Russian Bear 5000

Russian Bear 5000 by Vitol Review – A Good Gaining Supplement or Not?

What Is Russian Bear 5000?

Russian Bear 5000 is a weight gain tablet or powder that you add to milk and take for a source of protein, calories, and nutrients. The target user of Russian Bear 5000 is someone who is underweight and wants to gain weight and mass through working out. Of course, getting in shape and gaining weight is as much about diet as it is about exercise, and that is where Russian Bear 5000 comes in. It is an easy way to add in calories, and the combined protein and fats from the powder and milk are fairly healthy.
The main downside of this product is that it does contain a lot of sugars from the addition of sweeteners, so that means you have to be very careful about tracking your intake. You can take on a lot of carbs without even realizing it, because the flavor is good and the mix is quite drinkable.



Russian Bear 5000 is manufactured by Vitol Products. Vitol Products itself is the brainchild of the bodybuilder Val Vasilef. Vasilef is a resident of New Jersey, USA who won the Mr. Universe title back in the 1970s. Since then, he has founded a few health food and supplement companies, the most lasting of which has been Vitol Products. Russian Bear 5000 is the leading product that Vitol sells.

It comes in two different forms: a tablet and a powder that you mix with milk. There are also a few other products that Vitol sells, all oriented towards weight and mass gain through muscle mass. There are a few for beauty, a few daily supplements, and energy pills. The original business came into being because Vasilef found himself losing muscle as he aged, and he wanted a way to regain the muscle that he had when he was a competitive bodybuilder. His work and research led to the original Russian Bear 5000 formula and the founding of Vitol Products.


How Russian Bear 5000 Works?

Russian Bear 5000 is not complicated. It contains several different ingredients, some of which are exotic, but the real strength simply comes from the protein and carbs that are in the tablet or powder. The additional caloric intake both feeds growing muscles and leads to weight gain. Many people who first start lifting or training don’t adjust their diet to compensate and are surprised by how many more calories they really need to keep up with their increased energy expenditure.

Russian Bear 5000 is a way to fill the gap while also providing more protein to spur better gains in the gym. The goal is not simply weight gain, but an increase in the lean muscle mass that is the core of strength and conditioning. Taking more Russian Bear 5000 results in faster weight gain. Again, be sure to balance this out by tracking your intake, weight, and gym performance. It is not good to put on a lot of weight if that weight is actually fat instead of muscle.

Be sure to account for your use of Russian Bear 5000 when you plan out the rest of your meals and caloric intake. You should be doing this anyway if you are going to be bodybuilding seriously, so this is a good habit to have when you are starting out down this path.


Ingredients of Russian Bear 5000

Three scoops of the powder form of Russian Bear 5000 contains 19 grams of protein and 55 grams of carbs, 45 of which are sugars. The protein source is nonfat milk solids along with egg white. Most of the sugars come from stevia leaf, which is better than a processed and artificial sweetener, but the sugar content is still a little too high. Vitol Products also includes some exotic ingredients like Colostrum, Sikadeer Antler powder, Boron, Eleutherococcus, Tribulus Terrestris, and Inosine HXR.

It is not clear what benefits these offer, and many of them are a little hard to identify. It is doubtful that they are harmful, but there does not seem to be good evidence of them being beneficial to the product’s performance, especially in trace amounts. Russian Bear 5000 contains small amounts of many vitamins and minerals as well. That is a positive, because it can help you round out your intake of those.

When using Russian Bear 5000, do not forget to account for any milk you may be combining it with each day, because if you use it a lot that is a significant amount of milk. You can also mix it with water, but the milk tends to make the mix taste better. If the fat is a problem, you can always use skim milk or reduced fat milk instead of whole milk.



The main advantage of Russian Bear 5000 is the fact that it is fairly extreme for a weight gain product if you follow the directions. The labeling claims that you can reach 5000 calories and 292 grams of protein in a serving. This requires that you use a third of a tub and mix that with a gallon of milk, though, which is more of a weekly intake than a serving. But that is still quite a large number, so it is sure to lead to some weight gain if you use it consistently.

In addition to that, Russian Bear 5000 tastes pretty good as far as protein powders go. It comes in a few different flavors, Ice Cream Chocolate, Ice Cream Strawberry, and Ice Cream Vanilla. They get their sweetness from the stevia and a set of natural flavors for each flavor. Russian Bear 5000 is almost like an enhanced version of a protein powder because most protein powders do not lead to increased weight gain without the addition of other foods. Russian Bear 5000 simplifies a pro-growth diet.

Of course, if you are already at a high weight then you should not use Russian Bear 5000, because it is designed for use by people who need to gain weight. It is not jsut a protein powder, although it does contain protein.



As yet, Russian Bear 5000 has not acquired any certificates of its efficacy. This is actually not that surprising. The product is more or less the work of one person with a small company. That makes it hard to spend the time and money that it takes to attract certificates and attention from the industry. Moreover, weight gainers are not as popular as diet pills or protein powders, so as a category they are less likely to be recognized. Although it would be nice to see some certificates, it is not necessarily a bad sign that the product has none.

If Vitol Products was a bigger company with more of a marketing budget it is likely that more people would know about Russian Bear 5000, and it would start to pick up certificates. It also does not help that the goal and process of Russian Bear 5000 as a weight gainer is straightforward. There is not much to debate about more calories, more protein, and more carbs leading to weight gain, in comparison to the controversy over which kinds of protein to take for optimal results in certain workouts, for example.



I started off weighing 130 pounds. It was kind of embarrassing because it’s rare for a guy to be so skinny. I tried working out, and I put on muscle, but I could never gain a significant amount of weight. I started using Russian Bear 5000 and mixed a scoop or two with whole milk and drank it every day. That made a big difference, and in a month or two I put on 25 pounds of muscle. That was with one workout a day. – Jared S. from Michigan

I used to be a football player in college, so I had a lot of muscle and my weight was up there. I stopped playing after I graduated and I made the transition pretty well– I ate healthy and my muscle didn’t turn to fat. But I did lose a lot of weight, and I wanted to get back to where I used to be in terms of mass and muscle. I decided to go with Russian Bear 5000 because it was easier than changing my whole diet again, and I got great results. I didn’t turn into a musclebeast, but I did start bulking up again and I felt more comfortable with myself. Thanks, Russian Bear 5000! – Raphael M. from Arizona

I really needed a weight gainer because I don’t have the time to eat a lot more food than I do now. I tried a bunch of different options, but they all either failed to work or tasted terrible. Russian Bear 5000 was the only one that tasted good and that I actually liked drinking, so now I have three servings a day. I’m steadily making gains in strength and weight and I couldn’t be happier with the product. I order a new tub about once a month. – Jones N. from Orange Countya


Money-back Guarantee

Vitol Products does not offer a money-back guarantee for Russian Bear 5000. This would be difficult to do for a few reasons. First of all, Vitol is a small company. They do not really have the resources to handle the cost and logistics of a guarantee. It would be too hard for them to handle with a small staff. On top of that, because the company cannot be sure that their customers are actually using the product correctly, they might find that people try the product for a week, are unhappy with the results, and then demand a refund, even if they are not working out enough to generate muscle and don’t control their diet correctly.

The customers might go the other way as well, using too much Russian Bear 5000 and neglecting to account for that in their diet and exercise plan, leading to too much weight gain. The fact that Russian Bear 5000 has to fit into a whole pattern of behavior means the company is not responsible for cases where misuse leads to poor results. So it is not a downside that Russian Bear 5000 does not have any kind of money-back guarantee.



The shipping costs of Russian Bear 5000 are like any other product. It comes in plastic tubs that are fairly secure and stable, so there is little risk of damage or spillage due to shipping. That means that Russian Bear 5000 does not need any special padding or packaging. You can get it shipped by normal means. Online retailers will charge their usual levels of shipping for the product. A typical tub of the powder weights a little over four pounds, including the weight of the tub, and the costs of shipping such a small package are small.

It might be a good idea to order it at the same time as any other supplements you might be using so that you can obtain all of them at once. This will ensure that you stick to a regular schedule in terms of replenishing your supplies. You shouldn’t worry about the shipping cost of Russian Bear 5000 being a significant part of the price, as it is on par with any other supplement of the same size and weight.


Customer Support

The support for Russian Bear 5000 is a little lacking. Vitol Products lists only one person as managing the whole customer service area, and they also manage business contacts and questions about becoming a distributor. Vitol has one phone number and one email address listed for contact information, and they do not appear to be very welcoming about support inquiries. Again, Vitol Products is a small company, but customer service is pretty important.

There are other supplement companies that provide better support, like making recommendations to callers about what products would work best for their goals. That kind of information is quite valuable. They are also more welcome of calls. Vitol does not even say that their phone line is explicitly for customer service. It seems that their main focus is people who want to become distributors, but they only list one means of contact so people who want support have nowhere else to turn. This is probably the next thing that Vitol Products should do as far as expanding the company goes, because a nutritional supplement company really needs to have dedicated customer service.


Safe & Secure Checkout

It is good to note that whatever their other deficiencies, Vitol Products does not seem to have slacked off in the security department. They do not sell any product themselves. Rather, they sell it to distributors who then sell it to consumers like you. This is actually an advantage for you because you get the advantage of all the security measures of a big online retailer protecting your data. That way, the credit card information that you have to use is very unlikely to be stolen by hackers.

Furthermore, you also have the option to buy it in person at a gym, if a local gym is a distributor. If that is the case for you, you might be able to use cash and avoid all of the risks of an online transaction. But in general, you do not need to worry about trusting Vitol with your financial information, because you do not have to: all of the buying goes through a distributor located somewhere else and with more security than Vitol could offer. If you ever experience a problem, get in touch with your bank.


Russian Bear 5000 Pricing

Russian Bear 5000 sells for $28.49 for a 4 pound tub of powder, or about $7.12 per pound. That is a little more expensive than most other powders on the market. Generally, those have a base price of around $12 a pound for small containers and that comes down to $9 a pound for bulk orders. You can get a slight discount for setting up regular shipments. Overall, it is hard to justify this price. The ingredients themselves are not particularly special.

The main idea is to combine protein and sweeteners together and try to fit as many calories into a serving as possible. The extra vitamins do not make much of a difference, so it is not clear why this costs more than other powders, especially considering that the only size available is the 4 pound tub. The difference is not very large, but it is still a meaningful difference at the per pound level. It would be good to see Russian Bear 5000 come down a little in price and become more competitive with other powders.






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