
Duro Max Review – Can It Actually Help You Build Muscles?

What Is Duro Max?

Duro Max is a testosterone-boosting supplement that you can buy online. The product claims that it will support male hormone balance. This can be assumed to mean it is supposed to increase testosterone.

Other benefits that are claimed on the product label include more energy, increased muscle mass, better athletic performance, and better concentration. Each of these benefits are scientifically proven effects of having increased testosterone levels. If this product did in fact increase testosterone, then it would indeed provide these secondary benefits.

However, it is unlikely that this product will give you much benefit. It is not well-formulated compared to other testosterone boosters on the market. Furthermore, all signs point toward the company that sells this product being untrustworthy. Overall, Duro Max is not recommendable.



There are a huge variety of testosterone boosters for sale on the Internet. Unfortunately, some of them are sold by obscure and shady companies. The quality and reputation of the manufacturer can make a big difference in how effective and safe the product is. Which manufacturer you purchase from also can have a big impact on how smooth the order, delivery, and return processes are. So, it’s important to discriminate between reliable companies and shady companies when shopping for testosterone boosters online.

The manufacturer is a company that goes by Platinum XT Test Booster or Duro Max, depending where you look on their website. There is no other information about the company available on the internet. It is not known who the owner of the company is, nor where it is headquartered. If you are looking for a reliable company to purchase your next testosterone booster from, this is not it. Look for a company that is more transparent about who they are.

Another word on the manufacturer: If you buy Duro Max directly from the manufacturer’s website, be aware that if you provide the company with your phone number you will be subject to telemarketing calls. You will be responsible for paying the rates for these calls. This is stipulated in the company’s Terms of Service. There seems to be no way to place an order without providing a telephone number. If you don’t wish to be contacted by telemarketers, do not buy this product.


How Duro Max Works?

This product is formulated with a mixture of botanical extracts, essential minerals, and an animal-derived product. Only some of the ingredients in the product are proven to work. The ingredients that actually have potential to increase your testosterone are Horny Goat Weed, Boron, and Tongkat Ali.

It is not known exactly how Horny Goat Weed increases testosterone, though it is thought to be due to the presence of a chemical compound called icariin. Tongkat Ali is thought to work because of its eurypeptide content, a chemical that may increase the activity of an enzyme that helps convert testosterone precursors into usable testosterone. Boron’s effects may be due to it playing some role in testosterone production, but it is not known.


Ingredients of Duro Max

The active ingredients of this supplement include Calcium and the FlowViv MAX-TEST Blend. There are 44.28 mg of Calcium per serving, which is a 5% daily value for a 2,000 calorie diet. There are 1484 milligrams of the FlowViv MAX-TEST Blend per serving.

The FlowViv MAX-TEST Blend is a proprietary formula. This means that there is no way to find out the exact amounts of each ingredient in the blend. This blend features Boron, Horny Goat Weed, Nettle, Orchic Substance, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Tongkat Ali, and Wild Yam. All of these are botanical ingredients except for Orchic Substance and Boron. All the plant ingredients in this product are in the form of extract, not in the form of whole plant powder.

Horny Goat Weed refers to any of the plants in the Epimedium genus. These are fairly low-growing flowering plants, native to China. Horny Goat Weed has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years.

It is not certain how effective Horny Goat Weed is for increasing testosterone in humans. The plant contains the active ingredient icariin, which is a flavonoid compound. Giving Horny Goat Weed or icariin to rats has been shown to increase their testosterone, but only in very high doses. Its effects on hormone levels have not been studied in humans.

Tongkat Ali could possibly be effective for boosting your testosterone. This plant is known to botanical science as Eurycoma longifolia. This is a flowering shrub native to Southeast Asia that is used in the folk medicine of the region. Studies have found that taking this herb slightly increases testosterone in men who are known to have low testosterone levels. There is no evidence that it can boost your testosterone if your levels of this hormone are already within a normal range.

Saw Palmetto is not a useful addition to this product’s formula. It is a species of small palm that is native to the southeastern United States, carrying the Latin name Serenoa repens. It is often marketed as a testosterone-boosting ingredient. However, it has been tested in humans and it has no effects on testosterone levels.

Orchic Substance is almost certainly not effective for boosting testosterone. This ingredient is an extract derived from cow testicles. Though it is often touted by marketers as being a testosterone booster, there is absolutely no evidence for this.

Wild Yam is an ingredient that will not increase your testosterone. There are a couple of plant species referred to as Wild Yam. However, the term most commonly refers to Dioscorea villosa, a tuberous vine native to eastern North America.

Wild Yam contains a chemical called diosgenin. You can create DHEA, a testosterone precursor, in the laboratory using diosgenin from Wild Yam. For this reason, Wild Yam is often marketed as a testosterone booster. However, this laboratory chemical reaction does not take place in the human body, so your body cannot create DHEA nor testosterone from Wild Yam. Even if your body could convert Wild Yam into DHEA, taking DHEA as a supplement can cause serious side effects such as liver problems.

Sarsaparilla does not increase testosterone. The name can refer to any of 350 species of plant in the genus Smilax. These plants are climbing flowering plants, often thorny, that are native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Like Wild Yam, certain species of Sarsaparilla contain diosgenin. However, as with Wild Yam, your body cannot turn the diosgenin in Sarsaparilla into testosterone.

Nettle is not effective for boosting your testosterone. Nettle can refer to many species of plants with stinging hairs. The most common Nettle species used in dietary supplements is Urtica dioica. This plant is found naturally on four of the seven continents. Experiments have found that Nettle can increase serum testosterone in rats, but human experiments have not detected any effect.

Boron is one ingredient that could have some small effect on testosterone levels. This is a mineral present in food in quite small amounts. There is a small amount of evidence that taking Boron can increase your free testosterone levels, though not total testosterone.

As you can see, only three of the active ingredients in this supplement’s proprietary blend have any potential to increase testosterone. Even then, they are not well-proven. The remaining five ingredients are ineffective. In short, Duro Max is not well-formulated.

Though many people do not pay attention to the inactive ingredients of a supplement, this information can be valuable. The inactive ingredients of this product are Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Croscarmellose Sodium, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Polyethylene Glycol, Blue #1, Titanium Dioxide, and Talc. Most of these ingredients are anti-caking agents, ingredients that help deliver the active ingredients to your intestines, constituents of the capsule’s outer shell, and other innocuous ingredients. However, one of the inactive ingredients, Blue #1, is an artificial color. Some believe that artificial coloring in foods and supplements can have negative health effects.



Though the advantages of this supplement are few and far between, some do exist. For example, the auto-ship subscription can be very convenient for some people. If you have a subscription membership, you will never need to put effort into remembering to re-stock your supply before it runs out.

This product will be more advantageous for people who have already seen success with any of its ingredients. If you have tried Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali, or Boron and found that it seemed to increase your testosterone, then there is a good chance you will like this product.

Lastly, a notable benefit of choosing this as a testosterone booster is that you can get a free trial. You will only need to pay $4.95 for shipping and handling. This way you can see how well it works for you, and whether you experience any side effects, before committing to paying full price.



Occasionally, testosterone boosting supplements may feature certificates. These certificates may be issued by various organizations such as sports, athletic, medical, health, and good manufacturing practices organizations. When a product features a certificate from a reliable authority, it indicates that the product is high quality. Certificates may say on them that the product is effective, safe, or simply endorsed. Furthermore, the manufacturers themselves of testosterone boosters may also have been awarded certificates.

Duro Max has not received any certificates. The company that makes it does not seem to have received any certificates either. If you are heavily invested in finding a high quality testosterone booster, you may not want to purchase this particular product. However, if certificates are not what makes the most difference in a product in your eyes, then Duro Max may suit your needs.



Testimonials and customer reviews can be a great way to figure out whether a product will work for you. Unfortunately, since Duro Max is a rather obscure product made by an obscure company, there are not very many reviews available online. However, here are a couple of what few testimonials there are for this product. The rest of the testimonials that are available are quite similar to these, so just these two should give you a good idea of what customers think.

I have tested a few testosterone supplements over the years and I would put Duro Max as about average. I think it gives some effect but it doesn’t ‘wow’ me. Not impressive enough to want to re-order again. – Bruce E., plumber in Charlotte, NC, USA

This supplement is bunk. I should have realized that there isn’t enough of each ingredient for any of them to give their effect. It’s also really overpriced, and ever since I ordered, I get a lot of spam phone calls. – Dylan N., teacher in Omaha, NE, USA


Awards & Media Coverage

Sometimes, very good testosterone boosters will be noticed and featured by various media sources and organizations. A supplement might receive an award or other type of media coverage from a magazine, TV network, online blog, or organization that deals with topics like sports, fitness, or health. A quick Internet search can reveal whether a testosterone booster has received any media coverage.

Duro Max hasn’t received any awards or other media coverage. In fact, it is exceedingly little-known. The product has also received very little of other types of attention aside from media coverage.

The presence or absence of awards and media coverage can be an indication of how good the product is. If finding a product that has received accolades is important to you, then Duro Max is probably not right for you. However, just because a product hasn’t been noticed by the media as of yet does not necessarily mean that is low quality. This product may provide the results you are looking for despite its obscurity.


Money-back Guarantee

Unless you have good experience with the ingredients in the supplement, it can be difficult to impossible to tell before purchasing a testosterone booster how well it will work for you. It’s great to buy supplements from companies who offer money-back guarantees. This will let you try it for some time while allowing you to get your money back if you find you don’t like it.

The maker of Duro Max does not really have a money-back guarantee per se. It only offers a sub-par return policy that only applies to unopened bottles. So, if you have paid for a bottle you can’t exactly get your money back unless you haven’t opened it. If you do opt to get a return, you will need a valid Return Merchandise Authorization number if you take longer than 30 days after the original order date to initiate the return. Returns are processed in less than 30 days.

However, the absence of a real money-back guarantee for this product isn’t necessarily such a bad thing. After all, you can get a bottle as a free trial. You only have to pay shipping. This way you can actually try the product, and if you don’t like it you will not have lost any money besides the shipping fee. This is about as good of an offer as a money-back guarantee that applies to opened, used product.



It’s good to know exactly what to expect when purchasing a testosterone booster online. So, one should look into a seller’s shipping policies before placing an order. An ideal testosterone supplement vendor will offer shipping that is reasonably priced and reasonably fast. Otherwise, you may find that you have overpayed for shipping, or that your order takes a very long time to arrive. Another plus is when the company offers shipment tracking so you can keep an eye on its transit.

Every order of this product comes with a shipping fee of $4.95. Your order should arrive in 4 to 6 days. The carrier the manufacturer uses is USPS. There do not seem to be any additional options for shipping, such as lower-priced economy shipping or quicker shipping for a greater fee. Furthermore, there is no indication that the manufacturer of Duro Max offers shipment tracking.


Customer Support

If you have ever found that you weren’t sure how to use a product, needed more information about a product that you have bought, or had problems with receiving your online order in the mail, then you know the importance of customer service. A customer service or customer support line can help you with all of those problems and more. Virtually all reputable online testosterone booster vendors offer a way to contact customer support. Nevertheless, you should still check for the availability of this service before placing your order.

The company that makes this product seems to offer a good customer support department. There is a toll-free number you can call. You can also send them an e-mail, and the company website notes that your e-mail will be responded to within 24 hours. Of course, this is just a claim. You may find that they do not in fact respond that quickly, especially since the manufacturer of Duro Max seems to be an obscure and shady company.


Safe & Secure Checkout

One should always be sure to keep personal and financial details safe when shopping online. One way is to only purchase from websites that use HTTPS connection on the checkout page. HTTPS is a method of encryption that ensures the private information you enter can’t be accessed by malicious third parties. Such malicious third parties could otherwise use your details to commit identity theft.

When you buy Duro Max directly from the manufacturer, the website does indeed use HTTPS. So, your information will be safe from outside parties trying to steal your personal information. However, the manufacturer’s website also features fake and fraudulent security certificates, including falsified McAfee Secure and Norton Secured stamps. These fake security certificates are a major red flag. Even if your personal information can’t be accessed by third parties, it is a red flag about the trustworthiness of the company as a whole.


Pricing & Free Trial

Free trials are a great way to see whether a testosterone booster will work well for you before committing to paying full-price. Many testosterone boosters sold on the Internet have a free trial that automatically turns into a monthly subscription unless you cancel. Duro Max is one such product.

You can get a free trial of this supplement for free, only paying $4.95 for shipping and handling. You will have 14 days after the date you placed your order in which to evaluate the product. If you don’t like it, you must cancel your membership before the 14 days are up. If you do not cancel, you will be enrolled in an auto-ship subscription and you will receive one bottle every month for $89.41, which includes shipping. You may cancel this subscription at any time.

It’s not clear at this time whether you can buy Duro Max a la carte without enrolling in a subscription. Furthermore, most people would agree that $89.41 for a one-month supply is quite steep for a testosterone booster. So, the pricing and purchase options for this supplement are not the most ideal.






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