Xtreme NOS

Xtreme NOS Review – Is It Working or Not?

What Is Xtreme NOS?

This product is a pre-workout supplement that helps avid workout enthusiasts build the body mass desired. The supplement is designed specifically for males who have experienced lowering testosterone levels. By raising testosterone levels, this supplement enables the consumer to build the body that they have always wanted. Xtreme NOS is designed to work only for those men who are willing to put in the hard work for themselves. It is not a crutch designed to make building the perfect body easy. Rather, it is a building block designed to enable competent workout enthusiasts in achieving their goals.

The product in not an artificial hormone replacement. This is an important distinction. Since prescription hormone replacements usually involve steroids, they can have some negative health consequences. This product is simple a natural supplement that is designed to help the body naturally raise testosterone levels. Consumers should, however, consult a doctor before beginning any regimen that can alter body chemistry.



Xtreme NOS is manufactured independently by a company of the same name. In other words, this product is manufactured by those that created the formula. This is unique in the workout world. Generally, such supplements are manufactured in facilities with dozens of other products. Since this product is not part of a larger chain of products, it is likely that more attention and time is spent assuring the proper and successful manufacturing procedures for this particular supplements. This can mean more attention on anything from quality control procedures, to packaging, shipping, and customer service.

Since this pre-workout supplement is manufactured in Florida, it can also reasonably be assumed that the product is made in the United States. This is important to many consumers because it assures that the entire manufacturing process must adhere to American laws regarding safety and sanitation. It also assures that the supplement does not contain any ingredients that are not generally included in American dietary supplements.


How Xtreme NOS Works?

Xtreme NOS works on the same principle as other nitric oxide based products. First, the nitric oxide enters the bloodstream. This increases blood flow to muscles immediately. It also allows the muscle to feel more solid and oxygen to travel better to the brain. This is what leads to more clear thinking and more energy. The nitric oxide also communicates with hormone receptors to produce more free testosterone. This testosterone aids in the building of muscles by acting as a sold building block for the creation of lean muscle mass. This increased testosterone also aids in helping to communicate a decrease in body fat. Since the body has more energy, it will naturally burn more energy and fat.

This product should be taken in capsule form once per day. As a pre-workout supplement, it should be taken at least 30 minutes prior to a daily workout. This supplement works in conjunction with the workout itself to create the desired physical appearance and strength desired. It is recommended that consumers stick with a routine for at least 90 days to see maximum results.


Ingredients of Xtreme NOS

The main ingredient in Xtreme NOS is nitric oxide. This is one of the most important ingredients in building lean muscle. Once the nitric oxide hits the male bloodstream, it communicates with the body to product more testosterone. This, in turn, helps to tell the body to burn more body fat and create more muscle. It also helps oxygen flow through blood to the muscles. This helps the lean muscle to grow. It also helps more oxygen to get to the brain. This increases concentration. It may also help to increase endurance for more strenuous workouts. Therefore, the supplement helps the consumer work harder in their workouts while also helping the body to convert that workout into lean muscle.

Nitric oxide is the most common pre-workout ingredient. In some ways, this means that this product is not he first of its kind. In some ways, however, it also means that the product is more reliable. Everyone knows that nitric oxide formula works in increasing male testosterone levels. The ingredient is tried and true. In this way, consumers can feel good in the likelihood that this product will actually help them in attaining their fitness goals. Since nitric oxide is the most common ingredient for such supplements, this product has reviews that are consistent with the success generally seen by such products. It may not be q new idea to use nitric oxide to increase male muscle mass, but there is no need to fix what isn’t broken.



There are several advantages to using this product. First, this product raises the levels of free testosterone in the male bloodstream. This allows the consumer to use these higher levels of testosterone to make more lean muscle mass. Additionally, the nitric oxide formula used in Xtreme NOS helps the body carry more oxygen to the muscles. Not only does this help with the creation of the muscles, but it also helps give the muscles that chiseled look desired by muscle builders everywhere.

The product also raises energy levels of male bodybuilders. This can have multiple advantages. The consumer may experience more endurance and energy to power through difficult fitness goals. More challenging workouts will then aid in better physical results. Added energy can also mean that consumers experience more energy for other hobbies that are fitness related or family related. This overall feeling of heightened energy creates an good overalls mental atmosphere for creating and accomplishing goals.



This product carries two main certificates. First, the website is McAfee Secure. This is one of the most popular security certificates on the Internet. This is with good reason. First, the retail establishment must prove that their website takes all of the normal precautions to be as secure as it possibly can be. This is kind of like arming a home with a home security system. McAfee then digitally monitors the website so that they are immediately aware if there is anyone trying to get around their security software. This certificate is often sought after by online businesses to assure their customers that their information is 100% secure and safe.

The product’s website is also Norton Secured. This is the same idea as the certification for McAfee. It slimy provides the website owners with added surveillance. Additionally, it keeps the site informed of new security technology that could be implemented by those partaking in cyber crime. Since hackers are always coming up with new technology, it is nice that the website strives to be on the cutting edge of cyber security measures that are modern and effective.



This product really helped me get the body that I have always wanted. In fact, I have not had a body like this since my early 20’s. Xtreme NOS helped me to get through those tough workouts. Then it helped my body turn those workouts into lean muscle. I have nothing negative to say about this product because it did everything that it claimed it could do. – Sean D., 39 years old

I am an avid workout enthusiast. Unlike others who are interested in bodybuilding, I never purchase supplements. I always figured if I couldn’t get the body that I wanted on my own, no supplement would help me. I was very wrong. This supplement gives he body building blocks that it needs to build the muscle on its own. It really does work. – Dave M., 42 years old

I never realized that testosterone and muscle mass could begin to decrease in males as young as 25. I was one of these men. I thought it was just my body adapting to my new lifestyle after graduating from college sports. However, after I committed to getting back into shape, I realized that it was much more difficult to achieve physical fitness results. Now, with the help of Xtreme NOS, I look and feel younger than I have in a long time. – Craig N., 27 years old

What shocks me the most about this product is how convenient it is. Simply take it about a half hour before working out. Taking it with food is better, but it is not required if that is not convenient. I take it as I am leaving work. Then, I drive to my gym for my evening workout. It is extremely convenient. It really could not be any easier. – James K., 30 years old

I like that this product does not have any weird aftertaste. I hate products that have an odd taste. This one can just be taken with water. It is very easy and convenient. – John M., 35 years old

This product helped me get my workout life back. As a young man, I had ambitions of becoming a professional body builder. Unfortunately, as the years went on, my body got further and further away from that of a professional in this field. I was having more trouble than ever taking off unwanted weight. My hormone levels made me too tired to work out. This product changed everything. I now have the energy to work out like I should. I was able to take that middle age belly. You are never too old to live your dreams, and this product helped me do just that. – Dan N., 39 years old


Awards & Media Coverage

Xtreme NOS has not received any official awards in the workout community. This could be for a couple of reasons. First of all, the product is relatively new. It has only been around for a few years. On top of that, they do not do a lot of advertising. As such, many people do not know about the product. If you combine that with the fact that the workout market is totally saturated with nitric oxide testosterone boosters, this could explain why the product has yet to receive any awards. It is not that the product does not deserve recognition. It just is not a product that is entirely original in concept.

The product has moderately good reviews in social media. In modern times, that is the most important sort of media coverage. The product has a lot of positive reviews mentioning that the product does what it claims to do. These reviews are present on a variety of social media websites. These clients also seem to be of diverse age groups. Since these reviews come from actual people, this is probably the most honest sort of media coverage available on any product.


Money-back Guarantee

There is no guarantee on this product. In fact, the company uses what could be called “strong litigation language” in the product’s disclaimer. Basically, if you do not pay, they will send your account to collections and sue you. This is rather concerning given that the website requires an auto-pay subscription on a credit card to acquire the product. They company will refund unopened products that are returned just after a subscription. However, you do not get the refund until they receive the product back. The company also charges the consumer a $15 restocking fee on all returns. This amount will be backed out of the refund.

This company does guarantee product that is received damaged or defected. Although a disclaimer wouldn’t get them out of being legally responsible for any damaged product anyway, they do mention in their terms and conditions that they will replace defective product. This is provided, of course, that the consumer ship the product back to the company at their own cost.



Xtreme NOS usually ships within 24 hours. In most cases, it will arrive to the consumer within 4 business days after the successful payment of the product. These 4 days are deducted from the 10 day trial period. Therefore, the consumer has 14 days from the time of ordering the product before they will be billed for the product. Since the product will auto-ship upon monthly payments, this process will repeat every 30 days until cancellation of the product. Shipping costs $4.95 per shipment including the first shipment for the trial period. This is a pretty standard fee for such programs.

The product does ship in a quality controlled container traditional to vitamin and health supplements. This is important to guaranteeing a uniform product is distributed to every consumer. The company is actually a certified merchant through InsureShip as well. This means that they ship with good timing, accuracy, and quality handling techniques. This is just a way for the company to show the consumer that they are definitely trying to serve their needs quickly and to the best of their ability. The shipping is also guaranteed through a certification called InsureShip. This means that shipping to all customers is the fastest and most reliable that it possibly can be. It is extremely unlikely to receive any products that are damaged in any way. If there are any defective products, it is important to contact the company.


Customer Support

Customer support for this product is relatively convenient. The website offers an option for contacting customer care through email. This is sometimes the best option for getting a detailed response. However, many people feel that customer support through email seems impersonal. Some companies even have pre-written responses that are sent to customers who contact them through email. There are pros and cons to using email, and the success depends on how the individual company handles the situation. Most reviews say that customer emails are generally answered quickly. However, none of them say if the responses are helpful.

In any case, the company also offers a phone number through which customers can contact them. The phone lines are open Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm and Saturday from 12pm-5pm. All of those times are Eastern Daylight Time, so customers in different time zones would need to adapt accordingly. Through this line, customers may ask questions about Xtreme NOS, express concerns, or cancel their subscriptions to the auto-pay program.


Safe & Secure Checkout

This website is extremely secure. It operates on a 256 bit encrypted connection. In general terms, that means that the information is scrambled up and sent to where it needs to be before being unscrambled. If the message were intercepted, it could not be read by any hacker. This is extremely safe and secure. In fact, it is the most secure way to operate a payment portal on the Internet. This is important for the creators of Xtreme NOS since cyber security leaks are such a problem anymore.

Since enrollment in the auto-pay subscription requires putting in a variety of personal information as well as a valid credit or debit card, the company has taken some pains to prove the website is secure. The site is both McAfee Secure and Norton Secure. As stated above, these are two certificates that require the website to be inspected by an outside agency. The agency will use technology at their disposal to attempt to hack into the site. They then inform the company of any holes in security. Once they are satisfied that the site is as secure as it possibly can be, they award the site a security certificate.


Pricing & Free Trial

XTreme NOS does offer a free trial for the first 10 days of the product. They do account for 4 days of shipping and processing. Therefore, the trial will end 14 days after the successful enrollment in the program. During enrollment, the customer must pay a shipping and handling fee of $4.95. For the trial, the first 30 day supply of the product is mailed to the home of the consumer. Following the end of the trial period, the customer will be billed for that shipment at $89.95. Should the consumer wish to cancel following the trial period, they must ship the remaining product back to the company at their own expense. Frankly, this is not really a free trial since the customer pays for the product anyway. It is more like a “pay-in-a-few-days trial.”

The cost of the product is $89.95 per month. This is about $3 per day to use the product. This is a pretty normal price range for such a supplement. Multiple online sources list similar products within the same price range. This supplement requires the enrollment in an auto-pay billing program to purchase. Since the product ships automatically, there is also a $15 restocking fee charged to any returned products. Overall, this seems like a competitive price for a supplement. However, since nitric oxide products are so common, enrolling in such a commitment is up to the judgement of the consumer.






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