
Zotrim Review – A Herbal Weight Loss Aid or Not?

What Is Zotrim?

Zotrim is a weight loss supplement that works to make you feel full longer. It accomplishes this by slowing down food processing in your stomach. Because you’ll feel full faster and longer, you will eat less and lose weight. Recently the manufacturer released a new optional called Zotrim Plus, which is a slimming weight loss drink.

The intended purpose of this supplement is strictly to lose weight. While some of the ingredients may have other effects on how you feel, the proven purpose of this supplement is weight loss. There are no known side effects, and this supplement is safe for most people.

It is different than other weight loss supplements in that it slows the emptying of the stomach. Other supplements focus on burning fat, suppressing appetite, or increasing energy so you can exercise more. This one focuses strictly on stopping you from over eating by making you feel consistently full.

It will make you feel alert and more active throughout the day while you are taking it. It will also allow you to intensify your workouts and improve your overall performance. This will allow you to burn more calories in the gym, which will result in even more rapid weight loss.

Zotrim has proven to be both fast and effective in regards to weight loss. Customers taking this supplement have reported and immediate boost in energy, and an almost immediate drop in body weight. You will better results from your workouts because you’ll be able to push yourself farther.

This supplement is ideal for people that have had trouble dieting in the past. The number one reported problem with diets is that people report feeling hungry all the time and missing being able to eat their favorite foods. The supplement allows you to eat whatever you want whenever you want because you’ll automatically be eating less than you were before. That full feeling will stay with you throughout the day preventing you from seeking out food.

This eliminates the need to count calories or avoid certain foods. It will eliminate pre-packaged frozen meals and snacks as well. It will allow you to feel satisfied with smaller portions and avoid eating between meals. Zotrim will also provide a boost in your stamina, which will enable you to be more active overall, not just when you are working out.

Zotrim has been around for over a decade, and its effectiveness has been researched in at least 8 clinical studies . Each time it has been proven both safe and effective for weight loss. It actually creates a caloric deficit, which is when real weight loss occurs.

In 2005, there were two scientific studies conducted to determine the effectiveness of this supplement that were then published in a British health journal. The first study worked with a group of 47 overweight participants between the ages of 20 and 60. Half of the group was given Zotrim while the other half was given a placebo.

Each group was given the same instructions to follow for 45 days, and other than taking the pills, they were not to change any other aspects of their lives. At the end of the study, the Zotrim group had lost an average of 11.3 pounds, while the placebo group had lost an average of .5 pounds. The experimental group also reported having more energy throughout the 45 day study.

The second study focused on whether or not it was effective in helping people to maintain a healthy weight following weight loss. This study happened over the course of 12 months and the Zotrim group from the first study were given instructions on what to take over the course of the year with regular check-ins. At the end of the 12 months, the average user had lost an additional pound. This study demonstrated the supplements ability to prevent users from gaining back the weight they had lost.



This supplement is manufactured by Natures Remedies, which was founded in 1999 by three well-established doctors. The Nature Remedies Company produces products and supplements intended to improve your overall wellbeing. Started in the United Kingdom, their main office still operates out of this area. All of their contact information is available through the official website.


How Zotrim Works?

Zotrim works by slowing down your natural digestion, which leaves you feeling full longer. The effect of this is being an appetite suppressant. It also provides you with a boost in energy that will enable you to be more active and workout more without being exhausted throughout the day.

The added energy will also help you to eat less. Research shows that being tired often causes people to over eat as they are looking for a boost in their energy level to keep them going. Energy drinks have become very popular, but they generally add to the weight problem because they are full of sugar. Being full of energy will eliminate that need to eat, and the energy you receive from this supplement is not from sugar.

You take the supplement three times each day with water. The number of tablets you take each time will depend on your body mass index, but you may take up to three each time. It is important to read and follow the dosing instructions that will come with the Zotrim, so you know exactly how many pills you should take throughout the day.

Some customers reported feelings of nausea when they first started taking the supplement, but that went away after the first few days. As always, you should consult a physician prior to starting this supplement to make sure you are healthy enough to start a weight loss regime. Additionally, you want to make sure none of the ingredients will interact with any medications you may be on.

While Zotrim is generally safe to use and comes without major side effects, there are some people that should not take this supplement. Minors under the age of 16, as well as women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. The level of caffeine in these supplements is not recommended for young children. Due to the high level of caffeine in the product, you should also avoid taking it if you are sensitive to caffeine.

If after taking this supplement you feel ill or develop out-of-the-ordinary symptoms, you should consult your physician immediately. The ingredients in this supplement are not commonly found in foods or supplements outside of South and Central America. You may have an intended reaction to one or the combination of them.

Each package contains enough product to last up to 30 days. The number will depend on how many you take each day, so it may actually last longer. There are 180 pills in each package. When you first taking the supplement, it is recommended that you only take two pills before a meal until your body adjusts. This will reduce the chance of you feeling nauseous when taking them.

It works best when combined with a healthy well-balanced diet and regular exercise. While the effect of feeling full will happen regardless of how you eat or live, the weight loss will be much faster and more significant if you are also living a healthy lifestyle. You should also reduce the amount of caffeine you consume in other food and drinks.


Ingredients of Zotrim

This supplement works so well because of the all-natural ingredients it contains. Each of the key ingredients work to increase your metabolism. This allows you to burn more calories even when you aren’t working out.

Guarana – This ingredient is a shrub that produces seeds containing caffeine. The level of caffeine in these seeds is significantly higher than coffee beans. Originally discovered and used in drinks by the Amazon natives, these seeds are now used globally in energy supplements. It works to increase your energy level while helping elevate your focus.

Damiana – Also a shrub, this plant grows in Central America and the Caribbean. The blooms from this shrub are ground up and used in supplements. Among its many natural properties, it has been found to reduce bacteria in the body, which helps to maintain overall health.

Yerba Mate – This is actually a small tree found in various parts of South America. The leaves of the tree are dried and ground up for hot beverages like tea and coffee.

Each of these ingredients are commonly used throughout Central and South American as well as Mexico. These plants are indigenous to those areas, but are now farmed for mass production. While there are other ingredients, these are the only key ingredients listed by the company. They claim their formula is proprietary, and they don’t want others to try to replicate their success.



There are many advantages to trying this supplement if you are looking to lose weight. Knowing the advantages of this particular supplement will help you in making a purchasing decision. The following are just a few of the many overall advantages, and some of the factors that differentiate this product from others on the market.

  1. There is a 100% money-back guarantee if you are unhappy with your results.
  2. It is made from all-natural ingredients.
  3. There are no reported side effects to this supplement.
  4. Independently studied by two leading scientist in 2005. Both studies showed that the supplement was safe and effective. The results of those studies were published in a British Food Journal.
  5. It can be used by men or women, and it can be used by people as young as 16.
  6. In addition to effective weight loss, this supplement can also boost energy without the added calories of an energy drink.



Zotrim currently does not have any certifications. It has been recognized as one of the most effective weight loss supplements on the market and has been a number one seller in many parts of Europe. The popularity of this supplement has grown significantly over the last ten years and it is experiencing continued growth.



Customer testimonials are one of the most reliable sources of information on a product. These unpaid statements are a testament to the effectiveness of the product. Each of these women tried Zotrim and then wrote about their experience and the results they got while on the supplement.

Barb wrote that she had tried for years to get rid of the baby weight, but nothing seemed to work. She was hesitant to try a weight loss supplement, but Zotrim was recommend to her by a friend. She felt an immediate boost in energy and found herself better able to keep up with her little one. She felt less tempted to eat while standing in the kitchen, and she quickly started seeing her weight decrease.

Sue wrote in her testimonial that she would hardly eat all day while at work but then binge eat from the time she got hone until she went to bed at night because she was tired and hungry from the long day. She said that taking this supplement helped her to eat less, but also helped her to start eating healthier. She ate regular meals and refrained from snacking late at night.

Ginger shared that although she had tried several diets in the past, she always felt hungry. She was most impressed by the fact she didn’t feel hungry between meals, and she was eating less during meals. Before Zotrim she regular has second and third helpings during meals. Once on Zotrim, she felt full after just one helping.

Molly shared in her testimonial that she was shocked by the amount of energy she felt once she started taking the supplement. She had always put off working out before because she was tired from work and kids. While taking the supplement, she started working out daily and was quickly impressed with the results she was getting.


Awards & Media Coverage

Zotrim has been featured in a number of prominent magazines including Style, Woman Magazine, and Slimming. It has been hailed as one of the leading weight loss supplements in the UK and across Western Europe. Created by doctors and backed by scientists, this supplement is sure to garner more attention as it is shipped globally.


Money-back Guarantee

You can return unopened and unused products after 14 days for any reason. As long as your return meets the set guidelines, a refund of the product price will be returned to the credit card you used to place the order. You will not be refunded for shipping, and you will have to return the product at your own expense. Contact the customer service department prior to returning your product to make sure you are eligible for a return.



Orders are processed and leave their facility within 3 business days of the order being placed. It typically takes 5 to 7 business days for delivery throughout Europe, and 10 business days for delivery in other areas of the world. If you do not receive your product shipment after 14 business days, you can contact the customer support department to check on your order.

They offer fast and reliable shipping worldwide. The cost of shipping is dependent on where you are located, and regardless of where you are, you can upgrade to express shipping for $18.95. They commonly ship internationally, so there is no need to be concerned with ordering.


Customer Support

You can contact customer service at any time if you have a question, problem, or concern. They have a contact form available on their website, which you can use, and you will be contacted back via email. You may also choose to email them directly or call during regular business hours. They are located in the UK, and their mailing address is also available on their official website.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The Zotrim website offers a completely safe and secure checkout process. All contact information is kept within the company and used for processing and maintaining orders. Your information will not be sold or shared with other companies. All credit card information is processed using the latest in encryption technology to ensure a safe transaction.


Zotrim’s Pricing & Free Trial

They do not offer a free trial period on this product, but they do offer a money-back guarantee if you are unhappy with your results after trying it for 14 days. Their money back guarantee does not deduct a restocking fee, so you will receive a full product refund for unused packages. They offer a guarantee because they are confident once you try it, you’ll be happy with the results.

They accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal as payment options. All orders submitted from the UK or other countries in the European Union will have a 20% VAT included in their order. Orders placed from other countries will be VAT free. Shipping, VAT, and product total will all be billed together to the credit card you provide at checkout.

The cost for a 30-day supply is $38.97, £24.95 or €34.63 depending on your location. However, you can save money by buying multiple months’ worth of product. A 3-month pack can be purchased for $85.68, £54.85 or €76.13 which is a savings of $31.24. A six-month supply will cost $155.73, £99.70 or €138.38 which is a savings of $78.10.






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