Animal Test

Animal Test by Universal Nutrition Review – Does It Work?

What Is Animal Test?

Animal Test is a completely natural supplement designed to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone as well as increase the percentage of that testosterone that is “free” and therefore usable by the body rather than bound to SHBG (Hormone Binding Globulin) and rendered ineffective. Animal Test also contains ingredients which suppress the female hormone estrogen and the stress hormone cortisol as well as ones designed to increase protein synthesis and anabolic output.


Who Makes It?

Animal Test is manufactured by Universal Nutrition. This company has been in the health and fitness industry for many years and is most famous for its Animal Pak multivitamin, considered one of the most complete and potent on the market. Universal Nutrition is headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey and offers U.S.-based customer support.


How Does It Work?

Animal Test is designed to help users increase muscle, shed fat, increase strength and endurance, and improve energy and performance through many different mechanisms. The primary way is by ensuring that the body is producing the male hormone testosterone at optimal levels and that as little of this testosterone as possible is being converted to the female hormone estrogen or being bound and rendered useless by hormone binding globulin. The product also contains ingredients for improving energy, mood, and stamina through the neurotransmitter norepinephrine and increasing muscle anabolism and decreasing catabolism by improving the body’s efficacy at assimilating protein and by knocking out the stress hormone cortisol.


What Are The Ingredients?

Urtica Dioica is an extract of stinging nettle which helps free up bound testosterone in the body;

Cissus Quadrangularis helps preserve muscle by suppressing stress hormones which can cause muscle catabolism.

Trans Resveratrol is an antioxidant often touted as a “wonder drug” which helps ensure an optimal ratio of free testosterone to estrogen in the body.

Agaricus Bisporus is an extract of mushroom which also helps control the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

Yohimbe Bark Extract has been a staple of performance supplements for years. It helps increase “pleasure trigger” neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine.

Arachidonic Acid has been shown not only to boost testosterone but also the growth hormone IGF-1.


Animal Test Advantages

With Animal Test, you know you’re getting a product made in a quality lab by a quality manufacturer. Also, while many test boosters focus on boosting test and nothing more, Animal Test contains ingredients to ensure that most of the test being boosted is actually available to help you increase strength and muscle, not being converted to estrogen or bound by SHBG. Finally, Animal Test contains none of the questionable ingredients which have been known to show up in products advertised as test boosters over the years. Some of these nefarious test boosters have resulted in horrible side-effects and even failed drug tests, even though they were legal supplements sold over the counter!


Animal Test Testimonials

Animal Test has received “excellent” ratings across numerous online review sites. One user stated that his “energy was way up” after only a few days, while another reported a gain of 3 pounds in muscle and a loss of 1.5 pounds of fat after using Animal Test for less than a month. A recent review from a verified buyer stated that Animal Test is “hands down the best test booster out there.”


Media Coverage

While it has received little coverage from the major networks, many well-known fitness sites and blogs have covered it and published day-by-day trials of the product completed by experienced bodybuilders and fitness professionals.


Money-Back Guarantee

Universal Nutrition offers a 30-day, 100% money back guarantee on all its supplements, including this product.



Animal Test is easy to ship and some sites which sell it offer free shipping. Others offer free shipping if your total order is above a certain amount. Regardless, shipping for a product such as Animal Test should be very inexpensive unless you select a next-day or two-day option.


Customer Support

Universal Nutrition provides reliable customer support for all its products, including Animal Test. Their customer service department is available by email or by telephone between 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM, Monday thru Friday.



Animal Test is sold on web sites which offer a secure, encrypted checkout that keeps your sensitive personal information protected.



Animal Test is available for as low as $59 for 21 “packs.” It is recommended to take one “pack” daily with food, so this price works out to less than three dollars per serving. This pricing is very competitive for a test booster that has shown to be as effective as Animal Test has.






2 responses to “Animal Test by Universal Nutrition Review – Does It Work?”

  1. Franklin J. George Avatar
    Franklin J. George

    Hi, the product was nice and I saw great improvement within a month.

  2. Nilolay Petrov Avatar
    Nilolay Petrov

    The product did work really well for me, despite the late shipping. I’ve purchased it from their official site, it seems the best place to buy it. After 3 months of usage, I saw a great increase of my strength.

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