GH Freak from PharmaFreak

GH Freak by PharmaFreak Review – Do Athletes Find It Useful for Fuelling Their Recovery Regime?

What Is GH Freak?

GH Freak claims to be the world’s strongest and best hormone stimulator proven by clinics. The ingredients found in the product are said to have synergistic effects that work together to activate 7 key mechanisms that are involved in producing GH in the body. GH is supposed to help with muscle repairing and growth, and as a result faster recovery times from workouts. This helps new muscles to be built more quickly. It is also involved in metabolizing body fat and conserving energy, as well as maintaining and increasing muscle-building without the fat. It is also known to produce more energy.

It is said to also help boost the immune system’s strength and improve bone mineral density. GH Freak supplement therefore, when taken alongside proper training, rest and nutrition, is a supplement designed to enhance the effects of bodybuilding. However it should be noted that GH has been controversial in its risks. When taken in small amounts, it seems to have no negative side-effects, but when doses are too high, muscles grow but so do bones and intestines, causing bloated and other negative effects.



The manufacturer for GH Freak is Pharmafreak. They are dedicated to research, create and develop the world’s strongest products and supplements formulated with new ingredients that are clinically-proved with highest GMP quality control. You are not able to buy their supplements directly from their manufacturing site, but they do have several distributers and retailers. They are dedicated to research, creating and developing products that will lead in the world’s supplement market. It is said that the products are made with clinically-proven ingredients and with top quality control.

The founders, Savva and Gauvreau, are said to each have 10 plus years of experience in the industry, and founded Pharmafreak because of a demand by consumers for stronger, more powerful products that produce greater results. They formulated products with the standard that they themselves would want to use the supplements. You can sign up for their newsletter to get information on their products and also contact them with any questions. They are also active on mainstream social media platforms.


How GH Freak Works?

If you are taking GH Freak supplement, you will take 3-5 capsules just before or at bedtime, with eight ounces of water. The supplement is designed with ingredients that are supposed to help raise levels of GH in the body. When we are young we have a certain amount of GH in our bodies that gradually is reduced with age. This leads to less muscle, more fat and reduced results in the gym when working out.

This supplement was designed to be legally bought over the counter and also release GH through its stimulating ingredients. GABA, Melatonin, L-Theanine and Nicotinic acid are all added. These are known to have the combined effect of helping release more GH in the body and also stop inhibiting factors. These ingredients combined with regular workouts and rest should result in greater effects from the gym. More energy, boosted muscle repair and growth, faster recovery time from workouts, and more muscle combined with less fat. However, the lack of a direct injection of GH and use of ingredients that supposedly just boost the hormone might not be as effective as the expensive alternative.


Ingredients of GH Freak

Two capsules of GH Freak contain 1500mg GABA, or Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, 2.5mg of Melatonin, or N-Acetyl-5-Methoxytrtptamine, 12.5mg L-Theanine, or 5-N-ethyl-glutamine, and 5mg of Niacin/Niacine, or Nicotinic Acid/Acide nicotinique. GABA is an inhibiting amino-acid that has a direct effect on GH, or Growth Hormone secretion. Clinical study shows that GABA can increase secretion of GHRH, or growth hormone-releasing hormone, through its augmenting neurotransmitter levels in the brain and with activity driven toward the hypothalamus. Once GHRH is released to the hypothalamus, it goes to the pituitary gland, which in turn stimulates secretion of GH.

Melatonin is a hormone and anitoxidant that affects GH secretion as well, activating neural pathways in the hypothala mus. Also, melatonin inhibits somatostatin, which inhibits hormone growth. A study showed that 5mg of melatonin gives a 270% increase in GH secretion. L-Theanine increases alpha-wave production within the brain. This suppresses cortisol, which is an element that stops GH release. Niacin is also known to support GH secretion through its B-vitamins by interacting with cells in the pituitary gland. All of the ingredients in GH Freak are known to increase GH output and decrease inhibiting factors in its release, however it is known that GH Is illegal in over the counter form and must be prescribed by a doctor. So unless you are directly replenishing your body with expensive, doctor prescribed injections, it is questionable if the boosting qualities in supplements have the same effects.



GH Freak is clinically formulated to stimulate hormones, and the ingredients are supposed to have effects that activate mechanisms which produce more GH in the body. GABA, Melatonin, L-Theanine and Nicotinic Acid are key ingredients that are supposed to boost the GH levels in the body. It is also stop the factors that inhibit GH in the body. GH is responsible for not only the growth of muscle, but its lean quality, production, recovery times after workouts. It was also known to decrease fat, improve bone density and other factors that accompany a breakdown of the body and aging over time.

It is said that the results of a boost in GH will be more muscle mass, less fat, greater recovery times for workouts, more energy, and more rest. When taken with proper workouts and quality diet and rest, the product is designed to be effective with workouts at the gym. The manufactrer Pharmafreak claims to have the strongest supplements in the industry, leading to greater results with workouts. Also they are available to contact about GH Freak if you have any questions. The founders of the manufacturer have over 10 plus years of experience in the industry, and are committed to building supplements that they themselves would use.



There are no specific certificates for GH Freak. The manufacturer has two athletes on their site who vouch for the product. One is Bikini Pro Eboney Chipman, who is also a team member for Pharmafreak. Reviewers claim that the product has helped them sleep and also has improved their energy during workouts and muscle combined with loss of fat. The ingredients in the product are also clinically proven to enhance GH in the body, which leads to greater muscle build, increased recovery times after workouts, better built muscle, and less fat.

The founders of Pharmafreak, the supplement’s manufacturer, have many years of experience and also its newest team member Eboney has a lot of experience listed on the site in the industry. They claim to produce all of their products based on what they would want in a product, and also claim to produce the strongest products. GH Freak is supposed to be the best GH stimulator on the market. However one does question that if it is merely a stimulator and not a direct shot of GH into the body, if it would have the same effects in adding GH to the body.



One user said that he saw an increase in muscle recovery, but didn’t see an increase in muscle gain. Another said that he really enjoyed the product, and noted that the improved rest helped to build their muscle strength and recovery. Another said that it didn’t help their sleep as much, until they upped the dosage after which their sleep was better. Most didn’t claim other benefits.

Therefore many claimed to have marked sleep improvement, which is they claimed what helped their bodies recover after a workout and ultimately helped them achieve their workout goals. However the lack of reviews saying there were any other effects such as help with muscle building or fat loss, lead one to question if there really is a raised level of GH as a result of taking the product. There are no said reviews with effects of more build muscle and loss of fat. There are minimal reviews on a reported increase of energy, and mostly reviews about sleep. This might help rest your muscles and give them better recovery, and is listed as an effect of raised GH, but there are many other effects of raised GH levels that are not listed.


Awards & Media Coverage

There are no specific awards or media coverage for GH Freak. Some of the team members of the manufacturer do have an online social media presence, which might help boost the company’s product image if they work for them. Also the manufacturers claim that they make products they would only use themselves. So this assurance might help the bodybuilder trust the manufacturer more. Also listed ingredients in the product help you know what is in the product.

However there is still the question if enhancing supplements as opposed to an injection actually help raise GH levels in the body. Also one topic not yet covered is the question of whether raised GH levels actually aid in workout performances and effects. Many celebrities have injected prescription GH into their bodies to increase youthfulness, but athletes studies that used GH to enhance their performance have not proven improvements for male athletes. So even with a raised GH level it is questionable how effective in bodybuilding this result would be.


Money-back Guarantee

There are no money-back guarantees for GH Freak as it is not a product sold directly from the manufacturer. To buy the product from any of the retailers you will therefore have the same risk associated with normal purchases from retailers. For some you might be able to return an unopened bottle of the product. In this case you haven’t had the chance to buy and review the product yourself with a guarantee for your money back if you don’t like the product.

Some of the sites have a return policy but when you investigate there is no further information. You would need to contact the retailer directly to get information. With no money-back guarantee you might pause before trying the product because there is no risk-free way to do so. Also, the results of most supplements take several weeks before any results can be confirmed, so you might need to purchase several bottles before determining if the product is for you. This combined with the reviews confirming better sleep but not confirmed real results in muscle-building and fat loss might lead you to consider another product first.



Shipping costs will vary depending on which retailer you choose, but it appears most charge a standard U.S. shipping rate for their products. Shipping usually arrives within two to four business days. There are also options for two business day deliver, which will get the product to you within a day, but mind the fees. Anything other than standard can easily be double or triple the standard price. An international shipping rate for non-domestic purchases. This is pretty standard amongst normal online purchases. Some offer faster shipping for a more expensive rate, and also some vary depending on the weight of the order.

Also some sites might offer lower shipping rates or free shipping. But always note if the handling fees are higher or the price of the overall product is higher, leading you to end up spending more in the end.


Customer Support

There is customer support for most of the retailers of GH Freak. Also, since the manufacturer of GH Freak does have a site, if you look there you will find available customer support. This might be the best place to go to with questions about the product. For questions concerning shipping and secure checkout you might want to visit customer support on their specific sites. Always be wary of sites that have no customer support to answer your questions.

The manufacturer’s site has a Contact Us page where you can provide your name and email and send them a message. However there is no address or phone number. Since there is no address there is no confirmation of where the product is manufactured or other information on the site. But you are free to contact them and ask these questions to see if they meet your requirements.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The security with checking out GH Freak depends on which retailer you buy the product from. Most companies do have SSL certificates. Most sites are McAfee SECURE which helps keep you in safety regarding stolen identity, spyware and credit card fraud. Always make sure to look for these certificates when purchasing online. Also look for evidence of a false site or emails after you have subscribed to a site asking for your personal information. Don’t give any information with these emails.

Also if there is a link to redirect you to their site, once at the site ensure that it is the legitimate original site and always go to the site directly to log in. Hackers sometimes will send you an email telling you to log in to a site that you have legitimately used and once you do they have your private information. Also the official Pharmafreak website ensures the safety and security of its site users, and says that any information given to the company such as email and other information is protected.



GH Freak has no free trial associated with it from any site. The product can be purchased from multiple vendors and the price varies depending on the vendor and any special offers associated plus charges for shipping and handling. For shipping and handling on most sites you will be required to pay a standard fee and can expect your product in 2-4 working days.

On several sites, a 30-day supply with 120 capsules will be $55. This means that for three supplements taken per day, it will be $1.37 for 40 days. At four supplements per day, the price will be $1.83 for 30 days. At five supplements taken per day, the price will be $2.29 for 24 days. Several reviewers did say they were taking up to 4-5 capsules per day, so expect to pay a bit more if you are taking the higher dosage of the supplement to achieve your results. Comparing sites, another site did offer the product at $1.13 for 30 days. So do your research to get the best deal.






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