Body Fuel FX

Body Fuel FX Review – Should You Look for Something Else?

What Is Body Fuel FX?

Body Fuel FX is muscle support supplement that is designed to boost athletic endurance and improve overall muscle health and functioning. It claims to repair damaged muscle mass, cause the regaining of muscle strength, and support an already well established and rigorous weight lifting routine in order to help men make the most out of each work out, receiving all the desired benefits from each one. The product prides itself in adding muscles in the right place, suggesting a balanced level of testosterone disseminated throughout the body. Since the body begins to decrease the natural level of testosterone in produces, usually when men are in their 30s, this is extremely important in any type of pre-workout supplement to ensure that what has been depleted of testosterone will now receive what it needs in order to help men reach and exceed their workout goals once again. Body Fuel FX is the overall name given to what is actually two distinct supplemental products.

The first of the two products, Body Fuel FX, as the name implies, is the product particularly responsible for increasing the body’s level of testosterone production, thereby enhancing athletic performance, energy, and endurance as well as limiting the amount of muscle recovery time in between each workout. The other related product, Body Fuel FX Muscle build support, is the primary source of nitric oxide, responsible for the expected increase of muscle strength and lean muscle mass. As such, the one is more focused on enhancing the process of bodybuilding itself, while the other is
more focused on enhancing the results of the bodybuilding. Stacking supplements is a common way to maximize the desired results of taking pre-workout supplement, and these two particular products are designed to be completely complementary to one another so as to make those results both dramatic and long lasting.

The two related products that a together make up Body Fuel FX are only for men who are already engaged in a rigorous, daily weight training regimen and are looking to improve the results of their exercise. It is a supplement of hormones and nutrients that the body naturally produces, so it should be safe; nevertheless, it is always recommended to consult with a physician before taking these or any other pre-workout supplement to make sure the overall health condition of the person is consistent with the type of extreme workout already being practiced and the relationship to that routine with the supplement at hand. Also, any man asking a physician about these two related products should also mention to their doctor any medications they take to make sure that no adverse reaction occurs between the substances. The products are only for men over the age of 18, and especially for those over 30 who have already experienced a decrease in the levels of testosterone in their bodies. It is likely unsafe for those under 18 and ineffective for those who have not yet experienced a decrease in testosterone.



The two related supplements with complementary functions are both under the umbrella of Body Fuel FX, a subsidiary of Feel Good Ventures LLC, the company behind the two products that share the name Body Fuel FX name. As such, these two products appear to be the entirety of what the manufacturer makes and sells. Outside of its official web page, which is a site dedicated solely to the promotion and sales of its two products, the company has no prominent web presence; almost nothing is known about this company at the present time. No company history can be found, thus meaning we cannot even determine how long it has been in operation, if it has ever offered any other products beyond these two. All that is known about the manufacturer is that its headquarters is located in Burbank, CA. Fortunately, the company’s official web page does publicize contact information for their customer service; as such, potential future customers may contact customer service in a pursuit of answers to the many questions that the company has not answered about itself or its two complementary products on its website as they consider whether or not the purchase these two products is a viable option for them.


How Body Fuel FX Works?

The natural ingredients combined in each of the two complementary supplements increase the body’s levels of the substances most important for bodybuilding: one boosts testosterone, and the other boosts nitric acid. As each works its way into the blood stream, it balances hormones throughout the body, ensuring that both the testosterone and the nitric acid can do the most good towards the goals of enhanced energy, new strength, restored stamina, transformed athletic performance, decreased muscle recovery time between workouts, the growth of lean muscle mass, and an overall ripped physique. As energy levels improve, workout performance will naturally improve with it, and these two supplements work together with the bodybuilder’s established workout habits and other healthy lifestyle choices to make the most out of each workout, making the achievement of what formerly possible, once again possible. As all these changes occur in the body and workout potential is maximized, a renewed sense of self confidence should also be attained.

The combination of ingredients improve the supply of blood to every part of the body, encouraging all the desired bodybuilding results as well as an increased overall sense of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. The improved blood flow mixed with the dissemination of testosterone throughout the body ensures that the hormonal changes occurring in the body through these two supplements is conducted gradually and safely, protecting cardiovascular health and even improving the immune system. The new focus and energy obviously helps all areas of bodybuilding but makes all of everyday life better as well, which then of course in turn works full circle and makes the weight training experience better, so that ideally the man who uses these supplements becomes a better bodybuilder and a healthier individual. As testosterone is increased, fat is burned, thus paving a way towards meeting bodybuilding goals without the fatigue that have accompanied previous attempts before taking these supplements. It claims to rapidly improve workouts and gradually encourage the healthy growth of massive muscles, usually within eight to nine weeks of daily use according to product instructions.


Ingredients of Body Fuel FX

Body Fuel FX does not publish a list of ingredients for either of its two related hormonal supplements on its official website. This information is only made known on the product packaging, however the company does display its customer service contact information on its official website, so a potential customer can certainly contact customer service in order to ask for a list of ingredients in each of the supplements. A few websites exist that provide advertising for this company that do include lists of ingredients; how closely related each one is to the actual company, however, is a mystery, and the lists are neither consistent with one another nor exhaustive. Furthermore, these websites appear to either conflate the two complementary products or list ingredients that only apply to one of the supplements, yet they do not explicitly account for the complementary nature of the two products at hand that both fall under the umbrella of Body Fuel FX.

So having provided these caveats of uncertainty regarding the reliability of these lists, we will now present the various ingredients that these said websites have listed.

  • Boron amino acid chelate for boosting testosterone, building powerful bones and muscles, improving muscle coordination, and boosting energy levels;
  • Orchic extract for a further boost in testosterone production;
  • Tongkat ali for maintaining healthy levels of testosterone production long after the initial boost, for keeping a safe hormonal balance throughout the body, and for ensuring that all hormonal changes induced by the supplement(s) are gradual and safe;
  • Sarsaparilla extract to encourage proper functionality of all organs related to exercise and to increase sweating during workouts;
  • Wild yam extract to protect from a weakening bone structure, complementing the ingredients that help increase muscle strength.

Because we do not have a complete and certain list of ingredients available for each of the two hormonal supplements related to this product, we are limited in how well we can assess the effectiveness of each. Not only are there multiple ingredients in the products that are likely not accounted for here, but without being able to distinguish between the ingredients of the two related products, we can not determine how well the one works for performance enhancement or how well the other works for lean muscle development. Also, we cannot tell if the two are truly as complementary as the company claims them to be or if it one could achieve the same effects and save money from using only one of the available supplemental products. Additionally, with such a minimal web presence and a scarcity of reviews and customer experience reports, contacting customer service is the only possible way presently available to attain exact ingredient information through which the likelihood of the product’s (or products’) effectiveness and value can be better discerned.



The two hormonal supplements, at least when taken together, are supposed to dramatically increase energy levels and drastically enhance all weight training activity. As such, the two products are intended to help bodybuilders achieve athletic goals and even set new, more strenuous goals that were unrealistic prior to taking the supplements. It claims to improve both the feeling and appearance of muscle strength yielding a ripped physique and vastly improved confidence. Because the ingredients are supposed to be entirely natural, they should be safe and free from the risk of any side effects so long as the person taking them is already healthy and not taking any prescription medications that would interfere in an unhealthy manner with these supplements (a primary reason why consulting a doctor is so necessary before beginning to take any pre-workout supplement) and takes the supplements strictly according to the instructions printed on the packaging.

Gradual hormonal changes help to ensure the safety of those changes as they occur in the body. The product suggests that users should experience a boost in energy almost immediately but that the more substantial and dramatic effects of the products should take approximately eight or nine weeks before they begin to set in. The nutrients and amino acids that convert into testosterone and natural energy require that time to work with the blood stream so as to send the testosterone to where the body is most lacking in it. These changes in the blood stream help to make sure that all organs related to bodybuilding are functioning appropriately and that muscles development occurs evenly as well as powerfully. The product instructions apparently include a large amount of water to be taken with the product, the result is which to be quicker absorption of the supplement that penetrates into the blood stream making all these changes able to have a major impact towards the building of strong and lean muscle mass.



No supplemental product is expected to seek out FDA approval since it is neither a food product nor a drug,several organizations do conduct similar assessments to ensure the safety and effectiveness of supplements, but they are mostly for dietary supplements, not hormonal supplements. This does not excuse companies that produce hormonal supplements, however, from the pursuit of accountability as it does exist, despite being rarer, for hormonal supplements. This accountability is extremely important in order that a company’s customers and potential customers can have security that their purchase will be worthwhile and that they will be safe as they take the product. Body Fuel FX does not appear to have attained any certification that would help to point towards this type of accountability; whether it has ever sought any certification is also unknown. The apparent lack of such accountability is not necessarily a negative aspect of a supplement, as it can be merely part of a company’s youth. However, with no public information regarding how old this company is, it seems in this case to fit within the whole theme of secrecy common to almost every aspect of this company.



Another caveat is in order here; while a few product testimonials have been found throughout the course of research into this product, they are included as parts of the aforementioned sites that advertise for the company’s products. Again, we are unsure if and how closely these sites are connected to the actual company producing and selling the two supplements at hand, so we do not have any way to clearly gauge whether these testimonials reflect the praises of real customers who contacted customer service about their satisfaction, the research of a third party entity that advertises for the company but seeks out reports of real customers, or are merely made up in an attempt to sell the product. We will now summarize those testimonials found on these websites, but we encourage those considering the products to contact customer service prior to making a purchase, ready with any pertinent questions that help to confirm or deny the veracity of these claims.

First, Jerry, age 46 from Ohio, says that Body Fuel FX (though he does not specify whether he is using one or both of the related products that both go by this name) has helped him to transform his weight training routines, lifting more than he has been able to since he was in his 20s. He said that he has a renewed sense of energy and desire to work out that had been steadily declining for many years until he began taking the supplement(s). He reports that he has been taking it/them for eight months now and that he began noticing changes in his muscles after about two months. He first started to lose fat that had developed over the years when he was not working out as intensely as he wanted, and then this loss of fat quickly turned into the lean muscle mass that says he has been looking for for many years but never found from any of the many other pre-workout supplements he claims to have tried over the last 15 years.

Next, Michael, age 37 from Michigan, had just began noticing a loss in bodybuilding abilities over the last year. He reported that he continued his regimen and never lessened any of it but felt fatigued almost constantly. He said that he has been taking both related products for about five weeks, and the energy he has gained in that time has been monumental as far as he is concerned. He has not yet seen changes in muscle mass as he has not been taking the supplements long enough for that effect to set in yet, but he also reported that he did not lose a lot of muscle mass before beginning to take the product, so it is not his highest priority at this time. Nevertheless, he is taking both products, so the one more related to muscle mass should start setting in for him soon. Based on what he has already experienced from the supplements, he expects that the one for building lean muscle mass will help protect what he already has if not improve it even more.


Awards & Media Coverage

Once again, Body Fuel FX has kept almost all aspects of its business, its products, and even its ingredients quite secret. But because they publish their customer service contact information on their official web page, potential customers can contact customer service with questions that they need answers for in their process of weighing the options available to them. Having said this, the two complementary products that share the Body Fuel FX name do not have any public evidence of ever receiving any industry awards. With such a minuscule web presence, the company does not appear to make any efforts to make itself visible. The biggest problem with this is that it leaves potential customer unable to know what to believe about what the company claims about itself on its website. Any third party sources that mention it do so merely in an advertorial manner that may or may not be directly connected to the company, but none of the known sources available that offers any discussion regarding these products has its claimed backed up or verified in any manner that could point toward trustworthiness.


Money-back Guarantee

Body Fuel FX does not offer a trial period like most companies offering similar products do. Instead, they charge customers for the first month’s supply of the supplement(s) ordered immediately upon the placement of that order. But, customers have the option to send back the product for a refund of the unused supplies if they are not satisfied so long as they do so promptly within 30 days of the placement of the initial order. Refunds are not offered after those first 30 days, but whenever a customer decides to cancel his automatic reception and payment of the product(s), he will be instructed to contact customer service so as to request that cancelation order at a time within the billing cycle that will prevent the next order from being placed and charged. This means, even though products are automatically shipped and charged to customers through a subscription to the product, customers have a bit more control over their role in the relationship with the company than is the case for many competing companies.

The lack of a trial period may sound on the surface like a potential strike against the company. On the other hand, most similar companies offer guarantees for 15 days or less. Their trial periods are hardly ever free; they merely delay the charge of the first month’s supply until the set number of days for the trial period have expired. Furthermore, with other such companies, any cancellations must be made within that same established trial period in order to receive any money back. As such, this company’s policy actually offers more time for new customers to decide whether or not the product is a good choice for them, and it spaces out all payments to be exactly 30 days apart from each other, far more convenient than the delay of other companies that is then followed by the full second month’s payment just a couple weeks later. Their money-back guarantee is certainly limited, but it is far less limited than many other similar companies, and their policies for payment schedules are also far more customer-friendly than many companies that produce and sell comparable hormonal supplements.



Body Fuel FX uses the USPS’s standard ground first class shipping option for all of its shipping. Its company promises to process all orders promptly to ensure that they will be shipped as quickly as possible. Any orders made before 1 PM PST will be shipped the same day as the order is placed; any orders made after that will be shipped on the next business day. Of course this promise is limited to business hours (if an order is placed on a Wednesday evening, for example, the next business day would be Friday, and the product would be shipped then on the Friday after the order is placed). Furthermore, the company has no business hours on the weekend, so their promise does not apply to Saturdays or Sundays either (orders placed after 1 PM PST on a Friday will be shipped on the following Monday). They present far more detailed information about their shipping policies than many other companies producing products of this nature, though of course they do not guarantee times in which the shipments will arrive (that’s up to the USPS), but instead they follow the USPS’s general expectation of 3-5 business days from the date of shipment for the arrival of items shipped via the standard ground first class option.


Customer Support

Like many other aspects of this company’s business practices, almost no information can be found about Body Fuel FX’s customer support or that of its overarching company, Feel Good Ventures, LLC. Although the official website for the two complementary products does include its customer service contact information, it offers no insight regarding the nature of the customer service representatives’ duties (that is, whether their representatives are available predominantly for sales purposes or if they can answer questions about the products for customers uncertain about whether or not they want to purchase one or both and also whether their representatives only offer broad information about the overall Feel Good Ventures company or if they are trained with the knowledge of these two specific products as would be necessary for a prospective customer).


Safe & Secure Checkout

Membership into the company’s automatic refill program is required for almost all use of the products’ official website, and this membership is a primary way in which the company seeks to offer and maintain a consistently safe online environment for every aspect of their customers’ use of their website. Membership happens before making the first order (it is the first step in the process of placing the initial order). This process of becoming a member into a website related to the Feel Good Ventures company ensures that the new customer will always be asked for consent in order for the company to collect or use any personal information. And all information related to identity and finances that must be shared in order to place an order is always kept safe through the encryptions and SSL security certificates of which the company’s website makes use to ensure the safest, most secure checkout experience possible.


Pricing & Free Trial

Each of the two products costs $84.90 per month. This is an average price for one such product, so since this company sells two complementary products, customers have to pay double the customary price in order to receive the benefits that other companies offer with just one product. After all of the other potential problems we have discussed regarding this company’s lack of upfront communication about its products’ ingredients and effectiveness or about its business history, this issue may be the clincher in a decision of whether or not to consider this company’s products. As of yet, no information has been made available that shows one of the products may be able to accomplish the necessary bodybuilding goals without the other. As such, customers can certainly contact customer service in the pursuit of more information as has been suggested with other potential issues we have already discussed, yet many other companies offer similar products that are available without this exorbitant price, so unless a customer receives a satisfactory answer from customer service about the use of one of the products solo, then it would appear best to search other products and avoid the exorbitant cost related to these two.






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