C-HCL by Kaged Muscle Review – A Good Patented Formula or Just Another Creatine Supplement?

What Is C-HCL?

C-HCL is a creatine HCL supplement; it is the only such supplement in the US to be patented. The “HCL” stands for hydrochloride. Creatine itself is a powerful muscle booster that your body produces naturally. You can significantly increase your gains in the gym and recovery by taking a supplement.

However, the traditional monohydrate form of creatine has a significant downside in that it is not very soluble in water. That means you need to drink a lot of water with it for your body to absorb it, you need to take a lot of the powder or capsules for them to be effective, and you are likely to experience gastrointestinal issues when you take it for a prolonged period. This supplement is a creatine HCL compound that is designed to solve these problems. It is much more soluble in water and absorbs much better into your body, so you need less of it per day and won’t have digestive problems.



The manufacturer of C-HCL is Kaged Muscle, which is the brainchild of Kris Gethin. Gethin is a bodybuilder who assembled a team of testers and traveled the world in search of the best sources of ingredients. They spent two years finding ingredients, testing formulas, and analyzing research so that they could deliver the best possible products. This involved Kris Gethin and other members of the team testing ingredients on themselves t verify that they worked well and did not have impurities.

Kaged Muscle now offers a wide variety of different gym supplements to its customers, and the company’s guiding philosophy entails creating high-quality formulas with excellent ingredients. Kaged Muscle avoids artificial colors and flavors, carries a third-party purity certificate, is BSCG-certified to not use banned substances, and offers a money-back guarantee. The company tests and evaluates all of their products themselves, not relying on the research of other people.

Kaged Muscle has gained a reputation for quality as a result of their dedication. They maintain a knowledge base with videos, blog posts, training advice, and featured athletes to support their customers. They are involved in the community and provide detailed recommendations about the use of their products.


How C-HCL Works?

C-HCL is the only patented creatine HCL, although there are some non-patented formulas available. Ordinary creatine forms in the human body naturally: it is an organic acid that provides energy to the muscles by increasing the formation rate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the body’s energy source. The human body produces about a gram of the acid internally per day and distributes it through the bloodstream to the muscles. Bodybuilders take additional grams in powder form to stimulate the production of more ATP, fueling their muscles during workouts.

C-HCL is an enhanced form of creatine that works without the negative side effects. Creatine use is associated with intestinal discomfort because the substance has a hard time passing through the intestinal wall to be absorbed by the body. This process also requires a lot of water intake, or the substance will pass through the body without being absorbed, giving no beneficial effects.

It passes through the intestinal wall much more easily and needs less water as well. It is possible to take a significantly smaller dose of this supplement while still getting the same benefits and avoiding the gastrointestinal problems that come with use of creatine.


Ingredients of C-HCL

C-HCL has just one ingredient: creatine HCL. Every capsule contains 750 milligrams of the acid: for context, the human body produces about 1 gram in a given day. Kaged Muscle recommends consuming one serving per 100 pounds of body weight, so you will be adding a considerable amount of the acid to your system on a percentage basis.

This is a lower dose of creatine than a traditional supplement because you are taking the hydrochloride version. If you are taking this supplement as part of a stack that contains other compounds which also have creatine, take that into account when you are deciding on your dosage. On the one hand, you do not want to take too much because that can place undue stress on your kidneys, but on the other hand, many brands overestimate the amount of the acid that is actually present in their servings. It is a good idea to look up some reviews of the other products you are taking to make sure their labeling is accurate. You never want to be in the position where you are not sure exactly what your intake is for all of your supplements, because then it is very difficult to balance, dose, and time all of your supplements.



The advantages to using C-HCL over a different supplement are significant. First of all, the very nature of creatine HCL makes it a superior form of the supplement due to the better absorption. It is the first creatine HCL product in the States to get a patent, and it is also one of the best examples of the group. With no artificial additives affecting the taste or the digestion, it is no wonder that Kaged Muscle has been selling a lot of these capsules.

The edge that C-HCL has over regular creatine is that the doses can be much smaller and the side effects are reduced to a minimum. This makes taking the supplement and fitting it into your daily routine far easier than it would be if you were taking the regular form instead. This is meaningful because if a supplement is inconvenient or hard to use, then you are likely to skip doses or stop taking them entirely. With the HCL form you will find it much easier to maintain compliance with the dosing guidelines and your lifting goals. It has all the benefits of creatine with a lot of new benefits on the side.



While C-HCL does not have any certificates of its own, the manufacturer, Kaged Muscle, has won some important certificates that speak to the quality of all of their products. In many cases, creatine does not win certificates because it is a standard product: unlike with protein powder or other mixes, it is just a single chemical compound, so it can be hard to stand out. In this case, Kaged Muscle’s certificates are a sign of strong support for the product.

The first such certificate is the BSCG Gold Standard Certified Drug Free award. This certificate is to ensure that the products carrying it are completely free of any banned or illegal substances. It is important to have this certification, because low-quality manufacturers sometimes mix in additives made with banned substances, and you could be tested and penalized for using them even though you did not know they were in the product.

The second certificate is the MicroPure Quality Guarantee. This certificate is an assurance of the quality and the purity of every product, and requires that it be tested in multiple labs throughout the production process. It is a prestigious certification that helps you trust the product more.



I had never tried creative before, and I was a little afraid of it, to be honest. The idea of creatine was a lot more intense than just protein powder and milk, at least in my mind. Anyway, a gym buddy told me I could use C-HCL in small doses, so I decided to try it out. The results were amazing: I felt so good during workouts and my gains significantly increased. I feel totally safe taking this product and I didn’t experience any side effects. If you are afraid to trying creatine, I would definitely recommend starting with this one. – Peyton D. from Canton

I’ve used creatine before, and I really like the effect it has in the gym. On the other hand, I always felt weird and gassy when using it, and it gave me some annoying intestinal problems. I heard about C-HCL online and decided to give it a try for a month to see if it made a difference. Well, it did. I got all of the same results and I can take a smaller dose without the discomfort. I haven’t gone back to regular creatine sine I made the switch. – Hogan S. from Reno


Awards & Media Coverage

C-HCL has not garnered a significant amount of media attention or any specific awards as of yet. This is partially the result of the fact that it is not as old as some other supplements on the market, but more importantly, it is critical to know that these awards are not generally related to product quality. Not many supplements win any kind of award or get media coverage, and those that do do not always deserve the honor.

Some of them are simply awards that anyone can get if they pay the right organization, while others do not indicate any actual underlying quality. There are other things that you can use as a signal of quality, such as whether a product has accumulated good reviews on sales outlets or how dedicated the company is to the bodybuilding community. It is better to do some research and use these alternative measures, because that way you will be able to trust what you read is coming from people who are genuinely interested in evaluating the product, not just handing out prizes.


Money-back Guarantee

Kaged Muscle has a 100 percent money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with any of their products after 30 days of use. Thirty days is plenty of time to learn if you are benefiting from a supplement, how it makes you feel, how it fits in with your routine, and so on. The goal of this promise is to ensure that if you have a negative reaction to the product, you can return it and get your money back for a refund.

There are many reasons that you might not be satisfied with this product, and everyone’s body reacts a little bit differently to workout supplements. It might be the case that your digestion just does not work well with creatine HCL. It is also possible that you feel you are not experiencing enough gains and feel disappointed by your outcomes while using the product. Whatever the reason, if you make up your mind within the 30 day limit that you want a return for your purchase of C-HCL, you can get in touch with the support team at Kaged Muscle to discuss a refund. They will contact you with information about where to send your return, how to package it, and when you can expect your refund to be credited back to your account, although this may depend on the method you used to pay for the supplement.



Kaged Muscle’s C-HCL comes in two different forms: the unflavored powder and the tub of capsules, both of which cost the same and both of which give you 75 servings. The shipping costs on these items are the same as the shipping costs would be of any other package of their size and weight, because they do not contain anything that would require special care or a certain shipping method to keep them safe. You can ship them to almost anywhere in the continental United States without a problem, although things get more complicated if you live in Alaska, Hawaii, or are outside the US, or if you are American but serve in the armed forces.

The tubs themselves are quite light, so shipping costs should not add significantly to the final cost of the item. The both weigh about the same, so there is no advantage to ordering one form over another, at least in terms of shipping cost. You may choose the form factor for other reasons, like the convenience to you or whichever one fits better into your normal regimen, but the shipping costs should not factor into this decision.


Customer Support

The support from Kaged Muscle is excellent, consisting of a dedicated support team that is on hand to answer any and all questions you might have about their products. On the one hand, it is disappointing that the best way to reach them is through an online form, because it would be much more convenient to provide a phone number as well. On the other hand, the team is willing and ready to answer a wide variety of inquiries, much more than a traditional support staff would be willing to do.


Safe & Secure Checkout

If there is one thing that the years of headlines with hacks and breaches has taught us, it is that we cannot be too careful about what kind of information we put on the Internet. Any kind of personal or financial information can be stolen by identity thieves and other parties, who use that data for fraud and other illegal activities. Buying something online is the perfect opportunity for people like that, so it is important that you are able to trust the company that you are dealing with.

Kaged Muscle has a Norton Antivirus security certification from Symantec, a leading cyber security company. That should reassure you as to the security of the online checkout system in place, but remember to ensure that you are on a secure site by looking for the padlock icon. It is common for hackers to try to redirect you to other, similar-looking sites, where they try to trick you to enter your account information. You should also beware of phishing attacks, which email you and ask for account information, which a real seller would never ask for. You have to remain vigilant for these and other schemes even though the site itself is secure, and if you are the kind of person who likes to reuse passwords, then you are at even more risk if one of them gets cracked.



The pricing of this supplement is reasonable, although there is some variation based on what part of the year it is and where you want to have it sent. You can usually find the tubs with 75 servings for under thirty dollars. This is a mixed bag because while it is true that this is a very reasonable price for a supplement that will last for more than a month, you also need to take into account the fact that there are competing products on the market at significantly lower prices.

According to Kaged Muscle, the price difference comes from the higher quality of the supplement itself, including both its purity and its form factor. In the end, it comes down to what makes sense for you and your budget. You can sometimes get a discount if you sign up for multiple shipments in advance. You should also consider seeing if you can save money by bundling the order with anything else from the same place, which may happen if the seller wants to make you into a regular customer. Tubs of C-HCL also sometimes goes on sale, so be ready for that.






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