
Anabol-5 by Nutrex Research Review – A Way to Boost Your Muscle Growth

What Is Anabol-5?

As a leading testosterone booster manufactured by Nutrex Research, Anabol-5 offers athletes a unique formula for lean, strong muscle growth and enduring stamina for excelling at workouts and sports games or events. Categorized as a non-steroidal anabolic supplement, this product acts as an agent for changing your bodily anabolic/androgenic percentages to favor anabolism, which strengthens your nitrogen counts. Without androgenic (hormonal) characteristics, this exercise aid is a top choice for sports players, powerlifters and bodybuilders who desire the muscle-building advantages of prohormones in the body, but want to avoid their possible adverse side effects. The varied capabilities of this formula include helping your body to gain muscle mass for attaining optimum muscle measurement and body weight and also maintaining and increasing healthy metabolic rates for cutting body fat.

When you take this athletic supplement on a regular schedule as directed while you are engaged in intense workouts or weightlifting training, Anabol-5 promotes anabolic, or building-up, processes in your cellular tissues and internal organs while increasing muscle and bone density. It also safeguards your body against fatigue and muscle strains as well as mental and physical stress during heavy-duty workouts and athletic performance. The expert supplement formulators at Nutrex Research recommend that you eat a diet rich in protein while using this product as your main sports activity aid for ultimate results in dense muscle mass growth and overall body flexibility, resiliency and empowerment. These liquid capsules offer rapid absorption rates in your body for fast uptake and support of all your demanding muscle-building and sports efforts and action.

Because of the fast absorption and uptake features of this quality sports enhancing supplement, it helps seasoned bodybuilders and athletes attain their current goals and maintain powerful, active bodies while assisting less experienced and new bodybuilders and regular exercisers to see results within their first month’s use of this product. Especially when beginning or intermediate bodybuilders in the early stages of training and development see good results this rapidly as they start increasing lean muscle growth and gain body strength, agility and stamina, these trainees are elated and encouraged to try and succeed at more strenuous athletic and bodybuilding techniques and workouts. When they follow the advice of their trainers and the experts at Nutrex Research, eating a diet enriched with healthy proteins and other powerful nutrients, these developing sports enthusiasts make even more progress in their athletic and bodybuilding endeavors. Another important benefit of taking this specialized supplement as your major exercise activity aid is that it also enables your body to recover quickly and completely after even the most difficult and rugged training sessions and sports competitions.



Nutrex Research is a respected company and brand in the supplements manufacturing and promotion industry, and this innovative group of executives, scientists and modern nutritionists are known for the efficacy and safety of their unique sports formulas. This company will celebrate its fourteenth anniversary on July 20th of 2016, and just four short years ago, company officials and staff proudly opened new corporate headquarters in Oviedo, FL. This expansive, top-tier facility measures 80,000 square feet, and it is evidence of the company’s continued success as a major sports supplements creator of athletic supporting aids produced for the consumer market. When this impressive building complex was first opened, the Nutrex Research leading executive, President Jens Ingenohl, stated that many people seeing this new facility assume that this company has always been extremely profitable, starting with its initial days of business. However, he reveals that it is due to the difficult times of its early days that he and his staff members never take their current success for granted, always striving to formulate and produce only the optimum quality athletic supplements possible for avid sportsmen and women today.

Just three months after the company was founded in October 2012, Nutrex Research and its officials and staff were honored by the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Seminole County in Florida for this advanced company’s ardent efforts and its resulting high rates of success in the sports enhancing supplements industry. This honor was also to recognize this company’s business contributions to the entire Seminole County area’s economic growth and increasing prosperity during difficult and challenging economic times. County officials wanted to call attention to the fact that even during such stressful conditions for business ventures, Nutrex Research leaders and staff had persevered and won in their outstanding efforts to build and open a new supplements production facility and corporate center. At the same time, this industrious company managed to maintain and increase its volumes of business profits and success to grow the company while boosting the county’s economy.


How Anabol-5 Works?

As a non-steroidal supplement, Anabol-5 serves as an anabolic aid in the body, assisting you to develop lean, dense, healthy muscularity with optimal action and flexibility for quality sports activity. By forming and sustaining an anabolic state, this product helps you raise the percentages of protein that your muscles are capable of taking action to synthesize. By lending support to your body’s inherent protein-building activity, this unique exercise and physique developing product provides healthy support without use of hormones or steroids, thus never creating an imbalance of these growth-rate altering substances. To enable the fast-acting feature of this formula, the Anabol-5 recipe is produced in liquid-filled capsules that promote rapid absorption and use by your body for better exercise and muscle-building results. Nutrex Research supplement formulators recommend that you take this sports improvement product in 12-week cycles to be followed by four weeks of abstaining from taking these capsules.

This empowering formula is a proprietary blend of ingredients that includes several substances you will most likely not find in other bodybuilding and athletic supplements such as 6-Keto-Diosgenin Acetate and Rhaponticum Carthamoides. By increasing the volume of protein that your muscles can synthesize at the same time it lessens the activity of muscle-deteriorating action (proteolytic activity), it boosts your body’s natural protein-building cycles. This supplement is an excellent choice for its dual and opposite benefits of bulking muscularity when you need greater muscle size and body weight or decreasing body fat to maintain and build good quality, lean body muscularity. Its formulators recommend taking two liquid capsules of this sports aid daily, ingesting one capsule when you awaken each morning and the second capsule after your workout or athletic performance.


Ingredients of Anabol-5

The unique proprietary formula of this effective testosterone booster for improved muscularity and exercise results includes the following active ingredients:


This important anabolic substance is non-steroidal. As a supplement ingredient, it increases muscle and cellular growth in the body and raises the protein level of muscles and blood. Due to the lack of androgenic, or hormonal, characteristics of this substance, its anabolic rate is heightened, making it very effective for increasing your lean muscularity, body strength and stamina along with your mental focus and drive to excel at athletics and bodybuilding.

6-Keto-Diosgenin Acetate

This ingredient is naturally derived from a category of compounds termed sapogenins, which are organic compounds found in many plants and originating in steroid and triterpenoid groups as glycosides and saponins. Genins are a similar type of steroidal compounds that are often found in combination with nitrogen compounds. As a supplement component, this ingredients helps build muscularity and aids testosterone in boosting your body’s capacities for energy output and prolonged endurance for strenuous physical activity. The Acetate content improves solubility rates of this muscle-building and exercise-boosting supplement. Each type of steroid ester is composed of a steroid molecule with an attached carbon chain, and this chain controls the steroid’s half-life, which determines its rates of solubility in your bloodstream. Acetate is a 2-carbon ester for excellent solubility rates, supporting top-level sports activity.

6-Keto Diosgenin Propionate

Although Diosgenin has been considered an active anabolic, or energy builder, for the body for many years because of its similarities to some human steroids, 6-Keto Diosgenin is important for its protein synthesis support and promotion in the body with the aid of non-steroidal activity. The addition to this compound of the propionate group member is thought to raise levels of lipid solubility, resulting in smoother uptake of this ingredient with lymphatic system assistance. Propionate, as a fatty acid, can prevent fat growth in the body. When combined as an ester with testosterone, it enhances the anabolic/androgenic effects of testosterone significantly. As a 3 carbon ester, Propionate promotes very effective solubility rates of your supplement in the bloodstream for quality athletic action.


This pure saponin occurs naturally in the body and increases anabolic, or tissue-building and rejuvenating, activity without any androgenic characteristics. It also guards against catabolic action in your internal system, which creates a breaking down, or destructive state that affects the tissues of your muscles, organs and bones. This substance helps reduce fat deposits in your body while it increases muscle size, density and strength as well as your energy levels. It is bonded with Cypionate, an 8 carbon ester that provides low to moderate degrees of supplement solubility in the blood as it moves through your circulatory system to help nourish and fuel your muscles and entire body.

6-Keto-Diosgenin Decanoate

This saponin that can be found naturally in the body enhances tissue repair, growth and stability in your body while acting to impede or prevent catabolic action, or deterioration, of tissues. It supports healthy muscle activity and circulatory rates to enhance athletic activity while aiding the absorption rates of your sports supplement in your bloodstream. As an active 10 carbon ester, Decanoate promotes low levels of solubility of your bodybuilding and athletic performance supplement in your body for some improvement in sports action results.

25-R Spirostan-5a-diol-6-one-3-one-undecanoate

This ingredient contains a phytosterol, or natural plant sterol, that enhances metabolism for shredding body fat and for increasing absorption and uptake rates of your sports action supplement for improved athletic stamina and performance. As a unique supplement component, this phytosterol is bonded to an undecanoate ester that also fortifies uptake in your lymphatic system, boosting bio-availability of all supplement ingredients for better energy, muscle power and joint flexibility during strenuous workouts.

Rhaponticum Carthamoides

This versatile supplement ingredient is an active adaptogen that boosts bodily energy and stamina for difficult, long or high intensity workouts. It also reduces both physical and mental stress during strenuous exercise or athletic competitions. It improves smooth coordination and effectiveness of muscle contraction and release action in your body and builds energy levels and output in your entire skeletal-muscular system. This substance also acts as a mood enhancer and a helpful sleep aid to enable and support better overall athletic activity and achievement.

Hecogenin Acetate

This supplement component is a natural steroidal saponin in the body that also has ester properties to promote the supplement’s absorption rates and effectiveness as a supporter of athletic and bodybuilding activity. It is also of major help in alleviating inflammation of your muscles, and this ingredient also enables you to build lean muscularity and body strength while enhancing and shortening your recovery time after vigorous exercise.



This safe, effective testosterone booster, Anabol-5, offers users a variety of effective benefits and advantages, which include the following:

  1. This unique sports formula is made of powerful, nutrient-rich ingredients that combine to produce a safe, effective and specialized sports action enhancer and muscle-developer.
  2. Although classified as a non-steroidal supplement, this supports activity aid does contain healthy, active natural steroidal saponins, which support and promote good anabolic, or building-up, action within your body for better lean, dense muscularity, energy and strenuous physical workout performance.
  3. This bodybuilding aid also enables your body to shred excess fat and helps eliminate the build-up of new fat, enhancing both your exercise abilities and your physique.
  4. With regular use of this supplement, you will experience better, less stressful recovery time after workouts, free of muscle strain, aches and pains.


Certificates, an authority concerning efficacy and safety of modern supports and bodybuilding supplements, recommends Nutrex Research supplements to serious athletes who want to develop strong, lean and muscular physiques while improving their sports skills, abilities and achievements. Nutrex Research also rewards members of the bodybuilding and sports activity community who are regular users and supporters of Anabol-5 and its diverse and significant benefits for athletic betterment and success. These team sport coaches, bodybuilding trainers and gym or sports club owners or managers encourage their trainees and students to use this healthy, safe and effective supplement as their main fitness booster. When they display their certificates from the supplement’s manufacturer in their gyms and training areas, these sports industry professionals help bodybuilders and exercisers of varied ages and levels of experience to try this unique formula for enhanced muscularity, strength, endurance and athletic growth for success.



This product will really improve your body, energy and willpower to stay focused on your bodybuilding goals. Even when struggling through rugged workouts that challenge every muscle and ounce of endurance in your body, you will attain high levels of success in your athletic and muscle-building efforts and pursuits. Never give up—just put your trust in this great fitness aid today for the best results ever! Get Anabol-5 from Nutrex Research and get ripped! – Andy Woldroff, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Just try this amazing testosterone booster for a few weeks and you will make it your permanent sports and fitness supplement. With new, lean muscles, boundless energy and a totally ripped physique, all your Atlas Man bodybuilding dreams and goals will be realized. Get started with Anabol-5 today! – Charlie Tory, Orlando, FL, USA

Anabol-5 is a super-supplement for anyone who is truly serious about bodybuilding and sports success. With regular use of this fitness aid, you will go far in all your athletic and muscle-building efforts and endeavors. Get ripped today with this great product! – Kenny Suther, Los Angeles, CA, USA


Awards & Media Coverage

Because it is growing rapidly in popularity and sales rates, Anabol-5 from Nutrex Research will most likely win recognition and significant awards from major bodybuilding and sports performance authorities and organizations in the coming seasons. This fitness enhancer is already receiving increasing amounts of attention and discussion on sports and body improvement websites and online forums. In addition, this effective, safe supplement is predicted to become a major subject for news media coverage, including network news channels and publications around the globe. Especially due to its unique, powerful ingredients and formula as well as its versatility of effect, empowerment and bodily improvement capabilities, this product will, without doubt, remain in the fast track of increasing notice, use and popular sales to benefit both current and future athletes.


Money-back Guarantee

Nutrex Research company leaders offer a money-back guarantee to all customers, old and new, who are not totally satisfied with Anabol-5. Whether a customer problem concerns the buying process, delivery or usage of this effective and safe body and exercise enhancing supplement, these company officials want to hear about it. The majority of customers are very pleased with receipt and regular use of this specialized, nutritional sports action aid. However, if you do experience any difficulties or problems concerning your new fitness supplement, just contact a customer support staff member at the company to request a refund of your product purchase cost, and a reimbursement will be arranged for you, with no questions asked.



Shipping of each Anabol-5 order will be handled by reliable, professional shipping companies for national customers and by experienced global transport carriers for international buyers. Nutrex Research insists on using only quality shipping and transport companies to ensure safe, responsible and timely delivery of each product order. Because these shipping and delivery businesses use superior quality packaging materials and methods for all supplements shipped to customers, as well as carefully printed address labels, there should be no problems with your fitness supplement’s prompt, secure arrival at your address. However, if your product does arrive damaged or fails to arrive, although these mishaps rarely occur, just contact the manufacturer’s helpful customer support division for a fast, efficient solution to your problem, or to request a purchase refund.


Customer Support

The courteous, helpful customer support team at Nutrex Research is always ready and available to help you solve any problems that may occur concerning your new bodybuilding and sports activity supplement. Regardless of the type of issue you are experiencing with this product or the size of your problem, this team of committed staff members will work patiently with you to resolve any and all difficulties or problems. They are all well-trained and informed about this and all of the company’s many fitness aids, and no question is ever too small to be important if it concerns your level of satisfaction or comfort in using the company’s products safely and effectively. This concerned team is available 24/7, and you can reach a team member on the company website support page, by email or by phone.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The checkout process is always safe and secure on the company website, which is well-protected by use of advanced encryption techniques plus use of a secure server. This enables customers to relax and enjoy shopping for their sports supplements on the site, knowing that all their personal data input on the product order and purchase pages will be kept safe from access by online hackers and other potential intruders or identity thieves. Whenever you visit this website to place your fitness product order, you can be assured that your name, address, phone number, email address and credit card numbers will be safeguarded to prevent fraudulent use by dishonest site visitors. Also, the updated site design allows you and other customers to shop easily, quickly and efficiently, placing supplement orders without unnecessary data entries or requests.



This bodybuilding and sports enhancer is priced reasonably so that a greater number of exercise and fitness enthusiasts can use it on a regular, ongoing basis as their primary athletic improvement aid. Although the general retail price for Anabol-5 is $59.95 for 120 liquid capsules, which is a two-month supply, due to promotional and holiday sales, this supplement is available at various times during the year for a reduced price ranging from $54.95 to $24.99, or even less. When shopping for your supplement during sales periods, you can take advantage of the discounted rates to purchase a larger supply at once, saving both time and money in the process. Remember to visit the company website frequently so you can be sure to get full benefits of all reduced pricing throughout the year.






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