Power Boost Xtreme

Power Boost Xtreme Review – Does It Work or Not?

What is Power Boost Xtreme?

This product is a pre-workout supplement that is designed to help the consumer build more lean muscle mass. It also helps the workout enthusiast to feel less fatigue during and after physical activity. The product gives the body the building blocks needed to produce Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide, or NO, is well known to help build muscle mass. The product is also reported to help boost workout endurance.

Since the product is relatively new, it is not surprising that many in the fitness world have not yet heard of the product. That will likely not last long, however, as it seems production is increasing for the California based company. Unfortunately, the product is only available in the United States for now, but the company is strongly hoping to begin global shipping in the near future. This is wonderful news for men and women hoping to amp up their fitness routine with a little bit of all natural assistance from Power Boost Xtreme. The product comes in the form of small capsules, so there is nothing to drink or cook. Since the routine only requires one pill per day, it is also relatively easy and convenient since the small bottle of pills can literally be taken anywhere.



Power Boost Xtreme is manufactured by a company with the same name. The company has its headquarters in San Diego, California. It is slightly unclear if this where the product is actually made. More importantly, the supplement is made in an FDA approved facility that uses Good Manufacturing Standards. This is rare in the world of vitamins and supplements because it is not required that these be FDA approved in any way.

Following the Good Manufacturing Standards allows this company to show consumers that they care about quality and safety. These standards were specifically designed to assure that all products under a certain label are exactly the same. The products must meet quality standards as well as safety requirements. A consumer can tell a lot about a product and manufacturer by the way they handle quality control within the production environment. Fortunately, this manufacturer understands this importance and strives to meet all exemplary quality standards.


How Power Boost Xtreme Works?

This product uses two ingredients that help the body to make Nitric Oxide. This is a key factor to gaining muscle mass for two reasons. First of all, Nitric Oxide helps to get oxygen to muscular cells. This allows for rapid growth and more bulk. Second, Nitric Oxide also helps to build proteins within the body. These proteins not only play a vital role in muscle growth, but they also help the body maintain high levels of energy and endurance throughout a workout. Together, the ingredients give the body that extra boost that is lacking for many men that have lost the ability to produce mass due to a variety of reasons.

It is important to state that Power Boost Xtreme is specifically designed to work along with a healthy diet and vigorous workout routine. Alone, the product will not do any good. The supplement can simply be taken as a pill about 30 minutes before a workout. This is easy and convenient since it only takes a minute to take the pill with water. Some workout enthusiasts also take it with a bit of protein for better absorption, but there is no evidence that this is necessary. Overall, there really could not be a more simple way to supplement the hard work already being achieved.


Ingredients of Power Boost Xtreme

There are a couple of key ingredients used in the manufacturing of Power Boost Xtreme. First, L-Arginine hydrochloride is the main ingredient that helps the body produce Nitric Oxide. This key ingredient helps the blood to move through the body. This gives that “ripped” look better definition and overall mass. This ingredient works with its closely related cousin L-Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate which also helps blood flow and the production of proteins within the body. This protein also plays a key role in developing mass.

Another ingredient present in Power Boost Xtreme is L-Citrulline. This substance is used to help the body in reducing recovery time. Along with proper hydration, this substance is aimed at endurance and recovery of muscles that work hard during and even after the workout. By increasing recovery, this ingredient allows the consumer to work harder during workouts. Not only that, but the body will feel refreshed for the next workout. Giving the body that extra bit of endurance and recovery can help the workout enthusiast to push through difficult workouts and become stronger in the long run.

All ingredients used in Power Boost Xtreme are natural. Not only that, but the product has no additives. Unlike many pre-workout powders, drinks, and even pills, this product contains no added sugars or preservatives. This means that the consumer does not have to worry about the quality of ingredients or how they could have a negative impact on overall health and weightloss goals. For those who strive for all-around health, this is very important.



There seem to be several advantages to using Power Boost Xtreme. The most obvious is the increase of lean muscle mass. Building muscle can be harder with age, particularly for men who are experiencing hormone and chemical changes. Having that bit of extra help can make the difference between building muscle and being unable to build any sort of new mass. Since all of the ingredients in the formula are natural, building this muscle mass will not detract from any other health or fitness goals.

Another advantage of this product is that it significantly helps energy levels. This includes increasing energy levels during the workout itself. This allows for higher endurance. This higher endurance, in turn, allows the consumer to push through more difficult workouts. Additionally, the product is reported to help with recovery time after a difficult workout. This allows life to get on after devoting the appropriate time to the workout. With fewer stiff muscles and better overall energy levels, this product helps bodybuilders and other athletes become the best versions of themselves.



The most important certificate possessed by the makers of Power Boost Xtreme is the FDA approval of the manufacturing facility. Although this is different than approval of the actual product, it is definitely something which makes the product distinguished. Although all food must be proved by the organizations, there is no requirement that extends to vitamins and supplements. In fact, it is not common for such products to seek FDA approval for any reason. This product is set apart due to the fact that the manufacturing facility is approved.

This approval mainly matters in the area of quality control. The facility must follow certain guidelines pertaining to manufacturing a uniform product. Additionally, the facility must be clean, and the storage units where the product will wait to be shipped must be kept to reasonable conditions and temperatures. Overall, this simple certification speaks volumes for the product. Any further questions about the facility or certifications involved can be addressed through the customer service hotline discussed below.



This supplement really helped me to push harder through vigorous workouts. As a result, I have significantly gained muscle mass as well as endurance. I cannot recommend this product enough! I started to see results even before the end of the trial period. – Seth S. from New York, USA

I do not generally buy into this sort of product. So I was skeptical at first. After using the product for a couple of weeks, I truly became a believer. I have worked hard lifting for years and never got these kinds of results. It is definitely worth the price to purchase. – Chris N. from New Jersey, USA

Power Boost Xtreme changed the way I approached workouts. With an emphasis on hard work, I now know that I can achieve my fitness goals with a little bit of help from this product. – John P. from Cleveland, USA

I used to be weightlifting purest who believed that there was no supplement that could replace the hard work. I still believe this, but I have found that there are supplements that help to achieve goals. These are not miracle supplements. They simply help my body do its job. That is the case with this product. It seems to be one of the best in the field. – Andrew T. from Anchorage, USA

As I got older, it was becoming harder and harder for me to achieve the muscle mass that I had in my youth. I was putting in the exact same amount of work, but I was not seeing the results. This is frustrating. However, this supplement changed that. I am now able to achieve the endurance and bulk of my former years. – Kyle B. from Stockton, USA

The best part of this supplement is that it is so easy. It is just one pill 30 minutes before a workout. I take it before heading to the gym. It is conveniently small, so it can be kept anywhere. The capsules are easy to swallow. – Adam J. from Omaha, USA

The recovery aspect of Power Boost Xtreme is what called to me. I would get exhausted following workouts. This made it difficult to go about normal life. It also made me want to skip lifting days. This product changed that. I can now easily achieve the energy levels and workout levels that help me reach goals. – Jake L. from Durham, USA

I love that the product automatically ships to my house. There is nothing more annoying than running out and having to wait for replacements. This way, I do not even need to worry about that. Every 30 days, more product arrives as desired. My credit card is charged, and there is no worry for me. I would highly recommend Power Boost Xtreme for both the results and the service. – Dan M., 29


Awards & Media Coverage

Since this product is pretty new to the market, it is not yet well known. As such, it does not yet have a list of awards. However, more importantly than awards perhaps is the fact that the Web and social media presence of the product is strong and positive. In today’s society, that can speak just as highly as hundreds of awards. The best part of this sort of media coverage is the ability to read individual success stories as well as tricks and hacks to using the product. This can be beneficial to answering any remaining questions before or after purchasing the product.

It is highly recommended that users of this product connect with other users on social media. This can lead to support networks and answers involving specifics about personal experiences with the product. This sort of media coverage not only leads to others learning about the product, but it also provides the clarity necessary for users to understand the proper use and function of Power Boost Xtreme.


Money-back Guarantee

There is not a stated money-back guarantee associated with Power Boost Xtreme. This does not necessarily mean that the company would not offer something in exchange for damaged products. However, it seems unlikely that any money would be returned simply because the consumer was dissatisfied with the performance of the product. That is what the free trial is intended for. It is important for consumers to get an idea what they aiming for before signing up for the product. This way, it is more likely that the product can be cancelled before the end of the trial period if the effects are not positive.

The failure to offer a guarantee is not ideal. However, it does make sense given the nature of the product. Since results are so dependent on the activity of the consumer, it does seem possible that the company is trying to protect themselves from having to refund money to individuals who are not meeting lifestyle, diet, and fitness requirements necessary for the product to be effective. The best bet is to talk to a customer service advisor about any dissatisfaction. Even if they cannot refund the product, it is likely they can advise the customer on how to achieve better success with the product.



Currently, this product is shipped only within the United States. Shipping seems to be fast and efficient. In fact, it arrives in just a couple of days after the initial order. For those who are anxious to try the product, this is good news. Shipping costs only $4.95 per shipment to ship anywhere within the United States. This is extremely reasonable given the speed and quality of shipping.

Because the manufacturer has such a focus on quality control, the shipping is considered to be extremely reliable in terms of safety and quality. The containers used to store the product contend with all quality control requirements made by the FDA. This assures that all containers of Power Boost Xtreme are exactly the same no matter what. The product will arrive to the consumer unharmed by any variations of temperature or precipitation that can happen during shipping. This further proves the company’s commitment to quality and safety.


Customer Support

The product’s website has a phone number that is the recommended method of communication with the customer service department. This phone number is toll free and can be utilized during any hours of the day or night. This is extremely convenient for consumers who may live in different time zones. This number will allow the user to ask questions or to cancel their subscription to the auto deliveries at any time. The operator may ask some questions regarding the individual experience with the product or personal workout and nutritional goals and routines.

Having a phone number for customer support is a preferred method of communication. As opposed to email or electronic correspondence, talking to a live operator gives the system a personal touch. It is easier to ask questions and have an open dialogue with a human being rather than a machine. This serves to help the company meet needs and keep quality levels high for Power Boost Xtreme. There is no question that is too insignificant to be asked. The company highly encourages consumers to make contact with concerns and questions.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The checkout for this website is highly secure. In fact, the site uses advanced encryption to protect information used at checkout. Basically, this means that the information would be impossible to decider even if the security were compromised. The user puts in basic information on the home screen such as name and shipping address. This information is also encrypted for security purposes. After this, the user is then transported to a special portal for payment and credit card information. This portal is hacker safe and encrypted as well. It is very important in the modern age of web security to assure that each customer’s information is guaranteed to be secure.

The only negative aspect is that this website does not seem to accept PayPal or any sort of virtual wallet. These are features that would help to assure many that they could purchase the product without fear of security issues. Although this would be a great feature to have, the website is secure enough to use a regular credit card without any fear of stolen or misused personal information including that which is used for SPAM. In other words, consumers of Power Boost Xtreme do not need to worry about junk mail in their email box or their mailbox.


Pricing & Free Trial

The manufacturer offers a free trial of this product that includes a 30 day supply of the supplement. The consumer must only pay $4.95 for shipping and handling to receive the trial offer. However, the fine print on the product is that enrolling in the trial subscribes the consumer to automatically receive more of the product every 30 days. These monthly shipments begin only 15 days after the initial trial subscription. So, there is a limited time to test the product before paying for subsequent shipments. This is slightly inconvenient, but the existence of the free trial implies that the company is confident of the product. The subscription seems easy to cancel by simply calling a toll free number in the event that the supplement does not appeal to the individual.

After the initial trial period, the cost of the monthly shipment is $89.99 plus the $4.95 for shipping and handling. The total cost for each pill averages out to $3.16. This may be a little bit higher than the cost of other similar supplements. However, the success rate with Power Boost Xtreme is high, so it seems to be well worth the money.






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