NO2 Alpha

NO2 Alpha Review – One Nice Free Trial & Subscription Product or Something Else?

What Is NO2 Alpha?

NO2 Alpha is a nitric oxide booster that is designed to enhance your performance and the muscle-building effects of your strength training. It works to boost nitric oxide production through multiple paths – it includes L-arginine, which is perhaps the most-researched booster of nitric oxide. L-arginine was the subject of Nobel-Prize-winning research in 1998 that proved fitness-industry claims that enhancing nitric oxide production could improve workout performance. However, it also includes L-citrulline, which works similarly to L-arginine. Specifically, it enhances blood flow and speeds the clearance of muscle waste, allowing you to lift harder and longer.

But NO2 Alpha also includes an ingredient that is not commonly included in a standard NO2 formulation – arginine amino acid. While this is related to L-arginine alpha (which is also included), this non-essential amino acid increases blood vessel diameter and increases blood flow, thus oxygenating your muscles and ensuring that they receive adequate nutrition as you power through your workout. Nitric oxide boosters are common, but this product has a unique formulation that lets it stand out from the crowd.



This product is manufactured by a company that only makes this product. While that may sound unusual – after all, many supplements come from companies that spend a significant amount of money on research and make several products – there are many benefits to purchasing a product that was made by a one-product manufacturer. The NO2 Alpha company, in creating this product, has meticulously researched ingredients. Because it makes this one product, you can be assured that significant work has gone into its formulation.

Additionally, there are customer service benefits to choosing a single-product company. When you call a large supplement company, there is no guarantee that the person you are talking to will know a significant amount about your chosen product. Even if they do, it’s impossible to have the same in-depth knowledge of 20 products that you have of a single product.


How NO2 Alpha Works?

Like all nitric oxide boosters, NO2 Alpha is designed to improve workout performance. The main way it does this is by boosting blood flow to working muscles. You may think of improving circulation as just a way to improve general health, as opposed to a way to support a good workout. But when you think about all the implications that boosting blood flow has for workouts, the health benefits make sense.

First, we all know that the blood carries oxygen to tissues. If you’ve ever done the childhood anti-smoking exercise when you jog in place while trying to breathe through a drinking straw, then you know what poor oxygenation can do to any workout, strength or cardio. When oxygen flow to your working muscles is increased, you have more muscle power available for both lifting and cardio exercises.

Second, blood carries nutrients to tissues as well. This is vital in exercising, as your muscle tissue needs nourishment to perform well. But perhaps more importantly, this is useful in recovery, too. Think about it – you probably take whey protein and carbs to recover from a strenuous workout. Blood is what delivers these nutrients to your tissues, and increased blood flow expedites this delivery.

Third, while this may not be as important of a benefit than the above benefits, nitric oxide increases your muscle pump – the great, full feeling you get in your muscles post-strength workout. A good pump can really boost your confidence, make you feel great about yourself, and motivate you to continue working hard to achieve your fitness goals.


Ingredients of NO2 Alpha

Like many nitric oxide boosters, NO2 Alpha does not contain many ingredients. Below is a listing of the ingredients included, as well as a bit about each one:

L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate 2-1

This ingredient is actually a mixture of L-arginine and the amino acid alpha ketoglutarate. The 2-1 refers to the ratio – the mix contains two parts L-arginine to one part alpha-ketoglutarate. L-arginine (as is discussed in more detail below) works to increase blood flow to muscles. Alpha-ketoglutarate is a part of the Krebs cycle, which is responsible for producing adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, in the body. ATP is what energizes the body on a cellular level, and supplementing with this modified amino acid can aid in both energy and metabolism.


L-arginine, as mentioned above, is perhaps the best-researched nitric oxide booster. For years, many in the fitness community praised it for its many fitness benefits, but those praises remained largely anecdotal. That is, until a groundbreaking study in 1998 drew international attention to the now-proven benefits of L-arginine. The study found that L-arginine stimulated blood flow to working muscles – without boosting blood pressure. This delivered oxygen and nutrients to muscles and increased muscle pumps, too. This study ultimately won the Nobel Prize in medical research, thus validating what those in the fitness industry had known for decades.

L-arginine monohydrochloride

This is a slightly different form of L-arginine. But including different forms of a given ingredient can actually be very helpful. Because different forms of a given ingredient are metabolized differently, your body will metabolize the different forms of L-arginine in slightly different ways. This creates what is essentially an extended-release phase. This is good news for those who often do long workouts – having nitric oxide readily available over time means you have extra power throughout a workout, and not just at the beginning.


This amino acid works similarly to L-arginine. While L-arginine is a metabolic precursor to NO2, L-citrulline also is instrumental in forming proteins in the body – specifically, forming NO2. But it also has the added benefit of widening blood vessels, which is important to the success of any nitric oxide booster. This is because L-arginine boosts blood flow. If blood flow is boosted, but the diameter of your blood vessels does not increase, blood pressure increases. Because lifting weights ill boost your blood pressure temporarily, having a supplement that also increases it is actually very dangerous. Thus, L-citrulline contributes something vital.

However, L-citrulline has some other important benefits, too. The increase in blood flow also aids in clearing out muscle waste products – especially lactic acid. If you’ve ever felt a burning sensation in your muscles during a workout, you know what the buildup of lactic acid feels like. Clearing muscle waste helps extend the time you can effectively work out – thus increasing your strength and endurance gains.

Dipotassium phosphate

This ingredient is a salt of the electrolyte potassium. Keeping electrolyte levels high is important for optimal workout performance. While sodium is another major electrolyte, it tends to be ubiquitous in food sources. potassium, on the other hand, is less common, and that’s why it’s included here.



There are plenty of advantages to taking NO2 Alpha as your nitric oxide supplement. A clear advantage is that this is a uniquely complete nitric oxide supplement. Many similar supplements only have one active ingredient (usually, it’s L-arginine). However, this supplement is built to power you through your workout, not just pump you up for the beginning.

NO2 Alpha’s different forms of L-arginine help ensure that it will keep your muscles oxygenated and nourished throughout your workout. In general, it’s beneficial for a given supplement to have a variety of forms of an ingredient. Different bodies respond in different ways, and having a few forms helps you to gradually absorb a given ingredient.

Another advantage is the supplement’s containing potassium. In many nitric oxide boosters, the only concern is nitric oxide. Adding an electrolyte is a great bonus, especially given the fact that potassium, along with nitric oxide, can help power you through even the most challenging of workouts. This applies to both strength and cardio workouts, so you’ll be prepared for whatever workout comes your way.



While this product has not received any specific certificates, it is supported by independent research that verifies its efficacy. For example, a study published on the website of NO2 Alpha indicates that, in a study that compared this supplement with a placebo, users of NO2 Alpha gained four times more stamina at the gym.

In addition, this supplement has been certified as being made in the United States. In an age where most manufacturing is outsourced, it is significant to have assurance that this product is made int he United States. At the very least, buyers of this supplement know that they’ll be supporting businesses located within the country. In addition, this is a fairly new product, and it may very well receive awards or certificates in the future.



For many people, it is helpful to hear from those who have used and loved a product before you buy. Here are some words from those who have used NO2 Alpha:

Jonathan, 34, Siler City, NC:

I used to use your basic, run of the mill nitric oxide boosters. But soon, I realized that wasn’t going to cut it. So I started shopping around. I looked on forums and stuff, and I realize that this might be a good start. So I got the free trial. The price made me hesitate, but I found out that this worked so well i didn’t mind the slightly steep price. It’s been a year and it’s still helping me up my gains.

Kevin, 26, Kansas City, MO:

This is my first pre-workout/nitric oxide supplement. I borrowed some from a buddy in college and remembered it a few years later. fast forward and I’m ordering it online. I was for sure skeptical but it worked just as well as I remembered. I use it before lifting sessions and before long bike rides. Great results every time. I’m so glad I remembered this.

Roberto, 50, Palms, CA:

When you’re my age and still lifting, you need some help. And I found it, though it took ages. I used to get by on a bunch of caffeine before each lift, but stimulants aren’t enough. But not all nitric oxide boosters are created the same. I had cheap ones for years, and they helped, but not nearly to the extent that this one has. I finally found this stuff, and from day 1, it has helped me lift harder and continue to gain, despite being 50 going on 51. I’m going to keep using this for as long as I’m hitting the weights. Great stuff.


Awards & Media Coverage

Although it is a very new nitric oxide booster, NO2 Alpha has received media coverage in many major outlets. For instance, it has appeared in Men’s Health, which despite its title suggesting a focus on general health, actually focuses more on aspects of muscle and staying fit.

Men’s Health is not the only magazine where this supplement has appeared, however. It also has been covered by Men’s Fitness, a magazine hat is perhaps more focused on fitness and muscle than Men’s Health. NO2 Alpha also has appeared in Muscle and Fitness, which is perhaps the greatest testimony to its efficacy when it comes to boosting athletic performance. Because this is a fairly new supplement, it is likely that NO2 Alpha will receive more media coverage in the near future.


Money-back Guarantee

The makers of NO2 Alpha stand behind their product. As such, the manufacturers offer a generous, 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. They offer a free trial on the product, and if you are dissatisfied, you can get back any money you’ve spent.

Additionally, if you order multiple bottles of this product, only to find that it does not work for you, the company will accept returns on unopened bottles. You will receive a full refund. Please note, however, that the company does not refund shipping costs that you’ve spent. The free trial option (discussed in detail below) exists to give you a sense of what the product is like before you commit to buying full bottles.



Shipping for NO2 Alpha is fairly standard for the supplement industry. For each bottle – which supplies 30 days of nitric oxide boosting – shipping anywhere in the United States is a flat rate of $4.95. However, if you’re in a hurry, expedited shipping may be available, although it is typically unavailable outside the contiguous United States.

In addition, this is a product that is available with an auto-ship plan. This means that, once you’re signed up, you’ll be automatically billed and have a bottle shipped each month. If you tend to be very busy with work and other things, it can be helpful to know you’ll have a new bottle each time you need one. The AutoShip service costs nothing extra, and it can give you peace of mind, too.


Customer Support

The customer support team with NO2 Alpha is here to help you when you have questions. One of the many benefits of a company like this, as mentioned above, is that its representatives are all knowledgeable about this particular product. Larger companies need representatives to know about multiple products; this company’s representatives only need to retain knowledge about one.

In addition, this company’s representatives are readily available through a variety of venues. You can contact them via e-mail or web form, but if you prefer, you can contact them via phone or traditional mail. The company representatives are there for you, whether you have already bought NO2 Alpha or are considering it.


Safe & Secure Checkout

For many, buying a supplement online is a risky endeavor, or so they think. As it turns out, though, NO2 Alpha’s website is extremely safe when it comes to making online purchases. When you check out online your information is protected. This site uses state-of-the-art encryption, so your information is safe from hackers. Additionally, this company will not sell, lease, or otherwise share your information with anyone.

If you still have doubts, though, this site is certified as 100 percent secure by Norton and other companies. VeriSign has also verified its safety. You can rest assured that your information will be protected and used only for purchasing supplements – nothing else.


NO2 Alpha Pricing & Free Trial

This supplement, as mentioned earlier, offers a free trial. The free trial will cost you just under five dollars for shipping, although you will get a 30-day supply of the supplement for free. However, if you do not cancel the free trial before 16 days from the trial initiation date, you will be billed for $79.95, which is the full retail price of one bottle.

If you do decide to keep using this product, the auto-ship program will kick in. With this program, you will receive a new bottle each month. Delivery is timed so you won’t run out of product. Each new bottle will cost $79.95. You may cancel this service anytime.






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