Garcinia Forte

Garcinia Forte Review – One of the Best Garcinia Cambogia Fat Burners?

What Is Garcinia Forte?

Garcinia Forte is a diet supplement that increases fat loss by hindering the production of fat. The pill is one of the most popular in the growing production of products using Garcinia Cambogia. Taking one of these pills before breakfast and another before lunch is said to work well in conjunction with healthy eating habits and exercise.

Garcinia Cambogia is a simple fruit from Indonesia and Southeast Asia that is known to have natural chemicals which aid in fat reduction. The diet supplement boasts having the highest concentration of Hydroxycitric Acid, which is the active ingredient in all Garcinia-Cambogia-based products. Everything thing that’s added to the product, like Calcium, Chromium, and Potassium, allow for the 100% natural pill to work for the user in addition to the benefits of these minerals before, during, and after exercise.

The results on whether or not Garcinia Forte is effective are inconclusive. Studies on Hydroxycitric Acid (the active ingredient in Garcinia-Cambogia-based products) have produced mixed results as to whether or not there is truly a lasting effect, though its immediate benefits are known to be positive. The drug works to curb appetite as well as block production of fat, but aside from some clinical studies in rats, the tests have not been reproducible.



Anthea Limited, established in 2013, makes and sells Garcinia Forte. Little is known about the company and their reliability, but they have a functional website working to make them easy to contact and work with. Several sources state the company makes their product according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards. Because the company is located in the UK and has an address on its website, it’s most likely that the company is in its infancy and is working to build a stronger internet presence.


How Garcinia Forte Works?

As stated, Garcinia Forte is made from the fruit called Garcinia Cambogia. There are claims that this fruit has the ability to stop carbohydrates from completing their transformation into fat even if they are not burned during a workout session or other form of exercise. This is believed to be a result of the high levels of Hydroxycitric Acid, which is said to prevent the stimulation of the enzyme, citrate lyase, that converts carbs to fat. Garcinia Forte has the claim that, while other similar products contain only 50% Hydorxycitric Acid, their diet pill has 60%.

Inhibiting the enzyme citrate lyase has another benefit for weight loss; LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides are reduced. Taking into consideration that Hydroxycitric Acid is said to boost serotonin levels, it might seem too good to be true that one product can prevent fat, LDL, and triglyceride production while reducing your appetite. Increased serotonin levels also improve a person’s mood while suppressing stress. Though there is debate about the product’s effectiveness, it targets the five main areas of weight loss:

  • Fat Burning / Binder
  • Appetite Suppressant
  • Metabolism Booster
  • Carbohydrate Blocking
  • Diet Plan

However, there have been difficulties in backing up all of the product’s claims. Though there have been some favorable conclusions, clinical studies have run into difficulty confirming all of the claims of Garcinia Cabogia. The results often showcase that the drug’s effects vary greatly, and have a minimal effect particularly in the area of suppressing appetite.

One randomized, double-blind study followed 135 people for 12 weeks. All of the subjects ate foods that were high in fiber with low energy as their body weight was recorded. Some of the subjects were given placeboes while others received the fruit. Unsurprisingly, both groups lost significant amounts of weight, but there wasn’t enough difference to suggest that the pill had any effect at all.

Another study focused on how the fruit affected rats. As the supplement was administered, most rats experienced an increase in red-blood-cell count along with a significant decrease in blood lipoprotein levels. This study gave credence to the idea that Garcinia Cambogia can aid in anti-obesity efforts.

After studies went back and forth like this, the end result was that the Hydroxycitric Acid played a significant role in weight loss (something science has known for decades). As for curbing people’s appetites, anything beyond a placebo effect is yet to be seen. Of course, there will continue to be studies done until the industry feels comfortable stating its position on the facts one way or the other.

Users should keep in mind that clinical studies can’t predict the individual effects on each person with 100% accuracy. The only way to truly know if Garcinia Forte is right for an individual is for that individual to take it. People have experienced measurable benefits, claiming the diet pill does exactly as it states.

Ingredients of Garcinia Forte

Though the product is 100% natural, there are obvious tweaks that need to be made to the natural elements to ensure each pill is the same. In fact, Garcinia Forte claims to contain 100% Garcina Cambogia. Breaking down the ingredients in the product will allow users to anticipate how their body will react to the product.


Known for its ability to build and maintain bones, Calcium has benefits many people may be unaware of. The heart, muscles, and nerves all need Calcium to function properly. Studies suggest that Calcium may even protect against diabetes and high blood pressure.

Alongside those benefits, Calcium may prevents colon diseases by suppresses the growth of polyps. This is shown in both Calcium extracted from food sources and calcium supplements. Calcium aids in maintaining a health pH level as well.

It was previously thought that high Calcium intake was linked to kidney stones, seeing as kidney stones are simply crystalized calcium deposits. However, recent studies lead to the conclusion that dietary calcium plays no role in the development of kidney stones. Rather, the excess calcium from water is what leads to the stone’s formation.


The main function of Chromium is to move blood sugar from the bloodstream into cells. When this is done efficiently, the energy from the blood sugar will be used to convert fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. As an added benefit, people with type 2 diabetes may find Chromium to help with managing blood sugar levels, though more studies are needed. The mineral is also associated with building muscle, but, again, research has yet to confirm these suspicions.

There is also evidence to suggest that low levels of chromium are associated with an increased risk of Glaucoma. The mineral slows the loss of calcium, helping prevent bone loss. This is important when considering that those with chromium deficiency tend to be either elderly or diabetic.


People with high potassium intakes are associated with a 20% decrease in mortality rates from issues associated with the list. Preserved bone mineral density and fewer kidney stones are also benefits of a rich potassium intake. There are many long-term health benefits garnered from Potassium, including those listed below.

  • Relief from stroke
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fewer hearth and kidney disorders
  • Lower anxiety and stress
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Increased metabolism

The only issue with too much potassium is related to those with kidneys that are not fully functional. Normally, a healthy kidney will aid in excess potassium being excreted as urine with no adverse side effects. However, if a kidney is not able to remove the excess potassium from the blood, the results could be fatal.

Garcinia Cambogia

Native to Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia, this small, pumpkin-shaped fruit is the main ingredient in Garcinia Forte. After being celebrated on the Dr. Oz show, this product is used in many weight loss products today. Some sources contend Garcinia Combogia may cause liver damage, but studies have found these claims to be untrue.

Considering Garcinia Cambogia is the main ingredient in Garcinia Forte, it’s especially important to note that clinical trials do not support that the ingredient is effective for weight loss. The fruit may have its roots in its true calling as an ingredient in curry rather than being another miracle on the market.



If research eventually fully supports the claims of Garcinia Forte, then it has an advantage over other diet pills by addressing the five key areas of weight loss as listed in the “How Garcinia Forte Works” section. This would mean that the product does far more than simply stopping carbohydrates from turning into fat. Currently, Garcinia Forte has the following advantages over other dietary pills:

  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Burns carbs
  • Reduces appetite
  • Enhances mood
  • Increases energy
  • Helps purify the user’s system

An increased metabolic rate helps the body utilize energy at rest. Typically, the human body needs to be active for prolonged durations of time to effectively process energy, but having an increased metabolism allows the body to burn in between workouts. This along with the Hydorxycitric Acid working to still the enzyme that converts energy to fat allows for the body to maximize efficiency in staying healthy at all times.

A reduction in appetite the obvious benefit of eating less, but there’s more to it than that. The expression “Don’t go grocery shopping when hungry” talks about a person’s want to fill up on sweets and junk food when their body crazes sustenance. With a reduced appetite, a person can making healthy grocery purchases because they’re focused on the long term and not getting the satisfaction of feeling full.

With a positive attitude and simply being happier, a person is more inclined to make choices that will benefit themselves. Feeling bad about one’s own self can lead to loathing, which snowballs into sitting around and not taking care of health and social needs. A positive mood also impacts everyone around a person, which in turn motivates that person to stay positive and stay healthy.

An increase in energy is not the same as being hyperactive. Energy is a drive that helps people stay in motion; it’s inertia. With Garcinia Forte, users may experience prolonged influxes of energy due to their carbs not being converted into fat.

Purifying one’s system may sound Zen, but it’s more than that. The human body works to get rid of things that it perceives as harmful while utilizing everything that’s good, but it doesn’t do this conscientiously. Garcinia Cambogia extract may work to help a person’s body make the right decisions simply by doing what the fruit does naturally. Stopping unused energy from becoming fat, curbing appetite, and keeping users active all lead to a cleaner, healthier body that makes going to the gym a decision that gets easier over time.



Though the product comes from a relatively new startup company, there is something to be said about the main ingredient used. The Garcinia Cambogia going into the pill is GMP certified. This means the ingredients are both high quality and safe.



The testimonials on Garcinia Forte are mixed. There are many testimonials on respected health sites from the internet claiming the diet pill is ineffective, while others praise the pill for its effectiveness. Unfortunately, the research to back up any claims on the positive side is yet to be reproduced with scientific accuracy. The company’s website also hosts a slew of positive testimonials.

Disregarding the many testimonials complaining about the customer service and shipping screw-ups (something that happens amongst even the most established businesses), several customers discuss how the pill had literally no effect. One woman in particular discusses how her and her husband actually put on weight while using the pill. However, there are plenty of positive reviews to balance the scale. Another woman discusses how the product has met its claims by reducing her appetite and her belly fat.


Awards & Media Coverage

The push that got the ball rolling came from the Dr. Oz show, where Garcinia Cambogia was celebrated as the “holy grail” of weight loss. On the show, the fruit was touted as having undeniable weight loss capabilities all thanks to Hydroxycitric Acid. Some researchers suggest that Hydroxycitric Acid can triple a person’s weight loss capacity assuming the dosage harmonizes with the body reactions.


Money-back Guarantee

Garcinia Forte comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee with a full refund. This will allow customers to make the right decision concerning whether or not they want to incorporate Garcinia Forte into their life. There is also the benefit of a one-off payment through the company’s website.



The product ships worldwide from the company’s website. It appears this is currently the only place the product can be purchased. If a customer buys at least a two-month supply, the product ships for free using Royal Mail, Parcelforce, DHL, USPS, Malaysia Post, and Hong Kong Post.

Sometimes mistakes happen in shipping, but just because one bottle is missing doesn’t mean it isn’t coming as the company may ship in separate shipments. Orders normally take 5-7 business days for most residences. As always, any taxes or customs to be paid are the responsibility of the customer.


Customer Support

The company works to make themselves easy for the customer to access with 24-hour support 7 days a week. There are phone numbers listed for various regions around the world, an email address, and return addresses specific to where the customer is located. A terms and conditions page details how to cancel an order or go about getting a refund.

Some customers have expressed frustration in getting their shipments to arrive in the right country, while others have found difficulty in getting into contact with a representative to address their issues. Experiences have varied, and some customers have found no issue getting into contact with customer support. It’s fair to assume that many of these situations occurred early on, and Anthea Limited has a firmer grasp on how to make their shipping accurate and efficient.


Safe & Secure Checkout

The product can only be purchased through the company’s website, where your information is protected through their privacy policy in accordance with Anthea Limited’s privacy policy. Essentially, users are giving their personal information to the company and allowing the company to use it for in-house promotions, which can be opted out of. This information includes a subscriber’s name, email, home address, phone number, and credit card information.


Garcinia Forte’s Pricing

The product’s pricing scales in a way that gives the customer an incentive to purchase as many pills as possible. This means that the customer will get more for their money. The pricing is as follows:

  1. One-month supply: $48 + $9.95 for shipping;
  2. Two-month supply: $111 + free shipping;
  3. Three-month supply: $149 + free shipping.

Two-hundred and fifty free trials are available per day for customers to receive a free bottle. This amounts to approximately 30 days of use as each bottle contains 60 pills.

To cancel an order, you need only call the 24/7 hotline. If the order has already been processed, the customer is deemed responsible for the payment of the product. This includes payments that have been shipped or delivered.

Customers may receive a refund up to 14 days after the order is placed. Each customer is only allowed one refund unless the product is defective upon delivery. To receive a refund, the customer’s name and account information are required. Refunds can take up to two weeks to appear on the customer’s credit card statement.






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