
Androsolve Review – Can This Supplement Boost Energy & Testosterone Levels in Athletes?

What Is Androsolve?

Androsolve is a testosterone boosting supplement that is designed to support both energy and testosterone levels. It is intended to be easy to take, and it comes in the form of capsules that can be integrated into your existing supplement routine. In order to achieve results, the manufacturer alleges that you need to take a pill twice a day. You take one when you wake up, and then another right before your workout. The company seems to want to keep the exact ingredient profile under wraps and does not explicitly list any ingredients. It does, however, like to two studies on Tribulus terrestris, thus implying that this is the main ingredient.

This supplement promises incredible results, and it’s designed for those who want a boost in well-being alongside testosterone. The main ingredient has a storied history of use in ayurvedic practices, or Indian traditional medicine. The fruits of the plant were traditionally used for general vitality and energy, with the roots reserved for male virility and vitality. This plant has long been trusted as a testosterone booster, even though many studies have indicated that the plant does not affect levels of testosterone at all. Regardless, it still has a following, as evidenced by the hundreds of people who swear by Tribulus as a supplement.

Lastly, Androsolve is designed to help busy men support energy and testosterone, and get the most out of their workouts even when tired. As such, the company offers a convenient autoship program where you don’t have to worry about reordering, since you will be sent a new bottle and billed for it automatically each month. This saves you the time of ordering online or having to drive somewhere to get a supplement, and it also ensures that you will not run out of your product. Consistency is important in any supplement program, and this supplement program helps you to achieve that.



This supplement is manufactured by a company that only makes Androsolve. Site details are very scarce, but the supplement website claims that manufacturing is headquartered in Connecticut. You may be wary of buying from a company that just makes one product, but there are some surprising advantages. For one, every time you have to call a large supplement manufacturer, you’re talking to a representative who is responsible for knowing lots of information about lots of products. Those who work for this company have only to know about this single product. This means that they can do a better job of answering your questions than someone who has to know more information. And since these representatives spend much of the day answering questions about this product, chances are they’ll have answers on recall. These representatives will be well equipped to help you make an educated decision as to whether this is the right supplement for them.


How Androsolve Works?

The manufacturers of this supplement claim that this supplement will help you to achieve the physique of your dreams, and it supports these claims with photos of ripped men. It does claim that these results are very atypical. However, the company asserts that this supplement will help you achieve this physique through a very simple mechanism. It states that the supplement will increase your supply of testosterone, and that an increase in that supply will enable you to achieve greater hypertrophy than you ever have before. The manufacturer claims that, by altering your body chemistry and boosting testosterone, the supplement will let you get more out of the workouts you already do, without having to alter or intensify them.

The manufacturer also claims that this supplement will give you the extra energy needed to get more out of your existing workouts, too. If this is a supplement that works as the manufacturer says, it’s something that will support your energy and testosterone, thus energizing you inside and outside the gym. The manufacturer claims that elevated testosterone is key for hypertrophy of muscle tissue. They’re right in part. Testosterone can, and does, help people to gain muscle, especially when it’s taken as part of a resistance training program. And lifting weights in and of itself can create temporary spikes in testosterone. However, the main ingredient, which the site suggests is tribulus terrestris, has actually not been shown to elevate testosterone at all. The energy boost claims made by the manufacturer may come into play here. Tribulus has often been used as a way to enhance general vitality, which can mean supporting energy, focus, and a sense of well-being.

We all likely have had bad days in the gym, and we therefore know why having focus and energy is so important. Arnold Schwarzenegger at one point said that, in his lifts, he was “inside” the muscle, meaning that his focus was engaged in each rep. When you focus on each rep, you get better reps, which translate to better results. Focus like Schwarzenegger’s is immensely helpful, but so is energy. When you walk into the gym sluggish, you may compromise on your lifts, cheat on reps, etc. You also may not feel confident enough to really push yourself, since you’re saving energy in hopes that you’l have enough of it to get through your workout. Thus, while Androsolve has not been proven to boost testosterone, it may indirectly facilitate an increase in testosterone by acting as an energy and focus enhancer. Regardless, these effects will likely be helpful for your lifting routine.


Ingredients of Androsolve

Many supplements rely on proprietary blends. This is logical, as many companies want to shield their exact formulations from companies that may try to duplicate the formula. However, proprietary blends are something you as a consumer should be wary of. This is because many companies use them not to shield the formula from those who would steal it, but to hide the doses of each ingredient from users. As supplement research has continued, we are beginning to learn that most supplements have a minimum effective dose. Many manufacturers will reduce the amount of a given substance to save costs, but they can still list the ingredient on the label even if the dosing is too low to be effective. Androsolve takes the proprietary blend issue a step farther. It doesn’t just use a proprietary blend – it simply does not list the ingredient included.

Despite this glaring omission, the website for the product is loaded with claims about its efficacy. The only way you can use the website to find out the ingredients is to look at the bottom, where it attempts to link to two studies it claims verify the effectiveness of its main ingredients. These links are labeled “Tribulus Study 1” and “Tribulus Study 2,” but neither link leads anywhere. One just redirects to the top of the website. Though these links lead nowhere, we can assume from them that the main ingredient in this supplement is Tribulus terrestris.

Though this herb has a history of use in Indian traditional medicine, repeated studies have indicated that it does not increase athletic performance or testosterone, so this implies that the company’s claims about Androsolve are false, unless it contains other ingredients. However, Tribulus terrestris does have some benefits. Studies in animals show that it protects organs from oxidative damage, which means it may function as an organ protector in humans, too. It also is an adaptogen, or a chemical that helps the body adjust to stress. This feature may have some benefits for athletic performance. For many, starting a new program (like moving to twice a day training) is exhausting, and you may feel as though your body is shocked. Taking an adaptogen like tribulus may be able to help you deal with this. Of course, there is a major problem with taking this supplement for that purpose – the manufacturers do not list how much tribulus is in a serving, so even though the herb itself is an adaptogen, it may be included in such a small amount that it isn’t effective. If you have a serous interest in the product, you may wish to contact the company to ask about ingredients. Since there seems to be little transparency as far as ingredients, you may not be able to get answers from the manufacturers of this supplement.



There are some advantages to choosing Androsolve. One of these advantages is the fact that it can be shipped to you automatically. If you take a significant supplement stack sourced from different places, you may find that it’s hard to keep track of when you need to replenish each ingredient. When you have this supplement shipped, it eliminates guesswork and saves you time. Another advantage is the fact that, while the main ingredient is not a testosterone booster, it is an adaptogen, which can help you handle stress. Anytime you have the ability to better adjust to stress, you will be far more likely to excel in the gym and outside of it. This can also carry over into your personal and professional life, making it easier for you to handle tougher assignments or deal with new challenges. Another advantage is the fact that this is an extremely easy supplement to take. You only take two caplets a day. You take one in the morning, and another right before your workout. This schedule makes it easy to work into whatever supplement routine you want.



This supplement has not been awarded any certificates. However, it does have some certifications that support its efficacy and legitimacy. It is certified as made in the United States, and it also comes with a satisfaction guarantee. This means you will receive a refund if you do not wish to continue taking the supplement. In the supplement industry, it’s very hard for any specific supplement to get a certificate, since there are relatively few certificates and very many supplements on the market. However, there is a major hindrance to this supplement earning a certificate, and that hindrance is the manufacturer’s refusal to list ingredients. This refusal is likely to make all but the most non-discerning buyers wary, and it also is extremely likely to scare away those with the power to award certificates. If the manufacturer opts to list the ingredients of Androsolve, then this supplement may well earn a certificate.



When you buy a supplement online, you may want to speak to those who have used it in the past. Below are some words from those who have used this supplement as their testosterone booster:

– Stan, 33, Atlanta, GA:

I’ve always liked tribulus as a supplement, but I struggle to find it in supplement forms I love. Usually it’s rolled in with some ingredients I don’t like. So I did some digging and found this. Awesome stuff! I honestly don’t know all of what’s in it, but my lifts and energy have improved, and that’s all I really ask for in a supplement. I was worried it would be a scam, but it wasn’t! A great purchase all around.

– Josh, 37, Detroit, MI:

I’m almost 40 and it shows! I’ve started to feel terribly sluggish, and I really needed a way to just pick up and lift harder. I cycle through testosterone supplements like crazy, so when I found this my gym buddy figured it would be on to the next one soon enough. But it works! I’ve been using it for six months and I’ve never looked better. So glad that I tried just one more.

– Joey, 60, Orlando, FL:

I may be the oldest guy lifting at my gym, and I know it. I decided I wanted to show up some of the younger guys. So I got to work on my diet and added Androsolve. I think both of those things really helped, because a few months later, I was deadlifting more than my 25-year-old son! We have a friendly competition now, and some of the younger and older guys at the gym are getting in on it, too.


Awards & Media Coverage

As noted above, outlets that cover supplements are in short supply, and this may mean that it takes years for a given supplement to get coverage. However, since most coverage of supplements deals with ingredients and how they work, Androsolve may not receive much coverage because the company appears to want to avoid transparency surrounding ingredients, media outlets that write about supplements may have a hard time taking this one seriously enough to write about it. As mentioned above, if the manufacturers opt to list ingredients in a transparent manner, more media coverage may well be in the future.


Money-back Guarantee

Because the company offers a money back guarantee, you can be assured that, if you decide this isn’t for you, you aren’t putting yourself at financial risk. The company does offer a free trial option, which is discussed in more detail below. But if you want to send back a bottle after the free trial, you may do so. In order to do this, you can contact the company to receive a return merchant authorization, or RMA. Then, you can send back the product. Please note that there is a $9.95 restocking fee, which will be subtracted from your refund. Additionally, you are responsible for paying for return shipping. If you have concerns about the refund process before buying, you may want to contact the company ahead of time to clarify any questions you may have.



Shipping is fast and reliable, and it is free once you’ve started the autoship program. To start with the free trial, you have to pay $5.97 for shipping. Depending on your location, you should receive the product in three to five business days. If you do not receive it within a week, then you should contact the company to ask about having another sent, as it may have been lost in the mail. Once you start with the auto-shipping program, shipping prices will be conveniently rolled in with the price of the bottle to save you time and money.


Customer Support

The customer support team with Androsolve is comprised entirely of dedicated fitness professionals who want to help you to achieve your fitness goals. When you call or write, they are ready to help you answer your questions. If you’re a new customer, those questions may be about how to take this supplement to maximize your results. If you have been a customer for awhile, you may have similar questions. And if you’re just pondering the free trial, then you might want help from the representatives to determine whether or not this is the supplement for you. Luckily, they are readily available to help you by phone, e-mail, or regular mail, and you are encouraged to come to them with any questions you may have regarding this supplement.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Buying online can feel like a real headache to some people. Luckily, Androsolve is sold online in an age where cutting-edge encryption can save your information from virtually all hackers. The manufacturer uses a 128-bit SSL Secure encryption, and this has been verified by VeriSign, ScanAlert, and McAfee as being 100 percent secure and safe. Since you know your information is safe from hackers, you may wonder about the employees of the company. These employees can only access your info to resolve billing issues, and they also will never sell or otherwise share your information with anyone. Your information is kept secure at all times.


Pricing & Free Trial

Pricing for this product is fairly standard for testosterone boosters, and in case you’re worried about security, there is a free trial option you can utilize. If you want to see if Androsolve is right for you, you can sign up ad pay just under $6 for shipping. You will receive a 30-day bottle, which contains 60 caplets, and you have 14 days from the order date to decide whether or not this supplement is something you want. If you want to keep taking it, do nothing, and at the end of the period you will be billed the full cost, $78.62. You will be billed this each month until you cancel. If you do not wish to keep taking the product, cancel within the 14 days, keep the bottle, and pay nothing more.






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