite harmful to the aging body. The scientists over at Hybrid Neutraceuticals have truly found something great by creating a product that is composed of only natural ingredients that encourage the body to produce its own supply of hormones. Under the supervision of a general practitioner, I would say that Enduro Rush is a safe option for adult males in various situations. — Dr. Henry, 44, Portland, Oregon


Awards & Media Coverage

Enduro Rush has not directly received any awards yet. There has not been a lot of media coverage on the product either. As previously mentioned, the FDA has not approved the product, since their approval is not needed for supplements such as these; however they have received the good manufacturing practice badge from the Food and Drug Administration. Although it has not been FDA approved as a product, many of the natural ingredients have the approval of the FDA. As the product continues to grow and expand, it will possibly receive awards and media coverage within the next few years.


Money-back Guarantee

Since customer relations are a priority, the company employees a 100% money back guarantee for any users who are not fully satisfied with their results. The company asks that any new customer s use the product as directed for 14 days straight in order to begin to see results. After those 14 days, if a customer is not happy with the results, they should reach out to the manufacturers through the “contact us” page in order to address the issue. At this time, if they remain unsatisfied, they will be instructed on how to return the remainder of their supplements with their proof of purchase attached in order to receive their full refund of the purchase price. They respect their customers’ privacy, and thus there is a “no questions asked” policy for users who do wish to take advantage of this guarantee.



The manufacturers oppose the overpriced supplement stores that can often be found in high-end shopping malls. For this reason, they sell their product directly through their website, and offer promotions that leave customers pleased to be ordering this way. It is important to the manufacturers that the product be delivered to the customer’s doorstep in a timely fashion in order to allow them to begin use as soon as possible. For this reason, they offer free priority shipping on all orders. The product should arrive by the U.S. Postal Service within 2 to 3 days of placing the order. The company offers support over the phone for any issues that may arise with the shipping process, including assistance with package tracking.


Customer Support

As mentioned before, the manufacturers’ number one priority is customer support and satisfaction. For the reason, there is a “contact us” page on the official website and those lines of communication can be reached out to 24 hours a day. The company has a great team of attentive and helpful staff members who can look into a variety of issues. They are well informed on the product and able to answer any questions regarding use of the product such as suggested dosages or any further instructions.

The help desk is available to help with any sort of questions or concerns regarding any aspect of the product. They have been known to help with more administrative issues as well. For example, they are there to be reached out to if a customer receives an incorrect product shipment, or if a customer is concerned about where their package may be along the shipping route. The help desk personnel can provide assistance to the customer by tracking the status of the package and providing them with a more accurate estimated delivery date.
In addition to help with receiving the product, the help desk can also provide information regarding the company’s money back guarantee if necessary. If a product is not up to a customers’ standard and they are hoping to return it for their full purchase price, the customer can call the number on the website to contact an employee who will know how to guide them through the refund process, and where the customer should send the return package. Out of respect for the customers’ privacy, the help personnel has a “no questions asked” policy and will not ask any further questions about what went wrong or why they were not satisfied with the product.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Making a purchase of Enduro Rush can only be done through the product’s official website. The site does not retain any personal information, which allows customers to place orders without worrying about whether their information is in jeopardy. In fact, no one has direct access to the information that you provide for your billing information, as it employs an encryption tool.
To accommodate as wide of a variety of customers as possible, the website allows payment by a large variety of international credit card companies such as Visa, Discover, Mastercard, and American Express. The website has also begun accepting Paypal as a method of payment for purchase of these products.



When observing the prices across various similar products, Enduro Rush is a relatively affordable choice. Each bottle contains a month’s supple of 90 pills to be taken three a day. The pills are $39.95 for a one-month bottle. The company also offers a promotion that allows users to buy 2 bottles and receive a third bottle for free as a bonus. This means that customers can purchase a 3-month supply for the affordable price of $79.95. With free priority shipping, customers find that the price is quite reasonable.






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