NO2 Maximus

NO2 Maximus Review – Does It Really Work?

What Is NO2 Maximus?

NO2 Maximus is an anabolic supplement, nitric oxide booster and a testosterone booster that:

  • Increases energy for the workout;
  • Promotes blood flow throughout muscles;
  • Speeds metabolism;
  • Helps maintain muscle, despite a low calorie diet;
  • Keeps working long after the workout is done;

Rather than a supplement purely for adding muscle mass, the makers of this product have formulated it to tweak the body’s metabolism to both increase muscle mass and increase the fat burning ability of the body.

NO2 Maximus and What Is It?



The supplement is distributed by a company called NetMarkets LLC. The distributor is one of the companies that act as a clearing house for small supplement producers. The fact that there is no actual company umbrella under which NO2 Maximus is produced indicates that it is likely the only product the company makes. Such a distribution model is common in the supplement industry where small companies have a product but lack the marketing and order fulfillment infrastructure to deliver it effectively to consumers.

A major advantage of this distribution type is that it allows each company to concentrate on its specialty. The manufacturer can concentrate on producing the most quality product possible and the distributor can focus on making the order process as smooth as possible for customers.


How NO2 Maximus Works?

The supplement works in two ways: It heightens blood flow while increasing the metabolism and it retards the degradation of muscle during a workout. The target market is not so much people seeking to build huge muscles, but those looking to get cut with a low calorie diet without losing existing muscle mass.

The Benefits of NO2 Maximus

Basically, NO2 Maximus uses two forms of L-Arginine to boost Nitric Oxide levels during a workout. Nitric Oxide serves a very useful function in this context: It temporarily expands the diameter of blood vessels within muscles. This results in lower blood pressure, more efficient delivery of nutrients to muscles and more efficient elimination of waste from muscles. Taken together, these factors should increase endurance and potential growth of muscles.

A dose of this product consists of three tablets. Normal use involves taking the three tablets together in the morning on an empty stomach. Those seeking faster gains and greater impact may take a second dose in the afternoon on an empty stomach. It is highly recommended that anyone using the supplement drink plenty of water while using it.

The Features of NO2 Maximus



Ingredients in NO2 Maximus

Here are the key ingredients of the product:

  • L-Arginine HCL to promote muscle growth;
  • L-Arginine AKG to encourage a hard, cut quality to muscles;
  • Citrulline malate to increase blood-flow in muscles;
  • Croscarmellose sodium;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Stearic acid;
  • Various herbal extracts to increase metabolism;

Compared to many supplements, this ingredient list is short and natural. This minimizes the odds of someone experiencing negative side effects, since each added ingredient is one more thing with which a person could have a reaction. This is especially true of non-natural ingredients made in a pharmaceutical lab.

Instead of a solution to every muscle building or fat cutting issue on the planet, NO2 Maximus is geared very specifically toward increasing endurance and metabolism. The company chose this method over stuffing the product with extras like more amino acids or other nutrients to give users more freedom in choosing specifically what goal they seek.

The Label of NO2 Maximus



In form, the biggest advantage is that NO2 Maximus comes in convenient tablets. When compared to many supplements on the market, this is far preferable to the inconvenience and mess of mixing powders. This easy form also makes it simple to carry anywhere to take before a workout.

The only caveat the company extends with concern to the tablets is that they should be kept in a cool, dry environment. This is a standard warning when dealing with any type of tablet because they are designed to break down in the warm, moist human digestive system and storing them in a warm, moist place could cause this breakdown to occur prematurely.

The Nitric Oxide Power of NO2 Maximus

In function, NO2 Maximus uses an advanced delivery method that time releases the nutrients to muscles over a ten hour period. This delivery system ensures that there are no adverse reactions from the body’s getting a sudden spike of supplement or suffering from a sudden absence of it.

In addition to improving workout performance, the supplement is formulated to increase overall energy throughout the day, as well. Due to the time release nature of this product, the benefit of an increased metabolism could turn even resting time into a fat burning period.

Due to the short list of ingredients, NO2 Maximus is very unlikely to create negative side effects. This fact is reassuring for those who are unaccustomed to taking supplements and worry that an over the counter supplement like the reviewed one is going to result in a pharmaceutical nightmare.

NO2 Maximus & Other Supplements



NO2 Maximus has earned the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certificate awarded by the FDA to supplement manufacturing companies that meet or exceed health and safety standards in the making of their products.

NO2 Maximus Is Approved by Experts



Many users have written rave reviews of NO2 Maximus. The almost universal comment in these testimonials is the fact that the user experienced a noticeable increase in energy during and after workouts shortly after beginning to use the supplement.

This higher energy level NO2 Maximus induces dramatically increases the motivation of users to actually follow through with intense workouts. While this may not seem like a big deal, anyone who has struggled through days where they just didn’t feel like a workout can attest that even a little extra energy and motivation could be the difference between failure and success for an exercise program.

Second on the list of praises sung about the product is the overall leaner appearance users notice after having their metabolism boosted by NO2 Maximus for a while. The great thing about this effect is that it is not the unhealthy and unnatural weight loss from crash dieting, but a gradual decrease in body fat levels.

Lastly, users often praise the product for giving them a more intense and prolonged “pump” after a workout. This effect can boost confidence and gives a tangible signal that NO2 Maximus is doing exactly what it should.

Henry in Atlanta described his experience:

Lots of people ask me about NO2 Maximus, so I figured I’d write this to answer all the questions in one place.

First, about me. I’m 5’10” and about 200 pounds. I’m not a pro bodybuilder, I just work out 3 or 4 times a week to stay strong and healthy. I’ve never really had that much trouble keeping up good muscle mass. My problem is that I tend to carry a little more body fat than I’d like. We’re not talking about that watery fat you can lose by skipping a couple of meals, either. It’s that hard fat that seems impossible to get rid of.

Anyway, after just a couple of days I noticed that I had more energy throughout the day. When I’d work out, I found that I would only be tired for a few minutes afterward before I recovered and could go on with my life instead of looking for a quiet corner to take a nap.

After a couple of month using the product, I began to notice some of the fat I’ve had forever disappearing and new muscle definition emerging. This was pretty amazing to me since I hadn’t changed my diet or exercise routine.

I can’t speak for everybody, but when friends ask about this product, I’m happy to recommend it to them.

A Testimonial for NO2 Maximus


Money-back Guarantee

NO2 Maximus has quite a liberal money-back guarantee. Unopened bottles of the supplement can be redeemed for a refund as long as it is requested within 14 days of the original shipping date of the product. This guarantee is invoked through the relatively straightforward process of calling the company for an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and shipping the product back to the company with this number clearly displayed on the outside of the package.

Note: To be credited with the return of the product, this procedure must be followed correctly. The company warns that packages marked “Return to Sender” or shipped without the RMA number will not result in a credit because such methods of return fall outside their procedure for logging returned merchandise back into their inventory.

In addition to the money-back guarantee for the straight purchase of the product, there is a free trial… well, free if you don’t count the small shipping and handling charge associated with delivering the trial sample. During the trial period, users can cancel at any time with no further obligation. From user reports, unlike many supplement manufacturers, the company does not try to pressure anyone to change their minds and continue their subscription.

Why NO2 Maximus Is a Good Choice?



In the modern world of rapid order fulfillment, this is one area in which the distributers of NO2 Maximus reportedly fall short. According to many buyers, the turnaround from ordering to receiving the supplements can be well over a week in the continental United States. While this would have been great many years ago, in today’s world people expect and generally receive products they order within a business week.

It is unclear whether these reports are typical or the exaggerated complaints of bitter customers who felt cheated because they did not understand the terms of the agreement they entered. No positive or neutral reviews make any mention of the product taking an inordinately long time in shipping and the company claims that orders ship within the next business day of being placed.


Customer Support

Customer service for the business aspects of ordering, shipping and returning is typical. Reps are available to walk customers through these aspects of the product. In terms of product satisfaction, things get more difficult. Since people all have slightly differing chemical compositions, there is no predicting how an individual will respond to a given medicine or supplement. Because of this, dealing with a new supplement is usually a matter of it either working or the person’s discontinuing use.

Those who feel that the product is not performing up to expectations should read the instructions for the supplement thoroughly. A call to customer service is likely to result in the customer service rep reading those same instructions to the customer. If the directions are being strictly followed for several weeks and results are still lacking, it is likely that the individual and the product simply do not match well chemically and there is probably no point in continued use.


Safe & Secure Checkout

NO2 Maximus can be ordered online through a secure checkout system. This is that same sort of system used by trusted online companies around the globe. Anyone willing to order anything from anywhere online should feel confident that their financial and personal information is safe when ordering NO2 Maximus.

While news reports of big companies being hacked has caused some people to fear online purchases, the truth is that using a credit card over a secure checkout connection is much safer than the old style of using credit cards at stores where there was a carbon copy of the card left that anyone could walk by and steal.

For anyone who is especially paranoid about personal and financial information existing on a server somewhere, the company that distributes the product will delete such information upon request. This is not recommended for active customers, though, because it would lead to difficulty in tracking orders and performing other functions on the company’s website.


NO2 Maximus Pricing & Free Trial

The NO2 Maximus free trial terms are as follows:

Upon signing up for the trial, the customer is charged $4.95 shipping and handling. According to the distributor, the trial bottle ships the next day. From the date of signing up for the free trial, a customer has 14 days to cancel the trial. If the trial is not cancelled in this time, it is rolled into a subscription for a bottle per month at the normal price of $89.91 + $5.95 for shipping and handling.

Note: Some customers have been confused by the billing structure of the free trial. Many of these become disgruntled ex-customers who leave scathing reviews of the company on various websites. To clear up confusion, below is an outline of how the free trial works.

The original bottle is free if the trial is cancelled during the trial period. If the person likes the product enough to continue into the subscription, though, the customer will be charged for the “free” bottle. In other words, it is free if you are not satisfied with the product, but you will be charged if you are satisfied and want to continue using it. It may be a bit confusing, but it does seem fair to pay for a product with which you are pleased.

The distributing company warns that some credit card companies will place a pending transaction for the full price of the second bottle when a trial is initiated. This is not an actual charge and will simply disappear if the trial is aborted during the 14-day period. Of course, if the trial is not cancelled and rolls into the subscription, then the pending charge will become a real charge for the initial monthly supply of the product.

Those who want to purchase the product without being signed up to the subscription service can do so. The price of this one time transaction is $119.99 + $5.95 for shipping and handling. This option is available for those leery of recurring charges. Those who are committed to using the product will, of course, be better off choosing the subscription option and saving $20 per month.

UK customers are offered a 28 day trial. The difference is due to the fact that the product ships from the US and will take longer in transit. The UK shipping and handling charge is £4.95 and the subscription price per bottle is £89.91. The shipping and handling fee for each one month supply after the trial bottle is £5.95.

Customers in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa are also offered a 28 day trial due to longer shipping times. Prices for the supplement and shipping are in US dollars, with shipping for the trial being $9.95 (though occasional promos could offer a different trial shipping charge). The subscription price of each monthly supply of NO2 Maximus is $89.91 + $9.95 for shipping and handling.

Like the US free trial offer, the trial period begins when the customer signs up and may be cancelled at any point during the trial.






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