Alpha Rampage

Alpha Rampage Review – Could You Use It?

What Is Alpha Rampage?

Alpha Rampage is a male performance enhancing supplement that restores powerful levels of testosterone to the body. Because men’s bodies begin to decrease in the levels of testosterone they naturally produce around the age of 30, a testosterone supplement may become necessary in order to continue to improve athletic performance and to meet various weightlifting goals. Since testosterone levels can be reduced by as much as 4% per year, fatigue, loss of interest in exercise, and weight gain can result. But performance enhancing supplements can stop the drop in testosterone production and help men begin lifting well and building lean muscle mass again.

This particular testosterone supplement claims to be a safe and effective way to increase strength and energy that empowers men to reach their maximum bodybuilding potential. It advertises being made of entirely natural ingredients, meaning that said ingredients are all either materials that the body naturally produces (such as testosterone) or that are natural dietary nutrients. The company promises that this product will intensify workouts as it spreads testosterone throughout the entire body evenly via the bloodstream. Thus it works to help men lower body fat and increase lean muscle mass.

Alpha Rampage is a testosterone supplement designed to help in all stages of workouts. The energy it supplies, however, is especially targeted toward the beginning of workouts. It enhances mental focus and the drive to work out, therefore making it especially potent for men who have decreased their exercise routine and are looking for a resurgence of energy to begin working out once again with new, more ambitious goals than those that are attainable without proper testosterone levels. As it motivates men to begin working out again, it maintains energy throughout workouts that helps prevents fatigue and encourages the lifting of an ever increasing amount of weight.



Alpha Rampage is a product of the Mengenix company which makes a variety of natural male performance enhancement supplements. Several of the company’s products are testosterone boosters like this one, but they function differently. They distribute testosterone to the body differently whether through an even dissemination as this supplement does or through a targeted effort to spread the hormone to the parts of the body that are most lacking it at the time the supplement is taken.

The company also has different focuses amongst its products that relate to different aspects of weight training. Just as this supplement is predominantly designed for the increase of energy and motivation that helps to reignite bodybuilding routines, so other products emphasize the effective growth of lean muscle mass, quick muscle recovery periods, and longer lasting workouts that help to alleviate the low points unavoidably associated with long workouts.

While the specific emphasis of Alpha Rampage is the rejuvenation of desire and ability to begin working out, all the reasons for which a man would choose to take a testosterone supplement are addressed through the use of this supplement. Taking the pills does help towards building muscle mass and more intense workouts. But the supplement’s effect of energy and motivation for exercise with physical and mental preparation to start off a workout right is its unique emphasis among the whole family of Mengenix products.


How Alpha Rampage Works?

Alpha Rampage works with the individual’s body chemistry and workout habits to support muscle movement and remove toxins from the body paving the way for better absorption. It combines ingredients known for producing energy, natural steroids for building muscle mass, and ingredients specifically for the promotion of new testosterone produced in the body and spread throughout the body. Two pills are taken daily, one shortly before a workout and one before bed. This helps to energize immediately before workout and to prepare muscles for the next day as energy is reinvigorated through sleep.

Working through the bloodstream, the supplement ensures that testosterone is sent throughout the whole body in a balanced way that not only helps toward workout goals but also maximizes the effects of other nutrients that the body receives through a healthy diet so as to encourage an overall healthy lifestyle and to enhance overall physical wellbeing. The company suggests that, although particular results may begin earlier, the fullest of effects of the supplement are usually reached after 90 consecutive days of the use described above.

The Mengenix company recommends using this product simultaneously with Megenix Testo Rampage for maximum results. They claim that mutual use of thew two products brings the desired results quicker and more dramatically. However, in the sections that follow we will look at the results of Alpha Rampage as reported in customer reviews. In so doing, we will find that the results for those taking this product solely have very similar results to those who have taken both. While other Mengenix products are indeed complementary to one another, this one does not require the complement that the company suggests. This is great news both for finances and convenience.


Ingredients of Alpha Rampage

Tongkat ali is the most scientifically tested ingredient used as a testosterone booster. With much more research backing up its effectiveness than is common for most ingredients in supplements, it is the primary ingredient for the increase of testosterone levels found in this supplement. Wild yam extract is another significant ingredient for supporting new testosterone levels. As a natural steroid it is the most effective ingredient known for building massive muscles. This is the ingredient especially responsible for the even distribution of testosterone throughout the whole body.

Horny goat weed is the most important ingredient for the enhancement of energy and motivation for which this supplement is particularly designed. It helps not only at the beginning of a workout but continues to increase energy throughout workouts, thus increasing stamina helping its users increase the amount of time in which they work out as well as the amount of weight in which they are able to lift. Saw palmetto extract is another very important ingredient for this energy enhancement that the company promotes so much in this product. This ingredient is believed to thoroughly cleanse the body of toxins assisting in energy and in general healthfulness, to ensure continued growth of fitness in all areas of health.

All the ingredients listed on the product’s packaging label are indeed natural as the company claims them to be. Several such ingredients have been the subjects of significant scientific research, something that is not normal for supplemental ingredients, therefore pointing toward the likelihood that this is the safe and effective male performance enhancer that it claims to be. We will now turn to other factors including certification, media attention, customer reviews, and business practices to see if these factors also encourage a positive view of the supplement.



As Alpha Rampage restores energy, builds lean muscle mass, and supplies new levels of testosterone evenly throughout the whole body, it also helps to shed any extra weight that was gained during the time period of decreased testosterone. Longer and more intense workouts become possible while using the supplement according to package instructions. It works with the body’s individual chemistry to balance hormones and ensure that the new testosterone levels are safe for the body and effective towards the intended results.

The ingredients of the supplement are natural materials that have been known, used, and trusted for several centuries. This combination of ingredients includes those that scientific research has suggested are very powerful both in increasing testosterone levels in general and in building large healthy muscles more specifically. Multiple blog entries from various fitness trainers highly recommend the product attesting to its safety and effectiveness. Nitric oxide levels are extended through the blood stream along with the flow of increased testosterone helping to balance hormonal levels in general.

The supplement has no reports of negative side effects or adverse health effects. This helps to further increase confidence in the safety of the product. On the other hand, several positive side effects are reported. Weight loss, focus and mental clarity for all of daily living (not just exercise), and an improved overall sense of physical and emotional wellbeing are all commonly reported. This is accomplished because as the new levels of testosterone and nitric oxide flow throughout the body, so the balanced flow and full effect of other nutrients is enabled throughout the body as well.



Like most supplements, Alpha Rampage is not required to seek FDA approval. Supplements can receive certification nevertheless from other organization that specialize in assessing the safety, validity, and business practices of supplements and the companies producing those supplements. The USP and NSF, for example, are two such groups. The Mengenix company does not publicize its reception any such certificates for any of its products. This is perhaps because of the difficulties in defining the word “natural,” which is crucial to approval from such organizations.

In this article, we have stated that all of Alpha Rampage’s ingredients are natural. By this we mean that every part of the product is either naturally produced in the body or is a natural food nutrient. Because organizations of this type usually give certificates to dietary supplements they are focused on dietary nutrients. As such, they may not consider ingredients like testosterone, although they are naturally produced in the body, to be “natural” since they are not food products. As a result, the lack of certification for the product does not need to be a concern in and of itself.

Since no information can be attained regarding certifications that this supplement has obtained, if any, we will need to gather our information predominantly from reviews and reports of actual customers who has used the product. The information for the remainder of this article is predominantly based on such reports. Through them we will be able to get a better grasp on whether or not it does what the company says it does, how safe it is, and whether or not the company’s business practices are honest and customer centered.



Our first testimonial is from a man who complained of rapidly and drastically weakening muscles. He was an avid bodybuilder throughout his 20s, but by the age of 37 he had given up all together. Once he decided to start again, he consulted with a trainer who told him that his weakness was due to a lack of testosterone being produced in his body. His trainer suggested Alpha Rampage, and he reported a nearly immediate rekindling of his desire to work out. The process of regaining strength was slower but nevertheless very effective. He said that after two and half months of using the product he was back to the weight training habits that were common for him when he was in his 20s.

Our next testimonial comes from another man in his 30s who continued his weight training regimen faithfully but lost his ability to lift weights as heavily as he had before the testosterone level in his body began to decrease. Although he kept working out, he was unable to so long at a time, and he began to gain more weight than was healthy. He took two Megenix products together: Alpha Rampage and Testo Rampage. He reported results of increased energy and endurance. He also mentioned that as his workouts increased in time and intensity, he lost that weight he had gained before starting the products and built significant muscle mass. He felt energized immediately, but the other results took about two months to manifest themselves at their fullest level.

Our final testimonial comes from a man in his 40s who like the first gave up working out. He reported a 6-year hiatus until hearing about Alpha Rampage. Like the other two, he felt energized and motivated to restart bodybuilding habits almost immediately. He stated that it only took three weeks before he had reached his initial goal for the amount of weight to lift, and he was able to significantly increase the amount of time in which he worked out every week for several months. He said that he began losing weight and gaining lean muscle mass within just five weeks. As his body’s testosterone levels were renewed, he reported regaining the old routines and the love for exercise that he had had most of his life before that 6-year hiatus.


Awards & Media Coverage

The Mengenix company has not indicated any industry awards that it has one, if any. Further research into the matter yielded no results of any such awards. The company has certainly been around long enough to garner this type of attention, yet it does not seem that they have receive any such recognition from within the heath and wellness field. Furthermore, the company does not have a very public image; no noteworthy media coverage is available for this product or any of the company’s other products.

Just as the company has received no certificates, this lack of publicity outside of their own web pages is not necessarily a reason to be concerned about the product. Product reviews and customer reports have plenty of positive things to say about it. These are our most important and most reliable source for concluding that the supplement is effective at evenly sending testosterone throughout the body, encouraging a desire to work out, increasing energy towards intense workouts, endurance to keep going strong throughout a workout without fatigue, and the building of strong muscles.

And just as these reports serve as our our primary sources for effectiveness of the product, they are also our predominant sources for the health and safety associated with it. Those who have used the supplement according to the manufacturer’s directions consistently report no negative side effects or adverse health reactions. Their reports, rather, suggest the absolute opposite. People who have reported their experiences with Alpha Rampage almost all claim that they are healthier taking the supplement than they were before.


Money-back Guarantee

The Mengenix company offers full refunds for any fraudulent or otherwise unauthorized orders. Outside of such situations they evaluate all requests for refunds on a case by case basis, giving no guarantees of receiving money back. However, their web page includes their Terms & Conditions document which does ensure that they assess requests and do grant refunds when they determine the request to be justified. Though they do not specify what counts for a legitimate refund request, they do give instances in which they are most likely to deny such requests.

The company’s reasons for denial are all very reasonable including repeated requests from the same customer unless they can prove something is wrong with the product as sent for each refund request. Only refunds for unauthorized orders will also include refunded shipping and handling. All other granted refund requests will refund only the cost of the product. Some refund requests will only be granted with a statement of approval from customer service meaning that customers must contact customer service prior to returning the product in such instances. Therefore it is advisable to be familiar with the company’s Terms & Conditions document to know who to contact for a particular need.

While the Mengenix company offers no explicit money-back guarantees for customer dissatisfaction, they do present the option as possible. This cannot be said for all companies that produce supplements. Furthermore, the activity of customer service within the refund process is something that is not a strength for many similar companies. Mengenix makes it abundantly clear who to contact for various questions and concerns with each of their products. Therefore, even without a money-back guarantee, this company is more customer friendly than many who manufacture supplements of this nature.



On the order form to receive a supply of Alpha Rampage that includes a free trial period, the company promises to ship that order within one business day. On their Terms & Conditions document, on the other hand, they say that they will ship within two-four business days. Using USPS standard 1st class delivery, once the company has shipped the product, the customer can expect to receive it in between two and five business days. The company only ships 30-day supplies of their product and they do so automatically, so the shipping and handling fee is always the same rate of $4.95 each month.

The automatic shipping and related monthly charges constitute the most common complaint that customers report regarding Alpha Rampage. Even though both the initial shipment and every subsequent shipment is a 30-day supply, the free trial period is only 14 days. If a customer chooses not to continue with the product as sent and charged automatically, he must cancel within those 14 days. The days begin counting at the time the order is made. Therefore, taking the above shipment considerations and weekends into account, it is possible that a customer may not receive his supply until the 13th day of the 14-day trial, thereby making the free trial void of any real purpose such a customer.


Customer Support

As briefly mentioned already, the Megenix company makes its customer support services much more accessible than many companies that produce similar supplements. Whether the need is related to an order, a payment, or a problem with the product, they clearly tell customers how to reach the company to meet that need. Customers generally report exceedingly positive experiences with Megenix’s customer care professionals. While the company’s Terms & Conditions document does not specify details about their policies regarding refunds and returns, most customers report being satisfied with the steps customer service has taken to address and solve their problems or questions.

A phone number and email address are made very clear through which customers can reach customer service representatives. Customers tend to report easy accessibility to the company’s customer support, knowledgable and helpful representatives, fairness of policies especially with regards to financial refunds and product replacements, and overall satisfactory experiences with the company’s customer care. Once again, this is not something common among all companies that produce supplements and is something that this company’s customers particularly praise placing it above much of its competition with regards to customer support and customer satisfaction.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The Megentix company requires the customer’s consent before transferring any information including the personal information required for a sale, thus helping to prevent fraudulent activity and the risk of identity theft. The personal information that the website does collect through an order form or a newsletter request is not offered to third party entities. All of the company’s web pages include encryptions and SSL certificates that help to make the site as safe as possible.

The company’s Privacy Policy document makes it very clear that the Megentix company has its customer’s security as the highest priority of its online activity. It ensures that it utilizes all the technology necessary to provide as safe of a checkout as possible, working hard to always do everything possible to keep the customers, their identities, their finances, and their computers secure from malicious internet activity.


Pricing & Free Trial

The monthly price for Alpha Rampage is $97.23 plus shipping and handling. This is a good competitive rate among all the testosterone supplements on the market. It is a little more than some of the other popular brands, but it also has a better reputation for effectiveness, safety, and fair business practices, thus making it a great value. But once the first order is submitted, the 14-day trial period begins.

If a customer decides to follow the company’s recommendation to combine use of Alpha Rampage with Testo Rampage, this almost doubles the monthly cost. As we have seen throughout this assessment, the results of taking Alpha Rampage by itself are already the results bodybuilders are looking for. Having said that, Alpha Rampage is highly recommended but only by itself, not as its manufacturers suggests as a complement to another supplement that has not been shown to improve effects much, if at all.






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