Super Mandro from Hardrock Supplements

Super Mandro by Hardrock Supplements Review – Do You Need It?

What Is Super Mandro?

Super Mandro is an anabolic compound which is non-methylated and, therefore, is not toxic to the liver. It is a muscle building supplement that has a direct impact on muscle building through hormonal pathways. It is known as the most effective prohormone and legal prohormone available in the market today. It is also the highest dosed Andro supplement that can be found in the market.

However, this supplement may sometimes result in muscle cramps and lethargy which might be uncomfortable. Most bodybuilders and weightlifters will find this supplement useful in increasing fat-free mass and decreasing body fat within a span of 4 weeks. Super Mandro’s only serious downside is that it reduces the athlete’s good cholesterol and increases the level of bad cholesterol. It is also good to increase its effectiveness by stacking it with other supplements or prohormones. This will help reduce its side effects which are otherwise minimal.



The manufacturer of Super Mandro has been in business since 2009. Since then the purchase of the supplements is exclusively done on their official website and also through trusted retailers. These online supplement shops are very effective in selling the supplement including shipping. Some of the online supplement stores offer free shipping of the supplements within one or two days of ordering. According to reviews, many of its customers believe that the supplement is fairly priced. However, if you observe how much dosage and stacking is required to make the supplement work best, then you will notice that the price factor becomes an issue.

The manufacturer has been able to dominate the market with innovation in an anabolic agent, ensuring that they provide customers with a daily dosage that is 330% more product than what the competition offers. This is a feature that has made Super Mandra stay above the competition and increase its popularity. Their formula is also upgraded with the technology known as the Liposomal Stealth Delivery System. This is a technology that is able to protect the compound while it moves through your body such that it does not break down until the right time.


How Super Mandro Works?

Once the supplement is absorbed into the bloodstream and then converted into testosterone, it begins to have an anabolic behavior which improves the user’s sense of well-being as well as increasing gains in size and strength. Super Mandro is a 1-Andro which is unable to convert to Estrogen or DHT, and therefore it stays as 1-Testosterone long after being converted, and this makes it twice as potent as the natural testosterone. By not converting to Estrogen or DHT, it brings no side effects, estrogen is known to cause water retention and fat accumulation. By the mere fact that Super Mandra is anabolic, it makes it a good agent of building muscles and, therefore, a useful supplement to gain muscles quickly.

It works in the body faster as compared to other types of supplements. Within the initial cycle of 4 weeks, the supplement is able to support an increase in lean mass by acting on body fats and replacing them with the body mass that is firm and hard. This also helps to improve body muscles which tend to acquire the desired hardness. The muscles become defined and pronounced, and this gives a p the desired physique which shows signs of a healthy living and fitness.

With muscle, hardness comes increased strength which adds up to endurance and stamina. The supplement also works on the body to increase muscle pumps and is able to support fat loss and increased protein synthesis which is helpful in the building of muscle tissues. It is also through the process of protein synthesis that body fat is adequately reduced.


Ingredients of Super Mandro

The manufacturers of Super Mandro Formula have only featured key ingredients in the supplement with the absence of fillers. The only two available components in Super Mandro include the 3-Beta-Hydroxy-5-Alpha-Androst-1-En-17-One (1-DHEA) which is a prohormone ingredient that is responsible for heavy lifting and converts to I-Testosterone. This helps the bodybuilder to have drier gains which last longer at the post cycle with minimal side effects like water retention and bloating issues.

The other ingredient is Bergamottin (6,7-Dihydrogergamottin) which is responsible for blocking the enzyme that breaks down I-Testosterone in the body. In the absence of that breakdown, one does not need as much 1-Androsterone to be effective. It is the ingredient in the supplement that enables the 1-Androsterone to be as effective as it is supposed to be. This prevents an athlete or bodybuilder from loading up and taking a lot of pills per day.



There are many advantages to be achieved as a result of using Super Mandro supplement. Among the most notable benefits include the acquisition and development of Lean Mass Gains. This type of effect occurs faster than any other supplement can provide due to the anabolic nature of Super Mandra. It also leads to the reduction of body mass, and this improves physical fitness as well as the general state of health of the body. Less fat means a good circulatory system.

The supplement is also advantageous in that it enhances the hardening of the muscles. The muscles are firm and dry as opposed to bloated with water retention issues. Dry muscles have the ability of increasing strength and stamina. The use of Super Mandro gives the body capacity to recover faster, and this improves fitness and reduces strain to the body muscles. The results that are derived from the use of the supplement are long lasting and are not merely cosmetic like that of some supplements



The manufacturer of this supplement operate a legal entity and hold certificates that they are compliant with the various business aspects as relates the type of operations they undertake. The most important certification that they hold is the 128 Bit SSL certification which shows their compliance to the safety and security standards in the industry and a guarantee that they can offer their customers protection especially regarding their personal and financial information. The SSL security software is an industry standard which guarantees the safety and security of clients while transacting online with any company or business entity.

Another certification that they hold is the Hacker’s Safe certificate which plays the same role as the SSl certificate only that it is a guarantee that the business’ information systems are safe from the activities of hackers. This assures their customers and clients that their Site is safe and secure to trade in and that they have foolproof information systems which cannot be accessed by hackers. Another certification is the McAfee Secure that is also related to the security of their site. All these certifications are a guarantee to customers and potential customers that the site is safe for transacting and that it meets the industry standards for safety.



To build the body and acquire a lean mass require a type of supplement like Super Mandro that is potent enough and one that works well with the body to give you positive results. This supplement works fast as compared to other supplements in the market and is able to create a total transformation in quite a short time. A cycle of about four weeks is enough to enable one to gain about 10 pounds of mass and a considerable increase in strength. One is able to get real muscles that are hard, dry and solid. This makes one to have the necessary stamina and physique that he so desires.

– Tom E., Charlotte, NC

It is also a compound that is not only mild to your system but one that is also highly effective. Losing body fat has been made easier by Super Mandro and can reduce up to 8lbs at the end of a cycle. This not only makes one fit but also healthier. By reducing fat from the body, one becomes leaner, healthier and better looking.

– Ray R., Jacksonville, FL

This is the reason why most bodybuilders prefer to use it in their daily activities because of its capabilities of reducing side effects and its faster muscle buildup and fat reduction. It is safe, effective and legal and enables one to have a masculine physique which not only increases one’s fitness and self-confidence but is also a healthy way of living. Although it has its downsides, its benefits outweigh its weaknesses by far.

– Todd A., Austin, TX


Awards & Media Coverage

Super Mandro is a supplement that has enjoyed media publicity since it was introduced into the market in 2009. It popularity is associated with the fact that it is the only anabolic related prohormone that is on the market today, its product composition, and the fact that it has 330% more product than the competition. All these features are innovative, new and worthy of being publicized. The product has featured in many reviews and magazines especially in regards to its performance and potency. The media coverage has popularized it to many athletes and bodybuilders who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and bodybuilding.

The many advertisements and media coverage of the supplement are found in media that targets the male audiences especially those that are in the bodybuilding and healthy living fraternity. Super Mandro has not received any awards as yet, but going by the customer reviews one would hope that it will not take long before it is also on the list of nominees. Although this supplement is not new in the market, the presence of more popular supplements in the market has made the market competitive for Super Mandro. It is widely advertised as a supplement which enables one gain body mass in a crazy way.


Money-back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee apply when transactions are done online for the purchase of supplements like Super Mandro. The manufacturer has the responsibility of ensuring that the transactions are not only safe and secure, but also ensure that they are convenient to the customer. These measures are for the protection, security and privacy of the customer. Any unauthorized transactions attract no penalties on the customer, and no charges are required from him. The customer only pays for transactions which the manufacturer has authorized and no fees can be charged which is unrelated to this authorization.

If for example, a client visits an online supplement shop and decides to buy the supplement, he must follow the procedure of payment which in most cases is the use of his credit card. However, when the client effects a payment by linking his credit card and the money goes through without any form of authorization or confirmation from the online supplements shop then the customer is entitled to get a refund without any charges or fees being paid.

The money back guarantee then comes in when the customer has made unauthorized payments. The customer has a right and is entitled to get back his money from the supplier. This offers the customer a guarantee that his transactions are safe and that he cannot be held liable to, as a result of the unauthorized transaction. It, therefore, brings in the safety element in any online transaction and therefore the safety of buying Super Mandro over the internet is guaranteed.



A customer is supposed to pay shipping and handling fees when he is placing an order for the supplement or when a trial supplement has been ordered. The duration of time that delivery is to be expected depends on with the delivery location. However, on average the delivery period takes about 3-4 days. One can also cancel a shipment by informing the customer support at any time. Products which are unopened or unused and had been purchased from the manufacturer can be returned within a period of thirty days after purchase.

If one is unsatisfied with the product, its quality or its value, one is free to ship it back to the manufacturer. However, the shipping and handling fees will not be refunded and must be met by the dissatisfied customer. A refund of products purchased or a cancellation can be effected within the stipulated time frame through customer support. Within 30 days a refund check is usually issued upon receipt of the returned goods. The refund only covers the in addition to the charges but does not include shipping and handling fees

Some online supplement shops are known to provide free shipping of the products to the client as a form of promotion to the product. This kind of arrangement is only made possible when a certain amount of the product is purchased or when a certain type of subscription arrangement is agreed upon.The duration of time that is required to deliver the products is also part of the arrangement. This is done in order to advertise the product and also at the same time increase sales.


Customer Support

Super Mandro is widely distributed and purchased by many customers due to the efforts made by the manufacturer’s customer support. They provide the required information to the customers regarding the product, It’s pricing, and how it can be obtained. They also handle pertinent issues regarding the products especially when a customer is not satisfied with the performance of the product. They work round the clock and are able to handle customer issues at all times. They provide information through a number of ways including through telephone, emails, chat and the website’s FAQ, where general queries are answered.

The FAQs on their website provides a forum to the customers where they can find quick information regarding the product and the services that the manufacturers provide to make it easier for them to familiarize themselves with the product and operations of the manufacturer or the online supplement shops. Chats are real time and answer the most burning queries and provide support in a fast efficient and personal nature.

The manufacturers of Super Mandro are always on hand to offer information regarding their product through the customer service. These services include information about the products pricing and other general details of the product that a client may wish to be familiar with. The other function of the customer support is in cases of cancellations and shipments. They handle all cases of complaints, cancellations, purchases, returns and delivery of products to the customer.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Buying of Super Mandro is done online and this entails aspects of financial security especially to the customers. To protect the customer’s financial information the manufacturer’s of this supplement have provided a checkout that is safe and secure. Transactions that are done online must safeguard the client’s financial information and therefore the company has put measures in place to assure safety and protection of this important information. This is done through the application of technological protections which are known to guarantee safe transactions and account information protection in data centers that are secure.

These secure data centers are known to have devices that are capable of protecting accounts from hackers by the use secure network architecture and hardware firewall which guarantee security and safety. For secure transactions over the internet, the most used software is the Secure Socket Layers (SSLs) which has the ability to encrypt and decode all financial and personal information including names, credit card numbers and addresses. This feature alone makes such information to be confidential and not accessible to third parties over the internet. These safety measures make transactions over the web to be smooth, fast and convenient to most customers. They are stress-free and provide the customers the much-needed peace of mind while transacting online.



The pricing of Super Mandro is listed at the manufacturer’s site and is payable as per what is listed in compliance with the terms and conditions of the manufacturer’s contract. The prices are not final and can be changed any time at the convenience of the manufacturer. The medium of exchange regarding fees and charges is to be done in US dollars. Purchases made from the official website of the manufacturer are paid through credit cards in favor of the manufacturer or his listed retailers.

On matters related to purchases, full disclosure is required in terms of information regarding the credit cards or any other financial information that the supplier may deem necessary in the transaction. This information may include personal information like the buyer’s name, address, and telephone numbers and any changes thereof must adequately be communicated to the supplier at least after the change has been effected. Upon visiting the official site of the manufacturers, one can inform himself if free trial programs are available which have promotional offers of free packs which can be found online and claimed without much complications.






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