PowerFULL by USP Labs Review – Is It a Good HGH Releaser?

What Is PowerFULL?

Imagine if there were a Human Growth Hormone, or HGH releaser on the market that stimulated the body to create more HGH in its male users so that their massive muscle growth and manly development would only continue, and not instead decline as the male body aged with time. The big news now is that there is such a product, called PowerFULL out on the market and on sale around the world. The manufacturer of this supplement actually claims that this proprietary formula they invented, manufacture, distribute, and market helps users to burn unwanted excess fat, grow more muscle mass, gain greater powerful endurance for the gym, improve blood flow substantially, recover faster from hard core workouts, feel better all around and in general, and look healthier and actually really be stronger in practice. This all in one good for life elixir that also improves the male body’s levels of naturally produced testosterone would change the way bodybuilders and athletes alike work out around the globe. The maker of the formula claims they have the science to prove these incredible-sounding claims are true.



USP Labs manufactures this impressive sounding supplement. This company USP Labs turns out to be a leading Argentinean firm from South America that researches, develops, produces, and also markets top shelf products like this one that they created to help bodybuilders and top athletes the world over to excel and exceed their best efforts ever. This is one of their flagship brands of all natural ingredient products for which the company is becoming well-known not only in the Americas, but also around the world.


How PowerFULL Works?

The first attempts to create an effective Human Growth Hormone stimulator were based on the delivery of dopamine to the brain. Unfortunately, this first great effort fell flat on its face as the supplement could not break through the bloodstream – brain barrier. It would simply be absorbed into the blood every time the person took it and never made it to the brain where it needed to switch on the HGH production.

USP Labs made it their mission to get past this frustrating barrier, and instead of breaking through, they found another better means of accomplishing the same task. They discovered a 1-C, or 1-Carboxy-2-Amino-3-Pyrobenzol, compound and designed their all- natural supplement USP Labs’ PowerFULL based upon it. 1-C works so well because it is much like L-Dopa in its ability to stimulate increased HGH production and levels by increasing the dopamine in the male brain naturally. USP Labs claims that this delivers a stunning 221% HGH increase in the body.

The second punch in this one – two combination is another important process that is kicked of by the use of PurSap. This PurSap helps the male organism to respond better to increased levels of stress. PurSap helps users to develop and released higher amounts of testosterone and smaller amounts of estrogen, so that the man’s hormone balance is more favorable and ideal.

The recommended daily dose of this supplement is at first a single capsule before going to bed the first three nights and then an increased from one to three capsules every night afterwards. It is important not to mix five grams or more of carbs with the capsules for 60 minutes after taking the formula each day or night. Then users simply await the effects to kick in so that their power and strength are boosted both inside and outside of the gym, and their recovery times are faster and better all the while they pack on a higher amount of lean muscle mass.

At the first launch of PowerFULL, users were required to consume from 12 to 15 of these capsules each and every day for them to enjoy the many advertised benefits. Most of the bodybuilders and athletes grinned and bore the inconvenience since they felt and looked so fantastic, but it was a nuisance to consumer 15 capsules each day. Rather than change the formula that worked so well for so many athletes, the company hired on a world-class herbal research scientific group, Striviti Research, to help them come up with a better, surer source of the raw ingredients used in the formula. Along the way, they improved the process of extraction and concentration so powerfully that it only requires from 3 to 4 capsules per day to equate with the old 12-15 capsules of the former formulation of this supplement.


Ingredients of PowerFULL

USP Labs potent supplement is made up of three simple active ingredients, and this simplicity and all-natural ingredient base embodies much of the beauty of the product design. These natural product ingredients are:

Velvet Bean

Velvet Bean contains high traces of L-Dopa that is useful for regulating levels of blood sugar in the body while it boosts the production of Human Growth Hormone. These receptors in the brain handle many different functions, some of which are useful to working out and bodybuilding, like mood, motivation, and more. Velvet itself has demonstrated its astonishing ability to build up the levels of natural growth hormone in males practically immediately after they consume it and after it is absorbed by the organism. The science on Velvet Bean goes back through the millennium to natives who used it as an effective supplement to enhance their moods.

Chlorophytum Borivilianum Root Extract

This naturally occurring root and the extract taken from it naturally boosts the nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide is useful for better pumps and boosting strength and endurance for workouts as it opens up the blood vessels wider to improve the blood and oxygen flow to the male body’s muscles. This herb actually grows in India and is high in content of the potent saponins. Such saponins are shown to build up the natural production of testosterone, among other effects.


The last and most recently introduced substance found in the proprietary formula is PurSap. This element is actually a Hormonal Adaptagen. These amazing products that are naturally occurring help the body to process stress more effectively. They do this by allowing the body to release more positive hormones to deal with the stress. Among these male hormones released are higher levels of testosterone while lower levels of female estrogen are simultaneously released to make the male both more powerful and supercharged as a result.

The effects of this hormone control system enabler PurSap aid in restoration after workouts and supporting them while users are performing them. As the hormones are better produced and more optimally balanced throughout the body, the physiological results cascade all around the male body. PurSap is principally comprised of Stigmasterol, a similar in makeup and composition substance to male testosterone, so it helps to strengthen the blood levels and amounts of testosterone hormones in the man.

What USP Labs claims it has that none of its major competitors offer their bodybuilding and athletic customers is scientific backing for their formula and its proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients. It is these scientific studies that argue in favor of the power of the Human Growth Hormone building supplement and formula. Both of the two principal ingredients of Velvet Bean and Chlorophytum Borivilanum have been independently studied and determined to increase the male endogenous growth hormones within 60 minutes after taking them.



USP Labs PowerFULL helps users to build up their HGH production by minimally 221% in a single serving. This helps them to increase both their power and strength. Components in the formula, such as testosterone boosters, build and pack on lean muscle. It also improves the muscle and mind connection via activating the dopamine neurons in the brain so that there is a superior integration of sensory motor control and normal movements. The product is popular precisely because it is an all natural formula that will not interfere with any other supplements a man may be taking to improve his performance in the gym.



There are no certificates found on this PowerFULL product or brand name from USP Labs. This is a strange and troubling fact on a product that appears to be tightly and effectively promoted and controlled worldwide by the manufacturer itself.



When I am taking PowerFULL, my gym turns into an literal war zone. I attack every workout with a focused desire and intensity to lift weights, like I have always wanted to deep down inside but never found the inner strength and motivation to actually do. I am no longer working out with the girly-man or nervous and jittery effects of other supplements I have tried in the past, but instead with a newfound determined and focused ambition. Besides this, I am recovering far faster from the workouts than ever before as well. I have never experienced any other muscle-pumping high like this one with any other product on the market, and I have tried plenty of them before this supplement too, believe me.

– Josh Niemi, Bourbonnais, IL

The thing about PowerFULL is that this supplement either does miracles for your specific body type and all around workouts, or it does not really do a thing to help you with your workouts at all. I don’t see why USP Labs cheaped out on us with the product by not including many other different kinds of herbs that are useful for multiplying many times the potency of the main two ingredients Velvet Bean and Chlorophytum Borivilianum. I am sad to say that I must just be one of the unlucky ones where this supplement is concerned, I guess. Maybe I am sleeping more soundly, but as far as harder muscles, more focus and concentrations in workouts, and greater endurance during workouts and recovery time following them, I have got nothing at all to brag about.

– Juan Carlos, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Honestly I have mixed feelings regarding PowerFULL. Now this could simply be because my estrogen levels are all screwed up at the moment because of other supplements I have been taking or a while now. I feel that the supplement worked somewhat well but that it has some real problems with key points of its delivery system. This is supposed to be a testosterone and Human Growth Hormone strength increasing product. Though I ran tests personally by taking this supplement alongside DAA test powder to see if they increased each others’ potency, I did not notice the effects that USP Labs promised and promotes like crazy in the literature and on their website with this supplement. I read all kinds of wonderful reviews on this supplement, and I can not figure out what went wrong for me with it. Maybe it just does not work well for me and my body chemistry personally. It was a real disappointment for me at least.

– Frankie Jones, Malta, New York


Money-back Guarantee

Several of the official distributors for USP Labs promise a 100% money back guarantee with no questions asked. One of them says to simply send back the empty bottles to enjoy a complete refund of the full purchase price. Another states that the money back guarantee means that if you do not like the product for any reason, then simply send it back to customer support and get your money back once it is received and processed. It looks like the users have to pay for the return back shipping, as no one discusses that part of the process.



There is no advertised free shipping offer on PowerFULL unless users purchase sufficient quantities of it to fully qualify for the promotional free shipping offers that Amazon.com and some competitors offer in the form of free shipping for purchase orders over a certain dollar amount.


Customer Support

USP Labs does not provide any phone numbers, mailing address, or even email address on their website in the customer service department. They do provide a fill-in contact form from which they promise to get back to any customers or potential customers in response to their questions or needs. This is concerning when the developer and manufacturer of the product that maintains such very tight control over it is hiding behind their international and relative anonymity. Some of the officially sanctioned distributors do offer both emails addresses and contact phone numbers. All of this is to say that it depends on from whom one orders how much customer support he will enjoy in the purchase experience of PowerFULL.

Safe & Secure Checkout

While USP Labs does not make any claims regarding the safety and security of its website and cyber transactions, some of the officially sanctioned distributors do. They claim to have 128 bits or 256 bits standard SSL encryption for all sending and receiving of data to and from their secured websites. Their certificates do show that transactions are safe and secure on these distributor sites. This is fairly common and pretty standard in the bodybuilding supplement sales industry any more.


PowerFULL Pricing

The price from the USP Labs website is $54.95 for the full 90 count bottle. Strangely enough at Amazon.com, the product sells for slightly over half as much. USP Labs actually addresses this issue of vast differences in pricing on the product and states that anyone selling it for less than their price or that of their officially sanctioned distributors is selling a fake, generic, unauthorized, and probably illegal product that USP Labs did not either manufacture nor endorse. Let the buyer beware about the discount prices and merchants where this product is concerned. Fake versions of the product may help to explain why some users did not experience the full benefits form the product that they had anticipated.

If all of these supplements’ claims are true and scientifically based, then this formula is one that no professional athlete or serious bodybuilder can afford to do without in their daily regimens for workout and training. As some of the testimonials noted, the formula does not seem to work with the same potency and effect in each case for every individual. This may actually result from different organisms reacting in various ways to these three different active ingredients in the formula. It also could be a sign of who bought cheaper, knock-off, unauthorized, and not to mention probably illegal, generic versions of the formula and then found out that you usually receive what you pay for with supplements, as in life in general. Sadly, they may or may not be able to get their money back and order it from an authorized seller who represents the manufacturer USP Labs the next time.

* Update: We are not sure if this product is still available as it is no longer present on the company’s page.






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