Vivid Boost

Vivid Boost Review – Can It Provide You Endurance?

What Is Vivid Boost?

Vivid Boost is an natural fitness supplement formulated to enhance muscle-building capabilities, sports performance and overall fitness levels in men. This post-workout supplement is a testosterone booster, which means it utilizes natural ingredients like herbs and plant extracts to raise free testosterone levels. By raising t-levels in the body, the manufacturer claims this formula leads to harder muscles, quicker post-workout recovery, increased energy levels, better endurance and stamina and sharper mental focus.

This product is marketed toward men ages eighteen and older. Although it is of course geared toward bodybuilders, weightlifters and professional fitness experts who want quick results in upping their fitness levels, it is equally intended for non-industry men who want to get sleeker and fitter. In conjunction with a healthy, protein-rich diet and a good workout regimen, Vivid Boost’s manufacturer asserts that their formula will help men of any fitness level gain quick, hard muscle safely. These pills are intended to be taken daily and are available to men all over the world.



Vivid Boost is manufactured by a company by the same name. Unfortunately, there is not much information online regarding company history. Other than the 2016 copyright date on their official website, there is no identifying background information. This may deter customers who prefer to purchase from a more established company. As such, it might be wise for the manufacturer to provide some informative and interesting facts in order to introduce themselves to their customer base and to further establish trust.

Despite Vivid Boost’s lack of background info, they do have some of the most expansive customer service bases in the dietary supplement industry. The official website lists customer support telephone numbers corresponding to seventeen different countries. Australia seems to be a primary country of service with six different telephone numbers listed. Though the manufacturer doesn’t give much information about themselves on the web, their global expansiveness as far (as support sites) is notable.


How Vivid Boost Works?

This post-workout supplement works by secreting directly into the bloodstream to boost free testosterone levels in the body. For men motivated to improve their fitness levels but who are new to the world of muscle-building, testosterone is a natural hormone key to muscle development, strength and a multitude of other masculine performance-related traits. The manufacturer claims Vivid Boost will boost t-levels by stimulating nitric oxide production, a biochemical process important to stimulating blood flow to the muscles. Blood flow is especially important to a good workout because more oxygenated blood to a working muscle means more reps, less soreness and faster recovery time post-workout.

In essence, the formula works in two key ways. The first is by actively stimulating the production of testosterone and nitric oxide (as described above). The second way is by suppressing hormones that would otherwise disrupt the production of testosterone. The instructions on the bottle’s label state to take two capsules per day by mouth with a glass of water, one capsule preferably before a workout. Although these instances are rare, users are strongly advised to read the ingredient label carefully, as some of the plant extracts may trigger an allergic reaction in a small number of users.


Ingredients of Vivid Boost

The star ingredient in this t-booster’s formula is Longjack, a.k.a. ‘Tongkat Ali.’ Tongkat Ali is a therapeutic herb that is known in fitness communities for helping to improve muscle density and to burn fat. It has been used for centuries to help men all over the world maintain a healthy hormonal balance. Another prime ingredient, Monkey’s Head Hericium Extract, is reported to be an effective fat-burner, to stimulate the production of brain cells and to promote healthy blood sugar levels.

Another key ingredient in this formula is Tribulus Terrestris. Tribulus Terrestris is an annual plant that is harvested around the globe. It has been in use for centuries for a wide range of medicinal purposes. It is definitely one of the most well-known testosterone-boosting ingredients in bodybuilding communities and is commonly used to enhance athletic performance and build muscles. It cannot be consumed directly, but as an extract in supplements is widely thought to boost blood flow.

Yet another ingredient listed in the formula is Korean Ginseng extract. This is a Korean plant that is thought to be especially beneficial to elevating energy levels, fighting fatigue, promoting stamina and fighting muscle damage. Other ingredients include Horny Goat Weed and Maca (Lepidium Meyenii). Both of these are thought by fitness supplement enthusiasts to ramp up energy and promote the kind of workouts that lead to a lean, mean physique.



The first and most obvious advantage touted by HyperTone Extreme is a massive muscle-building capability. By boosting free testosterone levels, this natural blend promises to promote significant strength and stamina increases. Increasing strength and stamina means longer, harder workouts and less time spent recovering on the sidelines after intense workout regimens. Longer, more intense and more frequent workouts of course lead to a leaner, more toned body. What buyers must also understand, however, is that these capsules are meant to work synergistically with a balanced, protein-rich diet and an effective workout regimen; it is not intended to be a magic bullet.

Also tremendously advantageous is the company’s claim that Vivid Boost will help reverse the testosterone loss that happens with age. It is a medically established fact that men begin to gradually lose testosterone beginning at age thirty. This accounts for the softer muscles (even when regular workout routines haven’t changed), less energy and diminished stamina commonly experienced by older men. With regular use, this product promises to combat that testosterone loss so that older men can retain the fitness levels and physiques they may have lost.

This is also marketed as an effective product for athletes. It is also commonly known that many world-class athletes have gotten in serious legal trouble for the illicit use of steroids to pump up their muscles and t-levels. Since this formula is 100% natural, there is no legal or moral danger to trying it out to see if it gives them the competitive edge in the game they’re looking for. This formula also promises sharper mental alertness as a result of increased blood flow to the brain.



The first thing customers will see upon entering Vivid Boost’s official website is a certificate logo that reads ‘#1 Testosterone Booster.’ However, they do not elaborate on what organization bestowed this title. Impressive as it may seem, the merchant would likely sell many more units if they were to explain where this title came from. The website also cites a recent study from the University of Edinburgh as finding a direct link between testosterone deficiency and a host of physical ailments, though it doesn’t provide a direct link for the user to verify this. It is always important for any company citing specific studies and statistics to provide sources.

The website urges customers to avoid hesitating and to order their supply right away, as stock is extremely limited due to popular TV demand. Nearby is another prominently-displayed certificate that reads “100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.” These are impressive certificates, no doubt, and it is likely they prompt many buyers to order post haste — still, the lack of explanation (as to the source and reasons behind these labels) leaves something to be desired. It would probably get a lot more men excited about Vivid Boost if the website were to state which TV show the product appeared on. The manufacturer would establish more trust with buyers if they included where their labels came from and why they were bestowed.



I can honestly say that Vivid Boost has worked wonders for me. I didn’t think it was possible for me to get rid of the layer of fat I’ve been struggling to burn off, but I can finally see the muscles underneath. It’s given me a lot more confidence in the gym and in life. Thank you, Vivid Boost.

– Josh, machinist in Inver Grove Heights, MN, USA

I’d been starting to feel like a slug since I hit my thirties, so I thought I’d give this a try. Two months later, I have a better body and I feel more alert than I have in years. I’ve been able to lift heavier barbells and do more reps, and it shows. My buddies have been asking what I’ve changed, and I tell them more protein and testosterone!

– Jorge, mechanical engineer in Albuquerque, NM, USA

Cutting back on trans fats and starting a daily regimen of Vivid Boost are two of the best things I’ve done for myself in years. It’s hard to believe that hard body I see in the mirror is me! I’ve been training for years, and I thought I was at the top of my game, but this has helped me win more competitions and expand my client list. It really does work if you take it like it’s supposed to be taken.

– Mackie, professional bodybuilder and personal trainer in Lee, MO, USA

Around the time I turned forty, I started to notice how much softer and saggier I was looking despite the fact that I was the same weight I’d always been. Well, it turns out I’d been severely lacking in the testosterone department. Now, two months after I started taking this, my muscles are leaner and tighter, and I look better in clothes and without them. I wish I’d done this sooner.

– Evan, nutritionist in Boston, MA, USA


Awards & Media Coverage

Vivid Boost has reportedly made numerous appearances on TV and all over the web. Similarly, it has been the topic of extensive discussion on a variety of physical fitness forums. Judging by the pervasiveness of its presence, it seems to be one of the more well-known testosterone boosters in the industry right now. This is especially impressive given the fact that its parent company seems to have only started out in 2016. With time, it will be interesting for many to see what kind of media presence and awards this fitness supplement will summon.

This product seems to be especially popular in Australia, which isn’t surprising given the sheer number of customer service bases the company has established there. To date, it has received attention on quite a few Australian fitness websites. What’s more is the fact that the feedback and customer response seem to be overwhelmingly positive. Many men have reported that regular use of the capsules helped them build muscle and tone their physiques.


Money-back Guarantee

The manufacturer of Vivid Boost offers a free trial complete with a 100% money-back guarantee. Customers are offered a 16-day trial period with the option to receive a full refund — including, amazingly, the shipping cost of and handling — if they are unsatisfied with their results. The refund process is simple and clearly explained on the official website. To receive a refund, the customer must simply call the provided customer service number and return the product with the RMA number given by the representative. All charges will be remitted to the original method of payment on file.

Once the buyer signs up for the free evaluation, they will be shipped a trial bottle with a thirty-day supply. For customers who like the product and are thrilled with their results, they will be automatically enrolled in an auto-enrollment program that allows them the convenience of a fresh bottle every thirty days to be billed to their credit card on file. Customers have the capability to cancel this at any time by calling the number provided. They can also modify their orders at any time by calling the same telephone number or by emailing the address provided.



Initially, upon completing an order for the free 16-day evaluation, the trial bottle will be shipped at the nominal shipping cost of $2.87. There is also an optional package protection plan for the additional cost of $.95, together totaling $3.82. The manufacturer offers standard ground mail service from the United States Postal Service and United Parcel Service. The shipping terms on the official website state that all packages should arrive in 3-5 business days. The shipping terms also note that shipments are not sent out on Saturdays, Sundays or any holidays.

Although the company states on their website that, if a customer opts for a return, they will be credited for the full return plus shipping, the shipping terms explicitly state that they do not refund or credit shipping charges for any monthly shipments or returns. They may want to get this straight on their website in order to avoid any nasty surprises for customers, thus engendering a bad reputation for themselves as merchants. On a positive note, they do allow the customer to modify their delivery schedule if they need to alter the regular thirty-day auto-delivery.


Customer Support

Despite seeming to be a relatively new company (based on the 2016 copyright date on Vivid Boost’s official website), the manufacturer offers an outstanding array of customer service telephone numbers corresponding to a long list of different companies. Clearly, this is a company with its eye on the global market. The website provides a comprehensive list of twenty-four different customer service telephone numbers. Keep in mind that some of these numbers are toll-free, while some are local numbers corresponding to their respective area codes. Charges will of course apply to these local numbers.

Customer support representatives are on hand to answer product or transaction questions twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The official website also provides a customer service email for buyers who prefer the convenience of online communication. Emails are handled during their business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST. The company requests that the customer include their full name and zip code on all inquiries. Impressively, the manufacturer states that all representatives are subject to a training process in order to best meet their buyers’ needs.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The roster of safety and security logos present during checkout will surely assuage even the most cautious consumer’s privacy anxiety regarding data privacy. There are no less than four of these SSL’s and security logos visible. These include’s Verified & Secured, 128-Bit SSL Secured and a PCI Compliant security certificate. There is also a ‘Secure 256-Bit SSL Connection’ security logo. Each one of these demonstrates that the company has met a certain standard of website security in keeping customers’ personal and financial information safe and secure.

While the manufacturer’s checkout system may be secure, there is a downside to the checkout system. When inputting order information, there seems to only be an option to choose United States and Canada as the destination country of shipping. This is highly confusing, considering Vivid Boost comes across as such a globally-oriented company. They would be well advised to fix this glitch in their system so that people from all applicable countries can easily and conveniently enter their order information.


Pricing & Free Trial

The first bottle of Vivid Boost is totally free per the 14-day trial program. After that, buyers will be enrolled in the company’s “Exclusive Vivid Boost auto-shipment program,” where they will then be billed the regular price per bottle of $123.90 plus a shipping and handling fee of $3.82. A new bottle will then be shipped to the address on file every thirty days. This guarantees the customer the convenience of not having to go through the transaction process every time their supply runs out. The downside is that some customers may find this auto-enrollment program annoying, as they may prefer to do their re-ordering themselves, and on their own schedule.

The auto-renew option can be cancelled anytime by calling the customer service number of choice or by emailing the company. The official website notes that all charges will be settled in current USD rates. As a bonus, promo code discount is currently entered automatically at checkout for further savings. Although a wide range of credit cards are accepted, there is no option to pay with PayPal, which might deter a large number of customers who prefer this secure method of payment.






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