AndroDNA Muscle Boost

AndroDNA Muscle Boost Review – Do You Need It?

What Is AndroDNA Muscle Boost?

AndroDNA Muscle Boost is an all-natural pre-workout muscle builder for men who need or want enhancements for their workout routine. It is called pre-workout because it boosts the body’s natural ability to build muscle, improves circulation, and adds endurance, all of which help drive results when a man hits the gym. When added to a diet rich in nutrients and a well-crafted workout routine, many men find that it gives them the body strength and muscle tone that they have been looking for. While some may be able to achieve the lean muscle mass and endurance without a supplement, other men find that products such as this one help them achieve those goals and sport a rippling six-pack faster than diet and exercise alone.

The product starts with a free trial through the manufacturer of the same name, which will last for 15 days. Men who enjoy using it, see results, and are pleased with the products can continue as a monthly subscription after the trial ends. It is available online to residents of the United States.

The formula contains three main active ingredients. Those are L-Citrulline, L-Arginine, and Creatine. They are amino acids for protein and boosters for the Nitric Oxide in the male body, both of which help deliver on the formula’s promise of improved endurance and lean muscle mass. Typically, results can be seen fairly quickly after starting to use the product.



AndroDNA Muscle Boost is manufactured by the company of the same name in the USA. The company also distributes the product via its website and sells strictly to consumers within the United States. Although the company website does not mention a specific physical address, it does provide a PO Box for written correspondence as well as an email address. Customers who wish to get in contact with the company can do so using the phone number listed on the website. Currently, the company is offering a free trial of the AndroDNA Muscle Boost product to customers who wish to try it out for themselves.


How AndroDNA Muscle Boost Works?

AndroDNA Muscle Boost delivers a pre-workout physical boost to the male body with its all-natural ingredients to boost stamina and protein for strong muscles. It based on the body’s reaction to its three main active ingredients: L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and Creatine. It’s simplicity in ingredients helps to make it a safe and effective muscle boost for men.

The L-Citrulline gets converted into L-Arginine and Nitric Oxide by the kidneys. The L-Arginine is an amino acid which the body builds into lean muscle mass as needed throughout the body. This happens during the physical workout at the gym, which is why this particular booster is known as a pre-workout supplement. Creatine is another amino acid used by the body for muscles, and serves the same purpose. Having both doubles the effectiveness of the preworkout testosterone supplement.

At the same time, the Nitric Oxide, NO, expands the blood vessels so the blood, nutrients and amino acids can travel more quickly to where the body needs them. Increased blood flow to the muscles also creates better stamina so men may find that they are able to go harder, longer, in the gym so they get the most out of every workout. Nitric Oxide also facilitates the release of growth hormone in men, which can add additional muscle weight.

For best results, AndroDNA Muscle Boost should be combined with an appropriate workout routine that balances different activities and muscle groups from day to day. Men should follow their routine and direct any questions to their physician about specific physical concerns. A balanced diet is also important, as it does not replace healthy meals. Men should make sure to drink plenty of water while bodybuilding and taking these supplements.

The recommended dose is two capsules regularly. One suggestion is to take a capsule before working out and the other after, while others recommend taking both after the workout to rebuild the body for the next session. To avoid allergic reactions, men should not take more than the suggested dose. Women who are pregnant or lactating should not take this supplement, and the recommended dose for women is one pill daily.


Ingredients of AndroDNA Muscle Boost

AndroDNA Muscle Boost focuses on ingredients for building muscle, adding amino acids, and boosting blood flow throughout the body. The ingredient list is all-natural and has been specifically designed to give men the nutrients they will need before bodybuilding workouts. The capsules do not contain fillers but do have these three key active ingredients.

  • L-Arginine: This is an amino acid used to build proteins within the body and when used with a healthy diet promotes muscle growth, and stimulates the growth hormone and insulin production throughout the body. This is a key part of growing muscle quickly pre-workout.
  • L-Citrulline: The kidneys convert L-Citrulline into two other key ingredients: L-Arginine and Nitric Oxide. NO widens the blood vessels, which improves your heart, blood, and even immune health. The extra blood flow also gives men increased endurance during aerobic exercises and weightlifting, by improving circulation and easing muscle fatigue.
  • Creatine: This active ingredient is packed with additional amino acids for building lean muscle mass quickly and safely. It increases protein synthesis, which helps the body build and repair muscles during intense workouts.



There are many advantages to using AndroDNA Muscle Boost. The formula is safe and does not carry any side-effects. Men who are looking to try the supplement in addition to their regular workout routine may notice some of the following benefits:

  1. Healthier skin;
  2. Toned abs and removes “beer belly”;
  3. More lean muscle mass;
  4. More energy;
  5. Enhances focus;
  6. Improves heart and circulatory system health;
  7. Improved sleep quality and duration.

Men who embark on programs to lift weights and get stronger want to have the sort of body they have dreamed about all their lives. Whether they are continuing a current workout and want to get more out of it, or are just starting their journey, the collagen build-up caused by taking this product regularly helps give their bodies that extra “glow” to overlay the new, lean muscles underneath.

Around age thirty, many men start to develop excess tissue in the abdominal area, commonly known as “beer belly.” Besides being unsightly, and hindering self-esteem, this also has many negative consequences for bodybuilders and weight-lifters, who need the muscles in the abdominal region to complete their work. One advantage of taking these capsules is that the ingredients are natural lean muscle promoters, and will aid muscle growth and decrease the amount of fat stored around the belly.

When most men picture the ideal body image after weight lifting, the carefully sculpted lean muscle mass is exactly what they have in mind. With all-natural ingredients, amino acids, and improved protein synthesis, the AndroDNA Muscle Boost is designed to give men that body they have been looking for. When taken regularly alongside workouts and a healthy diet, results can come within a 90 day period.

Even the most dedicated bodybuilder can sometimes find it difficult to have enough energy to go through an entire workout. This is where the AndroDNA Muscle Boost really shows its value as an energy-booster. Low testosterone can drain energy and make it difficult to sustain the high-caliber sessions in the gym, but the supplement is able to raise testosterone levels and reverse that decline. That means longer, more sustained action in the gym, and better results in the long term.

The supplement’s formula promises to increase focus and sharpen the mind. Lower testosterone can lead to reduced focus, especially of the kind needed to maintain intense workouts in the gym. By giving the body the extra testosterone that it needs to maintain focus, the product can possibly give that focus and drive back. The company’s policies state that when taken regularly over a long period of time, it can even act as a mood stabilizer by giving a steady supply of testosterone. This product, combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, also decreases stress and irritability.

This product is also touted to help with heart health, which is essential when working through cardiovascular and aerobic exercises. The L-Citrulline releases additional Nitrous Oxide into the bloodstream, which widens arteries and improves blood flow. It also gives more blood to the muscles during the workout, so men will find they have the strength to give longer, deeper pumps while at the gym.



In the weight-lifting supplement industry, while there are some certifications companies can apply for, not all of them do. In the case of AndroDNA Muscle Boost, the company has not listed or been certified by any government or non-governmental agencies. Since the product ingredients are 100% natural and labeled as a supplement, they are not required to be evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is possible that the company may consider applying for various certifications later on, as they do give valuable clues for customers who want to learn more about what the products can do.



Before taking AndroDNA Muscle Boost, I never felt like I had the endurance that I wanted. I tried adjusting my diet, took several different testosterone boosters, and worked with a personal trainer to hone some changes to my techniques, but I was still left feeling the burn far too quickly. Eventually I heard about this product and decided to give it a try. I used the fifteen day free trial period and really liked that it had a pleasant taste and wasn’t too difficult to swallow. I kept my membership and now three months later, I have noticed a real difference in my workouts. I am lifting more and doing more reps than ever before and the muscle tone on my body is getting closer to that bodybuilder ideal that I’ve been working towards for a long time. Without this product, I am not sure if I would have been able to get here. I would recommend it to any man wanting to build up his endurance.

– Tom C, Providence, RI, USA.

Living in Florida, I spend a lot of time at the beach. It’s like my second home. I enjoy going to the gym and working out, but kept wishing that the girls could pay a little more attention to me when I am in my swim trunks on the beach or at the pool. A friend of mine recommended I give AndroDNA Muscle Boost a try. He said it was just the thing to get the lean muscle mass and bodybuilder physique the girls want to see. I tried it and it really has made a difference in my self esteem. I love going out even more now, and the muscles will be put to the test when I reel in the big one on my buddy’s boat. We’re heading out on Saturday, I will let you know how it goes.

– Jorge M., Miami, FL, USA.

I’ve always believed that your body will give out based on what you put into it. That’s why my biggest concern when looking for a supplement or pre-workout booster is always what’s on the label. What really drew me to the AndroDNA Muscle Boost is the fact that their ingredients are all natural, and work with my body to give it the results that I want. There’s no need to worry about harmful side effects, and if anything, I feel better now than I have felt in years. I feel young, strong, and when I go for a workout, I am outpumping guys half my age. It is quite the ego boost when you can show up the younger guys at the gym and do it without compromising your health. I am now a big believer in this product, and what the results that it can bring to you and your life.

– Rocky R, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Gotta say, this is one awesome product. I know all the pre-workout and post-workout and testosterone and other boosters can all start to blur together after awhile when you see them on the store shelves, but this online product really impressed me. As we get older, the workouts we did when we were 25 start taking a toll on our muscles and we don’t recover quite the way we used to. But this product made all the difference. I take two capsules after every workout each day and I can almost feel my muscles responding. It speeds up my recovery time and I feel better faster, so I am more motivated to get back and keep going the next day. My focus and my motivation are as strong as they have ever been since I started taking AndroDNA Muscle Boost.

– Martin G, Chicago, IL, USA.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve idolized men like The Rock and Arnold. I wanted to look like them and have that movie star, macho guy appeal, especially around the ladies, you know what I mean? I keep a picture of them in my home gym, and now I also keep a bottle of AndroDNA Muscle Boost on the kitchen counter too. My belly fat is dropping steadily and being replaced with a nice set of abs and lean muscle mass all around my body. With just two pills a day I noticing how my body is becoming more and more like theirs, and I am sure that if I keep eating right and working out, I will be hearing Hollywood calling in no time.

– Sergio, New York City, NY, USA.

If you are looking for a way to get the most out of your workout routine, then I recommend you try out this product. AndroDNA Muscle Boost has helped me to reach fitness goals faster than ever before, without any irritating side effects. It won’t replace eating right and spending the time in the gym, but if you are doing all of that already, it can give you the extra leg up on the competition. It can help you to beat yourself, the part that wants to quit when you are almost there but don’t think you get make it another round. If you have goals for yourself in the gym, and want a product to help you get there, this is a good one to try. I certainly do not regret it.

– Rob E, Atlanta, GA, USA.


Awards & Media Coverage

As with the certification, new companies do not always seek out or receive media attention right away. This appears to be the case with this company and product, as it has not yet been granted any awards nor media coverage. As the product gains traction and shows that it can deliver upon its promises, such media coverage may follow. Again, this is quite common throughout the vitamin and supplement industry, and does not specifically detract against the product itself.


Money-back Guarantee

Men who start the trial period with the company will receive a membership with the company that includes being sent an agreed upon package of products on a recurring basis. If for any reason the product does not live up to expectations, or a person wishes to cancel their membership, they can contact the company and owe nothing more. For refunds of past purchases, a customer can request a Return Merchandise Authorization number for their packages and write it on the outside of the box. Then, to get the money back, they simply send the package to the company PO box.

Items must be sent back unopened, within thirty days of ordering the product, or the refund will not be processed. Once it reaches the fulfillment center, a refund will be issued and credited back to their billing account within 3-5 business days. Customers will be responsible for return shipping and potentially a five dollar restocking fee.



After purchasing the free trial offer, the customer is required to pay a shipping and handling fee of $6.79. After the free trial, a recurring shipment will be sent out every thirty days for as long as the customer chooses to stay in the product membership. The same shipping and handling fee will be posted to each order for as long as the customer is using the product.

Arrival dates and times are not guaranteed. When men order the product from the manufacturing company they can choose between a standard or expedited shipping option. With the standard shipping option, the product is sent out via US Postal Service ground mail and typically arrives between 3-5 days after being sent out, but without priority for same or next day shipment. If customers choose the expedited shipping option, then the product is sent out that same day if ordered before 1pm Pacific time, or on the next day if ordered after 1pm Pacific time. Buyers should be aware that shipments are not sent out on weekends or holidays.


Customer Support

Customer support is provided through a telephone number given out on the company website. If customers are not satisfied with their order, if it is not working the way that they expected it to, or otherwise need to return the product, they can use that number to call customer support during the scheduled business hours Monday through Saturday. Customer service representatives are able to give out a Return Merchandise Authorization number and enable the return.

The company gives out only a PO box for returns or written correspondence. This can be a little disconcerting for customers who are having issues with using or taking the product and wish to return it, since they will not have the physical address of the processing center. The company’s customer support team can also provide support via email.

One customer support feature that the company excels at is the return policy. While customers are automatically enrolled in the membership program and free refills fifteen days after signing up for the trial, they are open to canceling the membership of any customer who feels that it is not working for them. Since it can take two months or more to learn what works best, this example of customer service says a lot about the company as a whole.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The company does offer excellent security for their website. The checkout process is backed by 256 bit encryption, which is one of the most secure algorithms offered online. The logos for McAfee Security and Norton Security are both displayed on the initial sign-up page. The website’s security certificates are up to date as well with a full SSL security certificate to keep customer information safe.

This is important because customers who sign up for the free trial are automatically going to be entered into the recurring subscription for the product after 14 days. For that reason customers will need to enter in their credit card information when signing up for the free trial offer. The credit card information page displays two additional security logos for Master Card and Visa secure checkout, showing that it is up to the standards those cards set for online transactions.


Pricing & Free Trial

The company offers men a free, 14 day trial of their product so customers can see if the product is right for them. One downside to the 14 day trial is that as it says elsewhere on the website, it can take up to two months for the results to really show, and two weeks is not always long enough to get a firm answer. As a result, many men end up purchasing the second month or two of the subscription in order to know whether or not it is working for them. Fortunately, the company does seem to have a fairly generous return policy within thirty days, so that may be a backup option if a customer does not see the results they want over a longer period of time.

The terms and conditions state that the first charge occurs fifteen days after selecting a trial of the testosterone boosters, including the time it takes to ship the product. Depending on how long it takes to arrive, that may lead to less than fifteen days before the charges appear on the card statement. The company website accepts Visa, Mastercard, and Discover cards. The credit or debit account will be billed $89.72 plus a $6.97 shipping and handling fee every month thereafter until the customer elects to end the trial. Each full-sized bottle contains 60 capsules for a one-month supply. When checking out, customers should keep an eye out for potential discounts, which can save two dollars or more off an order.






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