Superior Velvet

Superior Velvet Review – Could This Be a Good Natural Growth Hormone Booster or Not?

What Is Superior Velvet?

Superior Velvet is a natural workout-enhancing supplement formulated to maximize workout potential in order to help men build lean muscle faster and to stimulate quicker muscle recovery after training. This supplement is available in the form of a spray. It is marketed to men over the age of eighteen who wish to sculpt a leaner, harder physique. The manufacturer promises it will boost sports performance, workout performance and physical and muscle-building efficacy in general. It is designed to work best in conjunction with a protein-rich diet and an effective workout regimen.

In addition, the company of manufacture claims this product will naturally boost strength, power, muscle-building capabilities and body-sculpting. It is designed for athletes in particular, for whom it promises performance-enhancing capabilities with no harmful side effects. It is also geared toward bodybuilders, weightlifters and men who are seeking to gain a ripped body and better physical functionality in life. The product positions itself as a top Deer Antler Velvet extract spray.



This product is manufactured by a company named Superior Sports Labs LLC. This is a company that positions itself as a seller of dietary supplements and maintains a presence on a variety of social media websites. Its headquarters are located in College Park, MD. It is purported to have been launched in 2014 based on the copyright date of the official Superior Velvet website. Aside from that, company history is not currently available online. Via the website, the company espouses a philosophy that promotes safe production practices and a safe product.

Superior Velvet is currently the only product offered by Superior Sports Labs LLC. Although this may seem like a drawback to fitness buffs who prefer buying from companies with a more established product base, there is one advantage to this single-product specialization. The benefit lies in the fact that Superior Sports Labs LLC is able to focus 100% of its resources and research efforts on one product, which hopefully results in a higher-quality supplement. Although the company does not presently offer a range of products, it is instead able to devote all of its resource efforts to its sole fitness supplement.


How Superior Velvet Works?

In essence, this supplemental spray works by incorporating a blend of Deer Velvet Extract, fruit, leaf extracts and a number of other extracts to enhance muscle building and tissue repair after workouts. Its formula is highly concentrated, and as such is touted by the manufacturer to be significantly more effective than medical administration (of similar ingredients) or homeopathic remedies. The company claims it is a drastically cheaper alternative to the medical supplemental route, and its considerably higher concentration of ingredients make it much more effective than homeopathic remedies.

For men new to the world of bodybuilding, IGF-1 is a naturally-produced hormone that binds to certain receptors in the body. This leads to enhanced protein anabolism that essentially translates to faster muscle development. By utilizing Deer Antler Velvet to stimulate the production of IGF-1, the manufacturer claims this product can lead to results in as little as 3-4 days (when used daily as directed). The spray is intended to be taken daily before and after workouts. Its ease of use will likely be especially appealing to fit men who dislike the inconvenience of having to take a supplement in pill form.

As for its muscle-soothing abilities, the manufacture positions Deer Antler Velvet as the key ingredient. This extract is known in fitness communities for having been in use for thousands of years in China for healing and medicinal purposes. This, says the company, helps soothe muscle soreness and speed up repair so men can get back to lifting and training as soon as possible. This spray is intended to be taken every day, two to three times daily, once before and once after a workout. It is sprayed directly into the mouth, where the user is instructed to hold it under the tongue momentarily before swallowing.


Ingredients of Superior Velvet

All of the ingredients in this supplement’s formula are derived from fruit, leaf extracts and a number of other extracts including tea. As stated, the primary ingredient in Superior Velvet is Deer Antler Velvet Extract. This extract is taken from the velvety outer layer of adolescent deer’s antlers and is essentially concentrated IGF-1, or Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1. This is a naturally-produced growth hormone commonly used by athletes to heal tendon and cartilage injuries. Many bodybuilders believe that it also contributes to improved strength, stamina and endurance.

Another key ingredient is Tribulus Extract, taken from a flowering plant also known as Puncture Vine. The manufacturer states that this extract is used in medicine and bodybuilding and is known for its abilities to ramp up energy levels during workouts. It is also believed to stimulate testosterone production, therefore leading to bigger, harder muscles. Another prime ingredient is Rhodeola Rosea, a flower purported to improve cognitive functioning, reduce muscle fatigue and raise mood levels. L-Theanine is another key ingredient, an amino acid that is purported to help reduce physical and mental stress and to improve brain functioning.

Other featured ingredients are Stevia Extract, Demineralized Water, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Fruit Flavors, Citric Acid and Gum Acacia. The manufacturer claims that all of the benefits of these ingredients are supported by science, but nowhere on the official website are links to studies and statistics. Thus, the company might engender greater trust with consumers by listing sources and links to their scientific claims.



The biggest advantage to Superior Velvet is its muscle-healing capabilities. This, as stated, is due to Deer Antler Velvet’s highly concentrated muscle repair properties. When taken daily and consistently, the manufacturer states, this formula will allow the user to work out harder and repair muscle wear and tear quicker. This means less muscle fatigue and soreness, which therefore leads to bigger muscles and a tighter, leaner body.

Tribulus Extract is the ingredient in the formula believed to drive testosterone production and therefore muscle-building capabilities. Many bodybuilders and athletes believe this extract stimulates effects similar to anabolic hormones or steroids. It is commonly used in bodybuilding and athletic communities and is thought to be a safe, legal testosterone booster. It is featured as a key ingredient in muscle enhancement supplements industry-wide. This t-booster is believed to promote a chemical synthesis that spikes t-levels in the body by stimulating Nitric Oxide production, which then promotes the production of testosterone.

Many of this formula’s extracts are thought to work to combat muscle fatigue, elevate energy levels, improve strength, stimulate fat loss and ramp up stamina and endurance. All of these benefits lead to a leaner body, longer and more intense workouts, less pain while training, less recovery time and a better overall physical and mental performance. All of these advantages, of course, are geared toward athletes looking for an edge to up their game as well as fit-minded men of every stripe.



Most notable is the fact that Super Bowl champion Ray Lewis used Superior Velvet’s star ingredient, Deer Antler Velvet Extract, to speed up his recovery time after an injury in 2013. As stated in the product’s official website, pro athletes and coaches all over the world have used this extract to recover from training more quickly and to get more ripped. The company claims that their product specifically gets delivered to pro football players, pro basketball players, pro baseball players and bodybuilders. They also cite that celebrities often use this spray to help them get the lean, hard bodies they are looking to sculpt for their roles. This spray certainly does seem to have some credibility in the athletic community.

The manufacturer states that all of their production facilities are FDA inspected. They also emphasize that special care is taken when processing materials in order to offer customers the safest product possible. Visible on the ingredient label is a logo stating that all ingredients are 100% natural and that the product was made entirely in the United States of America. Also visible is a GMP Certified logo. This stands for ‘good manufacturing practice’ and means that the product has met predetermined standards of good practices and product quality.



I started out with the free trial, and I was hooked within weeks. I train hard, so I’ve had terrible problems with muscle injuries and aches that last for days. The pain sometimes sidelines me for days, but once I started using this stuff, the soreness was minimal. I was back on the bench the next day.

– Tom, personal trainer in Little Rock, AK, US

I’m pretty lean as it is, but I’ve had a layer of padding I just haven’t been able to get rid of. I credit this spray with finally helping me shed it to get to the six-pack underneath. Now, you wouldn’t believe the confidence I have with my new body when I hit the beach!

– Lane, mechanical engineer in New York, NY, US

I can’t think of an easier way to get bigger pipes and recover faster from intense workouts than this. Seriously, a few sprays before and after your workout and you’re done. Of course it works wonders taking the training cramps away, but I was also surprised to find it has increased up my endurance levels so I can power lift for hours.

– Dean, carpenter in Beckham, ME, US

This stuff is a miracle worker when it comes to cranking up my energy levels. I’m lifting harder and longer than I ever have before. Even away from the gym, I can’t believe the energy I have to get things done throughout the day.This is my secret weapon.

– Tony, forklift operator in Rochester, NY, US


Awards & Media Coverage

As stated, Superior Velvet’s key ingredient Deer Antler Velvet Extract received extensive media coverage in 2013 when it was revealed that Super Bowl football champion Ray Lewis was using it to speed up his recovery after a tendon injury. As a result, this extract was heavily discussed in major media outlets from ABC News to National Geographic. Deer Antler Velvet and its product, IGF-1, were a media sensation with entertainment blogs, science blogs, news websites and innumerable other media and news outlets clamoring to discuss this supplement. Sports outlets such as Fox Sports and The Bleacher Report chimed in to discuss. It seems Deer Antler Velvet has a long, rich history of use in the professional sports world.

This product has also been heavily discussed in fitness communities all over the internet. It has been reviewed on blogs, mass merchant sales sites, YouTube and innumerable bodybuilding forums. As such, it seems to be especially popular on sports websites, since many athletes seem to view this spray as an effective staple in their training routine. It is easy to see upon a quick online search that not only Deer Antler Velvet, but Superior Velvet itself has received extensive attention in sports and fitness communities around the world.


Money-back Guarantee

The manufacturer of this dietary supplement offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee via a thirty-day money-back trial period. Best of all, unlike many supplement trial offers available online, this company does not require the buyer to return the bottle if they are not completely satisfied. Upon placing an order for the trial and paying a minimal shipping charge, the customer will be auto-enrolled in the company’s Superior VIP program, where they will receive a fresh bottle every thirty days, and their credit card on file will be automatically billed. This program can be canceled anytime by simply calling the customer service number within 34 days of the date of order. Satisfied customers will likely find this auto-enrollment to be a major convenience, while customers who wish not to continue will find the need to cancel via customer service to be an inconvenience.

Although the company’s official stated trial policy is thirty days, they also state on their website that refunds must be requested within twenty days in order to be eligible. This will undoubtedly confuse many customers. The merchant will definitely want to clarify this on their website in order to encourage customers who may be on the fence due to this confusion. For customers enrolled in the trial program who do want to cancel, the manufacturer does offer the convenience of an email support address for further convenience. The company does not issue refunds for any opened bottles received after the twenty-day trial period.



The manufacturer of this supplement offers shipping to countries around the world. The initial trial order cost of shipping and handling is a minimal $4.95. According to company policy, they are not responsible for any lost or stolen items. For proper delivery, the product website recommends a delivery system that offers the additional protection of a confirmation system. Also according to company policy, return purchases require a delivery confirmation from the shipping provider.

As far as ease of shipping and handling, delivery options and corresponding charges, this merchant provides good service and fair rates to its customers. Future deliveries can also be canceled by either emailing the website or by calling the customer service number provided. All returns must be shipped to the company’s processing facility in Greenville, SC. Although customers are responsible for any product that has been delivered or shipped to their address, they do have the option of returning it with the addition of a $5.50 restocking fee.


Customer Support

Superior Velvet offers a range of customer service options for anyone who may have a question about the product, about how to use it or about any aspect of the transaction at any time. Buyers may call customer service at a toll-free 1-888 number easily accessible on the website. For even greater convenience, they can email customer support as well. Finally, the merchant offers their physical location for mail correspondence at an address in College Park, MD. Customer service hours by telephone are Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST.

The company notes that its customer service representatives do not offer medical advice, do not seek to treat any sort of medical issues, among other disclaimers. This is an honest statement by the company, as this supplement should certainly be well-researched by any potential buyer. Some users may have unrealistic expectations of the product, or perhaps not receive the results they desire. In these cases, a service representative is available to assist them with any questions they may have, or with the return process.


Safe & Secure Checkout

Superior Sports Labs LLC displays a range of safety and security seals on the checkout section of the Superior Velvet website. Beneath the order button is a ‘128 Bit SSL Secure Site’ logo, which assures buyers that all of their information will be completely secured by encryption methods. The site also promises 100% safe and secure transactions with security logos such as ‘Privacy Verified Trusted,’ ‘Data Protection Guaranteed’ and ‘Authentic Insured Secure’ security certificate logos. Additionally, the checkout section also displays Authorized.Net Verified Merchant, Secure Web Site, Privacy Protected and a 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed logo. Clearly, this is a company who appears to invest heavily in protecting their customers’ personal and financial data.

According to the official product website, this company’s privacy policy changes on occasion. It does state that it may use individual information for legally permissible purposes. Though within legal bounds, this fact may scare off customers who do not wish to have the possibility of informational misuse present in any way during the sale. However, the privacy policy does state that all credit card information will be safely encrypted and used solely for purposes of the transaction at hand.


Pricing & Free Trial

Once the twenty-day trial period is up, the customer will be enrolled in the Superior VIP Program. This means the customer’s credit card will be automatically billed the non-trial product price of $82.45 and will receive a new bottle via automatic shipment every thirty days. This program remains permanently in effect until the customer chooses to cancel the program by calling customer service. As an extra incentive, buyers are offered the option to add three ebooks to their trial order for $2.91. The ebooks are delivered via email once the order has been processed.

Discount multi-bottle packages are also available to save money. The first is three bottles for $35.30. The second is the one-bottle starter package at $45.95. All include free shipping with each order. This auto-ship program can be canceled anytime by simply calling the customer service number provided within 34 days of the date of order. Satisfied customers will likely find this auto-enrollment to be a major convenience, while customers who wish not to continue will find the need to cancel via customer service to be an inconvenience.






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