Pure Muscle Pro

Pure Muscle Pro Review – Find Out Why You Should Give a Pre-Workout Supplement a Try?

What Is Pure Muscle Pro?

Pure Muscle Pro is an organic muscle-building pre-workout supplement specially designed to build bigger muscles, promote better sports performance, burn fat, improve workouts and muscle repair and help men get leaner and fitter. By helping to drive testosterone levels up, Pure Muscle Pro claims to pump up muscle mass, raise energy levels, promote better workouts and to help muscle tissue repair faster after workouts. All of these are major advantages to not only the bodybuilding demographic but to fitness-minded men who want to look better, feel better and work out better. Such benefits are also majorly applicable to athletes who are looking for an extra advantage to increase their strength and endurance for better sports performance.

This muscle-enhancing supplement is available to men all over the world. It is manufactured in capsule form, and is designed to work in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen to improve overall strength and physical fitness levels. Its ingredients are all-natural, so it is a viable option for guys looking to get ripped safely and quickly. The recommended age range for this product is eighteen and up. It is designed to not only help maintain current physical fitness levels but to pump muscles up at whatever fitness stage a man is presentely at.



Pure Muscle Pro is manufactured by a company of the very same name. Its headquarters are located in Virginia Beach, VA. Additionally, it sells several health and fitness supplements around the globe. This company is known as the manufacturer of at least one other well-known muscle-enhancing testosterone booster. The great advantage to this sspecialization in muscle-enhancing supplements is sharper focus on product research and development. In theory, allocating all of their company resources to one industry leads to a more effective, better-researched product (and hence bigger, harder muscles for men worldwide!)

The manufacturer makes all channels of its customer service network highly accessible to buyers. The company’s telephone number, headquarters address and customer support e-mail address are all clearly posted in numerous areas on its website. Since this is an international company, it also offers buyers an online language translator for a wide range of different languages, thus affording access to its product to fit men all over the world. The ease of ordering provided by the customer service accesibility and language-friendly sitse makes for a tremendous draw.


How Pure Muscle Pro Works?

This pre-workout testosterone booster offers a proprietary blend of ingredients designed to release nitric oxide into the body. Once it hits the bloodstream, it stimulates the body to increase oxygen and blood flow. This oxygen-and-blood-flow production is a key component in faster muscle recovery time. It also promotes quicker, more efficient muscle building and greater endurance and energy. As fitness buffs well know, oxygen flow in particular is essential to both building muscles and in all aspects of developing and maintaining a healthy, fit physique.

As bodybuilders and fit men alike are similarly aware, it is a sad biological fact that men lose muscle mass as they age. Fortunately, Pure Muscle Pro makes combating this atrophy much easier. The directions on the label simply state to take two pills once or twice a day with water. This, in combination with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, is purported by the manufacturer to work synergistically with the body to build muscle and fight fatigue. By pumping up oxygen levels in the body, the capsules kickstart important chemical processes that help the user work out harder for longer, which in turn leads to tighter, more ripped muscles.

As fitness buffs know, testosterone is a key hormone in many masculine traits both physical and mental. It is essential to muscle building and repair, to promoting increases in basal metabolic rate (which torch a greater number of calories while resting), to increasing calcium in bones for strength, to reducing muscular glycogen breakdown during exercise and to helping lower fat levels and increasing energy, among many other benefits. By boosting testosterone, natural supplements are thought to accomplish all of these for bigger, buffer pipes and better workouts. In terms of everyday health, more testosterone could also mean the difference between powering through the day with energy and lagging through with exhaustion.


Ingredients of Pure Muscle Pro

L-Arginine is a primary ingredient in Pure Muscle Pro’s extra-strength formula. This is an amino acid that is utilized in the synthesis of proteins. What this translates into in fitness-speak is muscles, muscles and harder muscles. Because the body cannot produce this compound by itself, experts widely recommend the consumption of foods and supplements rich in this amino acid. Most importantly, L-Arginine is thought to be converted into nitric acid, which in turn stimulates muscle development and maintenance. It also helps circulation in the body by causing blood vessels to widen.

This pre-workout product also lists L-Arginine Ketoisocaproate as a key ingredient. This is another nitric oxide stimulator. In addition to stimulating muscle production, this compound is also thought to aid in muscle recovery. This bodybuilding favorite is well-known for its ability to limit fat storage, which makes it one of the hottest amino acids in fitness communities everywhere. Other ingredients listed in Pure Muscle Pro’s formula are L-Ornithine Alpha ketoglutarate (O-AKG), L-Glutamine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (G-AKG), Gelatine, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Magnesium Stearate and Silicon Dioxide. All of these ingredients together promise to combine in a maximum-strength fitness formula powerhouse.



The manufacturer of Pure Muscle Pro lists an impressive host of testimonials attesting to the advantages of the product. Key among these are harder, more ripped muscles. By entering the bloodstream and stimulating nitric oxide production, the product’s formula claims to pump up musculature for a fitter, firmer physique. It also promises better endurance, which of course comes in handy not only for athletes on the playing field and pro bodybuilders, but average men in daily life looking for more endurance in work and play. Strength, pipes and endurance are three key advantages.

There are other benefits like more energy, another advantage key to men of all ages and from all walks of life. Higher energy levels translate to not only more reps, more intense workouts and greater strength, but sharper mental alertness and more overall daily productivity. Many of the testimonials online point to men attesting to being more alert and on-point after beginning the supplement period. Regardless, all of these benefits are definitely compelling promises : work out harder and longer, get buffer and gain an edge in the game and in life.



The manufacturer is upfront about the fact that Pure Muscle Pro has not been evaluated — nor its claims scientifically substantiated — by clinical research. However, it does provide data from one study conducted by the Exercise and Sport Nutrition Laboratory at the Center for Exercise, Nutrition, and Preventative Health Research in the Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. The study did conclude that L-Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) was safe and effective in influencing bench press and power performance in trained adult men.

The product is also officially certified as being 100% made in the United States of America. Loyalists will likely embrace their role in supporting a product that helps contribute to US jobs and the economy. The product is also certified with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Thus, if a customer is not 100% satisfied with the results, they will receive a full money-back guarantee. Details and specifics on this aspect are provided in the money-back guarantee section below.



Before I started taking Pure Muscle Pro, my maximum workout routine was three days a week. I thought I’d capped off at my ability. A few weeks after I started taking it, I was working out six days a week lifting more reps than my bodybuilder buddy! I’m still not sure whether I’ll share my secret with him or not. I kind of like being in the lead for once.

– Jay, Atlanta, GA, US

It used to be hard for me to work out because of how sore I was afterward. It felt like I’d been hit by a train. After I started taking this stuff, I felt significantly less pain, and as a result have been able to work out more and have finally lost my potbelly. This definitely works for fat-burning, and eases the pain of a hard workout.

– Mark, Portland, OR, US

Pure Muscle Pro has been a godsend as far as finally helping me tone up for beach weather and look hot on the sand. I can’t even count the number of friends and acquaintances who’ve asked me what I’ve been doing! I tell every one of them to try this out. I’d recommend this to any guy who wants to beef up and get stronger.

– Jerry, Buffalo, NY, US

I believe this stuff has helped me finally reached the top of my game in bodybuilding competitions. I used it to help me prep for my next contest, and it worked wonders. It wasn’t long before I was able to out-perform my best stats. I even made the top ten in a national show, and I don’t plan to stop there!

– Ryan, Denver, CO, US


Awards & Media Coverage

The presence of Pure Muscle Pro on the web is extensive. Upon entering the name into a cursory online web browser, users will instantly see scores of results. The product is featured on forums, blogs and various sites dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding across the Internet. It doesn’t take long to see that this product has clearly made a name for itself in workout communities. Its web presence is so far-reaching, it has even been covered by several reviewers on YouTube.

What’s more impressive is the fact that user response seems to be overwhelmingly positive. Reviewers report impressive muscle-enhancing results when using this pre-workout product over a short period of time. Bloggers also seem extremely impressed with the no-loss trial offered by the manufacturer. Further research shows that a number of trained athletes and fitness professionals have also used these capsules to impressive effect. The common factor among scores of athletes, weightlifters and average men is success : a large majority seem to be offering rave reviews on the web after their giving this supplement a test drive.


Money-back Guarantee

As an added incentive, the manufacturer offers a 14-day 100% money-back trial for a free thirty-day supply. If for any reason a customer isn’t totally satisfied with their results, they can request a return anytime within fourteen calendar days, no questions asked. A refund is then remitted to the original method of payment on file. Amazingly, the company also offers the rare incentive of trial period extensions (within reason, of course). After the trial period is over, the customer will then be enrolled in an auto-charge program, where they will be billed for the full price of the product and receive a fresh supply every thirty days.

The money-back offer is an excellent show of product confidence on the part of the company. Clearly, they are so certain Pure Muscle Pro is effective (when used in accordance with provided guidelines), that they are willing to offer a full money back guarantee. Instructions for both product use and returns are very clear via from the manufacturer. Terms and conditions are spelled out in plain language. Customer service numbers are also provided easily and upfront. As another excellent bonus, the company offers four free magazines subscriptions of the buyer’s choice for three free months of subscription.



The manufacturer offers convenient shipping anywhere in the United States, and beyond. It is important to remember that shipping and handling charges may vary according to geographic location, but are very reasonable by all online accounts. The standard United States shipping cost is $6.95. Some locations even qualify for a free upgrade to express shipping. Upon a successful trial, the customer is also given the option of an auto-delivery program to ensure a timely delivery of their supplement each month. With reasonable shipping charges, free magazines and an ease-of-delivery program, the manufacturer makes it hard to resist taking them up on the free trial offer.

The customer’s 14-day trial bottle is guaranteed to reach its order destination in 3-5 business days. The four free magazine subscriptions will be shipped along with each order. As yet another added incentive, the customer has the option to switch magazine subscriptions at any time. In order to stop shipment at any point, the company provides a 1-800 number for customer support. Cheap and convenient shipping and handling is always a plus in any order; here, Pure Muscle Pro excels.


Customer Support

Customer service is always an essential factor to consider for any cautious consumer. In this case, Pure Muscle Pro offers convenient access to customer service on several levels. Whether someone has questions about the product itself, about instructions on how to use it or about any aspect of the process of the sale, the manufacturer posts their toll-free 1-800 number on several easy-to-find places on its site. It also offers a support email address for even easier access to customer service. This offers convenience for customers not only in the United States, but across the world.

Whether by postal mail, email or toll-free telephone number, Pure Muscle Pro customer service representatives are trained and qualified to answer all product questions related to the product. They are available to assist both current customers and potential customers. Representatives are standing by to help answer questions regarding not only the supplement but also questions about shipping, delivery, terms and conditions and anything else customers may need assistance with.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Pure Muscle Pro guarantees the safety and security of personal and financial customer information at all phases of the transaction. According to the manufacturer’s privacy policy, customer data is used only for purposes agreed upon in regards to the purchase. Absolutely no information is given or sold to third parties. A safe and secure checkout is guaranteed in writing via the manufacturer’s privacy policy — a crucial consideration in today’s age of identity and credit card theft. It’s reassuring to see the company understands this need.

The sole drawback is the fact that no SSL logos or other such safety/security logos are visible directly on the manufacturer’s site. Though this doesn’t necessarily mean that the checkout isn’t secure, the company could benefit from procuring security certificates with such companies as eTrust in order to further assure their customers’ security. This would likely reassure the more cautious fitness consumer. Still, the company does state that it must and will comply with all applicable data and privacy laws. Its policies are very clear via its privacy policy and terms and conditions. Its plain language does help gain customer trust regarding its transparency.


Pricing & Free Trial

First and foremost, the company offers the first bottle of Pure Muscle Pro totally free with a 14-day trial period. Once a successful trial has been completed, the customer will be enrolled in an auto-charge program that charges the method of payment on file the full $119.46 regular price. This ensures a non-interrupted fresh supply every thirty days. Keep in mind that it is possible to cancel either the trial or the auto-charge program at any time. To cancel membership, one must simply call the customer service number provided.

As for the free trial magazine subscriptions, the customer is given the option to switch selections at any time. After the 90-day trial period, the same credit card on file will be charged the regular price of $19.90 per month. To cancel membership, change magazine selections, change addresses or for any questions at all, there is a toll-free customer service number provided. The company definitely wins extra points for enticing freebies for the free magazine subscription offer.






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