Beast Factor

Beast Factor Review – Is This a Good Product for Men Over Thirty?

What Is Beast Factor?

Beast Factor is a testosterone restorer and cardio optimizer. Though usable by adult men of every age, the product specifically caters to men over thirty – promising to restore levels of the hormone lost through the natural process of aging. It also aims to help bodybuilders and other athletes increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance, while cutting recovery times and raising metabolic efficiency.

The product combines several natural ingredients proven to boost available testosterone. These include the popular Tongkat Ali and Saw Palmetto. Additionally, the product includes the micro-nutrient Boron, which has been associated with improved bone health and the prevention of arthritis. In the game of boosters aimed at men who have started to experience the symptoms of reduced hormonal levels, this supplement has most of the bases covered.

For those few bases it doesn’t cover, this product is frequently taken as part of a “stack” of supplements. That stack frequently includes Crevalor – a builder which claims effects similar to those of Beast Factor. Crevalor features the popular substances Ginseng and Yohimbe, both of which are closely associated with male health and vitality. If you don’t get a testosterone boost out of this two-supplement stack, it’s probably not going to happen through natural means alone.

One prime benefit a testosterone boosting supplement is the increase in endurance it offers. At the end of a strenuous workout, bodybuilders are close to physical exhaustion. Even a slight increase in stamina might allow one or two more sets of lifts to help them attain the next level of fitness and muscle mass. It’s by doing “just one more” that any bodybuilding program avoids plateaus and stasis.

Though similar in function to other testosterone boosting supplements, Beast Factor’s formula might be ideally-suited to certain users whose bodies are receptive to the specific ingredients it offers – in the proportion they are mixed in the trademark “FlowViv MAX-TEST Blend.” When taken in a stack with Crevalor, the combination offers something like a cocktail of every natural substance known to increase testosterone levels.

Users have reported considerable results, though there have also been some complaints. Not every supplement has the proper dosage of t-boosting substances for every man, and some might not be helpful at all to some users. It pays to understand what goes into any supplement before starting a regimen, and the terms and conditions associate with accepting any “free” or discounted offer.

Read on to see if this supplement might be for you.



The manufacturer shares its name with its most popular product. Beast Factor is based in Scottsdale, Arizona. According to online sources, the same company appears to be behind the Crevalor product. Thus, it makes sense they are frequently taken together in a stack, and are advertised and marketed through the same channels.

Some complaints have been lodged against the makers and marketers of Beast Factor in regards to their automatic shipping and billing plan. Though payment plans of this sort are common in the supplement industry, it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into when you sign up for the reduced-cost trail bottle. Accepting that 14-day trail offer will automatically enroll you into a 90-day regimen, though the maker’s website claims it can be cancelled at any time with a call to their toll-free number.


How Beast Factor Works?

The natural substances in this supplement are widely acknowledged to increase levels of blood serum testosterone in men. In most cases, scientific studies have indicated that most of ingredients produce at least a mild boost of the hormone in test subjects. Experiences among users seem to confirm scientific observations.

Testosterone is the prime male hormone. Coming on strong as men reach puberty, it stimulates the pituitary gland, causing muscle growth. It increases the presence of neurotransmitters, which encourages the growth of muscle tissue. DNA itself has receptors for testosterone molecules. The hormone encourages the DNA to synthesize protein, which goes to build muscle. It also increases metabolism, which tends to increase energy and accelerate the burning of fat. The supplement claims to restore energy levels, improve concentration, and improve the fat-burning metabolism, especially in aging men.

The hormone peaks in the teens and twenties, gradually tapering off as the years pass. This explains the product’s emphasis on restoring testosterone lost to aging. Men who are hypogonadal (lacking in testosterone) usually start to notice a lack of energy and increased torso fat in their thirties and forties, with other aspects of lower T-levels appearing in the fifties and sixties. It decreases at a rate of 2% to 5% per year after the peak. By the age of 80, male hormone levels are often no more than 30% of maximum.

The medical community has gradually accepted naturally increasing male hormone levels through supplementation as a safe way to counter the effects of testosterone loss. However, it’s still not entirely clear how these substances increase testosterone levels. It likely has something to do with the control mechanism the body uses to keep hormones at an appropriate level. Extra testosterone gets bonded with other substances in the body to neutralize it. This helps maintain a certain – hopefully ideal – level. Some of the substances in the supplement likely work by preventing the binding of the hormone to other molecules, thus increasing levels of free, bioavailable testosterone in the bloodstream.

By themselves, boosted T-levels can’t create the muscle mass and tone that bodybuilders (and potential bodybuilders) seek. Supplements must be used in conjunction with a strenuous exercise program. The muscle tissues need to be challenged by being broken down, then allowed to rebuild on their own during a recovery period. Evidence suggests that the substances contained in this product can help build muscles tremendously under the right conditions, with the right training program.

Testosterone boosters are also associated with increased energy and stamina. As mentioned earlier, the extra energy and increased stamina should result in increased workout intensity and duration. Longer, more intense workouts typically deliver enhanced muscle development and improved athletic results. Increased testosterone is also said to improve concentration and determination. These characteristics help in many different areas of life beyond bodybuilding, and tend to set the user up for success in all of his many endeavors.

Overall, this product works by increasing the bioavailability of testosterone. That sets the stage for muscle development, and enables the concentration and energy necessary to follow an exercise program. Adequate T-levels are necessary, but insufficient by itself. The test boosting effects of Beast Factor – or any other testosterone booster – must be used in conjunction with a strenuous workout plan to realize its full benefits.


Ingredients of Beast Factor

The product includes a strong lineup of popular testosterone boosting natural substances. The list includes many natural herbs and vegetables which clinical trails have proven as beneficial to the increased bio-availability of the hormone:

Tongkat Ali – This flowering plant is native to Southeast Asia. Its roots have long been used as a folk remedy. Scientific studies have confirmed that ingesting Tongkat Ali (scientific name: E. Longifolia) increases available testosterone in laboratory animals. Human users have confirmed its effects over decades. It’s commonly available in health and traditional-medicine stores, though some users have raised complaints that it’s difficult to find a pure, unadulterated source for Tongkat Ali.

Saw Palmetto – The Seminole Indians of Florida traditionally used Saw Palmetto to treat prostate and urinary tract problems. Today, it’s a commonly-used and accepted treatment among doctors in Europe for the same issues. Saw Palmetto is said to to work by reducing levels of the dihydrotestosterone compound and increasing levels of free serum testosterone.

Sarsaparilla – A long, woody vine, sarsaparilla extract has been used in treatments for skin disorders, arthritis, colds, headaches, and other ailments for centuries. It has strong tendencies to bind with endotoxins, neutralizing them as threats to the body. It’s also known by its more scientific name Smilax Ornate.

Horny Goat Weed – Similar to prescription medications like Viagra, Horny Goat Weed works by lowering levels of a protein called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which tends to interfere with the function of nitric acid in the body. Also sometimes referred to as Icariin, Horny Goat Weed allows the smooth muscles within the circulatory system to work better, potentially improving cardiac health. Science has backed up the potency of Horny Goat Weed as a testosterone booster through a series of double-blind clinical trials.

Wild Yam Extract – This substance is also referred to as Maca Root or Lepidium Meyenii. It’s an acknowledged t-booster and common folk-cure popular in South America for centuries. As a sweet potato, it’s probably the best-tasting substance on this list. Maca is often called an “adaptogen,” which is a name given to some substances that improve the body’s ability to adapt to changes in its environment.

Boron – Yet another recognized testosterone booster, Boron is also associated with increased bone density and improved muscle mass. It’s been a popular supplement among bodybuilders for decades. There are foods high in Boron that might provide enough of the mineral if they are eaten semi-religiously, but it’s likely our modern lifestyles preclude their constant consumption. It’s likely much more practical to take it in the form of a supplement.

Nettle Substance – Another substance intended to increase bioavailability of testosterone. Researchers have isolated over 50 compounds within Nettle that include plant sterols, histamine, flavonol glucoside, and oleanolic acid. Nettle has traditionally been used to treat benign prostate issues, joint pain, tendonitis, and urinary tract infections.

Orchic Substance – Though unnamed on the bottle, this is typically an extract from cattle testicles. This might sound extreme, but many acknowledge it as way to improve available testosterone in the body. As a side benefit, this substance is also high in iron and amino acid. However, the scientific evidence of effectiveness of Orchic Extract is slim. Thus, its inclusion in Beast Factor must be seen as a “bonus.” While it might not have clinically-proven effectiveness on its side, it likely has no serious risks, either.



The prime advantage of this product is convenience. It’s a handy combination of the natural substances said to increase available testosterone. The trademark “FlowViv MAX-TEST Blend” contains a mix of natural testosterone boosters and cardiac-function optimizers that’s likely to help many users get the results they seek. Beast Factor promises some benefits almost immediately, with maximum results visible after 90 days of daily treatment.

Though the substances in this supplement are available individually through other sources, their purity and effectiveness often varies from vendor to vendor. Having all the substances gathered into one supplement gives users a single point of support should there be any questions or issues.

The cocktail of substances in this supplement is a representative sampling of almost every substance known to increase levels of bioavailable testosterone in men. It’s likely that any symptoms of reduced levels of the hormone – especially in older men – will be addressed through the recommended 90-day regiment of the supplement. This is keeping in mind that the use of Beast Factor, or any other testosterone booster, by itself isn’t likely to deliver results: It must be combined with at least some exercise and a reasonable diet.

Other advantages include a reduced-price, 14-day trial bottle at the beginning of the plan, and a handy – though controversial – automatic payment and shipping agreement.

Overall, this product appears to be a convenient way to address the loss of the male hormone through a combination of ingredients proven to help increase the bioavailability of the hormone.



Beast Factor has no published certificates confirming effectiveness, function, or relative purity. As a dietary supplement, this product is not governed by FDA standards, though each provider of supplements must register with the FDA. This means that the FDA keeps track of the ownership of the company and how to contact them – not that they are testing every batch as it leaves the company.

True, there are third-party associations which claim to validate effectiveness and purity, but the manufacturer doesn’t list these on any of their marketing materials. This might not be a serious drawback given the recognized benefits of most ingredients of the product.



Many users have posted glowing praise for Beast Factor on bodybuilding websites and other web forums and social media:

Combined with Crevalor, I saw my max reps double in the space of only four weeks, with increased weight all the time. I’m getting close to being ripped!

– Matt Q. 34, Jacksonville, FL

After a month, I was a lot more focused. And, I can finally feel my gut muscles again. I’m feeling younger.

– Dave M. 42, Detroit, MI

I just completed my first 100-mile bike ride. Getting into mountain bike racing next. This old man ain’t slowing down!

– Carlos T. 54, Laguna Hills, CA

I was putting in massive hours at the gym and getting nowhere. I thought I’d give it a shot. WOW! Incredible results after only a few weeks. Massive boost from this stuff. You gotta try it.

– Jerry F. 34, Atlanta, GA

Everything is better. Not just the workout: Everything. Work, hobbies, sleep. I don’t know why it took me so long to try this stuff. But I won’t let go of it now. Science works.

– Andre B. 43, San Antonio, TX

As always, your mileage may vary. Supplements affect different men in different ways due to differences in diet and body chemistry. Some users have reported headaches and digestive issues, though these are common with almost every testosterone booster on the market. Not every booster is for every man.


Awards & Media Coverage

The supplement has been advertised in Men’s Health, Maxim, Playboy, and Men’s Journal and should be familiar to readers of those publications both in print and online. There are no awards mentioned on their website, and none have been found on a web search. However, the popularity of Beast Factor and users’ success stories could carry more weight than most awards among the user community.


Money-back Guarantee

There is no explicit money-back guarantee. Accepting the 14-day trail bottle at the shipping-only cost of $5.95 enrolls the buyer in a 90-day purchase plan, provided the buyer does not cancel the plan during the trial. The company encourages dissatisfied users to contact them to resolve disputes and potential disappointments, though refunds remain at their discretion. The monthly plan can be terminated at any time by calling their toll-free number.



Shipping isn’t spelled out in the price of the monthly plan, currently $89.95 per month after the initial 14-day trial has passed without cancellation. It’s stated under terms and conditions that shipping is a separate charge, likely equal to the $5.95 requested for the trail bottle. If it’s a concern, a call would be a good step before signing up for the trial and accepting the plan.


Customer Support

Support is offered via a toll-free number during normal business hours. There is an email for general support issues. Any returns of product must be accompanied by a return-merchandise authorization obtained before shipment to the Scottsdale, AZ headquarters.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The checkout page claims to be protected with 128-bit SSL encryption. Graphics indicate it’s validated as Hacker Safe by ScanAlert, and is also confirmed through McAfee and Verisign. The site accepts only Visa and MasterCard. In a recent test, the site never showed the “secure” encryption symbol when a transaction was initiated, though this might have been due to some unrelated system issues.


Pricing & Free Trial

Beast Factor offers a 14-day trial bottle of their product for $5.95. Acceptance of the trial enrolls the buyer in the three-month automatic shipment and billing plan after 14 days. Total cost charged to the buyer’s credit card is $89.95 per month for the duration of the plan plus the $5.95 for the trial, bringing the cost of a recommended three-month regimen to a total of $275.80, minus shipping.

Some users have complained about the automatic pricing plan and difficulties encountered during efforts to cancel it and receive a refund. As is often said, let the buyer beware.






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