Xtreme Nitro

Xtreme Nitro Review – Does It Work or It’s a Fraud?

What Is Xtreme Nitro?

For many people who are bodybuilders or who just want to excel at personal fitness pursuits, nitric oxide is the supplement that lets them succeed. This is a supplement that boosts blood flow and therefore increases deliver of nutrients and oxygen to working muscles. Plenty of people – whether they are working toward a championship or trying to get a little more muscle – have tried nitric oxide and have stuck with it, only to see incredible results.

Nitric oxide supplementation has been scientifically supported – the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine as awarded to researchers who determined that L-Arginine, an amino acid that is a precursor to nitric oxide when ingested, actually supports release of human growth hormone in the body, increases delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s working muscles, and ultimately supports muscle growth and fat loss.

Xtreme Nitro, also known as Nitro X, contains L-arginine, which classifies it as a nitric oxide booster. However, it also contains several other ingredients, which have been proven to boost workout power, energy, and general well-being. This supplement’s other ingredients include Ginseng, Maca, Tribulus Terrestris, Sarsaparilla, and Tongkat Ali, making it essentially a curated collection of supplement ingredients that have been proven in various arenas that can help you drop fat, gain muscle, and feel better overall.

Everything About Xtreme Nitro



Xtreme Nitro is made by a manufacturer that only makes this product. While this is atypical, it is actually a good thing – because this company makes and sells only one product, the customer service representatives are especially well-versed in this product and its intricacies. If you have questions about its formulation, efficacy, or the best ways to take it, chances are that customer service representatives can help.

Be a Man with Xtreme Nitro


How Xtreme Nitro Works?

If you judge by the name alone, Xtreme Nitro may sound like a nitric oxide booster and nothing else. And while nitric oxide (or at least its metabolic precursor) is its main selling point, believing this is only a nitric oxide booster would mean you’re selling this supplement short.

Of course, Xtreme Nitro contains L-Arginine, which forms nitric oxide in vitro. This chemical boosts blood flow, increases delivery of nutrients and oxygen to muscles, and helps you build muscle by letting you work harder in the gym. More weight lifted plus reduced fatigue, at least over time, leads to better muscle mass.

But Xtreme Nitro also has plenty of other useful ingredients. They are all natural, so you don’t have to worry about the dangers of side effects. And while it contains all natural ingredients, it does not contain Yohimbine, a bark extract that can help with fat loss but is also well known for causing dome fairly unpleasant side effects.

The Features of Xtreme Nitro

Some ingredients supply antioxidants and natural energy, some provide a natural source of protein, and some provide all of the above. Others are purported to be testosterone boosters. Like all supplements. Not every ingredient will work for every person. However, the many components of Xtreme Nitro make it more likely that at least one (and, more probably, ay least several) ingredients will work for those who try it. Some are supported by folk medicine, others by research, and still others by the word of famous bodybuilders who have relied on them to get big and win big.

The Tested Power of Xtreme Nitro


Ingredients of Xtreme Nitro

All of the ingredients of Xtreme Nitro have been supported to some degree, whether it’s by scientific study, anecdotal evidence, or some middle ground. Regardless, each ingredient has been proven to help someone’s muscle-building experience. Here are the included ingredients:


L-Arginine is an amino acid. We all need amino acids to support basic bodily functioning, but L-Arginine has been shown to be especially important when it comes to the building of muscle. This particular amino acid is converted to nitric oxide in the body. If you’ve been in fitness or bodybuilding for any length of time, you have likely heard of nitric oxide – or, as it is frequently abbreviated on labels, N.O.

N.O. has a long track record of supporting athletes – whether they are recreational, professional, strength-focused, or cardio-focused. The main function of nitric oxide is to improve blood flow and therefore improve delivery of oxygen and nutrients to working muscles. This helps you work out harder and helps support growing muscles.

Obviously, the body already diverts a fair amount of available resources to working muscles. But N.O. helps increase that delivery even further. Working muscles receive extra oxygen and glucose, which translates to you being able to pump out that last rep even when you’re exhausted.

But nitric oxide is good for more than lifting. Many of us also want to lose fat so we can show off the muscle mass we already have. Well, nitric oxide helps to increase the efficiency of glucose metabolism. In a study of cyclists, those who supplemented with N.O. used up glucose faster – and with more energy efficiency – than those who did not. This is good news if you want to drop more of that pesky subcutaneous fat – when you burn through your glucose stores faster, you are able to get started metabolizing stored fat to fuel the rest of your workout. And this means it’ll be easier to show off those hard-earned muscles t the beach and on the volleyball court.

Moreover, nitric oxide supplementation helps to reduce both fatigue and recovery time. It makes this supplement sound like a magic bullet, but it really all goes back to the fact that L-Arginine results in better oxygenation of working tissues. When your tissues have more oxygen and more glucose, it makes sense that fatigue will set in much more slowly. This is true whether you’re lifting weights or running a 10K. Plus, the increased support it provides to your muscles means that recovery is faster – you can heal muscles and get back to your routine faster than ever.

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali is an herb that has much less scientific backing than the supplementation of L-Arginine does. However, it looks promising. Some lab studies have suggested that this plant has an effect on testosterone – essentially, that it can boost testosterone production. It is likely that this effect has some basis – after all, Tongkat Ali has been very popular in Asia.

Some bodybuilders swear by its muscle-building properties, however, so it is likely that some people are more easily affected by it. In this supplement, it works alongside other ingredients to help boost testosterone. Some users have reported feeling agitated and restless on it, so first-time users should probably be cautious and start with a low dose.


One doesn’t see Maca advertised as an ingredient in muscle-building supplements too often, but that’s probably because it’s just catching on. Maca is a vegetarian and vegan supplement that works as a natural anabolic. Plenty of natural bodybuilders use it, as it can help put on muscle without harmful side effects.

Moreover, Maca is an adaptogen, meaning that it can help balance out hormones and other factors for both men and women. It boost hormone production, but just production of needed hormones, so nobody needs to worry about a sudden influx of unneeded hormones.

Maca is also a source of good-quality vegan protein. While many of us are concerned with taking supplements to improve muscle-building capacity, we need to be careful that we don’t forget protein, which is instrumental in the building of muscle. Maca provides quality plant protein without artificial ingredients or animal products, making it a good additive for a muscle-building supplement.


While Ginseng has long been purported to be an aphrodisiac, it is definitely an energy booster. And because it is found in tea, it is also a great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important, as they help us fight aging and some diseases. Ginseng essentially provides a natural energy support for those days when you’re lagging or would rather just skip those last couple of reps.

Tribulus Terrestris

This plant is actually an invasive species in North America, but some bodybuilders believe that it is instrumental in increasing strength and adding muscle. Bodybuilding championJeffry Petermann claimed that Tribulus Terrestris increases testosterone and therefore increases muscle, and many bodybuilders have since followed suit and taken and popularized it as well.

Most trials, however, have not been able to find any evidence that Tribulus Terrestris increases testosterone or increases strength in any way. However, in some forms of traditional medicine, including Ayurveda, it is believed to boost strength in a variety of arenas.


If you’ve ever drunk root beer, you’ve had some contact with Sarsaparilla. and while this root is undoubtedly well-known for its flavor-enhancing capabilities, it also may be able to help boost both testosterone and muscle mass. The reason that it is popular with bodybuilders is because it contains precursors to the steroid hormones, one of which is testosterone. Sarsaparilla is championed by some when it comes to boosting testosterone and muscle mass, but results are mixed when it comes to clinical findings.

The Ingredients of Xtreme Nitro



There are plenty of advantages to trying Xtreme Nitro. One is that all ingredients are natural and that the supplement is free of drugs. For many, avoiding drugs is important. One can be a natural bodybuilder and still take this supplement.

Another advantage is that, by virtue of its collection of ingredients, Xtreme Nitro attacks the muscle-building system from a number of different angles. Not every ingredient works for every user, but the unique selection provided by this supplement means that chances are something will work for each person who uses it.

For the convenience-minded, this supplement offers substantial advantages, too. Many fitness enthusiasts purchase multiple supplements each month, and this requires multiple shopping trips. When you use Xtreme Nitro, you end up saving time and money. Each time your bottle is about to run out, another is shipped right to your door. You don’t even have to go anywhere.

Plus, there’s a money-back guarantee (see below for more details), so you don’t have to worry about giving this product a test run. If it doesn’t work, you can cancel your subscription.

Build Muscle Quickly with Xtreme NitroThe Benefits of Xtreme Nitro


Xtreme Nitro has not yet received any certificates or awards. However, it is worth noting that it is connected to Nobel Prize research. In 1998, the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to a research team who unearthed some of the benefits of L-Arginine. As a result,millions discovered the endurance-boosting, strength-increasing, energy-supporting benefits of this amino acid. It’s the science behind virtually every nitric oxide booster.

The Magazines with Xtreme Nitro



For many people who buy a supplement, it’s important to first hear from someone who has used it before. In case you don’t personally know any users of Xtreme Nitro, here are the reactions of some of the company’s very satisfied customers:

Rodney, 28, Minneapolis, MN:

I was always tired growing up. Always athletic, but always tired. It got to be a problem as I got older. When you’re younger, you can just drink a bunch of coffee and laugh about it. But I got worried once I hit 25. On a whim, I tried this stuff. In a week, I had a total boost. I used to get fatigued around mile 10 of a bike ride – now I don’t need to take the gel I packed until mile 15, and i’m hoping I’ll stretch it out even further. I feel better than I ever have.

Quinn, 24, Greensboro, NC:

I used to be really tired. I never went on long runs with my friends, and they all called me a chicken. It upset me, but I started thinking they were right. So I started researching. and no, it didn’t lead me right here to Xtreme Nitro. It actually took a few years. First I tried just N.O., which cost too much and didn’t work well. Then I tried a blend with Yohimbine, which made me dizzy and jittery. And after a few others, I found this. Now I’m not just joining my friends on those long runs, I’m outrunning them.

Heath, 37, Yuma, AZ:

Although my kids remind me I’m old, I’m a pretty in shape guy. I run, I swim, I lift, etc. Yes, I’m a tough guy. I ride a Harley and swear like a sailor. But muscle loss as you get older is a real thing, regrettably. And I wanted to nip that in the bud. So after talking to some guys, I settled on Xtreme Nitro. The first thing I noticed was more energy. And then less fat. And then better muscle tone. It’s like I’m five years younger, Sweet! I’ll keep buying.

Darl, 18, Atlanta, GA:

I really only sought this out because I’m sorta vain. Plenty of jacked dudes in the A. I came home from college and felt real subpar, so I did something about it. I took protein and stuff and it helped a little, but it didn’t make me that monster I knew i could be. Then I got this on a free trial. And really soon, I noticed the difference. I felt like a powerhouse, and I still do. Good to know that as a young dude I don’t have to feel old already.


Money-back Guarantee

For plenty of people, trying a supplement for the first time is a little daunting. And most high-quality supplements cost a lot, so that can make it even tougher. But when you opt to try the free trial of Xtreme Nitro first, all you have to do is pay shipping, which is less than $4! you get a bottle for 30 days, and if you don’t like it, it is free to keep as long as you cancel your subscription. If you are shipped a bottle you don’t want, just send it back and get reimbursed for the full purchase price. However, it is important to realize that shipping costs are not refunded, and that you are responsible for paying shipping both ways, even on return trips.

Nice Body - A Result from Xtreme Nitro



Shipping is normally $7.95, but many first-time customers get the special discount that entitles then to $3.99 shipping. The shipping fee is all it takes for you to experience the trial bottle.

A Real Photo of Xtreme Nitro & FB1-Test


Customer Support

The customer support team is very knowledgeable about the product, and they are able to answer questions before you buy. They may be contacted via phone or e-mail.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Although lots of people are worried about buying online, you can rest assured that shipping is 100 percent safe and secure. It’s even certified by multiple internet security agencies!


Xtreme Nitro Pricing & Free Trial

The free trial is yours for only $3.99 shipping. you have 14 days to cancel, and if you do, you keep the trial bottle – a 30-day supply. If you choose not to cancel, you will be enrolled in the autoship program and charged $89.97 for the trial bottle and for future bottles. Returns are available on unopened bottles, but shipping cannot be refunded.

The Special Offer for Xtreme Nitro






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