Blackline Elite

Blackline Elite Review – Is This the Way How Elite Athletes Get Their Muscle & Shredded Looks?

What Is Blackline Elite?

Blackline Elite is a pre-workout supplement designed to give you the energy, focus, and strength to make it through even the toughest workouts. This supplement is designed to help you get more ripped, feel energized, and look your best. Although the manufacturer does not list specific ingredients, which is something that may deter serious supplementers, the website makes it clear that this is a supplement designed to stimulate production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide, which is made naturally in the body but can be encouraged with smart supplementation, has a storied history as a workout-related compound. Supplements have been working to increase nitric oxide production for decades. It began even before 1998, when fitness enthusiasts saw results when supplementing with L-arginine and swearing by it, despite the fact that nobody knew exactly why this supplementation routine worked. A game-changing study, discussed in more detail below, provided evidence to support what enthusiasts already knew – that L-arginine was a supplement capable of enhancing workout performance.

This supplement packages (presumably) L-arginine, the original nitric oxide booster, in a way that is easy to carry and take as a supplement. Unlike many pre-workout supplements, which require you to mix something, this one comes in easy to take caplets that you can take along in your gym bag. It does not contain stimulants, which is ideal for those who are sensitive to stimulants or otherwise don’t want to mix their pre-workout compounds with anything else. When taken correctly, this simple supplement may be able to help you burn more fat, gain muscle, and perform better in the gm than you have before. It’s designed to help you look good even as you wait to cut fat, too – this supplement can give you a muscle pump, which is when muscles fill with blood and appear larger. This can help you look ripped and feel great, and it helps ensure that others will notice your physique, too.



The manufacturer of this supplement lists minimal information, but one thing that’s relatively clear is that Blackline Elite is made by a manufacturer that only makes one supplement. If you are a serious supplementer, this may understandably give you pause. However, there are some benefits to choosing a single-supplement manufacturer. One major benefit is knowledge. When you call a large supplement manufacturer, you will likely be connected to someone who is expected to know detailed information on hundreds of supplements. When you call this manufacturer, on the other hand, you’ll be talking to someone who only has to keep track of information on a single supplement. Additionally, when a manufacturer only makes one thing, they can focus more research, funding, and energy on that supplement, so you’ll know that plenty of effort went into crafting what should be a top-quality workout supplement. In short, many may be concerned, but it’s wise to not let the fact that a manufacturer is unconventional get in the way of obtaining a supplement you would otherwise buy.


How Blackline Elite Works?

Because the manufacturer of this supplement has ben scarce with the details, it’s a bit challenging to know how this supplement works. However, the site alludes to the fact that Blackline Elite supports nitric oxide production in the body. As noted briefly above, most nitric oxide boosters involve L-arginine, which is the original nitric oxide booster. This supplement has been used for decades as workout enhancer, though originally, many people didn’t know how the supplement worked. It was observed, though, that this supplement seemed to give people an edge when exercising. They saw that they had more energy and also had the ability to more easily add on muscle and lose fat. In the late 1990s, a team of researchers got together to discover why this supplement worked the way it did. The study found what we know today: that L-arginine stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the body. The study was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

But what does nitric oxide do for the body? Essentially, nitric oxide, or NO, for short, stimulates blood flow to the muscle tissue, and particularly to working muscles. The compound does so by acting as a vasodilator, which means it dilates the vessels. This is important, as it means that blood flow increases without increasing blood pressure. Since lifting can cause temporary spikes in blood pressure, it’s important to ensure that other factors do not simultaneously raise blood pressure. If this happens, you chances of a vessel rupture are greatly raised. The increase in blood flow has a few benefits. One of these is the fact that oxygen and nutrients are delivered at a greater rate to the muscles as they work.

This can help you to exercise harder and longer, and it also can help delay fatigue. As you near the end of a grueling cardio session or the end of a set of lifts, you likely experience the sensation of burning in the muscle tissue. This is due to the buildup of lactic acid. Lactic acid accumulates as the tissue runs out of oxygen, so by increasing oxygen delivery, you delay the accumulation of lactic acid and also the feeling of fatigue. When fatigue is delayed, you are better equipped to make it through a challenging workout. Nutrient delivery is important not just for your workout, but also for recovery. For instance, you probably take an intra-workout supplement as well as a post-workout protein shake. When blood flow is increased, these supplements are delivered expediently to the muscle tissue. This supports the rebuilding of muscle fibers, which ultimately leads to faster and better growth. Lastly, nitric oxide has great benefits aesthetically. You get a great muscle pump for hours after your workout, and vascularity is greatly improved. These things can help to boost your confidence and make you more inclined to come back for more workouts.


Ingredients of Blackline Elite

As noted earlier, the manufacturers of this supplement do not list the ingredients included. While the bottom of the page appears to have two links to studies supporting the efficacy of nitric oxide, these links are not clickable. However, the description of the supplement insinuates that it does boost nitric oxide production in the body. As noted earlier, L-arginine is the most popular ingredient for boosting nitric oxide. It’s been around the longest, and it has a good bit of research behind it. Beyond L-arginine, L-citrulline is also a popular nitric oxide booster, and recent research is suggesting that it may in fact be more effective than L-arginine at boosting nitric oxide. If you are considering buying this supplement but want to know more about the ingredients, it may be a good idea to contact the company and ask about what’s in Blackline Elite. It is unclear if the employees of the company know more than what is said on the site.



There are many advantages to taking this supplement as your pre-workout supplement. One of these advantages is the fact that, unlike many pre-workout supplements (and especially those sold online), this one is based in real and researched evidence. Another benefit is the fact that this is a supplement that is very easy to integrate into your supplementation routine. This is because it comes in capsule form. Many of us like mixable pre-workouts, but these come with their own issues. You must have a mixer bottle and a way to clean up after. By contrast, when you have a pill, you can more easily transport that pill in a gym bag, and all you need to take with it is a swallow of water. One other advantage is the fact that this supplement does not contain stimulants. While some athletes prefer a pre-workout with a stimulant, many have stimulant sensitivities. You can always combine this supplement with a stimulant of your own.



Blackline Elite has not been awarded any certificates as of yet. This may be due in part to the fact that supplement reviewers and agencies that award certificates are grossly outnumbered by supplements, and it is impossible for each one to get the attention it likely deserves. However, in time, this supplement may well get some attention from reviewers and those agencies that award certificates. However, this supplement is certified as being made in the USA and as having a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, and both of these things support its credibility as a good workout supplement. And while this certificate was not awarded directly to this product, its main ingredient was the subject of a study that was awarded the Nobel prize in medicine, and this too supports the product’s efficacy.



Buying online can be anxiety-inducing for some people. However, if you are planning on buying this product, or considering it, it may be useful to read about some of the people who have tried this supplement. below are the words of some of the users of Blackline Elite:

– Steven, 23, Chincoteague, VA, USA:

I’m fairly young, but I love getting in a good workout. I used to exercise without taking pre-workout, but as I started lifting heavier weights, I realized that I really needed to take a pre-workout if I wanted to keep working out at the level I was. I started shopping online and reading about ingredients. I found this supplement by accident, actually, but I ordered it, and I’m glad I did. I’m lifting heavier and I feel great.

– Joseph, 44, Durham, NC, USA:

I enjoy weightlifting, and I’ve lifted for a lot of my life. But a s I get older, it gets harder to hot PRs and lift heavier. And while some people might be ok with lifting without chasing PRs, I’m very competitive, and this is most of why I love to lift – challenging myself and pushing past my limits. When i first used this pre-workout, I loved how it made me fell. I was focused, but not hyper like I am with most pre-workouts. it was really the perfect stuff. I look so much better, and I feel better, too. Will keep buying for sure.

– Josh, 33, Reno, NV, USA:

I read somewhere that men start to lose testosterone at 30. Don’t know if it’s true or not, but I’ve definitely seen a slump in my performance in recent years. I decided to combat that with a good pre-workout, but my problem was that I couldn’t find something that worked for me. I kept trying different pre-workouts, and each would work for a time, but shortly after, they just stopped being as effective. But once I found Blackline Elite, I knew from the first workout I had with it that this was my pre-workout. It’s been several months, and I’ve made some really impressive gains. Will definitely remain a customer as long s they make this.


– Matt, 50, Clemson, SC, USA:

I enjoy being one of the few older dudes at the gym. But I do try to make sure it’s clear that I look good and know what I’m doing. So I do try and stay ripped so people don’t think I’m the clueless old guy. I actually only found this because my previous pre-workout, which I used for years, was discontinued. But after a week, I could tell it was working. My performance has really improved, and I can lift more weight for longer periods of time. I’ve only been using it for a month or so, so I’m excited to see what sort of physique gains I’ll be getting. I’m eager to see what this holds for me, and I hope that it doesn’t get discontinued like before. Happy I found it.


Awards & Media Coverage

As noted above, the fact that the supplement market is highly populated with new supplements is likely behind why this supplement doesn’t have much media coverage. However, it often takes a supplement a few years on the market before it is reviewed and recognized. In many cases, supplements, especially those sold on the internet, eventually do get some media coverage, and many of them are favorably reviewed. Some even get a amor feature in a large, fitness-minded men’s magazine like Men’s Health or Muscle and Fitness. In short, it may take some time, but this supplement may well earn an award or two in the future. Depending on the manufacturer’s advertising choices, this may happen sooner rather than later.


Money-back Guarantee

As advertised on the website, this supplement comes with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. Additionally, if you want to try out the product risk free, the makers of Blackline Elite offer a free trial where you can test out a month’s supply of this product without having to pay for anything other than shipping. If you do purchase a bottle and you decide it isn’t for you, though, you can request a refund. In order to return a product for a refund, you must make sure the bottle you want to return is unopened and undamaged. You then must secure a return merchant authorization, or RMA. Once you have this, you may send back the bottle for a refund. While the price will be refunded within 30 days, you must pay return shipping, and returned bottles may be subject to a restocking fee.



Shipping is fast, and the makers of Blackline Elite promise that orders are rushed after you place them. While shipping information is not detailed on the website, the shipping cost for this product is less than five dollars. Tracking information is not made available, but you should, depending on your destination, get your bottle within five business days. If you still are not seeing a shipment arrive after that time, then it may be wise to contact the company and ask about the location of the product. If you choose to keep receiving this supplement after the free trial, shipping costs will be rolled into the cost of the bottle for your convenience.


Customer Support

The customer support team at Blackline Elite is made up of people who know a good deal about fitness, and all are happy to help answer your questions when it comes to supplementation. You may contact them for help if you are already a customer and just want this supplement to work for you, and you also can call to ask questions and assess whether or not this supplement is a good choice for you. The customer service team makes an effort to be there for you, and you may contact them using regular mail, e-mail, or phone. If you contact them when they are out of the office, they will make an effort to contact you upon their return as well.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Buying online can be a nerve-wracking experience, particularly for those who remember the days of little to no internet security. However, when you make a purchase of Blackline Elite via the internet, you can be assured that your information is kept safe. The check process for this product is independently verified as secure by VeriSign, McAfee, and HackerSafe. This means that your information, both personal and financial, is kept safe from those who may try to use it for nefarious purposes. Additionally, the employees at Blackline Elite will not use your information for anything other than shipping orders. Your info is safe with them.


Pricing & Free Trial

The pricing of this product is on par with most online-order pre-workout supplements. However, a free trial program is available for those who want to test out this supplement before making a purchase. In this trial, you pay shipping, which costs under $5, to receive a 30-day supply. This supply arrives at your door in a few days, and you have 14 days from the purchase date to evaluate whether or not this supplement is for you. If you’d decide you’d like to keep taking the supplement, do nothing, and you’ll be billed for the full bottle and charged each month for a new bottle. This will continue until you cancel. If you’d prefer to not keep taking this supplement, just cancel before the trial runs out. You can keep the bottle, and you’ll owe nothing. The price of the bottle itself is about $90, which is standard for this sort of supplement.






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